Friday, June 30, 2023

Insight Wisdom

There are a few words in Pali which have no English equivalents.

1. Vipassana

2. Vidhasshana

3. Mudhita

4. Upekka

Let me bring three philosophical tenets.

1. Good

2. Bad

3. Neither good nor bad

A given notion can be categorized or simplified into, these three language basics. 

The task of a philosopher is not to assemble new words but to give relatively fluid meaning as in fundamental of physics.

Take the word "God".

A simple philosopher does not take a firm stand on the Notion of God but he says the concept of God is neither good nor bad.

He is not sitting on the fence but gives a non committing sense to the word God. 

In the case of an ordinary man or woman the term God has absolute meaning and he substantiate its presence by modelling it in the mind first and later in figurines. 

It takes an art form over time. 

None of them has seen the god in real time and space but the statistical odds against it's presence in his or her mind is never evaluated.

Dogma is born out of nothing substantial. 

I see this as the basic problem of mankind for time immemorial.

The propagation thereafter is infinite. 

There is no problem with the existence of man. 

For that matter even alien beings.

He is supposed to have a clear mind. 

I doubt the man ever had a clear mind. 

His mind was ever clouded or was never visited in depth.

He had only the fear. 

Fear of water and floods.

Fear of fire and burning.

Fear of wind, rain and lightening

Fear of loss.

Fear of death.

Fear of war.

Fear of destruction.

Fear of hunger.

Fear of pain.

The list goes on.

He does not figure out, all these are in the mind in time and space.

He is preoccupied.

He does not have time to ponder or reflect that all these are mind born.

So he is allude to the subllime.

Upekka are out of the reach of his or her mind.

What is Vissuddhi?

It is what one sees with the naked eye.

It  may be a thing or colour of the thing.
It may be pleasurable or not pleasurable or without emotion attached and neutral.

All these are mind born feelings and nothing substantial present, at the mind door.

But he still, wants to retain all those mind born objects are as real and substantial.

Mind is not free even for a moment but flips from, one moment to another, like a stream not remaining still.

The mind stream flows.

No course correction at all.

What one needs is to still the mind of all mind objects and emotions, just for a fraction of a second.

If this is done for a sufficient length of time and over long period of time, mind begins not to respond for a fraction of a second to begin with.

That is the entry point.

Then the mind becomes open to its own analysis.

Another mind can never see this moment of reflection.

The subject and object are the same!

This analysis brings the mind to Viddhasshana.

Nothing real.
Nothing substantial.
Nothing permanent but empty phenomena.

This reflection of mind is a joy by itself.the moment one enters this domain.

This joy itself which is natural may be a hindrance to the next higher domain.

That is Upekka the highest level.

The sublime state ot mind.

It is very difficult to achieve.

But this is within our reach.

That is the wisdom door of insight.

Racism is the base of Zero Civilization

Racism is the base  of Zero Civilization
I would highlight some key points since my old Nokia RAM is low.

Epic example of Racism is Enoch Powell.
Do not confuse him with Baden Powell.

1. Democracy started in 1918.
It is only 105 years old.

2. First batch of Caribbeans  came to UK in 1968 (of only a boatload of 462 immigrants).

I entered University.

Africans despise Caribbeans because they were brought to Caribbeans as slaves for sugar plantation.
Caribbeans are good cricketers of fame.
I want them to be successful in cricket world cup preliminaries.

Africans are Tribal in nature.
They fight among tribes.
I am regarding here to Nigerians.
Ugandans are the most racist. The expelled Asians from Uganda.
I did my elective with one of those Asian Ugandan.
Point here is black skinned people also have discrimination traits of their own, not only whites.

While Zambians weathered this trend but Rhodesians exacerbated  black and white segregation.

They forget we are one species.

3. River of blood speech and call for eviction of immigrants.

I heard it in full in Ceylon may be in,1980s (not in UK).

4. Expulsion by Ted Heath of EP from shadow cabinet.

5. EP's death in 1998.

Racism, homosexuality and violence are integral part of this personality trait. I am not sure it is sex linked at all.

Bertram Russel is a complete gentleman lived during two world wars and he did not support segregation or violence.
He was in fact, sent to prison for opposing American's Vietnam War.

7. The difference of White and African race is the deficiency of one enzyme in whites that prevent aggregation of melanin pigmentation.
The pimemt melanin is dispersed in whites.
After 1968 edition the textbook of medicine by Harrison's deleted this chapter.

Thankfully I kept a note of this scientific paper.

8. Now British protestants  hate Irish.
Both white skinned and an anomaly.

9. These aberrant traits love war.

They are the ones who volunteer as mercenaries to fight Russians in Ukraine.

10. Russians are white skinned but have the right to protect their motherland from Biden's necon jim band.
11. These are the traits of Zero Civilization.

12. Only once we shed war and sex difference we can enter the higher Civilization 1.

My guess is Civilization 1 has no sex differentiation and breed by binary division.

Sex variation in our evolution may have muted our spiritual progress of non violence, integration and harmony.

13. Lord Buddha attempted to teach this upward progress as one species but our monks are ordinated by cast.
True Buddhists believe in that we are one species and discrimination is a taboo.

Cast which Ceylonese Buddhist monks practice violates Buddha's Teaching.

14. Our civilization is doomed to extinction by nuclear accident.

That is what I wish should not happen.

15. We have nuclear arsenal of 15,000 far in excess to destroy 13,500 cities on this planet.

MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction.