Saturday, August 27, 2022

Writings Obituary for Redhat and SuSe

This Title should have been written long time ago.

Since Ubuntu has taken the same commercial pathway (timing is inopportune with global food and financial crisis), reminding of the importance of the community output  is relevent.

Linpus (or Gonpus in Sinhala), Redflag and DeepIn are Chinese bates and do not swallow them.

Xaomi is another.

I do not know what happened to Calculate Linux of Russia and Stuck Linux of Israel.

Linux strength is it's community.

Any commercial enterprise which highjack the community is bound to fail in 20 years the most.

In fact, 30 years have gone by and these corporations are in crisis and rechenments are on the card.

Do not join them at this point of time.

Their future is bleak.

But Debian will survive and I am currently supporting Sparky Linux the Star that shines.

I am not sure what happened to Aptosid and Aptosid should wipe the dust and come forward.

Pop Os, I don't think would emerge as an alternative with chip crisis on the horizon.

I must write a note on demise of China.

China had being mining Ceylonese sand for ages and their so called Research vessel is blasting rocks in the Hambantita and with global warming and water level rising even Galle is under severe stress due to these as shoddy deals.

Next port of call is going to be Gampaha, and I said this in 1984, long before our regime of curse came into existence.

Their stupid leader from Hambantita is pilfering (under sea operation with the help of China) all the ill gotten treasures and gold and silver.

This remind me of Ranmutu Duwa, Joe Abeywickrama and Arther C Clerk mining gold and silver (from ships sunk long ago) not sand then.

Without golden sand chip industry is in crisis and China will fall from grace to disgrace soon due to their shoddy deals with stupid leaders of the emerging economies in the East and Africa.

They are worse than Muslim Mongolian invaders.

Despise them by all means.

The Coronavirus is only the early warning and the harbinger.

They are a curse to human evolution.

Like Zelensky they are our eternal curse.