Friday, February 28, 2025

Snippets of Betrayal of Buddhism

 Snippets of Betrayal of Buddhism 

USA and India Combo, The CIA and RAW are directly involved in this sinister project.

The current government is the culmination of their Project.

They tried the CIA method (infiltrate the Sasana) and failed and now using the 
"Niragamika Theme" (No religion) of the current PM / President Combo.

"Jayamangaka Gatha" was banned in the parliament BUT the full Curse of Christmas Thamasha was dished out.

Jayamangaka Gatha is for the blessing of the Entire World not only Ceylon.

War of Ukraine is an antithesis to Dhamma.

Karaneeya Metta Sutta is the first Sutta one should recite.

If you are Buddhist and over 50 years, You should become a Vegetarian Buddhist which I call the Eggotarians (unfertilized egg) clan of Buddhists.
If you do that one can say that one is a True Buddhist.

Monks should go for "Vegetarian Dhana".

That is only the beginning to stop this subtle betrayal
There is one Heart Specialist in Colombo who had a full "Vegetarian Wedding" for his daughter. 
Forget his name. 
He came after Walupillai.

1. In Kandy opposite the BPS they made a Missionary Hospital to promote Christianity
This was near a Buddhist Girl's School.

I was taken there as a kid. 
As a kid I could feel that the doctors there were poorly trained. 
On my retirement, one of my Catholic friends wanted me to raise it's standards but I gave up after one week.

There main aim is to promote Christianity through Medical Practice.

They have NO belief in medicine they dispense.

2. Number two is to enter Sasana and introduce moles.

Kiribathgoda Baththara Mulla is number 1.

Number two is the homosexual Mahamewna saffron Guy

Antidote is Do Not donate money to these guys.

Let the Catholic Church to fund them.

3. Translate Pali Verses into Sinhala and distort the contents and the meaning.

Antidote is to read Dhammapda.
The Dhammpada is out of production. 
Donate some money to BPS to print new copies.
I bought all of them and posted to my so called friends in Ceylon.

Just grasp one or two verses that suits one's heart's content.

4. Dalada Wadena Nilame is the most corrupt Guy.
Do not get caught to this Exposition Dalada to hoodwink the Buddhist in entirety.
I think it would do the opposite.
It would unite the Misguided Buddhists with the Guided Buddhists.
There was a branch of BPS at the rear side of the Maligawa, before he became the big guy.
First thing he did was to close this print outlet of BPS.

I made a vow not to visit Maligawa until he is eliminated from this post.

5. Meditation has become a business.
There is a book by me coming soon.

Dr. Steven Greer is in this game.

6. I am ambivalent of Weask Celebrations.

As a kid I can remember one of my less bright uncles made a Wesak Lantern with Baby Lanterns.
We could not take it out intact from the main door. 
We had to separate them and hang them in different locations.
For me, it was an experiment in physics.

Do not be a megalomaniac.

A few buckets and a few coconut oil lamps would do during Wesak.

"Olu Bukko Wigadama" should be stopped.

The buckets will burn showing the "Uncertainty Principle" of Buddhism.

Oils would burn out but the light of Dhamma shines

7. Wearing a Cross is Christian but do not wear any symbol of Dhamma.

Dhamm is for your Brain.

Digest the meaning.

There are many other distortion and vagaries.

Be mindful of every action

I hope you become a down to earth Dhamma Guy.

Be very simple and transparent.

Non interventional to begin with.

Politics of CIA and RAW are always interventional.

They got a good ally.

That is NPP/JVP Combo.


The Dream-Devil Woman

The Dream-Devil Woman
I was on my way to a village in a very remote place. I came across a steep hill on the other side which appeared to be a cliff. The foot path up was on the rock which appeared slippery due to rain water dripping down.
On the bottom of the hill there were a few onlookers looking up in amazement to see a young mother climbing the cliff with two children one in each of her arms. In a glance without any hesitation dressed up in footwear not suitable for slippery rock and a heavy James Bond case in hand, I moved up in case,     if the mother needed help, that I could volunteer.
I suppose I wanted play James Bond in this remote village. A very ambitious intent.
In couple of fast steps, I reached up to where the woman has just got the older child barely off the difficult part the hill and was about to push herself up balancing her other child in her hand.
I asked her whether I could help her.
But annoyed, in a loud voice she said NO.
By this time I was balancing on one foot not able to go forward or stop myself slipping down.           I had only one option slip down ungracefully to the loud laughter of the onlookers. I may have dropped my suitcase in an instant too, but woke up with shame.
I was very happy it was a dream.
I immediately sat in front of my computer and emailed it to Maha Brahma, the Greatest of all Gods.
He replied in kind with his new global,                 No Battery Tablet, which is supposed to be bigger than the New Airport in Ceylon.
I thanked him profusely for his support that the inauguration went on smoothly with his divine help.   He said he loves anything airborne, even a weather balloon and Airbus was his high priority for Ceylon.
He also said he would standby with all his might for a few more air planes.
Then I asked him what about the carbon footprint.
Don’t be ridiculous how can a few Airbuses will change the world weather?
That was unexpected not knowing what to say, I retorted, what about the collapse of our economy and debt crisis.
I thought they were play tools like in heaven.
They not cost like a Heavenly Jelly Beans on earth.
It is quite the contrary. Sir.
I am sorry
I did not know that.
I am not an economist and we do not have a treasury or finance minister in heaven, he said.
What about the cash in heaven.
There is no cash here but eternal goodwill.
Is that so?
So rich people will have no chance of buying a ticket to heaven.
Noway, as long as I am the boss.


Did you really dream it?
You were very stupid know.
I was incapacitated Sir.
I came down to my bottom dollar of ego and down to earth instantaneously, Sir.
Well good then.
This interpretation is in three parts.
Will you wait for a while.
Part I
You did not know that woman was devil.
Wana-mohinie has only one child, I am told.
She is worse.
She will destroy your image first.
Then she will destroy your stature.
Thirdly she will eat you up live.
That is why you terminated the dream?
Part II
Any sensible person in this world should not volunteer any help in Ceylon, even in a village and the U.N.O. is not excluded.
If you tried to do that she would drop the child in her hand. The onlookers will kill you and this devil woman would not sweat a bit for her catch.
But this is a Buddhist country know?
How can that happen?
Don’t you know some of the guys supporting Bodu Balawageya are devil’s incarnations?
Those fellows will even represent as lawyers for the devil in defence of their case.
I was dumbfounded.
Part III
The wise decision would have been for you to wait at the bottom till this woman safely crossed over to the other side.
But she would not cross but would linger and the onlookers will choose you to help her.
But none of this happened and she did cross to the other side, you know.
That is because while you slipped down you dropped the bag with dollars.
The onlookers killed each other for the few dollars.
She went to call the other devil guys / girls for the feast.
Maha Brahma disappeared quickly saying ”Devils always win on earth specially in Ceylon”.

Water Lilies

 Posted on June 6, 2015 by asokaplus
Water Lilies
Water Lilies
I am new to water lilies.
It is still in my learning curve.

I brought an expensive water lillie from an open market with the plastic container 2 years ago.

My wife put it an attractive container and pruned it and it died a natural death.
After two years of perseverance I got its yam to sprout a leaf or two.
They disappeared tangled with algae mesh.
I kept on removing the algae and after six months, I managed to get the first flower blooming.

The beauty is that it opens up everyday till the next flower blooms.
Few things I learned over the last three years.

1. They need a lot of sunshine.

2. They are slow to domesticate.

3. If you meddle with them they go into long hibernation.

4. They yams are versatile probably to withstand dry spells hidden in mud.

5. They are vulnerable and sensitive.

This is my worry the vendors at temples (they think it is a commercial item) vandalize them for profit.

Nominal Buddhists now only think of Profits and Image but no conviction in precepts but indulge in Cheap Practice and Politics.
I met only one guy in Colombo who had studied this with conviction.

6. He told me that some varieties spread by seeds.
7. I am trying my best for the last three years to get a new sapling but failed.
8. The latest discovery is I have a lily that is over 15 years old but not yet had flowers.
9. It goes into periodic hibernation but sprouts again.
10 I must confess the love for lilies I acquired from my wife.
11. She brought the first young sapling.
12. Now to the discovery. 
The first sapling is still in the original place but not in good condition (nutritionally deficient).
This has its own history.
The cement tank belongs to my mother in law who used it for mixing herbal medicines.
It is very heavy and I do not know how it was brought to the highest ground level it is stationed now.
It was not moved an inch from its orbit of influence, first from my mother in law and now from gravity.

I twisted her fingers and quietly made it to a fish tank.
My wife managed to get a tiny tortoise and it loved sun bathing on a little rock (it was nursed in one of my fish tanks and when it was gobbling my fish, it was transferred to the cement tank) placed inside the tank.
13. I did not know my father in law hated the tortoise and it disappeared from the tank when we were in Colombo for few days.
I never inquired about it.
The story was it escaped or eaten by crows.
I never believed it but figured out that it was released to the Mahaveli river and died an unnatural death.
It was too tiny to survive in the wild.
It was pity my father in law did not know the biology of it and it was a foreign species made stunted not by design but by (genetic manipulation) inbreeding.
We have eaten all our tortoises as a taste for illicit toddy (Kassipu) and even the Kandy lake has none now.

14. It was blessing in disguise sine they live long and looking after a tiny tortoise was not my choice either.
15. I had to give up fish keeping nearly 15 years to avoid pscine tuberculosis.
16. It took 2 years for me to diagnose it.
Nobody in Ceylon knew it then.
I believe it is endemic in inland fisheries, now which the government is hiding the facts.

17. Coming back to the fish tank, it was all taken over by my wife for the last two years and she had not put any fish in it.
18. The bottom line and the biological fact is that lilies need a lot of nutrition and that has to come from fish Urine.
But I have to feed the fish with high protein fish food for the lilies to bloom.
The this ecology is hard to reproduce in an artificial environment indoors.
That is why we have to protect our Will Pattu from human habitat and encroachment.

Will Pattu means (1000) thousands of little pools of water in the wet land.

Then only we will have tens of thousands of lilies blooming.
We are destroying every inch of our ecosystem in the name of shoddy development and Chinthanaya cronies.

The Golyas making Kassipu are still in evidence in these ‘will patulas’.

Wisdom Browser-Browser Hater

 Posted on February 2, 2013 by asokaplus
Wisdom Browser-Browser Hater

Wisdom Browser-Browser Hater

I am beginning to become a Browser Hater.

Most of the browser are good at eavesdropping at best but worse at preventing cookies with commercial advertisement

I am glad that I use live CDs, light weight Linux distributions and light weight non-intrusive browsers most of the time.

This is not true for many guys and girls using the Internet.

I thought, if I develop a browser these are the qualities, I will focus.

1. W for Wise Browser who is not eavesdropping on your habits.

2. I for individual freedom and the protection of the individual from all the vulnerabilities of the Internet specially Kids.

3. S for Simple. It should be simple to use even to a Kid.

4. D for dependability on all circumstances and should not feed the information to DOD or the State.

5. Oops for originality and ownership.

6. M for minimalism on resources of one’s computer and it should be light weight.

None of the commercial browsers fall into WISDOM category and a few Linux come close to the qualities mentioned above.

With cloud computing in mind Amazon has developed a light weight browser called Silk to use with the Kindle Fire but it seems not to keep up with the promise.

I have some more points especially with kids in mind.

If one types play and game on a browser the search engine with a few clicks will invariable detoured to a pornographic site to lure kids and young ones.

That is how it operates now.

I have few suggestions for a future browser development which parents can use at home and teachers at school

I think only Linux can address this and commercial browsers will never go to that extend.

1. The browser should be linked to a alight weight distribution like Bodhi or Arch (Manjaro).

2. It should have a cloud access (a password and an email address to access) through a minimal browser for the front end.

3. The back end browser should have protocols and priorities.

The user should have the sole access (in this case parent or teacher) of the contents in the private cloud.

The service provider should have a maintenance password of it own but no full access.

In making the children passwords the degree of difficulty in access should depend, on the age of the child and the parent / teacher should be able to monitor it and the content should be appropriate for the stage of development of the child.

That part of the cloud can be made private with all the public clouds reserved for the grown ups.

All this can be achieved with meticulous planning.

The cloud can be used to streamline content and protect our children worldwide.

4. There should be a language element for rare languages and search engines should be developed tailored for these languages and they should be used to bypass major languages.  
Otherwise few languages will dominate the web and language like Pali (original Buddhism was handed down by Pali) will become extinct which is a shame.

5. The front browser should be able to access the particular server end browser in that particular language.

By this method we might be able to preserve these language in pristine form for posterity.

There are lot of missing points and I hope developers will look at this scenario and teachers would provide inputs as the progress in development takes it course

Swift Linux

Posted on June 17, 2011 by asokaplus
Swift Linux
I have no hesitation of recommending Taylor Swift Linux
It has 4 versions. It is about 1,4GB. My only worry is it does not have Abiword but it has synaptic package manager and Gdei Installer.
It is based on Mx Linux. Its installer is bit difficult but it is graphic with instructions to follow. 
I used Mepis Linux to learn  formatting and installing many Linux derivatives in the past.
SimplyMepis has graphical installer and I downloaded two images with some difficulty but they work fine as usual.
It looks like the home site of the Swift Linux has been attacked few days after this comment and I could not download a single file (Image).

This is why I stated that one should host images with linuxtracker as torrent file or ones own site as torrents.

Even Linux tracker was attacked in this modern digital age if one is not careful.

They said they are rising from the ashes of phoenix and and they surely did.

One mad digital guy / girl with corporate backing can do enormous damage while most of the average guys and girls do wonderful things with digital (code and programming) fingers and code soup.

I once thought writing and blogging on Live CD and Linux are a waste of time but now I realize what a load of image building I have done for them without even knowing any one of them.

Keep up the good work.

This world has lot of good guys and only a few bad and ugly guys (I mean both sex).

I am a fan of Mepis and AntiX.

AntiX is lighter weight version of Mepis with lot of packages and works with old computers with low RAM.

I have been looking for weird form of Linux derivatives and came across Swift Linux some time ago.

After about 40 tries (download stream abruptly stops without completing) I managed to get a Diet Linux and Taylor Swift with  music at start up.

This was 0.0.2 version and I gave up because it was only live and no install.

I could not get the other images and then suddenly another version came.

The 0.0.3 but could not  download with similar failure as above.

However my interest did waxed and waned but when I saw Distrowatch including it as a viable option I decided to get the latest version.

It was not there in Distrowatch or Softpedia and typed home of Swift Linux.


Big jump the version is 0.1.1 and I am currently attempting to download.

Their vision and goal are both honorable.

When Microsoft leave you high and dry, one need not throw the computer away or buy new one.

Swift will take over swiftly the vacuum left.

They have included OpenOffice which I have begun to hate now.

Hope they will include LibreOffice in future issues.

Please go and visit their site and I wish them good luck and hope they will leave the image at linuxtracker to prevent my agony of downloading.

I will come back with a honest report if I am successful in downloading it.

State without a Religion, the Faith, Fate and Fanaticism would Fail us

Posted on January 22, 2013 by asokaplus
State without a Religion, the Faith, Fate and Fanaticism would Fail us
These ideas were incubating in me and I let them be stored in my Private Web (not accessible in public domain) site at WordPress BUT having read Dhmmapada in depth I am a changed person now. 

If one need to understand Dhamma pick the Dhammdada and read a few of the verses  that suits YOU.

State without a Religion, the Faith, Fate and Fanaticism would Fail us.

Have you ever thought of a state  without a religion?

Yes it is possible.

In the mind’s world it is quit possible to attain this level of independence, how ever powerful the governing power state may be.

We have been going through this process mentally over very long period, the next stage would be a state (or states) without a religion.

Signs are obvious even in a small state like Sri-Lanka.

Even though,  we have many religions we are functionally a state without a religion.

I won’t elaborate on this any more except stating how justice is being meted out in this state.

Yes, criminals coexist with religious dignitaries in our parliament.

That is not an over statement.

However, theses religious dignitaries are either oblivious to the fact or shamelessly disregard the consequences considering their personal perks in high office.

So the climate is right for a change.

There are already people who belong to rationalistic groups.

I personally do not believe they would contribute statistically significant role.

They belong to a highly intelligent group of people who see that there is conflict in what they perceive as is right and what they see as in practice is wrong.

They try to bring objectivity to this scenario but there is no subjectivity
as far as the growing number of followers are concerned.
This is simply because their approach is an intellectual one of high quality which cannot be sustained at grass root level where the intellectual capacity is limited.

What I am discussing is this average minded majority who become alienated with how religions practice their dogma without adherence to basic tenet of human equality and justice.

For an example if a religion states that one who kills an infidel, he or she goes to heaven is not tenable in modern day of justice and fair play.

It becomes more relevant if the same group does not believe life after death or rebirth.

Even, rebirth is a concept that cannot be validated by substantial evidence.

I am bringing these two extreme examples to bring the spectrum into light in like minded thinkers but not to ignite “
flame wars” as seen in Linux communities.

So with world wide web taking over human communication by the scruff of the neck, an avalanche is ready to befall on mankind.

My writing it here not to say it is right or wrong but to state that it is slowly emerging and we are not ready for it.

We have not got enough philosophers to take the void.

Yes mankind had a few philosophers over 3000 years ago, before the religion emerged as a dominant force.

What I am saying is when the religion falls and fails as a dominant force we have no similar development in sight to cling onto.

Mankind needs something to embrace and cushion over this period.

The world wide web is not the right medium, even though everyone of us is in it already.

I see this as a failure in our education system from preschool to primary school to university.

What will happen is that even the morality outside religious conventions would fail.

All the signs are visible in this small country and we are not ready for its outcome.

Faith, Fate and Fanaticism would Fail us.

Even the very democracy and governance are failing us.

The political systems are failing to see  this predicament and the emerging context.

It is going to bust in some form or other.

Let me dispose the few of the state that practiced without a religion and how they fared.

China comes to my mind first.

Its rigid enforcement of family planning that forced couples to commit infanticide is a case in point.

Economic concerns and poverty took its toll.

Yin and Yang was not practiced in essence

It was same fate in Russia.

It got involved in superpower mentality in the cold war period disregarding the average masses.

It led to corruption and breakdown of the communist empire.

Both these countries concentrated on economy before people and what ever gained did not filter down to the average masses.

But corruption rules the higher echelon.

In the last 50 years they did not institute a system to take over the religion.

They ruling party became the religion and there was no alternative for the ruling party.

The system drags on while embracing open economy in a closed system of administration.

There is no new developments but increasing dissolution among the average person without any outlet to express the inbuilt frustration.

All these are symptoms of a state without a religion

That make people to embrace many personal ideologies and beliefs but won’t make the emergence of new religions or religious leaders.

Not only they dislike the system in place and lose faith in religion too

The system without religion continuous without any alternative strategies and the money becomes the driving force.

It is a communist state with capitalistic mentality.

Now takes a populace country, like India.

It is country with many religions and the division of Pakistan, Bangladesh and India is based not only on land but religion.

It has many problems, the women have no place and female child is an outcast

Equally there is caste system that divides people but fortunately it is not rigidly tagged to the religion but to birth of a person or heritage.

What will take us to the next phase?

That is my question.

This trend will become increasingly visible in the next 30 years which is a generation gap in my scale of predictions.

I will not be there to see it fortunately.

I had a belief that Buddhism will stand to this emerging trend at least in this country.

But my observation is, now that the monks in robes have taken politics as a way of life and survival, it cannot stand on its own ground to the rigors of emerging trends.

At the moment some elements are already arousing the very essence of tolerance that is embedded in its core.

It cannot be compared with Bible War but it is as bad as any hegemony that preceded it


Posted on March 13, 2011 by asokaplus
I do not procrastinate on the old distributions, I have used. 
I did forget when I started with Debian.
I started in year 2000.
Having gone through my old blog pieces it is moast likely from Debian 6 and now I am waiting for the 13th version.

In between World Cup Cricket, my work and students examinations, I found time to install Debian 6.0 KDE CD version, in one of my old IBM computer with 512MB RAM.
Unlike in the good old days new Linux distributions especially the KDE craves on RAM do not ever think of trying it less than 512 RAM and ideally 1 GB is necessary now.
I upgraded to 1GB.
This computer I fiddled with  to add some muscle (but could not find a SCSI hard disk) and it did not boot up (20 GB SCSI and 20 IDE).
I installed latest PCLinux KDE and it took ages to install.
The one thing that gives me headache in hard disk detection
One distribution does not recognize the nomenclature (a becomes b and b becomes a scenario) of the other distribution and only Debian figure out the architecture and the type of disks.

Sure enough, it did a good job of recognizing two other distributions and partition table was edited correctly since Debian was the one I used the last.

In forum there was so much animosity towards this
distribution which follow Free Software principles and for that principle I call it the God Father of Linux (I did not get involved in the flame war).

I now have a special liking for it since for the first time a Sinhala Linux version has come in to being (it can be installed in Sinhala Graphic format) and that is Debian 6.

I went through Sinhala graphic installer and it selected Sri-Lanka as the location, correctly. 
I stopped at that point and installed it in English (my Sinhala computer vocabulary is next to nothing, having brought up in Science and in English) and I could not get Sri-Lanka as a location.
Now Sri-Lanka is reserved for Sinhala only.

This I found strange since we have Tamils and Muslims in this country and many of them do not work in Sinhala.
In defense of the Tamils Linux can be installed in Tamil but then they cannot select Sri-Lanka as a the location.

I decided to use Singapore as the location since Singapore uses English as their language operation.
I think Debian should allow Tamils and English installers the ability to select the location as Colombo.

This can be corrected after installation but this I found annoying to say the least.

It installs the basic (kernel) system and then let you select the installation type that include laptop and desktop.

Unlike PCLinux installation is fast and user and root passwords are selected in the first time round.

I can understand why many were against its installation mode.
It’s partition tool is not in graphic mode and only in writing mode (old habits die hard).
All these irritations are not found in Modern Debian Linux.
The instructions are clearly written for any sane person to follow.
1.Create a partition.
2.Format a partition.
3. Mount a partition with or without boot flag and the job is done.
The procedure has to be repeated for root, home, var and user partition.
There is nothing more to it.

Another point of importance is that it always assume that you are connected to the internet.

Missing packages can be installed with apt get and there are over 60, 000 to select.

Mind you if you do not understand partitioning it does it automatically for you.
Why bother?

Its GRUB automatically select what is to boot and the boot splash is very simple and not graphic intensive.
Because it does things in an organized and simple manner once configured it boots and runs program fast unlike other KDE counterparts, say SuSe.

It has no K3B (one of my favorite CD/ DVD writing tool), or OpenOffice (mind you there is a limit to what can be put in a CD with 700 MB).

All these are simple routines to me which I learned 12 years ago without any Guru but by trial and error.

If you want to learn nuts and bolts of Linux one has to use and learn Debian in its write mode.

Mind you best graphic partition tool is gParted and it is Debian based and it is very reliable and even better than that of Knoppix or Puppy.
Whatever criticism Debian will outlast all its other distributions since its resource base is over 60,000 and may grow up to 100,000.
That is why it had 40 odd CDs and now 8 to 10 DVDs.

One DVD will do the work for you and they are available in 32 and 64 bits.
I am currently downloading the first DVD and it will take two solid Sri-Lankan days for the download and I will be back with you soon.

India Turning Tables on its neighbor Sri-Lanka

 Posted on March 29, 2012 by asokaplus
India Turning Tables on its neighbor Sri-Lanka

India Turning Tables on its neighbor Sri-Lanka
It is nice to see true colours of Indian politicians who are bending backward to please US.

I cannot believe why was the rush for  US to bring the resolution against a tiny country.
My gut feeling now is US was tacitly helping India and Indira to manipulate on Ceylon and when that failed, cry foul both with India and Ceylon.

From Hiroshima to cluster bombs in Vietnam was chapter one in US history.

Did the U.N.O  help Asia then?

Then came 1967 to 1973 destabilizing the Middle East.

What did the UNO did then?
Sweet Nothing.
That is the chapter second of the US sponsored global terrorism.
In Africa what did  they do? 
Killing Che Guerra is only a side dish (beginning of chapter three) and they were helping all the War Lords in African continent.

The third chapter is Iraq and Afghanistan and it is continuing unabated.
What they did to national museum in Iraq is vandalism of ancient culture and I believe many of the artifacts ended up in USA.

Can we appoint Americans as champions of human Rights?
The answer is BIG NO.

One cannot dump history like a prostitutes and potatoes.

History repeats and remain vivid in everybody’s mind especially with the old and mature.
Remorse at old age when close to grave is no good.

I expected Obama being young would be different.
He wants to show the Americans that he is a Big Bully before the elections.
His strategy certainly will back fire by December.

I hope Americans will give him the exit signal next time round and to me Bush was much nicer guy who was less duplicitous in international affairs.

He meant what he said.

Less said about Bun Ky Moon is the wiser counsel; he has become a singing parrot for Americans and a Darling Dolly of the West.
He has forgotten his Asian roots where two third of the world population lives.
Asians including Indians are still living in absolute poverty some of them do not have water to drink and for sanitation.
U.N.O. is a white elephant and got its priorities in wrong order.
People have to have basic living standards to enjoy living like humans.
Then only they can talk about human rights!
As for Pavans who raped Tamil girls and the price for which Rajive had to pay with life is still the living history and not yet gone down as past, yet in the minds of victims.

What did Indian politicians do?
Sweet nothing.

These girls had to come to Colombo and get their abortions done almost freely.

When a ship sinks rats come out but when the going go bad before elections politicians hold on to any straw, Human Rights included.

Fortunately there is no difference in Indian and American politicians in that regard.

They look like two sides of the same coin!

They want to hold on to power.

History should be accurately recorded.

That should be true for Ceylon.

Otherwise we cannot be proud of our past.

Tamils who remained in Ceylon in spite of the tremendous odds, deserve a better deal.
They are our true brethren.
Not the ones who went as  economic refugees, never to return but cry foul from a comfortable distance from their own brethren.

Revisiting my Asokaplus blog post

Posted on March 16, 2021 by asokaplus 
 Revisiting my Asokaplus blog post

It took a bit of a hassle to blog a post, new.

I left this post idly by after joining Google blog post.

I forgot the password to begin with.

It was easy to set up a new password.

Thank you.

The dashboard is superb with the mobile.

I started this site from my computer.

My transfer to cellphone was not smooth.

I was not good at all with cellphones and their typefaces and keyboards.

Luckily I found Grammarly keyboard and it made my transition from PC to mobile easy.

I will stop blogging at Google with my last post “Live and Let Live”.

I started my blogging at WordPress.

It was a humble beginning with lot of typos and grammatical errors.

I will now edit the posts and update them if necessary.

Linpus Linux 1.4

Posted on June 17, 2011 by asokaplus
Linpus Linux 1.4

It is nearly two years ago that I used Linpus Linux.

At that time I was not interested in Live CDs.

I had downloaded it when I was abroad in Singapore and it had a heavy version and a light version.

I did not like the heavy version which was based on Redhat.

But I really like the light version and even though it did not mention that it is an O.E.M. version but it behaved like one and takes over the hard disk and install it in minutes.

It’s GRUB was not compatible with other Linux and I gave up because of its high handed take over of the hard disk.

It had all the making of a Mobile Linux but I was waiting for an update but I could never find a new version and totally gave up on it.

Today for curiosity I went to their site and looked for a free download iso and to my surprise and fortuitously I found the Light version 1.4.

It is only 411 MB.

It is for netbook and is for mobile use.

It has the following.

Email Client
IM: MSN, Skype
Open Office Applications
Photo Management
Power Management
PC Folder
Social Network
Multimedia Player
Network Manager
Game Collection
PDF Reader
Live Update
RSS Reader
Sync Mail
File Manage
They have done a beautiful advertisement and those who did not get Android from Google, this is where one should start.

It is beautiful.

It is light weight.

It is free and one does not have to wait for Google to dish it for you.

It is Chinese with English capability and I am going to support it instead of Google’s Android from now onward.

Without much hype in two years Chinese in Taiwan has done a good job.

Thanks guys and girls at Linpus.

I hope you go from strength to strength and give Google a bit of scare!

If you have a nettbook this one is for you.

It might take over and erase your windows though.

They are developing touch and HTDV version too.

Visit Linpus Home and see it for yourself.

After about 4 to 5 attempts i finally downloaded it. Point to point download stream broke for no reason partly a fault at the home site and partly due to our Telecom’s failure.

Even though I was frustrated it was worth the wait and it did not take over the hard disk.

It has two options one for installation and one for boot form hard disk.

Download and enjoy but if the download fails try, try ,try again like the proverbial spider who finally climbed up and made a web of connections.

Legacy Os-02-TeenPup

Posted on June 17, 2011 by asokaplus
Legacy Os-02-TeenPup

Legacy Os-02 is out and it has almost everything one needs.

It has

1. Scribus

2. Gambase

3. Qhacc

4. Gnumeric

5. Gparted

6. Installer

7. Opera

8. Geany, Kate

9. Iso Manager

10. K3B

11. Skype

12 Bluefish Web Page Creator/Editor

13. Bit torrents

14. Print management

15. above all and games

16. Abiword

and many more

For my curiosity only thing I miss is MySql PhP Admin Graphic front

My question is why it is not within the 100 in Distrowatch.

It can be installed and like TEENPup it has graphic buttons on the right unlike Mac which prevents clutter.

Go and download and bring it above 100 in distrowatch.

In my case like Puppy it is in my top 10 distributions.

Only downside was it took three attempts to download and it broke twice due to poor Telecom in Sri-lanka.

I hope it leaves a torrent file in Linuxtracker for poor souls in the Third World!

Unlike Puppy it took little more time to boot up an internet had to be configured after booting.

It is like any other CD distribution and unlike others it is compact.

Reason for slow boot up is that it has more packages than many CD distributions.

Only Knoppix can compete with it

Thanks a lot for the hard work of guys and girls of Legacy OS.

Like Puppy it is coming from Australia and they all are Dog Lovers.

Now it (Legacy) is just below Linpus but with my recommendation and trend Linpus Linux will rise like a rocket.
Legacy should take few hints from Linpus and Knoppix to stay with modern trends.

Pocket Writer Linux

 Posted on December 27, 2010 by asokaplus
This distribution has gone dormant and I hope somebody revives it for writers like me. It is not available at Archive Linux.
By the way, Firefox stops me going to this with a paranoid note.
Pocket Writer Linux

It seems to me that my mini writing in the web over the past one year is paying rich dividends.

Linux community is very close to its roots.

The community understands the needs of the users and it responds with utilities that are useful.

Sometimes developers leave the community and fork a brand new distribution. 
Thus is what has happened as far as Pocket Linux is concerned. 
The developer who is a writer understands the needs of a busy writer who is on the move.

That is why it comes as a Live CD / U.S.B and also persistent.

Even though it came many months after I finished writing 100 mini comments PocketWriter Linux deserves a special mention over and above the 100 I have already tested and have written at least a  mini comment.

It has produced three versions.

1. Mini Under 200 MB (Good)

2. Pocket Lite about 500 MB (Light weight and Good)

3. Standard 700 MB (Very Good)

This is my first choice for year 2011.

Thanks Guys and Girl of Pocket Linux, you have done a wonderful job.

Even though I do not (more a blogger) consider myself as a writer the 3 CDs are the ones I am going to carry and use it on the fly.

Thanks again.

I will be posting more about Pocket Writer when I have time.

My Re-Entry to WordPress

Posted on March 4, 2021 by asokaplus
My Re-Entry to WordPress
WordPress has gone commercial and wish them success. I have no intention of opening up a new web site but extract all the pieces from asokplus and even retire from Google.

I started my first free domain with in 2014 or 2015.

I put everything about Linux in there.

I used my PC and was never adept with the cellphones.

Over the years I bought several cellphones from KitKat 4.3 to version 10.

In the mean time, I used Google blog spot.

I was new to Google and Yahoo mail was my workhorse until then.

I thank WordPress for allowing me to use Yahoo mail

I thank Yahoo for its long term contribution to my web presence. I have already forgotten the password for Yahoo mail.

I have intention of quitting the Internet and continue to use WordPress as and alternative to Google blogs.

Let me thank both but I take a break from Google to use Yahoo for blog pieces here in WordPress.
No new ones here since i have forgotten the password for Yahoo mail.

PCLinux-DVD-The Gorilla has Come to Town!

February 4, 2011 by asokaplus
PCLinux-DVD-The Gorilla has Come to Town!

Yes, I do not miss a punch when I say gorilla has come to town!
The KDE 4, PCLinuxMonty has come to town bringing with it a bounty of packages.
I prefer it called a PCLinuxBounty instead of Monty.
Better still dearly PCLinux-The Gorilla in Town.
First of all let me thank the guys / girls who packaged this 4GiB-Gorilla of a version in a DVD and then posting it on only LinuxTracker, in beginning of the year not in the middle or nowhere in the year.
Posting it on K or bit torrent was an absolute requirement since if I wanted to download on a normal browser it would have taken ages and would have never being able to accomplish. Even the K-torrent it took solid 2 and a half days of continues downloading, Thank god we had a holiday for our Independence Day, I could do that on that day was an achievement.
Please do not post this on a normal sever. It will kill the interest of a newbie in the poor third world country wanting to download it. S/he would have never (mostly he’s) downloaded it with the appallingly slow download speed here and poor servers (switched off in the night) here. They would not have the perseverance of an old man like me who would never take a No for an answer.
I must tell you it was not without pain I mounted it on my old computer with 1GiB RAM.

I had to go back to SuSe days and press F1. F2. To F6 to get the bearing and mounted a old kernel to boot it up,

It was nor quick boot with 64 RAM old graphic card.

Once mounted with very slow response it had packages well into the Knoppix 3.4 GiB live CD packages. Only difference was Knoppix was fast still my favorite as a live CD.

This time Knoppix has done honours by allowing it to be installed into hard disk.
Whereas I could not find it in the PCLinux. I think it may be there in the F1 which I did not delve deeper. I will find it when I am ready to install it.
Thanks guys for including LibreOffice in both.

So enjoy both when it is hot hot like a spicy meal.

Not this side of April anyway.

Do we, the Mankind need a religion in the 21stcentury?

 Posted on January 5, 2016 by asokaplus
Do we, the Mankind need a religion in the 21stcentury?
Do we, the Mankind need a religion in the 21stcentury?
My simple answer to that is a BIG NO.
Religion divides people and it was a creation of mankind somewhere around 3000 years ago in the rich and fertile Middle East.
The time scale of three thousand years is statistically insignificant, if the man’s current estimated evolutionary diversion, if we assume it had taken place at about 50,000 years ago.
Drastic genetic change occurred around 3 to 5million years ago and it took minimum of two and a half million years for establishment of humanoids.
In that sense 3000 years is nothing but from the time man started counting millenniums, this 3000 years had become historically important.
I believe it is the time of resurgence of the idea or the need for some form of arbitrary religion for exploitation.
After 40,000 (10,000 years ago) years from that point agricultural civilization started to emerge and in which part of the world, I would not guess.
It could have been anywhere, given the evolution of grasses to present grain producing wild cereals.
This estimation go haywire, if we assume humanoids were galactic explorers, in the style of “Star Wars and visitors from outer space or aliens.
My classification during this period of 50,000 can be simplified in few term.

1. Man hunted by the beast.

2. Man hunting the beast including woolly mammoth.

The woolly mammoth coexisted with early humans, who used its bones and tusks for making art, tools, and dwellings, and the species was also hunted for food.
It disappeared from its mainland range at the end of the Pleistocene 10,000 years ago, most likely through climate change and consequent shrinkage of its habitat, or hunting by humans, or a combination of the two.
Isolated populations survived on St. Paul Island until 6,400 years ago and Wrangell Island until 4,000 years ago.
 My current belief is Woolly Mammoth contracted
Tuberculosis from man
3. Gatherer
4. Trader
Around 5000 years ago trading elephants hunted from North Africa.
They were supplying war effort of Romans before their decline.
These traders coming probably from Middle East probably did not have a religion.
5. Current civilization was seeded around Egypt.
6. Theory of God emerged somewhere around 3000 probably nearer Israel.
7. Explosion of religions in Indian subcontinent except Russia and China.
8. The current working religion is Money.
There is no place for any other religion.
Whichever way one looks this scenario, the final working philosophy is to generate money.
The concepts of Capitalism or Socialism does not mater if they are weighed with money.
My analysis is based on right and wrong principle.
It differs from the good or bad principle of all the religions
My definition of Right is neither good nor bad or neutral.
In other words might is right.

Its appropriateness is to current needs and not to the past.

If a Muslim can kill another as an infidel and say it is godly thing and good, there is something radically wrong.

Killing or war is not the right way.

It is the beastly behavior in our gene makeup expressed at random.
In the 21st century we need our animal genes to be suppressed.

The religion originated in the name of god and good but it has not delivered its key concepts to the current needs of the mankind.
Christianity and Muslim Divide started the Bible War.
Judaism in the Middle East and the Oil needs of America instituted the ongoing terrorism and war in the Middle east.

The way UNO drew lines in the world map quite arbitrarily after the World War II and made countries to whims and fancies of UK, USA and France (Italy, Germany and Japan were left out) and left Palestine to their own devices.

It is not rectified to this day.

So it is time for the UNO to declare “A day for People Without Religion” (in other words people without division) is timely and appropriate.
China did not have a religion for over 5000 years.

The Buddhism reached there about 1700 years ago and was established in there in 1400 years ago and over 1000 years it gradually disintegrated.
For some reason or other, they hated Buddhism and Ma’O Se Tung did the finishing touch.

Does it mater to Chinese citizens?
Russia has a state religion for the last 150 years, like it is Ceylon after the demise of the Tsarists and Rasputin, the devil in the Church of Russia.
Does it matter to Russians?
According to one of my Indian friends, there are 1 billion Indians and one billion gods.
Does it make an Indian free of abject poverty?
The whole African continent did not have a religion until Muslims from the North and Christianity from the South almost by force (Belgium was the biggest culprit) converted them.
Does it mean now the Africa is liberated?
I suppose Nelson Mandela (astute vision) never declared his religious status.
For him humanity was more important.
(The right thing is to decimate terrorism be that it may be, white supremacists, JVP, LTTE, ISIS, Mossad, Nazi Hitler or any other dictator).

In fact, we got rid of one dictator by popular vote but he is waiting in the wing for another fling, his God willing (not any other God).

I sometime think this tiny country was the breeding ground for radicalism and terrorists.

It is the minority who rules the majority

Even in this country, Buddhism has fallen prey to politicians with ulterior motives and corrupt monks trading elephants.
This country would become a better place if we declare once a months a holiday for people without a religion, just like the Poya (including Satara Poya) day (for Buddhists), Friday (Muslims) and Sunday (Christians).
Unfortunately there is no day for Hindus.
If one set off 12 days for the above and another four the Tamils we still have 14 days left.
We must reserve at least one day a month (before these 14 days are grabbed by various extreme sets of religious or political groups) in the coming Constitution for the non believers of religion and specially for the non believers of our politicians and politics.
On that day, the government should keep all liqueur bars open for only non believers (believers should be restrained in their own houses or in the Church, Mosque or Temple).

Come to think about and looking at the budget figures I am convinced believers (all religions combined) drink much more than non believers.
The non believers although in the minority should contribute to the state coffers by enjoying a drink once a month.
For some in this country (not me) democracy is as sacred as religion but we find away to send only the corrupt people to the parliament by default.
For me it is one fool out 100 non fools who makes the decisive vote (49 against 51).

He is often the most foolish of the lot but ends up as the leader of the country.

This is why, I never register for the vote (over 40 years) come elections and feel proud that I am liberated from not only religion but also from DUD political leaders of this country.
In other words, I am emancipated by default, not out of convention, contention or context or conviction.
I suppose all the other guys and girls consider me gone nuts.
It does not matter to me, this country is full of nutty people and they are in one asylum called august assembly or the parliament.

There is a section in the Apaya International reserved for them when they demise.
I wish I become the Director General there, since our Solicitor General always sees lines between lines in the interpretation of our law.
It is called transparency.
Our Minister for Justice say hooray to this mediocre guy / girl in the name of noninterference (Mara Logic Ekkak!).
Strangely, he happens to be the Minister for Buddhism.
I think he trying to attain SOVAN or higher sublime state during this term of office.
I hope he will give up the post when that happens.
An average citizen until then should bite his teeth (not in he courts of law, he will be charged).

Ground Realities and Trying to Change (Changing) Linux Customer Base

It is time for me to have a pause and see the ground realities, see customer behaviour and business politics.

I am in defense of change (of course not Sea Change) for good with lot of nice cute gadgets like iPods, Tablets and Kindle are coming out cheap to the market now.

As far as promoting Sinhala Linux is concerned, there is nobody willing to change the habits. I could not download Hanthana Linux and it is stuck around 700 odd MB with only two seeders with server switched off at night.

In the mean time, I have downloaded (at least 30 distributions with updates for testing) all the Debian 6.0.0 series and currently finishing the 6.0.1 with minor bug fixes.

All Gnome, KDE and xFce, LXDE (which I like the most even though missing K3B ) are fine for Sinhala Linux and it is very stable and one must start using them if we want to Keep Sinhala Unicode as a viable option in the Linux Community.

Having said that, as I stated earlier about Hanthana Linux, the reservations of mine are coming true, sadly since Fedora (this is the reason I stopped using it) is undergoing a Sea of Change (I like the change though in a business manner not for the sake of change-people who do not change and stop innovating new ideas will fail in any business let alone Linux) with even partition types.

I hope Fedora gives option for old tradition of EXT 3 and 4 to old customers.

In the meantime, I downloaded all Fedora Editions (all because of Sinhala Support from 13 upwards for posterity) from 13 and above (I am still struggling to finish CD version of KDE, Fedora 13) and an Old Fedora Bible Book with version 6 for completion.

Redhat was my heartthrob and heartbeat those days.

Hanthana Linux is Fedora 14.5 and probably stuck there not knowing what to do next.

What is striking about the Fedora Community is it has produced a distribution called Synergy Alpha 2 where one has the basic packages including LibreOffice and one can add up other packages after installation.

This is the one that one should download and have a feel (mind you no support for old Graphic Cards) and I have put that image in my Dropbox for sharing with Linux Lovers.

Even package management is changing I prefer the Fedora Community to produce a DVD in the range of 1 GB to 1.5.

I this background Debian is rock solid and its derivative AVLinux 5 which I downloaded yesterday is fabulous with everything one needs including Blender. 

I did not check whether it has Sinhala capability.

I decided to look at the downloads at for the last month.

The customer habits are revealing .

1. For the first time Linux Mint (1) which is Ubuntu / Debian derivative is on top over 2000 (did not change to Unity) downloads.

2. Fedora second (2) over 2000 (sea of change with most numerous seeders all over the world and with very fast download for Fedora 15)

Fedora 16 is coming soon and thank you very much for seeders.

3. Ubuntu in third (3) place with under 2000 (changed holistically to Unity).

4. Debian is the fourth (4) the most stable under 1500 downloads.

5. Significantly PCLinux (My Gold Standard for stable Live / Install) over 1000 for the first time in the seventh (7) place.

6. Puppy is at eight (8) place with just under 1000.

7. CentOs a Redhat base at tenth (10) place. 

8. Mageia and not Mandriva in the first 10 is a significant observation.

What it proves is customer base is mature both wanting stable and rolling versions and also ready for change.

Like me one should use both, new version for testing and giving the feedback to the community and use the old version for day to day working and at the end of the year decide what you like the most and install it and retire for Christmas holidays.

I do not advice one of having several computers like me since my electricity bill is sky rocketing in Ceylon and it is one of the miracles of the presently (not pleasantly) powerful (inside only) government.

At the end the customers are the winners unlike Microsoft base which is trying to change to catch up with the trends but failing significantly.