Thursday, June 27, 2024

Manjaro Gnome Live is Good

 Manjaro Gnome Live

Manjaro has done a creditable job to promote Arch Linux which is a pain for a newbie to master.

I did not try installing it, since my Intel NUC is full with 3 editions of Debian Stable and they are going to stay put for at least until end of 2025.

I have hundreds and one Linux utilities already installed and my book on "Linux Essentials" is put on hold until I finish my book on "Vegetarian Paradox".

I was very much into nutrition in the past especially regarding children's nutrition and did not have time to delve into adult nutrition in depth.

Basically it boils down to my basic pathological theme, Free Radical Injury or injury by tiny electrons.

It did take a toll on me and its editing is coming to an end.

I have tried to analyze the putative benefits of food items except spices (but turmeric was included).

Ended up at 40 food items and there over 100 food items (fruits and vegetables).

I have found only one food item that nullify the effects of arsenic in rice.

Basically there is no Super-Food.

One can obtain full benefit by combining food items.

My interest was basically on copper, selenium, molybdenum and zinc, barring of course, toxic mercury (in sea food) and heavy metals.

It looks like fennel and mustard provide these items in sufficient quantities.

So spices have a place in our food not only turmeric.