Android Remix for PC is available in torrent for download in both 32 and 64 bit versions.
I am currently downloading (extracting the ZIP) for testing.
Post you the results soon!
I am disappointed.
64 bit Zip file has an error and does not extract fully.
It does not boot (32 bit version) probably, it is looking for a Touch Screen TV.
I do not bother to buy a touch screen for testing anyway.
I want my TV screen crystal clear without thumb / finger prints.
It does not have Linux or DOS short cuts to see (Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Esc ) what it is currently doing.
So please do not try, if you are hard press for time.
I went to sleep early and woke up early and nothing else to do, just tested it.
My 64 bit computer is down with the fan broken into two pieces.
That is why I tested the 32 bits version on an old IBM.
The Linux Magazine version has 64 bit ISO as a zip.
I won't bother to write an image.
Sorry Android Guys/Girls, I wish I could say something good.
My cardinal principle is never put a Linux Utility without testing thorough!
It kills the interest of the USER.
I am not a user anyway.