Friday, August 2, 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Xmonad

AI confirms Xmonad is a Tiling Window Manager written in Haskel.
It is dynamic.
It is customizable.
It is not a desktop like Openbox but a Linux utility which I knew nothing about till a few weeks ago.

Final Update of Linux in a Nutshell

Final Update of Linux in a Nutshell
It boils down to a few key features.

1. Download a few Linux isos and run them Live on a USB stick and select the one you really like.
2. Avoid commercial distributions.
Fedora, Zorin, SuSe and Ubuntu fall into commercial utilities.

I avoid them and they are not default distributions.
3. Decide on the Desktop one would like to use.
Window Manager
Or any other Light Weight Desktop.

Only Puppy Linux supports Light Weight Window Managers. 
It traditionally use Openbox.

Even Enlightenment has gone commercial.

4. If you use Gnome you can load any of the other desktops above Gnome Desktop. 

Simply put, they are built on top of Gnome.

Remeber one can mount only one desktop at a time.

That is the limiting factor, even the Box Utility cannot duplicate this feature on a Virtual Session.
5. Decide on the package manager, ideally Synaptic

Netrunner is a very good selection because it has Synaptic on top of its beautiful KDE desktop. 

I use it as a distribution to tally with Gnome.
Basically, I am a Gnome user but would use KDE when I get fed up with Gnome. 

6. Select the applications you woud like to use.
USB Formatter
USB Writer
There is grun for Ulauncher but NO Krun;
are my basic requirements.

Revolt for Matrix which I have not used is available.

OBS studio

I do not fancy DaVinci Resolve.

I do not use KODI since it is an operating system by itself.

I have tried Gnome-Pie but it does not launch any application. 
I hope developers would iron out the glitches related to launching an application within the Gnome-Pie and then I would use it.

grun and Ulauncher are the alternatives.
I use DGdebi to install USB Linux MultiSystem on Debian Gnome.

MultiSystem can boot several sfs sqash files from a single USB. 
Only Puppy Linux support this utility.
It is a python script.
7. One should have several light weight non commercial browsers.
Konqueror are my choices. 

One need Gdebi to Install Opera and Vivaldi.

8. I have kept the most important thing uptill now.
Never use the root account when browsing. 
You are exposed to the Web Nakedly.
Use only the user account when browsing.

9. My investigative search was worth the trouble and one need not read my book which is somewhat comprehensive in regard to Linux Global Development.

10. I have not gone into types of init process and Wayaland compositor here, but my book deals with them briefly with a historical pinch.
I am pretty happy with X11 Standards and why invent the wheel Ubuntu Guys?.