For example people are made to believe that we need to drink ample amount of water.
Our body is 98% water but it is not pure water. It has mixture of soluble salts, Sodium, Potassium and chloride. Life began in salt water and we have not lost that connection after millions of years of existence.
Animals tend to protect water and the kidney is the major organ that does it.
Rats in the desert have kidneys which can protect them from dehydration.
Pure water is absorbed only in the rectum.
Oesphagus cannot absorb water. It has a squamous epithelium which repel water.
We cannot live 3 days without water.
Both water intoxication and water deficit are fatal.
Cholera can kill us in 8 hours and the replacement is not water but an electrolyte solution that has sodium, potassium and chloride in correct proportions.
Saline infusion stabilize the circulation and blood pressure but best way to rehydrate is oral electrolyte solution.
American soldiers in Vietnam War survived on coconut water that has the proper electrolyte balance albeit an excess of potassium. Potassium excess can kill.
Other factor we need in our survival is oxygen. It is used in oxidative phosphorylation pathway of our energy metabolism.
At Himalayas and in deep water we cannot survive except for a few minutes without pressurized suits.
We are one gravity people and nothing more or nothing less.
Emerging from under water or from zero gravity in space we need gradual compression and decompression to maintain our blood oxygen (in equilibrium or homeostasis).
Any extreme of pressure, temperature and poor hydration can kill us in a few minutes.
Lot of astronauts (both Russian and American) have died in space unknown to us during test flights.
This is after many years of training.
We have to penetrate Van Allan Radiation belt on our way to the moon. How our astronauts penetrated this Killer Zone is a mystery.
We did not have powerful rockets in mid 1960s. Presdent Kennedy had pay by his own life, asking scientists to do the unthinkable in that era. They were more interested in developing weapons of mass destruction.
Instead of looking for stars in the Apollo photographs ask the above physiological questions and obtain proper answers.
Why America could not reproduce the technology they produced in 1960 and 1970?
How did they lose them?
Like the High Priests in the Church lying about mythological gods scientists also can lie and bully us for their own survival and monetary gains.
That is the truth and irony.