Thursday, May 13, 2021

Berkeley Software Distribution and My OEM Laptop Hijacked by Microsoft

You have to put up.with this piece which is technical but I will put it in simple English but mixed with few jargon words of computer science.

I wanted to call it " a stop" to Internet and its protocols but still, mostly I believe guys  visit my blog space, I decided to continue it bit longer but it will come to a stop eventually like a dramatic divorce case of Bill Gate but simmering it for years before, like his hopeless operating system in the name Windows.

The machines do not have emotions or brains but are dedicated to doing a particular process, like vending machines distributing soft drinks (it is software or a dedicated program in computer science).

Now my laptop has no operating system running since I accidentally erased my BSD dedicated ESP boot plan.

I was bored due to Coronavirus incarceration and decided to boot Ubuntu 20 version as a supplementary version to Debian.

It reverted my laptop to Microsoft pirated U.E.F.I. and it says there is no operating system, in spite me installing two, Debian 9 and 10 versions.

Even Debian finds shy of touching U.E.F.I.


I do not know.

? Litigation by Bill Gate cronies?

But TrueOS a BSD version does it in a flash and takes over the computer under its umbrella.

TrueOS is totally.destructive in the hands of a newbie.

To complicate the matter I pulled out the Ethernet Wire and burned it (a few broken parts and I do not have a crimpler to connect the working lengths).

I decided to go WiFi and pulled the Ethernet  wire of the router.

My bed room is 80 feet Ethernet wire distance away and pulling in a costly wire is not healthy at my age with thunderstorms day and night.

TCP/IP and router protocol will be at the end of this piece.

I used my Dialog data in a few hours downloading Knoppix which stopped exactly at 30% of download,  not once but twice due to Our Internet Master Ad-Monster interfering with my download well pass midnight.

He may have had a paranoia that I was downloading PORN.

Now coming to BSD and TrueOS are actually internet protocols dedicated Operating Systems and one need an active Internet Connection for installing live.

It was five years ago I boot loaded the laptop with BSD using Ethernet connection wire but now it can do that by WiFi and it detected all my carriers but with the data blocked by Dialog (they only want money nothing but no service supercharge or temporary extension), I have to eat a humble pie or is it a lie like Boris Johnson in UK.

Mind you our Water Bill is more than the Internet Bill with a broken pipe leaking for one month or so without our notice.

Thankfully they did not disconnect the water unlike Telecoms.

Mind you, I have stopped answering the land phone or giving any calls.

Only one news, Coronavirus and Coronavirus comes through it.

Now to the technical stuff.

BSD is platform independent unlike Unix and is a Internet Protocol dedicated system.

If internet is out it is out of service.

1. BSD is platform or computer independent.
It does not matter what operating system you use, an expensive Apple or inexpensive supercharged Linux.

2. It is Internet protocol dedicated.

3. It uses Virtual Memory handsomely.

4. Its software programs are super fast unlike Microsoft.

5. But its learning curve is deep if you are using the Black Terminal.

6. It has a graphic Vi Editor for Ex terminal editor of Unix.

I hate black terminal to soothing graphic terminals.

Linux has soothing Desktops and Plasma is my current favourite.

BSD has only one Lumina desktop which is a  bad start for me.

7. Its handling of ESP is pretty good and erases the UEFI of Microsoft's OEM ploy in seconds without any fear or favour.

8. Its software bundle is lean and fits into a CD not.a DVD.
The rest of the software is in the Internet, now popularly and affectionately known as the cloud.

9. Its server version is slim.

10. It is FREE or freely distributable.

No copyright charges like Apple.

11. It is Unix variant and not Linux variant.

It has teething problems with Linux.

12. It has all the big programming languages like Perl, Ruby, the  Anaconda version, venerable  the Python.

I am still looking for a Python.programing book, nearly three years.

I will stop at this. the next number is my favourite mathematical number 13.

Like Java Beans the operating system should be platform independent.

Hardware manufacturers should not have roadblocks.

It is OK for Apple, since it supervises its own hardware.

Microsoft does not put money on O.E.M. or hardware development but secr
etly insinuate U.E.F.I.

Its surface tab is a failure in front of Androids.

T.C.P. and I.P.

When I wrote a book about Internet  many moons ago it had 6 (SIX) or so Engineering protocols and of looks like they are merging some of them.and making 4 layers.

1. Data Link Layer with uniform standards or protocols.

2. T.C.P. or the Transfer protocol.

3. I.P. or the dedicated IP address protocol

4. System or hardware based Application protocols providing services.

What happened to the topmost layers?

Eaten up by the Cloud servers or the D.o.D (Department of Defense) protocols of Facebook and Twitter.

I think the CIA has outsourced top two layers  of its services to Facebook and Twitter and earn money in the process.

What a profitable plan?

I always believed in this strategy and that is why I stopped using them long time ago.

One Drive, Google Drive and Dropbox are putting restrictions on users and are waiting to suck in dollars and pounds.

Me telling, Good Bye to Internet after 20 years is easy.

IT protocols were owned by big companies in the beginning and the Internet blossomed as an educational.platform.

BSD from California Berkeley did a yeoman service in the beginnings for services to available in.the universities worldwide.

It has gone through the full circle and back to big companies.

Now money only speaks and big companies have a stranglehold on millions of minions.

That is called development and in Ceylon a software is used by Army to snooze on us.

I have nicknamed this software as the proboscis the mosquito use it to suck our living blood.

Interestingly, the name of the software start with a P.

There is an appropriate slang or vulgar word starting with P in Sinhala.

What a coincidence?