My Linux History from 1999 to 2024
This piece is an antidote to some Linux Guys on YouTube ranting their prowess on a Virtual Box Terminal.
While the developers have been working hard, I was working hard testing their products and was actually using them for productive work while having a busy medical career also teaching undergraduate students.
I could not convert any of my students to Linux but I never coerced anybody but had a healthy laugh at Window users.
They are imprisoned and in Apple terms Jail Breakers.
Even though I started with Caldera Linux and moved to Knoppix 3.7 to Knoppix 7.1, my workhorse was Mandriva which became Mageia.
I think I started with Debian 6 but moved to Debian 11 in 2021, one year after Corona Virus pandemic.
I was down with Mortal ill effects of the Vaccine (wrote a book on Corona Virus the moment, I recovered from the clinical episode, this Fousi Guy almost killed me) and fortunately 2020 was the rest year for Debian and did not miss much.
Ever since, I had been involved with Debian Gnome.
Having said that, I had a brief encounter with Solaris and they in fact send me a DVD free.
I had a brief encounter with Free BSD (not PC BSD) when the Microsoft Boot record did not let me erase its BIOS record to install Linux.
If I remember right, I erased Microsoft proprietary hold (after all I bought it, and it is my property not Microsoft's) it through Internet using Live Free BSD session to connect to the Internet.
Thank YOU Free BSD.
The Laptop has Endless installed in it now.
This is copied from a French article and French do not use capital letters in the middle of a document. I would correct them one word at a time.
I could never had the opportunity to try Mandrake Gold Edition.
I was never involved in Ubuntu but I had all its versions from 6.1 (Given free by Mark Shuttleworh with thank YOU).
You should understand why have over 400 CD/DVDs in my possession.
My Linux History from 1999 t0 2024
Linux kernel 2.0.36 / 2.2.6 / 2.2.11 / 2.2.12 / 2.2.13
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Mandrake Linux 5.3 (CD)
sha256sum Linux 2.0.36 (Release 5 February 1999)
FreeBSD 3.1 (CD)
sha256sum (Release 15 February 1999)
Red Hat 5.2 (CD)
French edition sha256sum Linux 2.0.36 (Release 3 may 1999)
Slackware 4.0 install CD live CD internet archives sha256sum Linux 2.2.6 (Release 17 may)
BeOS 4.5 (CD) sha256sum (Release June 1999)
Mandrake Linux 6.1 Gold Pack CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 sha256sum System requirements:i586 - 32MB memory Linux 2.2.13 (Release 17 September 1999)
Demo Linux 1.1 for Mandrake 6.1 (my first entry)
(CD) sha256sum Linux 2.2.11 (Release 4 November 1999)
Corel Linux OS 1.0 (my first entry)
(CD) sha256sum Linux 2.2.12 (Release 15 November 1999)
Debian 2.1 r4 CD2
source CD1 source CD2 sha256sum System requirements:i386 Linux 2.0.36 (Release 15 December 1999)
Linux kernel 2.2.12 / 2.2.14 / 2.2.19
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Mandrake Linux 7.0 Gold Pack CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 sha256sum System requirements:i586 - 32MB memory Linux 2.2.14 (Release 27 January 2000)
BeOS 5.0 demo (CD) sha256sum (Release march 2000)
Red Hat 6.2 (CD) sha256sum Linux 2.2.14 (Release 3 April 2000)
Corel Linux OS 1.1 (CD) sha256sum Linux 2.2.12 (Release 11 may 2000)
Debian 2.2 r0 CD2 CD3 CD4 sha256sum System requirements:i386 Linux 2.2.19 (Release 15 august 2000)
FreeBSD 4.2 (CD) sha256sum (Release 21 November 2000)
Linux kernel 2.2.19 / 2.4.2 / 2.4.3
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Red Hat 7.1 (CD)-(my first entry)
Publisher's Edition CD ROM
sha256sum Linux 2.4.2 (Release 16 April 2001)
Mandrake Linux 8.0 (CD) sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.4.3 (Release 19 April 2001)
Caldera Open Linux 3.1 Workstation CD (my first entry)
source CD unsupported software CD solutions showcase sha256sum Linux 2.4.2 (Release 30 may 2001)
Caldera Open Linux 3.1 Server CD source CD Volume CD software maintenance program sha256sum Linux 2.4.2 (Release 30 may 2001)
Slackware 8.0 install CD2 live CD3 source CD4 extra sha256sum Linux 2.2.19 (Release 1 July 2001)
Linux kernel 2.4.18 / 2.4.19
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Solaris 8 Update 7
(Solaris 8 2/02) CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 sha256sum (Release February 2002, end of life march 2012 with Oracle Extended Support)
Mandrake Linux 9.0 Power Pack
CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.4.19 (Release 25 September 2002)
Red Hat 8.0 CD2 CD3 (my early entry)
sha256sum Linux 2.4.18 (Release 30 September 2002)
Linux kernel 2.4.19 / 2.4.20 / 2.4.21
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Slackware 9.0 CD2 CD3 CD4 sha256sum Linux 2.4.20 (Release 19 March 2003, end of life 1 august 2012)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 ES CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 CD8 CD9
sha256sum Linux 2.4.21 (Release 22 October 2003, end of life 31 October 2010)
Fedora 1 CD2 CD3 (my early entry)
sha256sum Linux 2.4.19 (Release 5 November 2003, end of life 20 September 2004)
There is a story behind the 3 Fedora CDs. I got 2 of the 3 CDs from a monk in Sarana road and he did not give me the third.
I quickly realized he was a homosexual monk and did not see him again but found the 3rd CD from other source (probably got it from Singapore through, one of my agents in Colombo, Ceylon)
Linux kernel 2.4.27 / 2.6.3 / 2.6.8 / 2.6.9
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Mandrake Linux 10.0
Extra Pack CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.3 (Release 4 March 2004)
Knoppix 3.7 (CD) (I found this too)
sha256sum Linux 2.4.27 (Release 16 August 2004)
Ubuntu 4.10 Install (CD)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.8 (Release 26 October 2004, end of life 26 April 2006)
Ubuntu 4.10 Live CD (CD) sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.8 (Release 26 October 2004, end of life 26 April 2006)
Fedora 3 (DVD)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.9 (Release 8 November 2004, end of life 16 January 2006)
Linux kernel 2.2.20 / 2.4.6 / 2.4.27 / 2.6.8 / 2.6.9 / 2.6.10 / 2.6.11 / 2.6.12
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
CentOS 4.0 CD2 CD3 CD4 sha256sum Linux 2.6.9 (Release 9 March 2005, end of life 29 February 2012)
Debian 3.0 r6 DVD
non-us sha256sum System requirements:i386 Linux 2.2.20 + Linux 2.4.6 (Release 2 June 2005)
Ubuntu 5.04 Install (CD)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.10 (Release 8 April 2005, end of life 8 October 2006)
Ubuntu 5.04 Live CD (CD)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.10 (Release 8 April 2005, end of life 8 October 2006)
Kubuntu 5.04 (DVD) sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.10 (Release 8 april 2005, end of life 8 October 2006)
Mandriva 2005 Power Pack (DVD) sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.11 (Release 13 April 2005)
Debian 3.1 r0 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 CD8 CD9 CD10 CD11 CD12 CD13 CD14
sha256sum System requirements:i486 - 64MB memory Linux 2.4.27 + Linux 2.6.8 (Release 6 June 2005, end of life 30 March 2008)
Solaris 9 Update 8
(Solaris 9 9/05) (DVD)
sha256sum (Release 27 September 2005, end of life October 2014 with Oracle Extended Support)
Mandriva Free 2006.0 DVD2 DVD3
sha256sum System requirements:i586 - 32MB memory Linux 2.6.12 (Release 14 November 2005)
Mandriva One 2006.0 (CD)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 - 32MB memory Linux 2.6.12 (Release 14 November 2005)
64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system
CentOS 4.0 CD2 CD3 CD4 sha256sum Linux 2.6.9 (Release 9 March 2005, end of life 29 February 2012)
Ubuntu 5.04 Install (CD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.10 (Release 8 April 2005, end of life 8 October 2006)
Ubuntu 5.04 Live CD (CD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.10 (Release 8 April 2005, end of life 8 October 2006
Kubuntu 5.04 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.10 (Release 8 April 2005, end of life 8 October 2006)
Mandriva 2005 Power Pack (DVD) (I think I managed to find this DVD)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.11 (Release 13 April 2005)
Linux kernel 2.4.33 / 2.6.15 / 2.6.17 / 2.6.18 / 2.6.19
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Ubuntu 6.06 L.T.S (DVD)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.15 (Release 1er June 2006, end of life 14 July 2009)
Ubuntu Server 6.06 L.T.S (CD)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.15 (Release 1er June 2006, end of life 1er June 2011)
Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (DVD) sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.15 (Release 1er June 2006, end of life 14 July 2009)
Slackware 11.0 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 2.4.33 + Linux 2.6.17 (Release 2 October 2006, end of life 1 August 2012)
Mandriva One KDE 2007
sha256sum System requirements:i586 - 256MB memory Linux 2.6.17 (Release 3 October 2006)
Mandriva One Gnome 2007
CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 sha256sum System requirements:i586 - 256MB memory Linux 2.6.17 (Release 3 October 2006)
Fedora 6 (DVD)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.18 (Release 24 October 2006, end of life 7 December 2007)
Knoppix 5.1 (CD)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.19 (Release 30 December 2006)
64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system
FreeBSD 6.1 (CD)
sha256sum (Release 8 may 2016)
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.15 (Release 1st June 2006, end of life 14 July 2009)
Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS (CD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.15 (Release 1st June 2006, end of life 1st June 2011)
Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (DVD)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.15 (Release 1st June 2006, end of life 14 July 2009)
Fast forward to Debian 6 in 2011 and Mandriva ended and Mageia started.
Debian started with both 32 bit and 64 bit versions.
Linux kernel 2.6.32 / 2.6.38
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Debian 6.0.0 (my entry into Debian Domain)
sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.32 (Release 6 February 2011)
PC BSD 8.2 (DVD)
sha256sum Based on FreeBSD 8.2 (Release 21 February 2011)
Mageia 1 (DVD)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.38 (Release 1 June 2011, end of life 1 December 2012)
Doudou Linux 1.0 (CD) ( I have tried this CD for children)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.32 (Release 15 June 2011)
Haiku (BeOS) R1/Alpha 3 (CD) sha256sum (Release 18 June 2011)
CentOS 6.0 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.32 (Release 10 July 2011, end of life 30 November 2020)
Mandriva 2011 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 2.6.38 (Release 27 August 2011, end of life August 2014)
64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system
Debian 6.0.0
DVD 2 DVD 3 DVD 4 DVD 5 DVD 6 DVD 7 DVD 8 sha256sum System requirements:i586 Linux 2.6.32 (Release 6 February 2011)
PC BSD 8.2 (DVD)
sha256sum Based on FreeBSD 8.2 (Release 21 February 2011)
Mageia 1 (DVD) (I tried this but was never impressed)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.38 (Release 1 June 2011, end of life 1 December 2012)
CentOS 6.0 DVD2 sha256sum Linux 2.6.32 (Release 10 July 2011, end of life 30 November 2020)
Mandriva 2011 (DVD) (I have tried this)
sha256sum Linux 2.6.38 (Release 27 August 2011, end of life August 2014)
Linux kernel 3.2 / 3.3 / 3.4
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
FreeBSD 9.0 (DVD)
sha256sum (Release 10 January 2012, end of life 31 March 2013)
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (CD) sha256sum System requirements:i686 Linux 3.2 (Release 26 April 2012, end of life April 2017)
Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (CD) sha256sum System requirements:i686 Linux 3.2 (Release 26 April 2012, end of life April 2017)
Kubuntu 12.04 LTS (DVD) sha256sum System requirements:i686 Linux 3.2 (Release 26 April 2012, end of life April 2017)
Xubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (CD) sha256sum System requirements:i686 Linux 3.2 (Release 26 April 2012, end of life April 2017)
Lubuntu 12.04 LTS (CD) sha256sum System requirements:i686 Linux 3.2 (Release 26 April 2012, end of life April 2017)
Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 3.2 (Release 23 May 2012, end of life April 2017)
Linux Mint 13 MATE LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 3.2 (Release 23 May 2012, end of life April 2017)
Fedora 17 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 3.3 (Release 29 May 2012, end of life 30 July 2013)
Fedora 17 live (CD) sha256sum Linux 3.3 (Release 29 May 2012, end of life 30 July 2013)
Knoppix 7.0.3 (CD) (I have tried this)
sha256sum Linux 3.4 (Release 1 July 2012)
Slackware 14.0 (DVD) (I have this but never tried it)
sha256sum Linux 3.2 (Release 28 September 2012)
Haiku (BeOS) R1/Alpha 4.1 (CD) sha256sum (Release 14 November 2012)
Linux kernel 4.18 / 4.19 / 5.1
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Mageia 7.0 (DVD)
sha256sum Linux 5.1 (Release 1 July 2019, end of life 26 May 2021)
Debian 10.0
DVD 2 DVD 3 sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live Gnome (DVD) (I may have tried this but cannot remember)
sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live Xfce (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live LXDE (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live LXQt (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system
Mageia 7.0 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.1 (Release 1 July 2019, end of life 26 May 2021)
Debian 10.0 DVD 2 DVD 3 sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live Gnome (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live Xfce (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live LXDE (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
Debian 10.0 live LXQt (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.19 (Release 6 July 2019)
CentOS 8.0 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 4.18 (Release 24 September 2019, end of life 31 May 2029)
2020-Corana Virus pandemic-
I was down by the Vaccine and not the Virus.
Linux kernel 5.4 LTS / 5.6
32-bits PC (Intel x86) operating system
Haiku (BeOS) R1/beta 2 (DVD) sha256sum (Release 9 June 2020)
64-bits PC (AMD64) operating system
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 23 April 2020, end of life April 2025)
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 23 April 2020, end of life April 2025)
Kubuntu 20.04 LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 23 April 2020, end of life April 2025)
Xubuntu 20.04 LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 23 April 2020, end of life April 2025)
Lubuntu 20.04 LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 23 April 2020, end of life April 2025)
Fedora Workstation 32 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.6 (Release 28 April 2020, end of life 2021)
Fedora Server 32 (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.6 (Release 28 April 2020, end of life 2021)
Haiku (BeOS) R1/beta 2 (DVD) sha256sum (Release 9 June 2020)
Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 27 June 2020, end of life April 2025)
Linux Mint 20 MATE LTS (DVD) sha256sum Linux 5.4 (Release 27 June 2020, end of life April 2025)
2021 to this day
Debian 11 (It is one of my instances of 4 Debian installed) and Debian 12 of 3 instances in current use in my NUC.
Now I have MX Linux, 25.3-Netrunner and two Debian instances.