Monday, August 12, 2019

Beware Split Brain Politicians

Beware Split Brain Politicians

Medically split brain syndrome can be described as below;

Split-brain or callosal syndrome is a type of disconnection syndrome when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree.
After the right and left brain are separated, each hemisphere will have its own separate perception, concepts, and impulses to act.

But my description here is the split brain personalities.
They have lost the subtle associative power of the two hemispheres, not necessarily anatomically but at at a perceptual level.
I give a description of the Yorkshire Ripper (not a typical case).

He was a benevolent Church going guy with no external expression of abnormalities.

It took 25 or more (disappearances) young women including prostitutes to be slain for the police to corner him.

It was five pound bill that cornered him to the final victim, if my memory serves me correct.

But there are many more of these guy / girls in the short human history.

These people cannot meditate and balance their brain in daily activities.

They go into trance states spontaneously and discover pseudo illumination and revelations as their own discoveries and preach them as gospel truths, the most dangerous variety.

Then there are world leaders with iron fists with split brain syndrome.

Slavery for them is gift of the god.

Then there are political parties with similar tendency with no alternative views entertained.

Then there are racists and religious fanatics with 
split brain.

My current description is the TV/Media type who have discovered this is the best medium to propagate split brain syndrome politically and want to become the next president of Ceylon.

I won’t name them.

It is the voter who has to judge them and vote in or out.

They are very subtle and extremely religious on face level (Yorkshire Ripper Type) and we know very little of their inner composure.

They are puritan and very eloquent politically.

I am blessed, judging them in five to ten minutes of confrontation is chicken feed.

Few probing question from me would verify their veracity.

I wouldn’t have survived the medical sphere without that talent.

Unfortunately our media guys do not have that probing sense.

They subvert to the propaganda value and plant two diverse ideas as one.

Split brain fellows can do that and try to convince the audience.


When they come to power they become tyrants in 100 days.

We are at Crossroads Politically and Beware of the Political Suckers

We are at Crossroads Politically and Beware of the Political Suckers

My comments (no requests) below are for valid for both Ceylonese abroad and those currently living in Ceylon.
I will keep totally silent once the election is declared and let the officials conduct it fairly and expecting the voters who were hoodwinked for over 70 years exercise their voting rights judiciously, without failing.
Majority of our voters are mature and I bow my head to them and the outcome.
Recent developments are dicey and I wish none of my friends contributes the hard earned money to the campaign in any way.
It has already started and you will be getting emails and requests direct and from third parties for contributions (from the crusaders and jokers).

Ignore them and not a penny of your money should be wasted.

Some of them having collected the money may not even contest or the particular party representing makes no breakdown of the incoming and outgoing expenses.
It never happened and will never happen (until a new constitution is formulated to mandate the requirement).
The current constitution has all the loopholes and fixing them are difficult.
We had a prolong campaign to formulate new proposals and the team that did a very good job handed over the draft proposals to the parliament and all the parties got together and shelved it, until now.
There is no trust on the current members of the parliament and the candidates who are coming forward, thick and thin.
There are lot of jokers presenting themselves and some are coming from abroad and there is not a single national figure to rescue and change the course.

All of them promised to change the constitution from 1990s and none accomplished it having come to power.

It will be the same again but this time with a difference.
The ground reality is none of them will get 50% of the vote for sure.
This is partly due to “The Third Force” which came into existence, still viable and building its momentum and it would decide the outcome.

It will be a rude shock to the system including J.V.P.

J.V.P is trying to buy into this Virtual Third Force (not tested in real life situation, yet) without party bondage and there is no guarantee.
There is a tendency for the jokers in the pack to address this force and make a name for themselves at its expense.
My wish was for this force (not affiliated to any party) to become 40% of the total vote, given the political time, then big enough to undermine the big parties. 
It is certainly touching 20% as at present and this percentage cannot be bargained by empty promises.
In this scenario marking the second choice on the ballot paper will become necessary and we do not have previous experience on that issue.

A novelty in practice.

I do not like a second choice and count and my gut feeling is more than 80% is not be willing to go for the second choice.

There is no compulsion to do it either legally.

That is the caveat here and we are left with about 20% of the vote floating and no political pundit will be able to bet on that lot.
That makes this election very interesting and will truly give a cross section of the political wisdom of our polity.

More choices and less concern of the final outcome.

I am sure JRJ never envisioned this and we need to teach him a lesson in his grave.

Average voter can then laugh freely at the wheeler dealer JRJ and his follower MR.

The numbers are in percentages one can derive the total vote by multiplying with the total valid votes casted.

Brain Myths, the Malady of the Democracy

Brain Myths, the Malady of the Democracy
There are a lot of myths spread by Psychologists.
This is an attempt to bring some sense and reality into day to day life.
I may dispute many a myths but my attempts are also not infallible in each and every situation one may encounter.
Making right or correct decision at a given moment is a knack which many of us lack.
If we delay acting on a given (it may be right or it may be wrong) problem even for a fraction of a second, the most destructive procrastination sets in.
Then any given solution is the base for next round of further procrastination.
But if we keep an open mind and believe in what we intend to do given a difficult problem or a preposition, the solving of the problem may come naturally, to anyone.
This is not easy though.
Lot of training actually hinder this ability.
That is what we call common sense.
Lot of experience also may be a hindrance.
Basically we have several approaches to a given problem.
Just think of a Game (Video game)
One’s approach may be (not comprehensive here)
1. Offensive
2. Defensive
3. Neutral
4. Random
5. Cool (not procrastination)
The best approach is the last which has all the above components assessed in a fraction of a second. 
Only a few has that cool talent.
They are ones who become successful.
The COOL people are actually very observant.
But many of us use the useless procrastination approach (usual approach of a politician).
What it does is to kill the attempt at solving a given problem from the very beginning.
Unfortunately many of us use this method since we do not believe that some problems can be addressed, if we care to divert from the common approach.
This is what Professor De Bono calls Lateral Thinking.
It is not vertical or analytical or direct thinking.
Side track a bit,
Focus on the problem,
Leave behind the past experiences for a moment,
Give attention
To the present moment of time
Then in a FLASH
A new found solution
Springs up.
Then if we have few others with equal interest and talent get involved in the same problem we get endless stream of solutions which we have never thought of because of the redundant past experience.
We call it brain storming and it really works.
If one does not use common sense what I say here is superfluous.
We use our past experience to solve a given problem.
Sometime past experience is useful.
Sometimes past experience is a hindrance.
Past experience is sometimes a hindrance to creative and pragmatic solutions.
Good example can be taken from politicians.
When somebody is opposition for a long period of time and then come to power, he / she makes many mistakes due to past misfortunes.
They have lost the ability for creative thinking.
Unfortunately this happens when one is power too, and they do not realize what a wonderful thing to be in opposition.
The people in the opposition see the problem realistically but they do not have the muscle to power the solution through.
It is the malady of the democracy.