Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cricket, Play it Like Gentlemen

I think English spectators are ruining the cricket's traditions (judging by the BBC Sport's comments) and their behaviour may ruin the chances of lifting the CWC Cup.

It is pity.

I probably won't watch England playing (this does not mean I am a supporter of Australia) anyway. 

As for Smith he is effective but UGLY to watch.

Calling him like Bradmon is an insult to Bradmon.

Compare with Vivian Richards, he is the ugliest player around and I do not watch him playing.

Cricket, Play it Like Gentlemen

Cricket is in my bones, even though, I have not made any comments about our players for a long time.

Alister Cook comes into my mind, instantly.

He was the gentlemen captain of the recent past.

There were many before in cricket when it was played for entertainment and not for money.

That was the golden era.

I.P.L ruined it but now is the time to bring it back to its old glory.

It is a game of mind and skill but weather may 
intervene in decision making.

I was happy Ceylon selectors removed few chatterboxes from the team.

Naming them is not my intention.
Please respect the umpiring decisions.
They are human and make mistakes.
Let the commentators make the valid comments behind the box, when umpires make mistakes.

After all there is review system in play.

Please do not over do the reviews.

When an opposition player does something outstanding give credit to his achievement.

Keep the mouth shut.

Let the bat and the ball do the justice to the gentleman game.

Do not read the papers (about your skills) except the weather.

I have seen many a time when a player is overrated, in national dailies, he does perform very badly on that day.

I have been in England for many seasons (not lately) and I hate English weather and having to wear gloves.

If something goes wrong blame the weather not yourself.

That is how the Englishmen take it.

Read some books, play few video games and sleep well.
Hydrate well before (not with beer, beer dehydrates you) and after the game, even though it is cold it is dry air that dehydrates you.
Last of all again, treat the umpires in the middle with respect and the game of fifty ours have plenty in reserve to reverse bad umpiring decisions.
After all it the game of gentlemen not rowdies like footballers.

Player by player we have a skillful lot except Angelo Mathews who is lazy and bad example to juniors.

Why he is in the team is an open question.

Is it for money or something else.

A very bad choice.