Monday, May 22, 2023

Versatility of Linux

The biggest plus point of Linux is one need not worry about Virus attacks.

The file structure of parent child relationship makes it difficult to insinuate wild or viral coding when running the system.

There is a big community that supports Linux and also individual distributions.

Number one attribute of Linux, is it protects the hardware both old and new.

One can use hardware as long as one desires or until one decides to buy new infrastructure/s.

Number two attribute is, it detects hardware problems at boot time and reports them before booting.

It gives a live report at booting but the problem is that it flashes them fast, in less than 30 seconds.

One should develop the habit of reading them at boot time.

If one press Control plus Shift and F1 the boot time readout is available.

Once the kernel detects the hardware the Linux distribution boots instantly.

Rest depends on the desktop type.
Xfce boots fast and KDE plasma boots slowly.

One can go to command line using Ctr + Sht and Function keys before and after booting.

Number three is, it schedules all the processes as either live or inactive and saves resources for  work in progress.

Linux is absolutely fast due to above and many other reasons.

Then there are many solid distributions to choose.

One is not hooked to a company or product that fails to update.