Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Lot of Things I did not Know about Gnome Desktop

There is lot of thinks I did not know about Gnome Destop.

I am a Gnome user and not a developer.

I am happy with it and I leave it at that.

Only thing, I worry about was AbiWord and it did not have it in its repository.

So I went to Emmabauntus simply due to that. It supported AbiWord.

Emmabantus has XFCE Desktop which I do not like.

I also liked the Cairo Desktop Panel like Mac Operation system.

Today I realized Gnome has Cairo dock but do not port it as a default application.

It has tons of applications.

It has most of the applications that are used in SUGAR Desktop.

Use Synaptic Package Manager and type Gnome and YOU can see all of them

I am currently downloading those I want including Latex type of editors.

I do not need to go for SNAP, Flatpac or RPM of Fedora.

Apart from its Operating System needs, it uses less than 100MB of my hard disk.

What matters is the RAM and all these works at run time on the RAM.

So one should only invest on RAM and as busy as today, it is now using 2.5GB of my RAM.

If you have an old computer by some DDR4 RAM and they are getting cheaper since DDR5 is on the market and they are very expensive.

So do not buy a new machine unless it gives you at least 32GB of DDR5 RAM.


Debian Education

Is completely different Distribution of Debian which is packed with education material. 

It used to be a CD but now 8.1GB twice the standard of size Debian.

1. It is a server system and one can install minimal to large.

2. It is a must for an educational system.

3. After all, Google uses Debian which is probably called gDeb.

4. It let's you select a number desktop type and server types, which include audio servers.

5. I am installing it on my spare 67GB left over partition.

6. I installed Debian in two setting and  it ignores the older installation and boots only the last installation.

7. I want one system for regular use and the other one for testing.

8. I hope because Debian Education is a server edition it recognizes the other two distributions in it's GRUB file. 

It is still installing and I have to wait for few minutes.

9. It has 3825 files and most I have used is about 2300 odd files in standard Debian.

10. Unfortunately Debian Education did not configure My GRUB File.

So I am giving up Debian Education.

11. In actual fact, I have 4 Debian Systems in my NUC now and all are working fine with tons of applications.



Finally I decided to install Devuan

Devuan is a Debian Derivative which used different but simple a Init (? Init V5) system.

It has Live version and I could not get Desktop version downloaded.

I installed it but it is finicky.

It uses only 3 partitions.




I am going to erase it has limited packages.

I won't recommend it to newbie,

By the way, I decided to keep it and try Gnome Desktop on top of it.

It failed to install Gnome Desktop.

Synaptic Package Manager is enormous.

Annoying thing about is it says libraries are broken but even after, installing them an d the package running live, it keep say it.

The problem is it has a poor Internet Utility and does not wait for the file to download.

It has no SNAP or Flatpac.