Monday, December 16, 2024

Linux Fundamentals

1. Unix

2. Posix

3. Minix

4. Linus Torvalds

5. Linux


7. GPL

8. Kernel 

9. C Language

10. Boot Loader

11. RAM

12. Init

13. User Space

14. Memory Management 

15. Virtual Memory

16. Virtual File System

17. EXT4

18. Drivers

19. Protection Ring

20. System call

21. Glib

22. Unistd.h

23. GNU

24. Richard Stallman

25. Coreutils

26. Terminal

27. Shell

29. Bash

30. Echo

31. Argumemt

32. Stdout


36. stat

37. Timestamp

38. Flags

39. Combined flags

40. RM

41. Input redirection

42. Output redirection

43. Pipes

44. Sort

45. Uniq 

46. Bash script

47. Vim

48. Emac

49. Nano

50. 7#! Shebang#*

52. Stdin

52. Whoami

53. Uid

54. Root

55. Substitute user

56. Super user

58. Groups

59. mkdir

60. pwd

62. cd

63. chmod

64. chown

65. chgrp

66. File system

67. /

68. /boot

69. /dev

70. /etc

71. /var

72. /lib

73. /home

74. /slib

75. /usr

76. ls

77. ps

78. ps1

79. pid

80. htop

81. daemon

82. chronjob

83. export 

84. .bashrc & .bash_profile 

85. env var

86. Sigterm

87. Sigkill

88. symbolic link

89. tar

90. grep

91. sed

92. Octal permission 

92. Root password 

93. User password

94. Debian Distribution 

95. Gnome Desktop

96. KDE

97. Window Manager 

98. Cinnamon 

99. Iso Image

100. Ubuntu 

101. Puppy Linux

102. Knoppix

103. Mandrake 

104. Mandriva

105. MCN script

106. Path

History of UFO and Human Manifestation

Conspiracy Theory

1. Roswell Incident- 1945

Project Sign

Project Grudge

Project Blue Book (1952 to1969)

Project Blue Stream / Beam = Current Events
Faked Alien Invasion
Holographic Projection
World Wide Internet Connection 
AI Technology
Make Belief 
Digital Manipulation 
Global Crisis
One World Order
One World Religion
In other words destroying all the current religions including Dhamma
Jesus Comes Back Scenario
Surveillance  Protocol
Globalists Agenda 
Decline of Humanity (Stop Existing)
Global Slaves 

It is already happening in China.
Surveillance Regime 
That is the American or Western Manifestation 

Chaos by Wars (already happening in Middle East)

Chaos by Faked News and Multiple Video Or Holographic Projection

We are not alone in this Universe but Level I and Level II civilizations are not at all involved in these incidents or SAGA.

CIA or better known as Military Industrial Complex or Conglomeration involved in controlling the Deep State

What role Google in this, I haven't got a clue except perhaps Free Revenue by YouTube subscription.
I am inundated by enticing advertisements to enroll but I won't subscribe.

Internet Banking and Digitalization is part of the One World Program.
In other words, Blilderbergs are fully involved.

I call them the Reptilian Race.

Information Overload- Mind Control Experiment in Broad Daylight

1. My current Analysis is there is Information Overload wilfully generated by entity unknown to ordinary citizens. 
They are opaque and above governmental institutions and oversight.

2. This is part of the Mind Control Operation of Philadelphia Type but Global in nature.

3. It all started long ago, with Features Films.

4. Then the faked moon landing. 
Van Allan Belt is real threat to life as human neings.
Rocket Technology was not advanced enough to carry a big load to space.

They do not have a single copy of the Moon Landing Film.
All purported to be destroyed.
Then suddenly, NASA went into hibernation.

5. The futuristic 2000 Odessy of Arther C. Clerk 

6. Steven Spielberg was part of the team.

7. Now the UFOs clearly photographed in colour.

What is the common factor to all these.

Gradual advancement of film industry
from 35mm film to digital films to AI technology.

Finite Advancement of Chip Industry with CUDA and NVIDIA technology taking over video rendering in Video Games

The Television channels feeding us with ever challenging videos.

Alternative Media coming like mushrooms.

8. What is the end result?
Mind Control.

How many of us can verify these data?
Nobody reads books or study physics.

We are entering the Quantum Physics domain.
Prototypes of Quantum Computers probably are already in existence.

Who is leading this?

I think Russia has an edge going by the Oreshnic.

We will see more of these drones and superdrones while two third of the world population have to live in poverty.

They have not recovered from the coronavirus pandemic, yet.

The gap between rich and the poor are widening.

Still every citizen has a cellphone. 
Some have multiples. 

I am a good example but I am fully retired.
I have enough time to ponder.
What a paradox?