Linux Ultimatum
I had 3 sleepless nights
This all started with Legacy OS.
Do not use old Legacy kernels and they are buggy.
Well this piece is done after solid 8 hours of sleep.
This piece is in development and not comprehensive but basic tenet is reliable.
1. One need at least 20GB of hard disk space for even Debian Gnome.
My recommendation is 30GB. This is for the /root file system.
The /home partition can be as minimum of 10GB to 100GB.
At least 10GB /var partition and 2GB for /tmp or /optional
SWAP partition is mandatory and I use use at lease two.
They are actually dividers between different distributions.
I use minim of 7 partitions that include the EFI boot partition.
2. I do not recommend Calamara Installer
Just use graphic Debian installer if yo are a text intensive guy use text installer
Read carefully the instructions and sit by the side of computer during installation to read the warning messages.
For additional information are on this site in bits and pieces.
3. Use an additional user account and never use root account except for administrative work. That opens the computer to the hackers.
4. Use a safe password one for root and one for the user.
5. My smallest root partition is 12 and it has Debian installed without LibreOffice.
It has additional 2GB for the /home partition. It is working fine with AbiWord as the word processor.
6. I do not advice refurbishing old energy hungry computers but a bare bone NUC computer which is now ASUS owned and expensive.
7. I do not like KDE desktop but I have Debian KDE in my NUC ant it runs smoothly and very well integrated with gnome utilities including Synaptic package manager.
I do not like Flatpac and sand-boxing or container utilities. T
hey are for servers not for desktop.
8. Last is about programs
Do not use phpmyadmin or putty if you do not know network administration in nuts and bolts.
There are lot of pdf utilities in Linux
There are lot file managers in Linux and begin to like NEMO and it is next cloud ready.
Rednote and Kdenlive are pretty good.
Gnome BOX are workhorses.
Gnome Pie does not work as intended.
9. Special note about Debian Edu
I have used this long time ago once and lost interest on it.
It is most likely for School SETUP for teachers to organize lessons.
It is HUGE package I think need RAIDS to run it.
It is in Latex or Tex language (I am not sure) and has own configuration system.
I accidentally clicked one package and it took over 45 minutes to finish installing and it opened up but FROZE (not enough capacity in the /root folder) even unable to open the Firefox.
So do not try it unless you have 100GB in the hard disk
I think it needs RAID array for install (Redundant Array of Independent Disks).
10. Tex is killer language and is massive package for RAIDS I believe. I have no idea.
11. I am going back to Puppy Linux and Easy OS I do not like (No Abiword and obsessed with containers).
That's it!