Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Constipated Opposition Politics in Ceylon

Constipated Opposition Politics in Ceylon
I should write something political today.
Having had an extended sleep, I woke up fresh with new ideas, for the opposition parties (U.N.F), so that they can to pull up socks and have a coherent opposition strategy to save democratic norms.
We are heading the path of Myanmar and Un Suu Kyi’s defense of army is not an acceptable norm in politics.
One should not mix religion with politics which is happening daily in this land of many religions.
Politics should be divorced from all forms of religions,
Especially because monks / (priests in other religions) are forgetting Buddha’s teaching (other teachings) and acting in divisive politics including having four or five sectors of Sasana based on caste system (there is no caste system in Buddha’s teaching, it is borrowed from our Tamil Kings of yo).
I have no qualm for monks taking a political stand but once they take that stance they should drop the saffron garb.
It should be a knee jerk reaction of wisdom. 
They should not do both and lead to conflict of interest in legal terms.
Regard to the opposition they should form an organization like Unite Nations Organization and unify minorities.
If we do not protect the minority rights to have a political voice, we are going back to the past of trauma and human right violations.
Taking Buddhist monks into the fore of this organization (U.N.O) is a political liability.

It should be named as United National Organization.
United National Party should be a party within that Organization.

The name front (U.N.Front) is inappropriate since we do not see the back end (in other words, the motives or vision) of that front.

Coming to power is not the only motive.

Organized opposition is mandatory and J.V.P is practically dead if they do not join this Organization upfront.
In opposition parties disintegrate, not if they are organized.
We must prevent a monk becoming a President one day.
That is their political motive and NOT to spread the word of Dhamma and Wisdom.

Constipated Post of Presidency and Constitutional Conundrum
I was following the “Attempt to Impeach President Trump” who was elected electorally (not by the number of popular vote casted- but by the bizarre system of electoral colleagues of USA).
Having listened to the democrats, I was emotionally constipated and switched off CNN telecast.
To begin with President Trump was an astute businessman, fabulously rich (he does not need any remuneration from US Government for his survival except the status of pomposity extended to any individual with empirical narcissist ideology) with powerful twitter control of his emotions.
I do not mean he is narcissist but upfront capitalist with some good ideas (NATO sharing responsibility-swipe at France and German leaderships and withdrawing troops from Afghanistan) and some bad ideas (meddling with Iran and Middle East and one state solution for Palestine).

One of his twitters can stymie a month of deliberation in the house controlled by majority democrats.

It is pretty obvious it is not a constitutional issue but a constitutional (political) conspiracy to oust an opponent, bringing a constitutional conundrum albeit veracity.
It is a foregone conclusion that attempt to impeach will be rejected with full force of the Senate.
Spending so much money and time with Christmas bells chiming is an absolute waste of human resources.
It is time that American public realizes this precocious and precarious entanglement and take control of the public funds and divert them for better outcome like education and health care.
We also have a similar post here and ever since it was instituted and fully established we became poorer and poorer and our national debt extend up to 100 (steps of 40, 60, 100) years, now.

Every sworn in President promised to abolish it but did sweet nothing for over 38 years!

I have a saying that if we “Abolish The Post of Presidency” (real white elephant) for 10 years, we can improve the transport system including introducing a few domestic air lines, for people in the North, instead of giving India our air space to drop Mysore dhal (Parippu) in a crisis.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Constipated Post of Presidency and Constitutional Conundrum

Constipated Post of Presidency and Constitutional Conundrum

I was following the “Attempt to Impeach President Trump” who was elected electorally (not by the number of popular vote casted- but by the bizarre system of electoral colleagues of USA).
Having listened to the democrats, I was emotionally constipated and switched off CNN telecast.

To begin with President Trump was an astute businessman, fabulously rich (he does not need any remuneration from US Government for his survival except the status of pomposity extended to any individual with empirical narcissist ideology) with powerful twitter control of his emotions.

I do not mean he is narcissist but upfront capitalist with some good ideas (NATO sharing responsibility-swipe at France and German leaderships and withdrawing troops from Afghanistan) and some bad ideas (meddling with Iran and Middle East and one state solution for Palestine).

One of his twitters can stymie a month of deliberation in the house controlled by majority democrats.
It is pretty obvious it is not a constitutional issue but a constitutional (political) conspiracy to oust an opponent, bringing a constitutional conundrum albeit veracity.

It is a foregone conclusion that attempt to impeach will be rejected with full force of the Senate.
Spending so much money and time with Christmas bells chiming is an absolute waste of human resources.

It is time that American public realizes this precocious and precarious entanglement and take control of the public funds and divert them for better outcome like education and health care.

We also have a similar post here and ever since it was instituted and fully established we became poorer and poorer and our national debt extend up to 100 (steps of 40, 60, 100) years, now.

Every sworn in President promised to abolish it but did sweet nothing for over 38 years!

I have a saying that if we “Abolish The Post of Presidency” (real white elephant) for 10 years, we can improve the transport system including introducing a few domestic air lines, for people in the North, instead of giving India our air space to drop Mysore dhal (Parippu) in a crisis.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Politically Motivated Man Made (M.M.M) Environmental Destruction


Politically Motivated Man Made (M.M.M) Environmental Destruction

කිතුල්ගල ජනතාවට කරන්ට් වදීද?

නිමල් අබේසිංහ

කිතුල්ගල ජනතාව සිටිනුයේ අති දැවැන්ත පරිසර විනාශයක් සමග දැඩි මහජන පීඩාවක් සිදුවිය හැකි අනතුරක මුව විටෙහිය. ඒ කැළණි ගග හරහා බැම්මක් ඉදිකර පෞද්ගලික ජලවිදුලි බලාගාරයක් ඉදිකිරීමේ සැළසුමක් ක‍්‍රියාත්මක වන බැවිනි. කිතුල්ගල හයිඩ්‍රො ෆවර් නමැති සමාගමක් මෙම කාර්යයේ නිරතවෙන අතර එය ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ සුප‍්‍රසිද්ධ ව්‍යාපාරිකයකු වන ධම්මික පෙරේරාගේ ව්‍යාපාර සමුහයට අයත් එකක් බව කිතුල්ගල ජනතාවගේ අදහසය.

ධම්මික පෙරේරා යැයි කිවූ සැණින් අප සිහියට නැගෙනුයේ එංගලන්තයේ සායනික අපද්‍රව්‍ය සහිත කුණු කන්ටේනර් ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවට අපනයනය කර ඇති හේලිස් ෆ‍්‍රීසෝන් නමැති සමාගමය. එවැන්නෙකුට පරිසරය ආරක්ෂා කිරීම හෝ මහජන පීඩාවක් සිදුවීම යන්න කිසිදු වැදගම්මකට නැති කාරණාවක් බව නිසැකය.

කිතුල්ගල උපාලි සේනානායක වන සංරක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ හිටපු නිලධාරියෙකි. ඉදිකිරීමට යෝජිත විදුලිබලාගාරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඔහු දක්වන අදහස් මෙ

විදුලිබලාගාරයක් ඉදිකරන්න සුදානම් වූයේ දෙදහස් දහය වසරේදි විතර. බැම්ම ඉදිකිරීමට නියමිත ස්ථානයේ ගල්වෙඩි පවා දැම්මා. මිනිස්සු විරුද්ධ වෙලා ඒක නැවැත්තුවා. 2012 දී මේ ව්‍යාපෘතිය නතර කළා. ඒක කළේ කෑගල්ල දිස්ත‍්‍රික් සංවර්ධන කමිටුව. දැන් ආයෙත් වැඩ ආරම්භ කිරීමේ සුදානමක් තිබෙනව. මිනිස්සු දැන් කලබල වෙලා සිටින්නෙ. ප‍්‍රධාන ගංගාවක් හරහා බැම්මක් ඉදිකර පෞද්ගලික විදුලිබලාගාරයක් ඉදිකරන ප‍්‍රථම අවස්ථාව තමයි මේක. උපාලි දක්වන තොරතුරු අනුව බැම්ම ඉදිකිරීමට නියමිත ප‍්‍රදේශය නාය යෑමට බදුන් වූ ප‍්‍රදේශයකි. කොළඹ හැටන් මාර්ගයේ 34 වැනි කිලෝමීටර් කණුවේ සිට 36 වැනි කිලෝමීටර් කනුව දක්වා ප‍්‍රදේශය නාය යෑමේ අනතුරට ලක්වෙන ප‍්‍රදේශයකි. මාර්ගය අසල ඒ බැව් දැක්වෙන පුවරුද සවි කර තිබීමෙන් එය සනාථ වේ. බැම්ම ඉදිකිරීමට නියමිත ස්ථානය හදුන්වනුයේ මඩ මෝදර යනුවෙනි. එසේ හදුන්වන්නේ මෙම ස්ථානය මඩ බහුල ප‍්‍රදේශයක් බැවිනි. එම මඩ ගලා එන්නේ හැටන් පාර අසල භූමියෙනි. අවස්ථා දෙකකදීම මේ ස්ථානය අසල මහා මාර්ගය ගිලාබැස ඇති අතර මගී බස්රථ පවා එම ස්ථනයෙන් ධාවනය කර ඇත්තේ මගීන් ඉවත් කරය. මෙම ස්ථානයේ වෙළෙද සැලක් පවත්වාගෙන යන කිතුල්ගල වෙළෙද බල මණ්ඩලයේ සභාපති නන්දිත කරුණාරත්න කියන්නේ නාය යෑමේ උවදුරට ලක් වූ විට තමන් ඇතුළුව එම ප‍්‍රදේශයේ ප‍්‍රජාව එම ප‍්‍රදේශයෙන් ඉවත් කර කිතුල්ගල විහාරස්ථානයේ රදවා සිටි බවය.

නාය යන ප‍්‍රදේශයක්

නන්දිතගේ කඩය අසල කදු බෑවුම නාය යෑමේ උවදුරට ලක්වීම හේතුවෙන් එය වළක්වා ගැනීම සදහා යෙදු උපක‍්‍රම තවමත් පෙනෙන්නට තිබේ. කදු බැවුම දිගේ ජලය ගලාගෙන ඒමට සැකසු විශාල කොන්ක‍්‍රීට් කාණු කීපයක් බෑවුමේ සිට කැළණි ගග දක්වාම ඉදිකර ඇත. එකී කොන්ක‍්‍රීට් කාණුවට තැනින් තැනදී පොළොවට සම්බන්ධකර ඇති කුඩා නලවලින් ජලය ගලාගෙන එනු දැනුදු දැකිය හැකිය.

මේ ප‍්‍රදේශයට කියන්නේ මඩ මෝදර කියලයි. ඒ නමින්ම පේනවනේ මෙතන කොහොම තැනක්ද කියලා. පරණ මිනිස්සු මෙතනට ඒ නම දාලා තියෙන්නේ මෙතන තිබෙන විශේෂත්වය නිසානෙ. තදින් වැහැපු අවස්ථා දෙකකදි මෙතන පාර පුපුරලා අඩි දෙකක් විතර ගිලා බැස්සා. මේවට අනුමැතිය දෙන්න පරික්ෂා කරන්න එන මහත්තුරු මේව ගැන හොයන්නෙ නැතිවනේ අවසර දීලා තියෙන්නෙම. එක පැත්තකින් නාය යනව කියලා බෝඞ් ගහනව. අනෙක් පැත්තෙන් ඒ අයම මෙතන ජලාශ ඉදිකරන්න අවසරත් දෙනවා.

මෙම ඉදිකිරීමට විරුද්ධව උපාලි සේනානායක ඇතුළු කිතුල්ගල පිරිස විසින් බලධාරීන් වෙත දන්වා යැවු ලිපිවල සදහන් තොරතුරු අනුව සිදුවෙන හානි බරපතළ ඒවා වේ. මෙම වේල්ල ඉදිකිරීමට යෝජිත ප‍්‍රදේශයේ ගගට මායිම් වූ එක පැත්තකින් ඇත්තේ ලෝක ප‍්‍රකට මාකන්දාව වැසි වන්නාන්තරයයි. එය ලෝක ප‍්‍රකට වනුයේ ලොව කිසිදු ස්ථානයකින් සොයාගෙන නැති, එමෙන්ම ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේද වෙනත් කිසිදු වනාන්තරයක නැති සුවිශේෂී ශාඛ වර්ගයක නිජබිම මෙම වනාන්තරය වීමය. ‘‘ බැලනොකාපුස් කිතුුල්ගලනීස්’’ නමින් හදුන්වන මෙකී ශාඛය සොයාගන්නා ලද්දේ ඒ. ජේ. ජී. එච්. කොස්ටර්මන්ස් නමැති උද්භිද විiාඥයා විසිනි. එවන් දුලබ සුවිශේෂි ශාඛය විනාශවීමේ අනතුරක් තිබෙන බව හදුනාගන ඇත්තේ මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් පරිසර අධ්‍යයනයක යෙදුන ආචාර්ය සුරන්ජන් ප‍්‍රනාන්දුය. එයට අමතරව වේල්ල ඉදිකරන ගංගා ප‍්‍රදේශයේ ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ ව`දවෙමින් පවතින මත්ස්‍ය විශේෂයන්ද සිටී. අශෝක පෙතියා ඉන් සුවිශේෂය. 

ගංවතුර උවදුර

වේල්ල ඉදිකිරිම නිසා ඇතිවන ජලාශයේ ජල ගිල්ම මීටර් 600ක පමණ දුරට ගග ඉහළම අල්ලා සිටිතැයි ගණන් බලා තිබේ. මේ හේතුවෙන් මාකන්දාව වනාන්තරයට මෙන්ම ගෙග අනෙක් දෑලේ වෙසෙන නිවාස කීපයක පිරිස්වලට ඝෘජු බලපෑමක් ද ඇතිවෙන බව කියවේ. එලෙස ගගට යාව පවතින වගුරුබිමක් සහිත කුඹුරු යායද ජලයට යටවීම වලක්වා ගත නොහැකි වේ. කිතුල්ගල වෙළෙද බල මණ්ඩලයේ සභාපති නන්දිත කරුණාරත්න පවසන්නේ කිතුල්ගල නගරය ආශ‍්‍රිත කිසිදු වෙළෙද සැලකට ගංවතුරෙන් වන හානි නිසා සංරක්ෂණය කිරීම රක්ෂණ සමාගම් භාර නොගන්නා බවය. එයට හේතුව කිතුල්ගල නගරය දැඩි වර්ෂා කාලවලදී ගංවතුර උවදුරට බදුන්වීම නොවේද?

කිතුල්ගල නගරය ගංවතුරට යටවීම පිළිබද තොරතුරු සැපයූවන් අතර පරිසර ක‍්‍රියාකාරිකයෙකු වන සෑම් ජයනන්ද ඉදිරියෙන් සිටී. කැළණි ගගට කිතුල්ගල දී ඔයවල් දෙකක් ගලාබසිනව. එකක් ගිරන්කිත්ත ඔය. මේකට මල්වතු ඔය කියලත් සමහරු කියනවා මේක කැළණි ගගට වැටෙන්නේ කිතුල්ගල නගරය මැදින් ගලාගෙන ගිහින්. අනෙක් එක තමයි මාකන්දාව. රක්ෂිතය මැදින් ගලාගෙන එන මාපනා ඔය. වැසිකාලයට කැළණි ගෙග් ජලය වැඩිවුනාම මේවායෙන් ගලා එන ජලය ගගට ගලායන්න විදියක් නැහැ. එතකොට වෙන්නේ විශේෂයෙන්ම ගිරන්කිත්ත ඔයේ ජලය හිරවෙලා කිතුල්ගල නගරය යටවීම. එවැනි අත්දැකීම් මේ ප‍්‍රදේශයේ හැමදෙනාටම තිබෙනවා. ඉතින් මෙතන බැම්මක් බැදල ජලාශයකුත් හැදුනහම ගංවතුර ප‍්‍රශ්නය තවත් වැඩිවෙනවා.

යටියන්තොට ප‍්‍රාදේශීය සභාවේ පොදුජන එක්සත් පෙරමුණේ මන්ත‍්‍රී විමල් අල්විස් පෙන්වා දුන්නේ ජලාශයේ සිට විදුලිබලාගරය දක්වා ජලය ගලා යෑමට ඉදිකෙරන කෘතිම ජල කාණුව ඉදිකිරීම නිසා සිදුවිය හැකි හානියයි.
‘‘ මේ ජලාශයේ ඉදල විදුලිබලාගාරය දක්වා වූ මීටර් හයසීයක් දිග කොන්ක‍්‍රිට් ඇල මාර්ගයක් හැදීමට නියමිතයි. ඇල මාර්ගය ඉදිකරන්නේ කොළඹ හැටන් මාර්ගය ආසන්නයෙන්මයි. ඇතැම් තැන්වල පාර අයිනෙන්මයි කැළණි ගග ගලන්නෙ. එවැනි තැන්වලදී ඇලමාර්ගය ඉදිකිරිමේදි එක්කෝ ගගට උඩින් තමයි ඉදිකරන්න වෙන්නෙ. නැත්නම් පාරට හානි වෙනව. යෝජිත ඇලමාර්ගය ගමන් කරන කොටසේ බහුලව විශාල් ගල් තිබෙනව. ඇල හදන්න මේවා කඩන්න ඕනේ. ඒකට වෙඩිදාන්න ඕනේ. මේ ප‍්‍රදේශය නාය යන ප‍්‍රදේශයක් විශාල වශයෙන් ගල්වෙඩි දානකොට මොකද වෙන්නේ කියලා හිතාගන්න පුළුවන්නේ. ඔහු පවසන්නේ වසරේ මාස අටක් පමණ කිතුල්ගල ප‍්‍රදේශයට වර්ෂාව ඇද හැලෙන බවය. ඒ නිසා නිතර දිය සීරාවක් පවතින ප‍්‍රදේශයක මෙවැනි ඉදිකිරීම් කිරීම කොහෙත්ම නුසුදුසු බවය. කැළණි ගගට රක්ෂිත නැත

කිතුල්ගල මිනි හයිඩ්‍රෝ ෆවර් ප‍්‍රයිවෙට් ලිමිටඞ් නමැති සමාගමෙන් මෙම විදුලිබලාගාරය ඉදිකරනු ලබන බව පැවසුවේ ඉංජිනේරු කළමනාකාර රන්නෙත් කරුණානායකය. ඔහුගේ ජංගම දුරකථන අංකයට අමතනු ලදුව ඔහු පවසා සිටියේ මෙම ඉදිකිරීමට අදාලව සියළු ආයතන වලින් නිසි අවසරය ලබාගෙන ඇති බවය. මෙහිදි රජයේ ආයතන විසින් ලබාදී ඇති අවසරය ගැන කුකුසක් ඇතිවේ. ඉන් එකක් වනුයේ ජාතික ගොඩනැගිලි පර්යේෂණ ආයතනයය. එම ආයතනය විසින්ම මෙම ප‍්‍රදේශයේ නාය යන බවට දැන්වීම් පුවරු පවා තබා තිබියදී මෙවැනි ඉදිකිරීමකට ඉඩ දුන්නේ කෙසේද යන්නය. එක අතකින් එය පුදුමයට කරුණක්ද නොවන්නේ මෙයට දින කීපයකට ඉහතදී වලපනේ ප‍්‍රදේශයේ නාය යෑමක් සිදුවුන ස්ථානයේද මහා පරිමාණයේ ගල් වලක් පවත්වාගෙන යාමට මෙම ආයතනය අවසර ලබාදී තිබිමය. එම ස්ථානයද නාය යෑමේ අවධානමට ලක්වෙන ප‍්‍රදේශයක් බවට ජාතික ගොඩනැගිලි පර්යේෂණ ආයතනය නම් කර තිබුණ බවද මාධ්‍යයේ පළ වී තිබුණේය. ඉදිකරන ජලාශයේ සිට බලාගාරය දක්වා ජලය ගෙනයන ජල මාර්ගය ඉදිකරනුයේ කැළණි ගග අසබඩින්ය. ඕනෑම ස්වාභාවික ජලමාර්ගයක් දෙපස ඇති භූමි ප‍්‍රමාණයෙන් නිශ්චිත කොටසක් රක්ෂිත ලෙස නම් කිරීමේ නීතියක් මෙරටේ පවතී. කැළණි ගග වැනි විශාල ගංගාවක එවැනි රක්ෂිතයක් තිබීම අනිවාර්ය නමුත් රන්නෙත් කරුණානායක පවසන විදියට නම් කැළණි ගෙග් රක්ෂිත ඉඩම් තිබී නැත. එයට හේතුව ගග අසබඩ ඉඩම් තම සමාගම විසින් මිලදීගෙන ඇති බව පැවසීමය. මේ වනවිටත් ගග අයිනේ ඇතැම් ඉඩම් කම්බි වැටවල් ඉදිකර වෙන්කරගෙන තිබේ. ඒවා පෞද්ගලික හිමිකරුවන්ගෙන් තම සමාගම මිලදීගත් ඒවා බව රන්නෙත් කරුණානායක අවධාරණය කළේය.

මෙයද බරපතළ ප‍්‍රශ්නයක් වන්නේ රජයේ රක්ෂිත ඉඩම් වලට පෞද්ගලික හිමිකරුවන් ඔප්පු සාදා විකිණිම නිසාවෙනි. මේවා අනුමත කරන වාරිමාර්ග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ, ප‍්‍රාදේශිය ලේකම් කාර්යාලයේ පරිසර අමාත්‍යාංශයේ නිළධාරීන් මේ ගැන සොයා නොබැලූවේද ? එසේ සොයා නොබැලීම ගැන අපට සිතන්නට ඇත්තේ සියළු දෙනා මුදලට යටවීම නිසාද ?
ගවන තොරතුරු විදුලි බලාගාර ව්‍යාපෘති කළමනාකාරවරයාගෙන් වැඩිදුරටත් විමසීමේදි සමාගම අධ්‍යක්ෂ මණ්ඩලයකින් පාලනය වන්නක් බව පැවසූමුත් අධ්‍යක්ෂවරුන් කව්ද ? ඔවුන්ගෙ නම් මොනවාද දුරකතන මොනවාද යන්න විමසුවිට එයට නිසි පිළිතුරු ලබා නොදුන්නේය. අවම වශයෙන් සමාගම් කාර්යාලයේ අංකයවත් ලබා නොදුන්නේය. මෙම සමාගමේ මව් සමාගම කුමක්දැයි විමසුවිට එයටද ඔහුගෙන් පිළිතුරක් නොවීය. ජලාශවේල්ල කොතරම් උසද යන ප‍්‍රශ්නයට ඔහු ලබාදුන්නේ අපූරු පිළිතුරකි. එනම් අදාල වේල්ල ඉදිකළවිට වේල්ලක් සමග මුහුදු මට්ටම මීටර් 48 ක් බවකි. වේල්ලෙ පාදම ඉදිකරන ස්ථානය මුහුදු මට්ටමේ සිට කොපමණ උසකින් පිහිටා ඇත්දැයි යනුවෙන් අසන ලද ප‍්‍රශ්නයට පිළිතුරු දීම ඔහු මග හැරියේ ඉතා සුක්ෂම අයුරින්ය. එලෙසම විදුලිබලාගාරයට ජලය ලබාගන්නා කෘතිම ඇලමාර්ගය (කොන්ක‍්‍රිට් කානුව) කොතරම් දිගද. එහි උස හා පළල ප‍්‍රමාණය පිළිිබදවත් ඔහුගෙන් නිශ්චිත පිළිතුරක් නැත. ඔහු වඩාත් අවධාරණය කළේ ව්‍යාපෘතියට සියළු ආයතනවලින් අවසර ලබාදී ඇති බවය.

ශ‍්‍රී ලංකාවේ කුඩා පරිමාණයේ පෞද්ගලික ජලවිදුලි බලාගාර ආශ‍්‍රීතව අප සතුව තිබෙන අත්දැකීම් අනුවනම් ඒවායේ ඉදිකිරීම් සිදුකරන විටදීත් ඉන් පසුවත් ඔවුන් කටයුතු කර ඇත්තේ ඔවුන්ම ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති ව්‍යාපෘති වාර්තාවට අනුව නොවේ. යටියන්තොට ප‍්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කොට්ඨාශයේ බෙරන්නාව අමනාවල වී ඔය ආශ‍්‍රීතව ඉදිකළ එවන් විදුලිබලාගාරයක් ඉදිකිරීමේදි ගල්වෙඩි දැමීම හේතුවෙන් අවට නිවෙස්වල බිත්ති පුපුරා තිබු සිද්ධියක රාවය පුවත්පතේම පළවුයේ මීට වසර ගණනාවකට කලිනි.

කැළණි ගෙග් කිතුල්ගල ඉදිකිරීමට යන මෙම විදුලිබලාගාරය ඉදිකරනවාට ප‍්‍රදේශවාසින්ගෙන් මෙය ආරම්භ කළ 2012 වසරේ සිටම දැඩි විරෝධයක් එල්ල වී තිබේ. එනිසාම කෑගල්ල දිස්ත‍්‍රික් සංවර්ධන කමිටුවට මෙය නවතා දමන්නට නියෝග කිරීමට සිදුවිය. එකළ විරෝධතා දැක්වුවන් බිය කිරීමට කිතුල්ගල ගමේම අය පවසා ඇත්තේ සුදු වෑන් වලින් ඇවිත් ගෙනියන්න පුළුවන් යනුවෙන් යැයි සුප‍්‍රසිද්ධ කතාවක් ද කිතුල්ගල ප‍්‍රදේශයේ පවතී. අනෙක කොතරම් මහජන පීඩාගෙනදෙන ව්‍යාපෘතියක් වුව තමන් අතට සන්තෝසම් ලැබෙන්නේ නම් ඒවට උදව් උපකාර කරන පිරිස්ද ඕනෑම ගමක සිටිති. කිතුල්ගලට ද එය පොදුය. ඔවුන් කරනුයේ මුලදී මේවාට දැඩි විරෝධය දක්වා පසුව ව්‍යාපෘති හිමිකරුවන් සමග ඞීල් දැමීමය. එවන් අය පවසන්නේ මුහුදු මට්ටමේ සිට මීටර හතලිස් අට ඉක්මවා නොයන උසකින් ජලාශයේ බැම්ම බ`දින්නේ නම් එයට තමන් විරුද්ධ නැති බවයි. එවිට කිතුල්ගලට දැනටත් පවතින ගංවතුර හානිය නැතිවේද ? අශෝක පෙතියා විනාශවීම වැලකේද ? මාකන්දාව රක්ෂිතය විනාශවීම නවතීද ? නාය යෑම නවතීද ? යනුවෙන් කිතුල්ගල ජනයා අසති.

Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds Facts

In the tech industry, his name comes alongside those of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.
Those guys changed the face of technology forever.
You already know about the asteroid 9793 Torvalds, named after him.
But what else?
Let’s see:
  • Linus Torvalds was born on December 28, 1969, in Helsinki, Finland, and is now 49 years old.
  • He wrote 100% of the first version of Linux, which represents around 1% of the present-day code.
  • He almost named his project “FreaX” instead of “Linux”… So now, instead of a combination of the words “free,” “freak,” and “Unix,” we are enjoying a combination of the Trovald’s given name and “Unix.”
  • In 1999, MIT proclaimed him one of the top innovators under 35.
  • In 2001, Steve Jobs offered Torvalds a job at Apple, but he refused.
  • In 2019, his net worth is estimated at around $150 million, with an annual salary of $10 million.
  • He has a soft spot for scuba surfing. He is the creator of a platform called Scubaserfice that can create a scuba diving planner for you.
  • Linus Torvalds created the version control system Git in 2005.
  • Among other things, he has undergone military training and is a Second Lieutenant. 
  • He is awesome!

Is there a simple privacy law that actually makes sense?

There is lot of copyright law violation in this Buddhist (Ceylon) country where one talks about upholding 5 precepts.
As a solution I try to promote Linux in this country.
Sometime back, I found only 32 users in this country and only 1% users worldwide.
I gave up except making blog post here. 
Funnily enough top visitors from US and Russia.
Ceylon comes third currently.

Only country that uses Linux exclusively including operating nuclear reactors is none other than North Korea!
Even the space station uses it-(Russian-US collaboration in style).

Below is cumulative results

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea


Is there a simple privacy law that actually makes sense?

Gabriel Weinberg, CEO/Founder DuckDuckGo. Co-author Super Thinking, Traction.

Yes! Despite all the protestations you hear from Big Tech, there is a simple privacy law that makes sense without destroying the tech industry. Let me explain, but first, for context if you’re unfamiliar, you should know that DuckDuckGo (my company) has a vision to raise the standard of trust online and so this topic is near and dear to our hearts. We’re vehemently opposed to tracking users and are the leading provider of privacy protection tools, including a private search engine alternative to Google (DuckDuckGo Private Search), a private mobile web browser alternative to Chrome (DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser for iOS/Android), and a plugin that makes your desktop searching and browsing more private (DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials for Safari/Firefox/Chrome).
As you probably know, many countries are right now taking up the greatly needed task of updating their privacy laws for this modern era. However, they are consistently missing one key component when doing so: an easy opt-out mechanism. Anyone who ever has been to a European website in the past year will know what I’m talking about. While Europe’s GDPR law does a lot of great things, it also has created pop-up hell, much like the cookie law that preceded it.
searchers proposed this compelling idea to help protect people’s privacy online: a web browser setting called Do Not Track. Once enabled, your browser would thereafter send a Do Not Track signal to the websites you visit, informing them that you do not give them permission to collect or share your personal information for behavioral advertising, price discrimination, or for any other purpose. If this setting was working, then all those hidden trackers that are watching you around the Internet would be cut off in one shot.
Unfortunately, the idea fell apart when the ad-tech industry balked at any meaningful self-regulation. Despite that, many web browsers actually did build the feature into their platforms, and, in the intervening years, hundreds of millions of people worldwide have turned the feature on. A Forrester research report found 25% of people using the Do Not Track setting, and a national survey we conducted found 23%.
Of course, unbeknownst to the vast majority of these people, this browser setting is doing next to nothing right now. It is currently left to each site individually do what they think is right. And, lo and behold, none of the big tech companies do anything with it, giving all these people a false sense of privacy. That, however, can change overnight with a law that mandates Do Not Track compliance.
It is extremely rare to have such an exciting legislative opportunity where the hardest work — coordinated mainstream technical implementation and widespread consumer adoption — is already done. That’s why we even took the time to draft model Do Not Track legislation earlier this year.
Here’s how it would work. The signal would work like it already does today – enabled by your web browser, operating system (for apps), or Internet router (for home devices). Once on, companies that receive the signal would have to respect it, and stop tracking you. The legislation would need to define the line of what is allowed and what is not allowed. We defined it like this in our proposal:

SSDs can lose data in as little as 7 days without power

I have my own problems.

I thought I can save my files digitally in pdf for life, longer than mine.

I have four IDE disks on my steps to be discarded after retrieving useful data, mostly 32 bit iso images.

With 64 bit computers coming in they have no shelf value.

I think I am going to use them as bricks (instead of iron files), if there is any need for repairs of my steps. 

I have a simple use of SSDs.

I use them to install the operating system.

My slave is always going to be spinning drive and I have large ntfs partitions for data.

I have my vital data stored in them.

Linux can be handy (not Windows) in this situations.

All my photos are stored on CDs or DVDs.

It very easy to retrieve them!



SSDs can lose data in as little as 7 days without power
SSDs have a number of advantages over conventional hard drives. They draw less power, they’re an order of magnitude faster, and while they remain more expensive in absolute terms, the size of that gap has shrunk markedly over the past few years. There is one downside to SSDs, however — long-term data retention remains a significant issue.
A recent presentation by Alvin Cox of JEDEC demonstrates just how large the gulf is between enterprise and client drives. Temperatures while active and in storage are both listed. If a drive is stored at 25C or operated 40C, expected data retention for a client drive is 105 weeks, or nearly two years. Let the storage temperature creep up to 30C, or 86F, and the drive should still hold data for an entire year.
Enterprise SSDs, however, have entirely different characteristics. An enterprise drive stored at 25C and operated at 40C has a retention rate of just 20 weeks. In worst-case scenarios or high storage temps, the data on an enterprise drive can start to fail within seven days. 3D NAND, which uses an older manufacturing process, might rate better in such metrics, but JEDEC doesn’t include that information. 

These timelines aren’t likely to make much difference to consumers, who keep devices in daily use, but they do matter in the long-term and outside client usage scenarios. If you’re a serious computer enthusiast, you likely have a collection of drives that you removed from old systems when you built a new machine.  

Some people will carefully step through and ensure that each and every bit of data from the old installation was archived to local backup or cloud storage, but it’s much more common for people to copy the critical data and leave the rest of their information on the original disk. 

With a mechanical drive, that’s not a problem — you can take a drive out of rotation and typically assume it will spin back up two years later, provided you store it properly.
With SSDs, you can’t necessarily depend on more than 12-24 months of longevity — and if you bought into the SSD craze from 2008 – 2011, chances are you’ve now got at least one drive you’ll be retiring in the not-too-distant future. High-end consumers who might be tempted by enterprise-level NAND drives need to pay attention to the brief unpowered data retention times — in this case, buying an enterprise drive really might not be the best choice for a system that remains unpowered for any length of time.

Note that the temperature range for proper storage of SSDs is far smaller than for hard drives. A hard drive can typically be stored from -40 – 70C (-40 – 158F. Yes, -40C = -40F). In order to maintain proper data longevity, SSDs, in contrast, may need to be stored in climate-controlled environments. Granted, most people likely don’t stick a drive in a normal storage unit, but this data suggests that even a few days in a car in summer could meaningfully damage long-term data retention.

Enterprise awareness

Businesses and corporations need to be particularly aware of this limitation of enterprise flash. As a blog post at Kore Logic points out, there are serious legal ramifications for a company that fails to preserve business records that were stored on NAND flash. The IRS typically recommends that individuals and small businesses save tax data for at least seven years; large publicly traded companies have additional regulations to follow to satisfy laws like Dodd-Frank and Sarbanes-Oxley.
Beyond SEC regulatory requirements, there’s always the chance that a major company could find itself needing to refer back to years-old documents in order to settle a legal case. Again, proper data preservation is vital to such efforts — and for now, spinning disks (or in some cases, tape backup) offer a longevity that SSDs simply can’t match.
SSDs are amazing — and properly deployed, absolutely worth the investment — but the data retention challenges are real. We recommend everyone engage in proper backup procedures and be aware of the limitations of your chosen medium. 

No single storage type is perfect — so don’t depend on just one way of backing up critical information.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Average Income in the USA by Family and Household

  Average Income in the USA by Family and Household

I have to make few comments about Ceylon.

We do not have people starving (relatively in the South) or eating from bins.
Our food is cheap and there are plenty of alternatives and variations.
Our immunization program is good enough but not up to the International Standards.
Often the imported items are substandard.
Dengue is a ploy used by doctors both in private and government practice to hoodwink the poor patients’ relatives to abscond liability in courts of law.
No proper diagnosis in most cases and no postmortems!
Clothing industry is robust and cloths are cheap.
Public and private transport is in dilapidated state.
I have a saying that if we “Abolish The Post of Presidency” (real white elephant) for 10 years, we can improve the transport system including introducing few domestic air lines, for people in the North, instead of giving India our air space to drop Mysoor dhal (Parippu) in crisis.
Never trust Indian Politicians.
They bring AIDS (kidney donors, etc), Malaria and exotic diseases from their own hospitals.
I love Indian cricketers including Kholi, so do not take it as an Indian slur.
Our monks are fabulously rich and now devote more time on politics than the spread of Dhamma.
They, more or less spread hate on minorities and Islam (phobia)!
Learning second language especially English is poorer than Bangladesh, if not India. Read either Sinhala or Tamil papers.
Television / Media are owned by partisan individuals.
There is no balanced reporting.
Political parties have NO democratic ways and are almost owned by individuals.
They are hegemonies.
Latest is religious hegemony.
Election commissioner has failed to admonish religious and astrological hegemony in spite of blatant violation of the election law.
He only talks.
Only SHOW.
We applaud him for his failures.
This is a very good article.
We in Ceylon manipulate these figures to hoodwink the WHO and UNO.

Average Income in the USA by Family and Household

By Kimberly Amadeo
Updated September 16, 2019
Average income is any statistic that describes how much money an individual, family, or household makes. The U.S. Census Bureau reports average U.S. incomes in September of each year.
The Census reports two kinds of averages. The mean sums up all incomes and divides by the number of people reporting. The median income is the point where half the people make more and half make less. The mean income is usually higher. That's because the few people who make enormous amounts of money skew the results higher. In the mean, they outweigh the many who make low incomes. That gives an inaccurate estimate because it's affected by the income inequality in the United States. For this reason, most reports use the median income.
The Census reports average income for three different groups:
  1. Income per person is the income for each person at age 15 or older. It's more commonly known as income per capita.
  2. Family income is average for a family of two or more related people living in a household. They can be related by birth, marriage, or adoption.
  3. Household income is the average income of all people living in a housing unit. It doesn't matter if they are living alone, with a family, or with a group of unrelated individuals.
  4. Real income removes the effects of inflation. To compare income levels over time, you must use real income. Nominal income ignores the changing cost of living. That's also the difference between real versus nominal GDP.
When looking at average income, you must pay attention to what it measures specifically. Always determine whether it's the mean or median. Find out whether it's per capita, family, or household. Last but not least, be sure you know whether it's real or nominal.
The Census breaks out average incomes for many different groups. These include age, relationship to the household, race, education, and type of housing. It reports income levels in $2,500 increments. The Census will release the next report on 2018 average incomes in September 2019.

2017 Average Income

The 2017 nominal median income per capita was $31,786. The mean income per capita was $48,150. The Census Bureau reports those in the Current Population Survey, Table PINC-01.
Real median household income was $61,372.
At first glance, it was a new record, but the Census warns that it modified its questions. As a result, the household income was about the same as in 2007 and 1999. The Census reports household income in Table HINC-01.
The federal government uses the median household income to establish poverty levels. That determines eligibility for Obamacare subsidies and welfare programs.
Real median family income was $75,938. The real mean family income was $100,400. The government uses the family income for statistical purposes, such as reporting the poverty threshold. The Census reports family income in Table FINC-01.

U.S. Average Income Has Caught Up

The table below compares the change in income through the 2001 and 2008 recessions. Incomes didn't start improving until 2006, just as the seeds of the 2008 financial crisis were being planted. That's when the Federal Reserve raised interest rates. As mortgages became more expensive, homes prices fell. Mortgage defaults began to rise. But the crisis didn't spread to the general economy until 2008. The Dow hit its peak in November 2007.
Most of the jobs created before the recession were in financial services and construction. Those jobs did not return in 2009. Instead, jobs were in low-paying areas such as retail and food services. Many employers hired temporary or freelance workers instead of offering full-time positions.
To make matters worse, the government did not create jobs. The Bush administration relied on tax cuts and military spending to boost the economy. Neither are good job creators. President Obama had the right idea in spending more on education and public works. Those types of programs are the best unemployment solutions.
After the 2010 mid-term elections, the Republican majority in Congress focused on reducing the debt instead of creating jobs. The unemployment rate fell as people dropped out of the labor force, but incomes did not rise.
In 2013, the Fed did what it could by keeping interest rates low. But those low rates created an asset bubble in the stock market, which hit new highs. At the same time, average income levels briefly rose.
In 2014, new technology in shale oil drilling boosted incomes in Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska, but incomes fell in those areas when oil prices did. Washington D.C. and the states around it, specifically West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland, also improved.
In 2015, income levels rose as unemployment fell. The situation further improved in 2016, when the average income exceeded the pre-recession peak.

Historical Real Median Household Income, Economic Growth, and Unemployment

Year Income Change GDP Growth Jobless Rate Events
1997 $55,218 2.1% 4.4% 4.7%

1998 $57,248 3.7% 4.5% 4.4% LTCM crisis
1999 $58,665 2.5% 4.8% 4.0% Y2K scare
2000 $58,544 -0.2% 4.1% 3.9% NASDAQ bubble burst
2001 $57,246 -2.2% 1.0% 5.7% EGTRRA, 9/11 attacks
2002 $56,599 -1.1% 1.7% 6.0% War on Terror
2003 $56,528 -0.1% 2.9% 5.7% JGTRRA
2004 $56,332 -0.3% 3.8% 5.4% Business growth
2005 $56,935 1.1% 3.5% 4.9% Incomes improve
2006 $57,379 0.8% 2.9% 4.4% Fed raised rates
2007 $58,149 1.3% 1.9% 5.0% Subprime crisis
2008 $56,076 -3.6% -0.1% 7.3% Financial crisis
2009 $55,683 -0.7% -2.5% 9.9% ARRA
2010 $54,245 -2.6% 2.6% 9.3% Obama tax cuts
2011 $53,401 -1.6% 1.6% 8.5% Austerity measures
2012 $53,331 -0.1% 2.2% 7.8% See US 2012Asian crisis
2013 $55,214 3.5% 1.8% 6.7% LFPR drops
2014 $54,398 -1.5% 2.5% 5.6% Strong dollar
2015 $57,230 5.2% 2.9% 5.0% Natural jobless rate
2016 $59,039 3.2% 1.6% 4.7% Presidential race
2017 $61,372 N.A. 2.2% 4.1% See note below


(The percentage change for 2017 is not applicable because the Census changed the question. Table sources: "Current Population Survey," Table FINC-1., U.S. Census, September 13, 2018. "GDP Growth Rate by Year," "Unemployment Rate by Year.")
As a result of the worsening of the average income, 43.1 million Americans lived below the federal poverty threshold. In 2017, that was $24,858 for a typical family of four. This is more than just the "usual suspects," such as illegal immigrants, inner-city poor, and the homeless. This is every third person you meet today.
How did this happen?
In 2008, real wages decreased 0.8%. Real wages measure the purchasing power of a family's income. Although wages increased by 3.7% in 2008, prices rose even more.
U.S. wage levels are compressed to compete with pay levels in foreign countries such as China and India. They have a much lower cost of living. At the same time, the education and skill level of foreign labor forces are increasing. Furthermore, technology and the spread of English makes it easier to employ foreign workers. Outsourcing has hit hardest in call centers and computer programming.
Capitalism requires U.S. companies to employ these lower-cost, skilled employees. Otherwise, they will lose market share to international competitors.
Does the minimum wage keep you out of poverty?
No. If you were earning the U.S. minimum wager and you were the only breadwinner for a family of four, you would fall beneath the poverty line. The minimum wage pays a full-time worker $15,080 a year. That's less than the $11.95 per hour needed to keep a family out of poverty.
Single people earning the minimum wage cannot afford to rent their own apartment in any major city. They must rent a room or live with roommates. Their best chances to find an apartment are in college towns, small towns in low-income states, and in rural areas.
Congress has kept the minimum wage the same since 2009. If the minimum wage had been adjusted for the cost of living over the last 40 years, it would be $10.41 an hour. If it had kept up with executive level pay increases, it would be $23/hour. Then the minimum wage would be a living wage.
At the same time, prices of food and oil increased when the dollar declined between 2000 and 2006. The Clean Energy Act raised prices by diverting corn crops to the production of ethanol. That raised the price of corn, a primary feedstock for beef, also leading to higher food prices.

Middle-Class Income

The U.S. economic crisis spread the pain felt by America's poor and working poor to the middle class. While the cost of food and gasoline rose, wages stayed the same. The resultant squeeze on the middle class led to unprecedented debt levels. Families racked up credit card debt just to pay for their daily lives.
Today, the middle class has the most economic mobility of anyone in America. They can make it to the upper classes. The best pathway is still education. But it is so expensive it hasbecome a form of structural inequality. As a result, it is difficult for the poor to become wealthy. The rags-to-riches promise of the American Dream has dimmed.