Monday, February 21, 2022

LIE Detection Tape or PACHA Tape

LIE Detection Tape or PACHA Tape

This is a million dollar investment plan.

While I was doing a chapter on "Lies and Alcohol" and how a  confabulating rank alcoholic creating, an instantaneous lie for the next draft of tot, this idea came on top.

It is to insert a "Lie Detection Tape on Our Politicians, starting with Wira Wansa.

Now we are manufacturing Face Masks for the entire globe, only a little modification to the manufacturing technique can achieve my goal, for two reasons.

It needs to be mandated how long one can wear a mask.

In my belief   it should be only 20 minutes.

The second is how to dispose it without causing environmental pollution.

My design of the Lie Detection has a color code.

White illuminance for truth.

Red for a While Lie.

Green for neutral conversation.

It should be located around the mouth and within seconds of a lie, it should dissolve into the mouth with a bitter taste.

One need not cut the tip of the tongue to get Kasthuri (Universal Medicine) out of an offending guy or girl.

This should not be allowed domestically, since the institution called marriage will not last.

In any case one need not wear a mask at home.

The first million doses or million batch should be given to Anthony Fausi for his consumption.

He is a Lie Factory and he has to finish the lot in one day for the million lies he uttered for China to go  scot free on Coronavirus origin.

One can modify this and copyright is left free.

If we use this technique in the next general election and the same old guys get elected we can say this country has only liars and we only love lies like a confabulating alcoholic.

By the way all our politicians are alcoholics and lying is their professional trade mark.

We need not have television to propagate propaganda of lies.