Saturday, January 18, 2025

Space,Travel, Infinity of Mind

Space,Travel, Infinity of Mind

This piece is bizarre and has no earthly bound limitations.

In fact, beyond the limitation of physics.

This discussion is not limited by space and gravity.

This is to bring out the concept of Rebirth in relative and comparative terms. 

Kamma is its associate, the other side of the coin.

There is a Mongolian belief that dogs have many lives beyond one single life. They also carry forward memories of their past lives and are born again as dogs.

There is a good film “Purpose of Dogs”.

I disagree here and my "born/bone of contest" is that, most dogs are born as celestial beings (Buddhist terminology of Godly beings) or gods. They easily bypass the mundane human life having lived with them long enough to understand how nasty a human being can be. Biden, Putin and Zelensky and there followers are good examples that dogs have studied, on their own ways.

Killing opposing beings and War is there way of life.

Eating flesh of any kind are their liberal form of life.

They have their own form of gods and sects and the priests walk with the soldiers to kill the fellow humans. The Pope in his part keeps numb about War crimes of Israelite. Quote some disagreement in textural scripts of Vatican to purist theologies of other sects.

Mongolians follow a form of Buddhism that gives credence to rebirth and meditation. It is bit different from Tibetan Buddhism in which the term reincarnation has a special meaning and they all try to become Buddhas. 

It is bit far fetched and farcical attempt. Really, antagonistic to simple Buddhism where Kamma and Rebirth explains the outcomes. The goal  of "casting away" of rebirth can be done by less vigorous means. 

Becoming an Arhanth is the goal not another or somebody like Buddha (PaseBuddha).

Rebirth cannot be proved but it cannot be denied.

That is my premise here.

There is a Western myth that Buddhism is a philosophy. I dispense the philosophical connotation outright, to begin with.

In the East, no philosophy has any roots simply because of Hindu belief in creator gods of many kinds. Buddhism is not a religion, in the sense of the Western and Middle Eastern beliefs where by following the Gospel of a mythical god one can redeem oneself and achieve salvation in, single life form.

Eternal damnation to hell is unethical on human terms.

Buddhism is a way of life but that way of life is little bit difficult and advanced.

One reaps the benefit of Good and Bad Kamma. How it turns out one cannot predict in advance. Recurrence of Karma Pala and Rebirth are automatic in nature. 

It is like a wheel roiling down or rolling upwards with effort.

Action and reaction.

Equal and opposite reaction in physics.

One cannot escape and the rounds of births are there eternally to salvage good and bad without counsel of gods or elders supervising the outcome.

Buddhism starts with not killing any life including animal life.

It has four simple rules.

Indulgence in alcohol is not in that four and I believe it was added much later into the system.

The Arhants have only 10 very simple precepts.

Eating one main meal a day is one of them.

Vegetarianism is a simple byproduct.

I need to make some reference to Harry Potter series of films to begin with. The films are Creative and Imaginative but not Inspiring.

I never read any of these fictional books being a man of science. 

Being an old time paediatrician that ended up as a gaeriatrician in later life, bringing fear and phobias to kids' mind is no good at all. Some bordering paranoia and may cause depression in them. I strongly oppose killing opposing imaginative creatures and witches.

I do not want to be born like any of those imaginative beings.

Sometime, I think the authors of these type of  books, in their previous life form were born as a demons to relive them in this life.

I do not mind Harry Potter author, living with these miseries in this life but exposing them to young kids is pathological.

I have no objection adults reading them and becoming killers themselves in War of attrition.

Coming back to Title of this piece;

We are one gravity beings with somewhat limited capacity. We cannot live on the moon with less gravity than on the earth. We cannot live on Mars with more than on earth.

No gravity is anathema to all human physiology.

I see that, it is difficult to land on Mars. But forming colonies there is a another kettle of fish.

We need to design new form of transport which alien beings possess.

Aliens are no Gods but some type of advanced humanoids.

The space vehicles are most likely driven by radiation obtained from elements above 112. Elements above 110 are possible in some galaxies.

Now coming to Mind itself.

I have two books on mind one simple and one advanced at Amazon Book Store.

What follows here is a brief resume!

1. Mind is the best vehicle to travel the Universe.

2. Mind is a mystery.

3. With some meditation techniques one can achieve momentary state of  escape from the brain.

However, the mind's attachment to brain is very strong and this escape mode is an illusion.

This is one reason (out of many), I oppose many forms of meditation.

Live this life in wakeful state.

Be mindful of every moment of life.

Be happy (Somanassa Chitta).

4. According to Buddhism there are 30 types of celestial beings who live in almost eternal bliss.

5. They have achieved them through vigorous form of meditation and become strongly bonded to these live forms and they believe that these state/s is/are eternal.

It is a form of delusion worse than living on psychoactive drugs. Psychoactive drugs have a limited time span unlike living as a high celestial being.

6. All are temporary states of bliss.

7. That brings us to the "Uncertainty Principle".

8. That is the entry point to Dhamma.

I leave it at that point.

"Somanassa Chitta' without attachment is the base to real bliss.

There are 3 other components.




In Defence of Bart Sibert and ME

Bart Sibert made his comments as as a Photographer.
I am going to make my comments as a Doctor in Medicine.
I have a piece here where I have stated why I should not wear a space suit.
Things I failed to mention in that piece is stated here.
Me on the MOON
We are one gravity beings.
It took millions of years for us to evolve.
In spite of that we cannot live in the Himalaya with Oxygen deficient thin air.
Equally we cannot live undersea due to weight of the water taking a tall and also due to lack of oxygen. Nitrogen under pressure enter our blood and if we ascent fast Nitrogen bubbles come fast and clog our blood vessels and instant death.
These are described well in old Medical Physiology books.
Similarly we cannot live in low gravity moon.
Moon is supposed to be one sixth of the Earth Gravity.
Without a space suit we die of anoxia and moon does not have Oxygen with the same pressure as hours.
The space ship has to be light weight. If it is of heavy metal, it would sink on the surface of the moon, like we sink in muddy soil. Assuming it has dust on top with soft soil.
If we pressure the landing vehicle to one gravity, it will have have tough metal covering to withstand the pressure. It would bust like a balloon if the metal is thin and light weight. Additionally it make the vehicle heavy and would sink in the moon soil both due to weight and to landing momentum.
Apart from our physiological limitation we have to overcome all the physical limitations.
The wonder is Americans overcame all these in the first attempt itself.
This should to interpreted with why Russians did not bother to land on the moon.
Perhaps they did not want to sacrifice their top astronauts.
That is my conclusion.
For some unknown reason Joe Rogan tried to defend these American lies.
Perhaps he does not want to lose his ardent spectator base.
That is the very reason I do not watch Joe Rogan.
I have no problem with American's Romantic relationship with the moon.
We Buddhist have religious relationship with the Full Moon Day. We Buddhist in the past observed religious ceremonies. Buddha is supposed to be born on a Wesak (May) Poya day.

Any person or organization who propagate lies is under my radar.

As a Buddhist Lie I consider as a the biggest crime of this Modern World. 

All World Media are owned by five big corporations and if the journalists as professionals do not follow rules laid down on them they are unceremoniously removed.

Tucker Carlson is a case in point but he survived.

According to Bill Kazing odds, in 1966 going to the moon was 1 to 10.000.

Many reasons cited.

1. Van Allen Belt.
2. No records old technology.
3. Could not repeat it for another 56 years.
4. Expert People in the command center could not say the Apollo images were real or fake.
5. No independent Media to witness the historical event.
6. Only 3 persons had access to the photos.
7.  Of were about 20 murders to shut the mouth of de-bunkers.
Any country who lies to its own people would not hesitate to lie to others.
Kelly Smith says instrument sensors have  to be Radiation Free through the Van Allen Radiation belt. 
They may have sent experimental animals through this belt. The end result would have been dry charcoal on return. No biological cells left to study carcinogenesis.
It should be true of the astronauts, even with a thick space suits.
I am a retired pathologist who taught effects of radiation to medical students.
Let us just leave the medical facts for academic guys.

Americans were good at lying and C.I.A. was their instrument for both lying and bullying.

Also killing Americans and Non Americans who did not tore the line.
Gus Gruesome was one such unfortunate guy.
The common method is handsome bribes and perks.
Best evidence of faking is in the audio footage.

It takes 2 second for voice from moon to the earth and 2 seconds for a reply back.
4 seconds in total.

During the Recording Session, there is a guy in the background who says TALK after 4 seconds to make Neil Armstrong realize that time is up for him to talk.
Faking photos is another point.
The American flag fluttering on the moon with no atmosphere is classic photo error.

Besides the rocket was not powerful enough to carry such a distance.

Getting all these things right, "First Time Round" and "Always Right" is the biggest American Achievement.
Quality Guru Deming has known to have said only Japanese followed his instructions.
That is also after Hiroshima Bomb.

Russian, Deep Fake Detection Programme of AI can distinguish fake from real photos. That is the bottom line.

We are living in a Faked News World for over 55 years.

TRUTH will be on the future tense never at present tense. 
That is my coinage.

Google's Neural Network says moon landing is faked.

I hope President Donald Trump would have a smooth inauguration ceremony.
President Putin last year was under snow during Victory Parade. I think people consider snow as a blessing at least at Christmas Day.


Posted on June 7, 2011 

I was very fond of flying.
I could have ended up as a good Flying Officer (not a fighter pilot) and I had all the right ingredients but I came close to it.

The day my father took a flight to India on good old Air Ceylon (Avro, I believe) and watched the the take off from the Air Control Tower, I new I was going to fly a lot.
I never told anybody especially my father (he would have never allowed me) but did my own survey and found that it was humanly possible for me to break in without a big connection.
I gave up that idea.
However, even though I did biology I made it a point to offer applied mathematics (I was very good in my mathematics and in fact I beat all the maths students from my biology class) and mathematics, in case one day fortune favours me.

Then of course moment I passed out and confirmed in service I applied for Volunteer Air force but I was not enlisted.

I had all the qualifications including physical and sports and was sure of getting enlisted.
When final selection came guy who was almost one foot short was selected and I was not even called for the interview.
Then when I did my own search and I found that somebody had a hand in not forwarding  my application to the board.

Not only that somebody was enlisted without maths and applied mathematics (he was unceremoniously thrown out later after having being in Uniform for many years). I do not know who instigated his fall but I made a decision I will chuck the Government Service moment I finish my compulsory service, which I did with my father’s vehement protest.

That decision I always cherish and three months after the compulsory service I left the service for good saying myself I will never join it again.
I had been in service I would have ended up in a regrettable high post where corrupt practices are the norm.

The cost of my first flight to UK one way was less than Rs.4000/= and luckily for me  by then my brother who scooted off before me without a red cent in his hand was very well settled abroad and not married too.
It took another almost five years for me to get all the training in accident and emergency service to qualify to become a flying doctor (before I changed my course radically to enter academic sphere) and my last job abroad had a quota of flying doctor and doctor for horse racing (I liked horse racing more than flying) if I was not otherwise engaged officially.

But before that I have flown from Northern Hemisphere to Southern Hemisphere on my own money and I never got a free ticket or a free ride but I never could qualify as a frequent flyer like most of the Arabs and American CEOs.

What could not dream here in spite all qualifications I could do it in a foreign country down under.

Funnily enough now I hate flying mainly because of the pricing of the tickets
which has not come down in spite of stock market crisis and fall.

I always flew on my own money and never ever taken a red cent (I am entitled) from government coffers unlike our MP who go on entourage (rather pilgrimage) and make a mess out of our foreign affairs.

That is something my family is very proud of.

It is  shame to fly on public money and that is a norm today.

Simply Mepis

Simply Mepis
Posted on August 14, 2010
Simply Mepis is one of the distributions I have installed in my laptop and desktop on a regular and permanent basis.
The other is Berry Linux. 
I must confess that I use them for demonstration of cute little distributions and not for daily work.

(Edited today 15-08-2010)
I think I have touched upon some intuition.
What is written below was before the download of Mepis DVD.
Thanks to Guys and Girls in Mepis for sweeper (which I call a Mind Sweeper).

Making me happy Mepis has introduced a package named Sweeper to clean up the system.
It is a welcome I had being waiting for a long time. 
I had been doing this manually until now even with PCLinux.

This utility should be developed into MinD Sweeper for others to follow.
I use PCLinux (now 2o10-01) on daily basis and it does not give any problem because it has the nice habit of deleting unnecessary files in tmp on a regular basis (at boot up) and there is no clutter or clogging due to large log files (large log files that are essential for a server and should not be used obsessively in a desktop.

I of course on a regular basis look at the available memory after three or four downloads and having archived the images delete big files keeping the distribution robust and up to date.

Whereas my wife and daughter who also use two different (both PCLinux-2009) desktops on a regular basis come up to me saying that Linux sucks memory since they download many photos and like files.

Luckily I have not given them the administrative rights and when things are bad in five minutes I clean up the unnecessary files and get the box running like new.

The cardinal mistakes everybody makes is that, not running the box over 24 hours at least occasionally and to let the Cron jobs run. that do the clean up jobs in servers and desktops.

This is something that Linux desktop developers should look at and develop cron jobs, akin to frequent savings in office utilities.

I think a utility of this nature is essential for laptops.

What they should do is to send a message at random fashion while when the desktop is being used and asking the user whether it is safe to activate the cron jobs (name it the clean up jobs) without compromising the downloading and downloaded files still in the tmp.

Sorry for the diversion but I feel this piece of advice is vital for the newbies.

Coming back to Mepis it is one of the best distributions in a single CD and has everything one needs and sometimes things that are missing in PCLinux.

That is why I use them for some special occasions.

Mepis has a new DVD and bit 32 and 64 versions, I am currently downloading them and write few lines about them soon (having tested them).

Mepis is something one ought to have to get the fresh and Debian feel like Morphis.

Spacesuit and its Occupant

 Posted on February 9, 2011
Spacesuit and its Occupant

Bart Sibert made his comments as as a Photographer.
I am going to make my comments as a Doctor in Medicine.
I have a piece here where I have stated why I should not wear a space suit.
Things I failed to mention in that piece is stated here.
Brain is gravity bound and need oxygen and high pressure suits on the moon.
In zero gravity C.S.F fluid flows in opposite direction and effects sleep diurnal rhythm and critical decision making capacity.
Me on the MOON
We are one gravity beings.
It took millions of years for us to evolve.
In spite of that we cannot live in the Himalaya with Oxygen deficient thin air.
Equally we cannot live undersea due to weight of the water taking a tall and also due to lack of oxygen. Nitrogen under pressure enter our blood and if we ascent fast Nitrogen bubbles come fast and clog our blood vessels and instant death.
These are described well in old Medical Physiology books.
Similarly we cannot live in low gravity moon.
Moon is supposed to be one sixth of the Earth Gravity.
Without a space suit we die of anoxia and moon does not have Oxygen with the same pressure as hours.
The space ship has to be light weight. If it is of heavy metal, it would sink on the surface of the moon, like we sink in muddy soil. Assuming it has dust on top with soft soil.
If we pressure the landing vehicle to one gravity, it will have have tough metal covering to withstand the pressure. It would bust like a balloon if the metal is thin and light weight. Additionally it make the vehicle heavy and would sink in the moon soil both due to weight and to landing momentum.
Apart from our physiological limitation we have to overcome all the physical limitations.
The wonder is Americans overcame all these in the first attempt itself.
This should to interpreted with why Russians did not bother to land on the moon.
Perhaps they did not want to sacrifice their top astronauts.
That is my conclusion.
Mind this is an introduction for anybody who is running short of an idea to write about in WordPress blogging site.

This is an idea I hit upon by reading a blog writing of a experienced civil pilot not a fighter pilot.

Have you ever thought of the 50 things that the spacesuit occupant in space won’t share with his body soul?

You probably have not but I was one who was very much interested in this in my school days and in early days as medical student.

I cannot remember what I wrote then but this is an attempt to revise some of those physiological constraints not in particular order or in any order of merits.

Suffice is to say I get a sickly feeling when I think of space (occupied especially by alien elements).

Imagine yourself trapped in a escalator without illumination (light) and the computer circuit controlling the up and down movements gone haywire and it is going up and down in an erratic fashion.

That is a the feeling I get moment I put on a spacesuit for travel.

That is one thing you must consider when paying for, an enormous amount for a single trip in space.

Is is worth the experience and the money?

Probably not but having said that I have tremendously high regard for those guys who trained for years end on to go to space
They are a dedicated lot and give them the due respect they deserve if you happen to meet anyone of them.

They were the human guinea pigs in space.

I often wonder how many times they felt sick and vertiginous even in their sleep.

Probably many many times and uncountable and that is the feeling I get if I am invited to wear a spacesuit and come hither for a go.

I will list the feeling inside my head with little imagination and some understanding of my own physiology if not of another being.

1. I hate the space constraint
This is the feeling one gets if one has to stay in a tiny hotel room in Singapore overnight due to some delay, cancellation or transit. I have had that feeling once or twice traveling by cheap air flights (a budget air line or Mihin -Hemin- Lanka. When you fly on a good wide-body aircraft it is reasonably OK.

2. I hate heights. Imagine you are in a hotel overnight on the 21st floor room due to flight cancellation. You are well away from a fire exit and there is a blackout and fire drill. 
You don’t have a pen torch
If you are on floor one, you can think of jumping out and breaking your legs but not on 21st Floor. 
That is why rooms are cheap as you go up. 
Please pay a good some and ask for a room down below. It is better even if you go to Colombo taking a pen torch with you with these high rising development projects. 
Born to this earth with feet firmly grounded and ample space to breath pristine air (not now even in Kandy) as an embodiment, getting into a spacesuit is the luxury I do not want to avail myself not even in my incarnation.

3. Now about the daily routines I enjoy. Sleep to begin with. I think I can manage sleep upside down on space inside a spacesuit since there is nothing else I can do there except dreaming coming home
I can do this since I have learned how to sleep standing on an express bus plying from Kandy to Colombo on a Monday morning. I believe all Sri-Lankans are good at this. Only if you do not have money in your back pocket. There are plenty of pickpockets in this country including politicians who pick our vote without our knowledge. 
They are called pick-votters or even better pick-potters (stuffing the ballot boxes).
These two are new words, I have coined for the Oxford Dictionary with local elections due now).

4. What about food. I won't enjoy the high calorie, high protein dehydrated      food-fads of space travelers especially they are floating about and not placed on a plate with a well laid out nice table
My worry is not the quality of food but how am I to partake them in a more sociable way. 
Not empty them to my mouth from paper carton after paper carton.

5. Coming to spirits (if they are allowed like a commercial flight) and drinks. When I suck (not drink them) a little, I want them to stay a while in the mouth and esophagus and stomach and not go flushing down like a vacuum cleaner on full throttle to the colon, in one go..

6. After meal I want to brush my teeth as my good dental friends tell me with a tooth brush floating in air and the toothpaste all over the face with me trying to reach as far as it goes to the third molar.

7. That also I can manage but how about a quick spend a penny in the loo with my prostrate pushing hard on the correct track inside but the squirt getting between my spacesuit and the underwear
That is my major worry since I will never master my physiology how ever much I train on earth and mid air.

8. Then the master job of course I have decided one last one here and never in the shuttle till I come home and take some constipating medicare one a week before the departure. I do not want my smelly secrets floating in air and taking pictures of me in flight.

No thank you.

9. Last but not least I fear the algae and the fungi I have been accustomed on earth and living with me with mutual understanding all along my life for years taking advantage of the flight and growing all over me. 
In nails, wind pipe, mouth and all of my privates.

10. Last of all I love scratching my skin, just for fun and any other accessible point from my crown to the rump. 
With these fungi floating around and waiting for a breach, I won’t be able enjoy that luxury.

11. As for the rubbish I collect on flight no problem. We are trained to drop at any advantage point in the town and the Municipalities never clean them. I just open the window and drop it down when we are centering round Sri-Lanka with a note stating “coming from space shuttle in orbit no valuables dropped but destined for Sri-Lankans”.

This is why when President Obama invited me for a flight in space, I refused and gave over 100 volunteers from our parliament elected and wanting to get elected. He of course refused nay for parliamentarians after the Health bill was bailed out out.



Origin: Italy
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: 
Architecture: x86
Based on: Knoppix, Slackware
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | June 5, 2007

Stux – a LiveDistro (CD) Linux distribution from Italy which is based on Slackware and Knoppix. 
Deployment can automatically load and save configurations and files on writable partitions.

The live system provides a combination of packages of Slackware Linux and kernel, modules and scripts of Knoppix. It includes automatic hardware detection and supports a vast majority of graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals.

STUX allows a full system configuration and usage through the STUX-Utilities, an unique, easy-to-use graphical interface specifically designed for STUX distribution.

Slackware users can use and configure STUX as they have always done with normal Slackware installations.

STUX GNU/Linux supports i386 platform and features Blackbox, Fluxbox, WindowMaker and KDE desktop environments on a single CD.

Version 0.5.3 was launched on December 16, 2003, the last version 2.0 was launched on June 5, 2007.


Tux, STUX, D.E.F.T, M.A.D and C.W.F (Cyberwarfare), Cyberparanoia and Stuxnet

Posted on November 5, 2011

New vocabulary is entering general use with cyber attacks  becoming preemptive at international stage. I am not going to be expressive here  since hackers (they) might think my IP address is some defense attaché and attack with D.O.S (Denial of Service Attack).
Cyber space is free but it is not is not a fair play ground for a simple academic like me to engage in, who is nearer to the grave by natural causes and  do not need any interference to my intellectual exercises unless, incapacitated by natural illness or loss of memory.

I am disturbed by the use of TuX in Stuxnet and this Simple Linux Guy (S.M.G) whom I adore. 
His girls are Penny and Gown.

Stuxnet is the Virtual attack that was directed at Iran’s nuclear reactors.

Tux is a penguin character and the official Mascot of the Linux kernel
Originally created as an entry to a Linux logo competition, Tux is the most commonly used icon for Linux, although different Linux Distributions depict.
Tux in various styles. In video games featuring the character, female counterparts, named Penny and Gown, accompany him. 
The character is used in many other Linux programs and as a general symbol of Linux.
STUX is a bootable CD with a collection of software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and U.S.B devices and other peripherals.
STUX also contains an installation wizard on the Live CD for putting the distribution on a Pendrive and thereby booting from it. 
However, a 1GB pen drive is required to do this which is far larger than other U.S.B Linux distributions.
DEFT is a Linux distribution with Digital Evidence and Forensic Investigations tools attached.
It is not at military level but at simple desktop or server level.

I was trying to download (point to point) it and I have failed in 5 attempts now due to abrupt termination of service.

MAD is Mutually assured Destruction
Mutual Assured Destruction is a doctrine of military strategy and National Security Policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) by two opposing sides would effectively result in the complete, utter and irrevocable annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. becoming thus a war that has no victory nor any armistice but only effective reciprocal destruction.
C.W.F is Cyberwarfare
There are very interesting articles and one who interested in can browse but suffice is to say even an innocent device like Play Station can be used for an attack.
Other interesting point is that proprietary operating system with the O.E.M guys can use a device to send secret message to the company or the country’s National security for spying on your web activities.

This is why I am strongly against Windows 8 attempt to invade and intrusion of One’s Freedom of Use (O.F.U).
Cyberparanoia is the word I coin today to describe this phenomenon from a doctors point of view.
That is my contribution to the jargon and vocabulary.

Can one be anonymous in the Wider Web?

 Saturday, November 5, 2011
Can one be anonymous in the Wider Web?
Below was comment (by me) to a dad who was trying to keep him and his son in anonymity which is impossible.
Moment one open page one loses one's privacy and also integrity if one writes something sadistically.

Causing pain to an animal who is defenseless whether at home or in sport is a sadistic behaviour.

I agree with the dad being anonymous for the sake of his son but his I.P. address is known by all and sundry.
One cannot hide it unless one has a virtual network but that again is in relative sense and even the virtual network's outlet is visible.
What I am saying is that the browser watches your every move.

In the web one cannot protect the privacy.
Then there is Cyber crime at global scale.
I have coined a word Cyberpranoia today.

One should not be paranoid to the extent that one shuns the use of Internet and humour.
Like music is essential human ingredient but unfortunately some kids cannot take gross and cruel humour.
No son can give degree to the pain it causes to the animal it is illogical.
Pain is pain whatever the degree.

My dog hate even the slightest of pain.
I have never hit him or punish him.
He has learned what is good and what is bad and unlike human behave more appropriately.
Lapses are very rare.
Nobody at my home ill treat him and he grew up with them.
From the time he inhabited our house there had not been any  violent arguments.
He takes the side of the oppressed and has become our trusted and good referee.
He hates pain (every living  being's entitlement) and violent arguments.
Visit my site parafox and asokaplus for Cyber crimes (posted today).