The latest 7.5.2 was out few days ago.
I just booted (Old IBM)Knoppix 7.5that came with the Linux Magazine.
Currently preparing a bootable USB with overlay facility.
It needs about 4.5 GiB for the distribution and the rest for my data.
I am using 8 GiB Flash Drive.
It gives the option of encrypting the data, which I declined.
I am not paranoid,yet.
It has a small image of 12 MiB for bootable CD but I could not find it.
That is for a computer that cannot be booted by a Flash Drive.
One boots with the CD and then write the image to the Flash Drive.
If you have an old computer with a BIOS that does not support USB booting,
With two combination, Mini CD and Flash Drive now you can boot from a Flash Drive.
It is currently available with Linux Magazine ONLY.
It has IceWeasle, Fire Fox and Chrome as browsers.
I use Iceweasle since it has security options built in.
Please excuse if there are typos.
My old computer's audio is not configured with almost all the current Linux Distributions that I have tried BUT Knoppix configures it very well.
So if I need to Listen to something on the Web, I am going to boot with the Flash Drive.
Why use Flash Drive?
It is faster than the DVD.
Thanks guys/Girls of Knopix.
Yes it is the best Live DVD.
But hope you will continue to have the CD version, too.
I finally found the small iso in th Knoppix folder, but I could not get the K3B to burn the image booted with the USB stick with DVD writer available for writing.
I copied the image to my Linux download folder and currently writing it to a CD.
There is something I always do.
Copy the DVD image to another DVD and place the original DVD in my archive and only use the second copy for my demonstrations.