Reborn OS 2018 09 17 x86 64 iso
Choose from over 15 Desktops One ISO with unlimited Desktop Environments to choose from! Whether you are a fan of KDE, GNOME, Deepin, Budgie, Cinnamon, Apricity, OpenBox, i3, Xfce, or the Pantheon and Windows layouts – Reborn OS is for you.
Choose from over 15 Desktops One ISO with unlimited Desktop Environments to choose from! Whether you are a fan of KDE, GNOME, Deepin, Budgie, Cinnamon, Apricity, OpenBox, i3, Xfce, or the Pantheon and Windows layouts – Reborn OS is for you.
For those who love the terminal, there is even the option of a Base
install, allowing you to bypass the Desktop Environment entirely. Reborn
OS gets out of the way and lets you decide, not the other way around.