Monday, March 17, 2025



MoccinoOS cannot be mounted on Box Utility but it can be written on a USB and booted up. 

It is not a Live USB image.

I managed to mount three terminals but did not try any fancy stuff. It mounts on the monitor with Space Suit image and attempts to configure the Video Card and I did not do anything mad like I did with the fancy Linux distribution which I forget the name.

I do not know anything about Gentoo which is Slackware based from which MaccinoOS is derived. 

I am having another try with Batocera

Mind I do al these things well past midnight when the Internet is fast.

Corel Linux

Corel Linux

Rate this project    "Xandros Corporation today announced that it has signed a strategic licensing agreement with Corel Corporation, giving it access to Corel's Linux desktop OS and related technologies. The newly formed company will focus on developing the desktop and server markets with assistance from its founding parent, Linux Global Partners. Xandros has secured a $10 million capital commitment from NY-based Linux Global Partners, a Linux-specific investment company with financial holdings in several key desktop application companies. The new company will be headquartered in Ottawa, Canada and has already retained a majority of the original software architects of the award-winning Corel Linux operating system."
 Corel Linux
Rate this project    "Xandros Corporation today announced that it has signed a strategic licensing agreement with Corel Corporation, giving it access to Corel's Linux desktop OS and related technologies. The newly formed company will focus on developing the desktop and server markets with assistance from its founding parent, Linux Global Partners. Xandros has secured a $10 million capital commitment from NY-based Linux Global Partners, a Linux-specific investment company with financial holdings in several key desktop application companies. The new company will be headquartered in Ottawa, Canada and has already retained a majority of the original software architects of the award-winning Corel Linux operating system."

Chimera GameOS and Batocera GameOS

Chimera GameOS and Batocera GameOS It looks like Batocera has two types of images. 

Both are 9.1GB in total. It is a compressed image of 3.5GB.

1. Is for Windows game boxes and has 9.1GB FAT partition and 537MB EXT4 partition which does not boot on a Linux Box.

2. The second one is for laptops and PCs.It has the same configuration.
Batocera USB cannot be booted since it doe not configure EFI boot, whereas Chimera OS has base Gnome and Plasma versions. 
It game OS is only for install but it needs Ethernet and does not configure the Wireless Connection. Gnome has limited applications. I would report on Plasm in a few a few minutes.
Chimera KDE is not bad. 
It does not have many applications.
But it is better than both PopOS and TuxedOS
It uses Konquorer as its browser.
Configuring WiFi was bit finicky but all the same I manged it with having studied how KDE behaves.
PopOS boots on Box Utility and it is 2.9GB
TuxedOS freeze on Box utility and it boots in German. I did not press F2 on virtual boot. It is 3.9GB.
BluStar OS and Endeavour OS are n both Arch based and much more beautiful and elegant than PopOS and TuxedoOS.
They are based on Arch Linux and need some understanding of ARCH schematics.
I am not a ARCH guy and both these mounted well on Box Utility but bit slowly.
Haven't I said KDE are resource hungry thousands and more times.

Chimera Game Linux

Chimera Game Linux

    8GB or more RAM
    64GB or larger storage device
    AMD Radeon RX 400 series or newer GPU required
    Nvidia and Intel GPUs are not supported
    single connected TV or monitor
    hybrid graphics are not supported
    virtual machines are not supported
    keyboard required to start installer
    dual booting from the same disk not supported
    secure boot must be disabled
    Intel RST (Rapid Storage Technology) must be disabled
    legacy/bios not supported


    click the Download button below to download the installer
    use etcher to flash the installer to a USB stick
    connect a keyboard
    boot from the USB stick
    follow the installer directions

Why I hate the Month of April?

 Posted on April 12, 2011
Why I hate the Month of April?

List them down in point form.

1. It is the month of thunder and showers.
 It does lot of damage to my equipment including the switch board.
2. It is the month of fire cracker. 
There is a saying that empty vessels (like many politicians) make a big noise, it surely does in the month of April.

3. It is the month my dog is constantly behind me in fear of thunder and fire crackers.
 At least for the sake of our trustworthy friend we must ban fire crackers. 
Many of them left alone by owners die in this season
Good that we lost the World Cup in Cricket, it would have raised some forest fire too.

4 .It s the month of extreme temperature which varies from 78 F to 98 F.

5. It is the month everything goes up in price for no reason like the ambient temperature. 
Not only it goes up but remains high after the season.

6. It is the month of excesses including alcohol and spiritual degradation.

7. It is the month of lot of accidents on the road with police on leave.

8. It is the month of petty fights both inside and outside the house due to economic hardships and not being able to afford what one wants.

9. It is the month we empty coffers and living on loans (for two months afterward we are in absolute poverty, unable to settle the loans).

10. It is the month of credit cards.

11. It is the month all the unwanted relatives drop in without notice and spoil one’s quiet holiday.

12. It is the month of where healthy people go under the hammer and drop dead (violence, forget the medicine, too much sugar and diabetic coma, road traffic accidents and many more).

13. It is the month when the sun is above your head and shows its mighty power and all the good gods are looking the other way (in disgust probably) without helping us with some cash.

14. It is the month of mosquito music and menace including Bathiya Santhus.

I sometimes wonder why we call it the New Year with so many unwanted catastrophes evolve round it

These are points to ponder when you avail yourself of some welcome respite of daily chores.
This is there is Exposition of Tooth Relic and and Cardinal Cooray on protest march on Colombo/Negambo streets. 
I pity the guys and girls who die on the road.

Ten (10) or more reasons why I do not use a cellphone

Posted on June 3, 2011
Ten (10) or more reasons why I do not use a cellphone

Now that WHO has released the warning for radiation and cancer PHOBIA, I should state why I hate using cellphone.

Some of what I say below are scientific in nature but nobody has done adequate studies.

This is based on the premise animals have more evolved senses for their protection and navigation especially at night.
For example some snakes (who do not have ears) infrared sensors to to detect their prey namely rats.
Hearing is not essential for some animals and mosquitoes probably have thermal as well as olfactory (smell) sensors to feed us at night.

What it means is that whole energy spectrum is used to various degrees by various beings including insects.
They all originate from sun rays (less than5% is used by this planet organisms) and most of them even do not reach us and reflected in the stratosphere.
Any artificial high intensity laser included have adverse effect on life on earth especially the animal species.

1. There is scientific evidence emerging telecommunication signals effect navigation of bees
Apart from the suspected virus infection, I believe the microwave and Telecom signals are the one that effecting the bees. whole chain of events and food cycle will be effected by this impact. 
Instead of wasting time on cancers WHO and WFO should investigate this context seriously.
We know the bees are diminishing.

2. These energy waves and other waves generated also effect birds. Birds who carry seeds around the world also will impact food scenario of other wild animals. Bird population is diminishing and we do not know how these energy sources affect eggs when they are hatching. 
We know that most of the agricultural pesticides concentrate on eggs and their shell and diminish fertility of birds.

3. When birds are diminished, alarming rise of parasite on domesticated animals will rise. 
For example ticks which infect cattle and dogs.

4. We do not know what other animals wild and domesticated are affected by these artificial energy and bizarre propagation. 
We do not know even how it affects dogs who have powerful hearing senses.

5. It takes generally 20 years to discover facts and by that time (brain tumours) one generation is affected by the ill effect.

Those are scientific speculations but what about day to day effects.

6. I am one who believe talking reduces of working capacity.
I hate when the telephone ring when I am engaged in some intellectual activity.
 Even the mosquito is enough to disturb my activity. 
Imagine I am or a meditator deeply engaged in Ana Pana Sati insight meditation and one mosquito is enough to distract the attention.

7. I prefer both my hands free when on holiday and hate somebody send me a SMS while crossing the road in the highway.

8. Cellphone contributes to road traffic accidents.

9. Imaging I am engaged in a group activity or suturing a coronary artery bypass and the cellphone rings.

10. Many use this as a ploy to get out of a important meeting to make decisions. 
Politicians are good at this and they slip away leaving a mediocre guy to listen to trade union guys.

Cell phone takes the thinking capacity and concentration away
and few years from now research will indicate it was the most bizarre invention of ours.

Enjoy it now and very soon there will be legislature controlling use of cellphones.
Remember I said it.
I did not mention the use of tapping by CIA, FSB and MI5/6 .

Linux Ultimatum

Linux Ultimatum
I had 3 sleepless nights
This all started with Legacy OS. 
Do not use old Legacy kernels and they are buggy.
Well this piece is done after solid 8 hours of sleep.
This piece is in development and not comprehensive but basic tenet is reliable.
1. One need at least 20GB of hard disk space for even Debian Gnome.
My recommendation is 30GB. This is for the /root file system.
The /home partition can be as minimum of 10GB to 100GB.
At least 10GB /var partition and 2GB for /tmp or /optional
SWAP partition is mandatory and I use use at lease two. 
They are actually dividers between different distributions. 
I use minim of 7 partitions that include the EFI boot partition.

2. I do not recommend Calamara Installer
Just use graphic Debian installer if yo are a text intensive guy use text installer
Read carefully the instructions and sit by the side of computer during installation to read the warning messages.
For additional information are on this site in bits and pieces.

3. Use an additional user account and never use root account except for administrative work. That opens the computer to the hackers.

4. Use a safe password one for root and one for the user.

5. My smallest root partition is 12 and it has Debian installed without LibreOffice.
It has additional 2GB for the /home partition. It is working fine with AbiWord as the word processor.
6. I do not advice refurbishing old energy hungry computers but a bare bone NUC computer which is now ASUS owned and expensive.
7. I do not like KDE desktop but I have Debian KDE in my NUC ant it runs smoothly and very well integrated with gnome utilities including Synaptic package manager. 
I do not like Flatpac and sand-boxing or container utilities. T
hey are for servers not for desktop.

8. Last is about programs
Do not use phpmyadmin or putty if you do not know network administration in nuts and bolts.
There are lot of pdf utilities in Linux
There are lot file managers in Linux and begin to like NEMO and it is next cloud ready.
Rednote and Kdenlive are pretty good.
Gnome BOX are workhorses.

Gnome Pie does not work as intended.

9. Special note about Debian Edu
I have used this long time ago once and lost interest on it.
It is most likely for School SETUP for teachers to organize lessons.
It is HUGE package I think need RAIDS to run it.
It is in Latex or Tex language (I am not sure) and has own configuration system.
I accidentally clicked one package and it took over 45 minutes to finish installing  and it opened up but FROZE (not enough capacity in the /root folder) even unable to open the Firefox.
So do not try it unless you have 100GB in the hard disk
I think it needs RAID array for install (Redundant Array of Independent Disks).

10. Tex is killer language and is massive package for RAIDS I believe. I have no idea.
11. I am going back to Puppy Linux and Easy OS I do not like (No Abiword and obsessed with containers).
That's it!