Biden's Presidency, Is it worth writing about him / it?
When history is written by independent historians (unless he has got money from the Democratic Party to write- that is the usual case in American Politics), there is nothing much to write about him, except he remained as the Vice President (while his son was doing shoddy things in Ukraine like Barisma) quite impotent.
He was born to be politically impotent, that is what the MIC or Military Industrial Complex wants, any would be Democratic or Republican politician to be in White House.
Anybody who question the MIC is taken to task and that is probably what happened to President Trump.
He has his own undoing, it is for the Republican Party to find an escape goat and until President Trump came into politics from a business background Republicans were in total slumber.
1. President Biden did sweet nothing to promote himself.
He was impotent, in that sense.
2. It was the CDC, Chair Person who catapulted him to politics by giving dead ropes to the White House and President Trump.
3. For his fault President being a businessman thought CDC Guy was credible.
President Trump should not have trusted him and should have his own credible guy's to advice him on WHO and Public Health matters.
After all he is the President of America and can has his own cabinet of experts unlike in UK.
He did not Mike Pence was yes man under him.
He was slimy little Italian guy who played politics with the pandmic.
4. If not for him President Biden would not have surfaced with Mrs, Clinton doing some bidding in the Democratic party.
5. What President Biden did was to hijack (that is what all politicians in the opposition do) Republican party's proposals, as they came from his own brain.
6. Biden has no diplomatic brain at all.
The way he treated President Putin will come to hurt America diplomatically for many more years to come.
For his part President Putin tried to mend fences with the West.
He was very caustious.
If not for Biden's lack of long term diplomatic vision President Putin would never have invaded Ukraine.
The cautious guy became belligerent.
7. His additional paranoia with China made even Xi Jing Ping become assertive.
It would have been Xi coming to America to divest his silicone dream.
What is happening is they are becoming less dependent on American chips and are currently implementing, secretly though, an ambitious silicone chip manufacturing complexes / plants (in multiples) in mainland China.
I do not carry a brief for Putin or Trump or Xi but when history is wrriten in real context those points I have raised above will have to be scrutinized carefully.
Americas downfall and emergence of BRICS are almost simultaneous, in my belief.
Small country like Ceylon cannot buy high-tech-stuff only from the West.
NUC from Intel may be the last that I may be able to purchase.
We have to look for cheaper and alternative choises.
It has already begun with the food crisis looming.