Sunday, August 17, 2014

Stealing (thieves in the post office)the post and Increasing the Postage

Stealing (thieves in the post office)the post and Increasing the Postage

Increasing the postage is no remedy to the systematic stealing by unscrupulous agents in the main sorting house in Colombo.
I have lost two cheques sent from USA over the past three months.

I get an email before posting the cheque from USA.
I did not want to complain to the local Post Office (Peradeniya to be precise) since the lot working there are very good and I say it is probably the best post office in Sri-Lanka (Kandy does not get this accolade).
My unofficial inquiries revealed that there is a gang in Colombo who scrutinize all the mail, especially coming from Middle East (where illiterate house maids enclose currency notes in their letters) and open them and steal the money and destroy the mail.
This is happening from 1970s (it is more rampant under current regime where illicit dealers have actually become ministers).
I can remember my brother in UK used to send Wilkinson blades (for cutting thin tissues for advanced level practicals) and they used to put a magnet and detect them (I started losing them) and this operation was terminated abruptly.
When I was in Colombo I did some investigation and that revealed they use steam to open the letters.
This Buddhist country has become a robber barons country now.
They even steal the ballot paper.
That is the only development we can boast about.
I think use of automation and postal code is a way forward but still these guys will find a way to steal.
Manual sorting should be minimized.
I am posting this to my principles in USA.

All my mail (including UK and Germany ) including books and magazine I have  subscribed to are tampered with.

It is ridiculous for a government (they become political stooges without proper backbone) servants to raise this issue once retired and from  a safe house abraod.

They do precise little when holding an important post and become wiser after retirement (once pension is granted)! 

We have a government auditor gone blind after throwing acid on his face by culprits involved in a grand fraud.
He recently exposed a judge who is illegally possessing a wild baby elephant in his safe house.
He was immediately posted to a non-functional pool. 
Then we had a mass scale fraud on rebating VAT on non existing letter of credit business.
Only one of the racketeers went into prison.
Others are still holding the posts.
There is no functioning Public Service Commission or Bribery Commission, all the crooks are having a gale of a time.

This includes our cricket board too. 


August 15, 2014, 7:22 pm

Sri Lanka Post (SLP) has increased the postage by 100% beginning this month, I am surprised as to why the SLP is not looking into measures such as using the POSTCODE, to reduce cost and lessen the burden on the customers. Increasing the postage will not carry letters across to the addressee from the point of posting any faster than before. The POSTCODE on the other hand which has many benefits can achieve faster delivery of mail at lesser cost. I am unable to understand the Persistent avoidance of the SLP to use the POSTCODE, for the last 17 years. The time has come now to deserve everybody’s attention to it.

SLP introduced the POSTCODE in 1997. Since that day it never used it, nor was there any visible attempt to use it during the last 17 years. The POSTCODE is considered as a very important and a useful system, sometimes essential by the postal services around the world. I am really puzzled by the unimportance, the uselessness and the disregard shown to the POSTCODE by the SLP. Perhaps, it is of interest to all of us to know, the purpose of introducing the POSTCODE, if the SLP had no intention of using it.

System of indicating the POSTCODE in the postal address is widely used by the Postal Services. It is used by 75% of the postal services in the world. According to the UPU (Universal Postal Union) records, 142 out of the 192 UPU member countries were using the Postcode system by the end of 2012. The purpose of the Postcode is to aid in mail sorting, by both mechanized and manual methods. It enables you to pre-sort your mail, bypassing a number of sorting processes and thereby reducing your cost and also sorting your mail faster. Since SLP does all its mail sorting manually, it has an added benefit to the SLP by eliminating the need to read the post town, written in different languages, thereby a solution to the Lack of Tri-lingual competence of the mail sorting staff which is definitely a problem to the SLP.

The SLP has never announced any reason nor has given any explanation for not using the POSTCODE at any time during this long period of 17 years. There is no indication about not using it even in its website; it gives practically no information about the POSTCODE, in there. It only gives information of a problem of towns in Sri Lanka having similar names. And gives long descriptions of how the OCR machines sort mail with all the technical details of it. And at the ends it states, that it is a brief explanation about the POSTCODE and its PURPOSE. (Not the purpose I explained in the preceding paragraph) However not forgetting to mention, "now it is mandatory" to provide the POSTCODE "in every piece of mail" that you post, and warning you of dire consequences for failure to do so including the loss of your letters. Is there anything more funny than, asking us to use a non-existent POSTCODE.

I believe the SLP owes to its customers a definite explanation of its stand on non-using the POSTCODE and there is no better time than now to do it. I also take this opportunity, to congratulate the SLP for being able to host the APPU Ex- Co meeting here next month.

Raja Wickramasinghe
(Retired Deputy Post-Master General)



Well, well, well, another dream in a series of dreams.

I was sorting out some threesomes before I drop to sleep.

In fact, I was up all night sorting out my “got to do” work and dropped to sleep briefly.

It was related an ankle injury.

Somebody known to me (cannot remember who) had a fall or had a vehicle tire run over his / her foot, came to me for treatment.

Here, I practice, RICE treatment.



COMPRESSION with Crepe Bandage


and ask subject/patient to come to casualty after 24 hours for REVIEW.
In an unfamiliar or previously unknown case, I take two X-rays in perpendicular plane for comparison with the Review X-Ray done usually after 24 hours.

X-ray is done to rule out bony injuries.

Main injury is lateral ligament injury (consist of three associated ligaments, one in front, one in the middle and one behind).

Bony injuries heel without much a do, since all the bones are stabilized in a 90 degree plane but ligament injuries do cause serious instability (it takes all the body weight) of the ankle joint.

Second X-ray is done to see avulsion injury of the ligament/s (gives the severity) which shows as little calcification not immediately but after about 24 hours.

Bony injuries separated are shown in the initial X-rays and bnoy injuries due to compression are also visible as linear calcification lines, after 24 to 48 hours.

It does not mater it is soft tissue or bony injury, since the treatment for both is the same below knee plaster cast.

But bony injury the time of removal of the P.O.P cast is late and soft tissue injuries physiotherapy is more vigorous.

In any case plaster cast is removed and reapplied once the swelling is at its minimum.

For some unknown reason, in my dream, the standard treatment was interfered with and some altercation with the staff (not me, probably the radiographer was) followed.

Either, I did not order an X-ray (this is one of my cost saving exercises, even when working abroad-mildest form injury get only one X-ray, after 24 hours -for exclusion purposes not conclusion of more severe injury) or the VIP guy demanded one immediately and the radiographer refused without a doctors request form, which is the norm.

With this commotion I was woken up.

I went back to sleep immediately and the dream continuum did not follow.

Since, I knew there was a second part to the dream and there was an indication or some form heralding of, that the guy/girl was a big shot with political connection, I needed to send this to Maha.

In any case, I had to work hard to remember even this part of the dream (after 12 hours) which is perfectly normal for me.

I wanted to pen it down before dropping to sleep again but deferred to test my own ability to remember later today.

I may have said, do a brain scan as a precaution knowing very well the political and volatile nature and to inflame (bit of a perversion on my part when I deal with big shots) the scenario vee bit more, like biting a player in mid air in football.

I would have added, give a date in six months into future and if he wants it as an emergency scan it costs him three times as much (this is a standard manoeuvrings in government and private practice consortium in Sir-Lanka taking into consideration the money market and the supply) the normal rate.

This is an easy way out with politician since they have a very short term memory of all the promises they made, before coming into power.

Unfortunately voters have very, very short memory, shorter that their powerful counterparts or bosses.

It is past midnight my peak performance our without any worldly interference with my dog under my bed and mosquitoes hovering for a landing and striking site, just like the Russian aid convoy in Ukraine.

Below is a few lines one should know about ankle injury, in retrospect.

How do the ankle ligaments get injured?

Most ankle ligament injuries are caused when the foot twists inwards. All of the body's weight is then placed on the lateral ankle ligaments. The anterior and middle fibers of the ankle stretch or tear, in an ankle sprain or strain of the ankle. Occasionally small pieces of bone may be torn off with the ligaments.

In a few cases, a twisting force on the ankle may cause other damage. The bones around the ankle may be broken, a piece of the cartilage lining the ankle may be chipped off, ligaments connecting other bones in the foot may be sprained or torn, or the tendons around the ankle may be damaged.

Before coming back to my dream some of my threesomes for today are an entree.

Destruction, retaliation and emotion (BBS)

Bold, creative and innovative (Linux).

Lies, more lies and damn lies (Politics of the dead left)

Proper planning prevents catastrophe

Painfully, poor performance of the politicians

Pari passu, pro rata and pol katu,

Pissu, Pora Passata Palayan

Pan, Polimeth Porakanawa (1973)

Kentucky/ Keels foods Kawoth Kapothy

Keels food Kavoth, Kancer

I immediately contacted Maha and he was kind to listen to my concerns.

Was there a second part.


It is not nice?

Yes, indeed.


The politico calls the police.

The come in a white van.

Most of them were wearing strange fatigues never seen in this world.

Then you were evacuated.

I believe to safety?

I am not sure.

I heard some grimaces.


The usual practice is to test the evacuee’s pain threshold.

Like in Guantanamo Bay!.


What happened next.

I do not know.

Don't con?

Yes, really, the use some smoke screen to even blindfold or blind me.

Is it good outcome?


How to get the details?

You have to wait for an internal inquiry.

Is it impartial or partial inquiry?

Always partial.


So, to make external inquirers squishy and spongy in their attitude towards us, Sri-Lankans.

They can complete the partial inquiry complete and impartial, too, and they get a big pay hike for their efforts.

Both parties are happy in that way.

Will they finish the inquiry before their term.


Inquiry should be prolonged to include a regime change, which is measured in eons.

So, nobody will be privy to the truth, the real truth and nothing but the real truth.

Yes my dear.

Is it futuristic?


Howe come?

From years from now, democracy become a spent force.

This planet earth will come into severe resource strain of magnitude never known in human history.

Population expansion gone over 10 billions.

Each, country is to its own device.

There war petty wars, in sea, land and air.

There is precious little fuel resources.

Only used by the rulers.

If subjects ask more.

Oliver Twist principles applies.



They are used in new form of biological energy, till they die of exhaustion.

Their muscle energy is converted to electrical energy to recharge the batteries of the cars.

What about solar cars.

They are non-existent.

There is almost eternal blackish cloud cover preventing sun rays to penetrate the lower atmosphere.

So the subjects are used to generate electricity.


If they don't.

They perish.

There is so much to spare with 10 billion or more living miserable.

Les Misérables?

They are easily dispensable.

In actual fact they volunteer freely.


That is the only way to get one square meal.

If they don't.

They perish of starvation.

Is it in my time.

No dear.

Do not worry.

He disappeared.

Ignore what is down below.

Well, well, well, another dream in a series of dreams.
I was sorting out some threesomes before I drop to sleep.
In fact, I was up all night sorting out my “got to do” work and dropped to sleep briefly.
I was
It was related an ankle injury.
Somebody known to me (cannot remember who) had a fall or had a vehicle tire run over his / her foot, came to me for treatment.
Here, I practice, RICE treatment.

COMPRESIION with Crepe Bandage
and ask them to come to casualty after 24 hours for REVIEW.
In an unfamiliar or previously unknown case, I take a X-RAY for comparison with the Review X-Ray done after 24 hours.
X-ray is done to rule out bony injuries.
Main injury is lateral ligament injury (consist of three associated ligaments, one in front, one in the middle and one behind).
Bony injuries heel without much a do, since all the bone are stabilized in a 90 degree plane but ligament injuries do cause serious instability (it takes all the body weight) of the ankle joint.
Second X-ray is done to see avulsion of the ligament (gives the severity) which shows as little calcification not immediately but after about 24 hours.
Bony injuries separated are shown in the initial X-rays and boy injuries due to compression are also visible as line after 24 to 48 hours.
It does not mater it is soft tissue or bony injury, since the treatment is both the same below knee plaster cast.
But bony injury the time removal is late and soft tissue injuries physiotherapy is more vigorous.
In any case plaster cast is removed and reapplied once the swelling is at a minimum.
For some unknown reason, in my dream, the standard treatment was interfered with and some altercation with the staff (not me, probably the radiographer was) followed.
Either, I did not order an X-ray (this is one of my cost saving exercises, even when working abroad-mildest form injury get after 24 hour X-ray-for the above exclusion purposes not conclusion of more severe injury) or the VIP guy demanded one immediately and the radiographer refused without a doctors request form, which is the norm.
With this common I was woken up.
I went back to sleep immediately and the dream continuum did not follow.
Since, I knew there was a second part to the dream and there was some indication or some form heralding of, that the guy/girl was a big shot with political connection, I needed to send this to Maha.
In any case, I had to work hard to remember even this part dream (after 12 hours) that is perfectly normal for me.
I wanted to pen it down before dropping to sleep again but deferred to test my own ability to remember later today.
I may have said, do a brain scan as a precaution knowing very well the political and volatile nature and to inflame it bit more like biting a player in mid air in football.
I would have added, give a date six much into future and if he wants it as an emergency cost him three times (this a standard private practice in Sri-Lanka taking into consideration money market and supply) the normal.
This is an easy way out with politician since they have a very short term memory of all the promises they made, before coming into power.
Unfortunately voters have very, very short memory, shorter that their powerful counterparts.
It is past midnight my peak performance our without any worldly interference with my dog under my bed and mosquitoes hovering for a landing and striking site, just like the Russian aid convoy in Ukraine
Below is a few lines one should know about ankle injury, in retrospect.
How do the ankle ligaments get injured?
Most ankle ligament injuries are caused when the foot twists inwards. All of the body's weight is then placed on the lateral ankle ligaments. The anterior and middle fibers of the ankle stretch or tear a in sprain or strain of the ankle. Occasionally small pieces of bone may be torn off with the ligaments.
In a few cases, a twisting force on the ankle may cause other damage. The bones around the ankle may be broken, a piece of the cartilage lining the ankle may be chipped off, ligaments connecting other bones in the foot may be sprained or torn, or the tendons around the ankle may be damaged.
Some of my threesomes for today are
Destruction, retaliation and emotion (BBS)
Bold, creative and innovative (Linux).

Preview NOW and interpretation and rating later.
These X-Files with interpretation will come with a difference.
I am developing a search engine to rate them from 0 to 5, like the Stupidity Index.
In relating to relevance to current political climate, whether they are astute or not, ambiance, downright outrageous, the like.
Rating 4 to 5 will be in the blog site and rating 0 to three will be in a digital book form soon.
So you have to bear with me till I reveal the Maha's interpretation for a future date.
This I believe, this will revisiting guest to my site and my own EGO by having more than 100 his a day.
The font will be on blue when the interpretation is activated.


Now you have the updated version with the interpretation from Maha, the Great.
Just another short dream.
I was woken up but could not go back to it as a continuum.
The second half was stopped due to its inherent danger, I believe.
This one is for Maha Brahma's interpretation.
Kites was my childhood love.
This dream is related to a kite.
Not of usual nature.
I was walking along a footpath that divides a big paddy field into two, quite casually.
Aimless and nothing in my hand.
In the middle of the footpath, somebody threw a kite at me and I gladly grabbed it in both hands.
There was nice gentle breeze and my kite was airborne instantaneously.
There were several other kites high above the sky.
My gifted miracle kite went up and went around the robes/threads with my nylon robe with a single big Kurian (the turn it takes when the kite is not properly balanced in its construction or it dressing with oil paper and frills) and came up encircling all the other kites.
I mean the leashes or ties holding them in hand.
The knot it created in air strangled all the other kites (of their leading leashes) and threatening to break them away free.
I loosened my grip on the leash / lead but woke up immediately with my heart thumping.
This had some instinctive stint of political nature and was a good one to interpret by Maha the Great.
Besides, I missed the second part of the dream by Maha's interference.
So as to say.
Instant email and instant video chat with Maha was warranted.
Maha was quick to respond to our video chat.
You were alarmed.
Didn’t you?
I never would do such a thing as a kid.
How can I do that in my dream state.
Well, you use your safety catch and control when you are dreaming.
That is the beauty of dreams.
That is why like them.
I love your futuristic interpretation.
Mutually beneficial.
Aren’t they?
Was there a second part?
It got to be nasty.
What happened?
Who was the guy who threw the kite at me?
Let me tell you the second part to begin with.
As you expected with the tangle your kite made one by one all the kites lost the contact with the owner.
It was not my kite.
Let me finish.
When the last kite was unleashed, the hell broke.
There was a big brawl.
Everybody who was somebody vent the anger on you.
You were profusely bleeding from your nose.
Just like English cricketer Stuart Brood.
That is why, I stopped the dream in mid flight.
Who was the guy who threw the kite at me.
He was one of the presidential advisers.
Elementary, Sir.
That is what they do.
They give ropes not flying kites to the President you know.
But who were the guys flying kites.
They were the presidential aspirants.
Were there Buddhist monks.
That is the very reason the brawl took place, in any case.
Anywhere there is a Buddhist monk there is hot pursuit.
This include Myanmar.
What happened to you.
You escaped unscathed.
Why did you stop the dream.
There was a problem.
You were a doctor by profession.
You had to attend to all.
Were there any from the power keg.
You were the only zombie representative.
That is why you were unscathed
They party that made you into the scene had a covert operation to protect you.
The idea was to make maximum damage to all the parties except those in power.
That is not anything new.
But this is election time, know.
When opposition in disarray it is plain sailing, know.
So if you started attending to a monk, one will label you as BBS guy and attack, you.
If you help a UNP guy on treatment, you will be labeled capitalist.
If you help JVP, you will be labeled unpatriotic.
If you help any other you will be labeled NGO guy.
So, you were in a dilemma, trilemma and quadrilemma.
So, even though you escape unscathed at the beginning you would die of a brain split.
That is why, I stopped the dream.
Is it futuristic?
YES, of course.
Let me guess?
It will be not so long in the future.
May be 100 years?
In a matter of “regime change of your time.
Is that so.
Let me here it the without any more interruptions or queries.

In not so distant future everything will be digital.
Most of the political campaigns will be RUN “on cloud computing” with Mega Servers programmed to run regime with eternity with feedback from the voters to the nanoseconds.
So the politicians in do not have waste going for funerals, wedding and all godforsaken functions.
Only guys and girls or aspirants in power have to toil but with minimum of success.
No computer gimmicks, too.
This is how it works.
They design a digital front called, front or end users, the average voter without any qualitative increase in living standards but hitched fro head to toe to social media for entertainment and cooked u information to suit temporally.
The front end is like the bottom end of a broomstick made of coir fiber.
It is flat with narrow posterior end but outlandishly broad to take all the visible colours of the rainbow.
Just like the rainbow coalition of yesteryear South Africa.
There is bit of a difference to the broomstick.
It is a warn out broomstick with coir fibers missing in places and in those places there are sticks of various lengths attached with a flag of colour depending on the party colour.
The size and length of the stick and flag is proportionate to the popularity of the party, especially if it of the opposition.
The display and the movement is monitored by a “blow hot blow cold” win generator attached to the rear end of the broomstick like gadget.
Let us call this wind machine, the whirlwind, whistle blower, wikileaks or any name that comes to your mind.
It constantly changes according to the voter behavior and his likes and dislikes.
So with this political wind machine all the votes are blindfolded or camouflaged and made happy.
The real power keg is well behind and hidden from public view but attached to the broomstick with large number of wires to another political console which is 100G compatible (new technology) fast encrypted wifi connection.
The power it may has full control of the wifi system and the opposition cannot think of having access to this virtual console for eons and is automated to reject any connection to opposition politicians, opposing the omnipotent universal power keg at the helm or hell (for democracy).
They will be in power for eternity.
There one difference, they do not have to abide by common law.
The common law applies to those in front of party flags of digital broomstick in operation.
They will be dealt with digital broomstick attacks until their brains get numb or they forget the claim or appeal they made to the almighty political bosses.
What happen to the presidential advisers.
They are the first kind to disappear or get numb by the digital broomstick attack.
Will I live to see this scenario.
No you are long gone and your, grandchildren will be affected.
In that case I should not have grandchildren at all.
Is that all.
See with your next dream and I will be at your service.
He disappeared in a flash.

Ignore this  part will YOU

Just another short dream.
I was woken up but could not go back to it as a continuum.
The second half was stopped due to its inherent danger.
This one is for Maha Brahma's interpretation.
Kites was my childhood love.
This is related to a kite.
Not of usual nature.
I was walking along a footpath that divides a big paddy field into two, quite casually.
Aimless and nothing in my hand.
In the middle of the footpath, somebody threw a kite at me and I gladly grabbed it in both hand.
There was nice gentle breeze and my kite was airborne instantaneously.
There were several other kites high above the sky.
My gifted miracle kite went up and went around the robes/threads with my nylon robe with a single big Kurian (the turn it takes when the kite is not properly balanced in its construction or it dressing with oil paper) and came up encircling all the other kites.
The knot it created in air strangled all the other kites (of their leading leashes) and threatening to break them away free.
I loosened my grip on the leash / lead but woke up immediately with my heart thumping.
This had some instinctively stint of political nature and was a good one to interpret by Maha the Great.
Besides, I missed the second part of the dream by Maha's interference.
So as to say.
Instant email and instant video chat with Maha was warranted.

Preview NOW and interpretation and rating later.
These X-Files with interpretation will come with a difference.
I am developing a search engine to rate them from 0 to 5, like the Stupidity Index.
In relating to relevance to current political climate, whether they are astute or not, ambiance, downright outrageous, the like.
Rating 4 to 5 will be in the blog site and rating 0 to three will be in a digital book form soon.
So you have to bear with me till I reveal the Maha's interpretation for a future date.
This I believe, this will revisiting guest to my site and my own EGO by having more than 100 his a day.
The font will be on blue when the interpretation is activated.