Tuesday, December 10, 2024

KGB, FSB, CIA and Chinese Counter Intelligence

KGB, FSB, CIA and Chinese Counter Intelligence

I am by birth a KGB agent and that is how my batch mates call me.

I am "Kandyan Govi Buddhist" and not a labelled Buddhist of the Rajapaksa type.

I support Putin's foreign policy but does not agree with Global War as the means of solving problems.

FSB or Foreign Secret Service is so robust everything that NIA plans and Citacan promote are deciphered in advance by the FSB.

Local wars like in Ceylon we fought for 35 odd years will continue till cows come home, if not at military level but in a psychological level.

That is the human nature.

Hatred begets hatred.

What I mean is if Russia was not in existence, NIA, Catican, and MIC will dominate this world.

Only one world order if NIA.

That is the true fact, which the BBC, CNN and Fox News fail to demonstrate in as a goodwill gesture.

I am not a psychiatrist and don't proclaim any remedy except reading and dissipating Dhammapada, only in Ceylon.

Bible has been spread all over the world and Bible War of Christians and Muslims is still simmering and is a virulent global disease.

Of course Israel with Linux utility that I forget the name starting with ? Stuxnex had penetrated Iranian nuclear facility.

Russia had Calculate Linux and China is still developing the Dream Linux.

Chinese do not have a streamlined alphabet to dominate binary system of computer which is now advancing to quantum intelligence and computing which is beyond my understanding.

AI will dominate this planet and it is a tiny Japanese Robot that will spark the devastating Third and the Final War on this planet.

UNO and WHO are impotent and coronavirus was an artificial virus developed to Kill Putin that backfired and 20 to 50 million will die, if we mitigate impending global War which Democrats in America are aspiring and promoting.

What are Republicans and Trump doing?

I hate X-elensky who is a CIA agent of American MIC (military industrial corporation of Biden administration).

Reader should correct the spelling mistakes done deliberately by me to confuse Liz Truss of UK who is an existential threat to world peace.

I only remember Tony Benn of yore, with insight into British Politics.

Now Queen is gone for good Putin and Ruble will rule and a New World Order will emerge.

China practically doing nothing but sitting by the wayside is the sole beneficiary and is a real global threat which Russia (is delegating to China) is failing to realize and  fractalixe (a new quantum terminology coined by me) in global politics.

Which do you prefer?

Death by man made virus?

Death by a supersonic missile?

Death by old age?


Hara Kiri?

Humans are creating the necessary environment for his own Hara Kiri.

We have no choice left.

Kick the bucket before one is 70.

All world leaders at present are, of course, by definition are old geariatrics.

The young are trapped by Facebook, Twitter and Yang Yang.


Amazing Contrast of Ceylon

 Amazing Contrast of Ceylon

I have just completed a book on Ceylon.

It describes the amazing beauty with so many rivers and waterfalls.

I have discussed the plight of our wild elephants briefly, where Buddhist monks who preach Avihinsa (Metta) are involved in this illicit trade of Baby Elephants Trade.
Not only monks but some lower court judges involved.
Toady I met my pharmacist who happened to be a Tamil gentleman.
He told me he was fined Rs.25,000/= without any hearing after a visit by the Flying Squad.

Offense was having in the shelf for disposal, 5 tablets of date expired medicine.

There was no legal transaction at all.

I can bet there is not a single pharmacy in this country, not having drugs with expiry date in their shelves (including Government Stores).

What is illegal is selling them not keeping it in a side shelf for safe disposal.

This Tamil gentleman was wrongfully fined.

Whereas a monk who possessed illegally a baby elephant is protected.

The corollary is, a Buddhist can violate common law with impunity but not a Tamil Hindu.

This is why I am against giving special status to Buddhism in the Constitution.

It is the duty of the monks to protect the Dhamma, not Baby Elephants illegally captured.

Many Views Besides Dhamma

This is a summary and not the full content. But I prefer the Sigalovada Sutta.
Many Views Besides Dhamma

Buddhist view one cannot see the beginning of the Rebirth Cycle and one can only see the present moment in relation to past and future.

Buddhist goal is to end this cycle.

It seems an easy premise but in reality is a very difficult task.
Stream Entry is the way forward and goal of Dhamma.

Dhamma is the 63rd view.

Read Bhikku Bodhi's Brahmajala Sutta.

62 Views are the Wrong views.

18 about the past (Rebirth)


1. Some see certain number of Past life or Rebirths (both self and cosmos) and come to the view and the belief that the so called self is permanent.

These are seen (not observed in this life) with deep or immersive Samadhi states.
Goes beyond the reality (inevitable change of any physical phenomenon) and become a view or opinion of permanent self and being.

2. Some see it for eons and also the evolution of the cosmos.

3. Some see 30 or 40 eons.

4. Some come to the view of eternalsm by simple logic.

If one becomes attached to any one of these views one is bound to be "Reborn Again" due to grasping to these views of eternalism of self and cosmos.

Not grasping to these views is the Dhamma way of Samadhi.

These principles are indeed, hard to see, hard to understand, beyond the scope of reason, sublime, peaceful, subtle, comprehensible to the astute and the Buddha makes them known after realizing them with his own insight.

Pean of Joy

Pean of Joy

Aloka Udapadi
Light that shines the World and beyond.

Viddya Udapadhi
Truth that penetrates all knowledge.

Panga Udapadhi
The transcending Wisdom of all.

Anekajati Samsaram Sandhavissam Annnibisam
Gahakarakam Gavesanto Dukkha Jati Punanppunam
Gahakaraka Ditto Si Puna Geham Na Kakahasi
Subbe Te Phasuka Bhagga Gahakutam Visankhitam
Visankaragatam Cittam Tanhanam Khayamajjhaga

Through many a birth wondered I,
Seeking not finding, the builder of the house,
Sorrowful is repeated birth.

O' Householder, thou art is seen.
Thou shall built no house again.
All thy rafters are broken.
Thy ridge pole is shattered.
Mind attains the unconditioned.
Achieved is the end of craving.

At the dawn on the very day of enlightenment, the Buddha uttered this pean of joy or Udana which vividly describes his transcendental moral victory and his inner spiritual experience.

The Buddha admits his past wandering in existences which entailed suffering.

A fact, evidently proving the belief in Rebirth in Buddhism.

The fundamental ingrained in Dhamma are
Kamma and Rebirth.

He was compelled to wander and consequently suffer as he could not discover the architect that builds the house, the Body and Mind.

In his final birth, while engaged in solitary meditation, he had highly developed in the course of his wandering in Samsara, after relentless  perseverance and search he discovered by his own intuitive Wisdom, the illusive architect, residing not outside but within the recess of his own Mind.

It was Craving or Attachment to the self created mental compendium of enormity.

This latent compendium of mental forms drives the Samsara.

How and when this Craving or Attachment originated is incomprehensible.

What is created by oneself can be destroyed by oneself only.

An external agency is not envisioned but by oneself alone one is created and one is also responsible for (his/her) one's own suffering or happiness.

(The word suffering include both Joy and Unhappiness but due to transitory nature of both feelings, it is wrapped as unhappy or suffering. This word should not be used to belittle and  downgrade absolute Dhamma meaning.There is no negative feeling or thinking implied but the the true nature of its -life- rendering)

The discovery of the architect, the craving or Thanha leads to its irradication or ending of all cravings and attaining the Nibbana or Arahathship ultimate unborn (not reborn) state.

The rafters are:

Kilesa or Passion

Loba or attachment

Dosa or hate and aversion

Moha or illusion

Mana or conceit or self disception

Mittyaditti or Wrong View

Vicikiccha or doubt

Thina or sloth

Uddhacca or restlessness

Ahirika or moral.shamelessness

Anottappa or moral fearlessness

The ridge pole that supports the rafters are:
Ignorance or Avijja the root cause of all passions.

The shattering of Avijja leads to Wisdom unparalleled or Nibbana.

Monkey Stories and Chinese Catapults in Ceylon

 Monkey Stories and Chinese Catapults in Ceylon

I decided to pen this down having seen imported Chinese catapults selling street hawkers in the City of Kandy.

They are meant to harm and injure monkeys who venture into human habitat.

1. 50 years ago

Even though monkey population has dwindled over the past 50 years the remaining population is treated as unwelcome guests in this Buddhist city of Kandy.

What made me to write this was a baby monkey’s plight and the mother monkeys resolve to retrieve it from disaster.

But let me list few of the encounters I had with them.

Unlike 50 years ago, monkeys have become aggressive and fierce.

If a foreign visitor sees a monkey in anywhere in this country do not try to befriend them.

It is a very risky and they will bite you and you may have to get the anti-rabies vaccination.

This was not so when we were kids.

If I (we) wanted a mango,what I used to do was to throw a piece of wood at the tall mango tree avoiding the monkeys.

If monkeys did ignore my act, on the first instance, I would throw another just close enough (not directing at them) to the young monkeys (The King Monkey would be guarding the retinue from an advantage point).

It yielded the intended result.

Young but stupid monkey would pick one ripe mango and throw at us holding firmly the other ripe mango in its left hand.

Young monkeys love to imitate our actions by default.

So I pick up the mango and eat it on my way to school. 

Kandy city had enough trees, especially mango trees (the best small variety I loved was Mee Amba- I hate fleshy Kartha Kolumbo) of different varieties which the Reverend Mahinda Thera discovered with his encounter with the King Devanampiya Tissa (which is very well documented in our history).

It was then the level of intelligence that was the subject matter.

In my piece here, it is the level of stupidity and disregard for mother nature that is intended to depict.

Buddhism is a deep philosophy and a high level of intelligence is needed to grasp the subject.
It was only after testing his level of intelligence that the Thera preached to him the Dhamma. The dialogue between the king and Arhat Mahinda which is known as the Intelligence test is as follows.
Arhat Mahinda (A.M):
Mighty King, What is this tree? (pointing at the Mango tree which was near by)
It is a mango tree
Are there any other mango trees other than this tree?
Yes, there are several
Are there any trees other than this mango tree and other mango trees?
Yes, But those trees are not mango trees.
Are there any trees other than those mango trees and the trees which are not mango?
Yes, It is this mango tree
Do you have relatives?
Yes, several
Are there any one who is not related to you?
Yes, several
Are there anyone else other than those who are your relatives and non relatives?
Yes, It is me.

Satisfied with his level of intelligence, Arhat Mahinda preached to him Chulla Haththipadopama Sutta. The king soon became a follower of the Buddha. Then Arhat Mahinda ordained Banduka and preached Samachiththa Pariyaya Sutta to the gathering.

2. Encounter with a Photo Frame

30 years ago, we still had monkey visitors to our neighborhood but without any discordance.

They pick a few mangoes from our garden and then move forward.

I had just returned from UK and I gave my father in law a tiny but beautiful photo frame (I forget what the inscription was) as souvenir.

He had a tiny cubicle separate from the main house for his meditation activities.

He kept the door and window opened and was chatting with us.

Then, I noticed a monkey descending from a tall Kotta (Cotton) tree towards the roof. I just wanted to watch (hiding) what the monkey was up to.

He entered through the window and I knew that he was up to pick something that attracted it.

Mind you it was the picture frame (souvenir) it grabbed.

In a flash, he was up the cotton tree and I tried my primitive skill of throwing something at him and expecting him to return the favour.

But this monkey was not stupid enough like the yesteryear monkeys, took to his swing and in a moment was away from our garden.

I distinctly remember it regarding its own picture as a shadow as it was ascending the tree.

I had gone wild for moment but had not trained sufficiently enough then to reflect meditatively of my monkey predicament.

3. Recent Encounter in Kandy

I can be bit reflective of the recent incident.

I visit the city briefly and return no sooner my jobs are attended, mainly in the evening.

This day, I visited the city in the morning and finished my work and was coming towards the bus halt.

There was bit of a pandemonium going on and as usual a crowd of people gathered there watching the unfolding scenario.

I generally avoid these encounters but was inquisitive enough to casually asses the situation.

At a distance I saw something like a splashed banana skin (triangular in shape), if I did not see it, I would have involuntarily trod on it.

It was a tiny monkey face down (face not visible but covered by the trunk).

It looked dead but second thought knew that it had fallen down from the tall pipal tree and concussed.

My immediate response was to act as a traffic warden.

I hid behind a make shift shed (right in the middle of the road) avoiding eye contact with the mother monkey.

I stood across the road so that I prevented the three wheeler (from behind) drivers won’t run across the pour soul.

People coming from front, I diverted towards the crowd that had gathered and was enlarging.

In about five minutes it lifted its head but still hanging down and the mother on the ground at a distance was watching the progress.
The rest of the monkeys of the pack were on the pipal tree.

Then a stupid guy threw some water from a bottle and I said don’t in a high voice and thankfully the water did not reach the baby monkey.

It is a height of stupidity and water does not have a place when somebody is concussed (injured) it might choke and kill instead.

This was the crescendo event and the mother monkey fiercely charged at the offender crossing the road and passing the baby in its move.

Then the baby lifted its head for a moment and then the mother approached it but it slumped back to stupor and the mother retreated back.

Then in about a few minutes it regained it composure and clung to the belly of the mother.

I was expecting the mother to pick the baby up and to my enlightenment it is not the monkey way of baby care.

It had to cling to the mother while she does the jumping and it failed in its repertoire and fell from her (tree) belly in the first instance.

The mother trained it for the second time, cling hard and firm.

In a flash the mother was up on the tree and another young monkey came across the road and charged at the crowd, especially the guy who threw water and retreated having displayed its fierce gesture.

I failed to realize that there was a monkey sitting on the roof of the shed, right above my head ready to attack.

A women seated in a bus, a slight distance away from this scene, alerted me and I quietly walked back "saying to the monkey" now that you got the baby back why not pull back to the trees.

I believe, if you talk gently to these monkeys they seem to understand and become adaptable to the human presence.

With that friendly command they retreated without much a do.

These monkeys are very aggressive, not docile like the old monkeys.

Then I related this story to the bus driver and he told me in a near by village a bus had run over a monkey on the road and for a day the monkey pack had stopped buses plying on that road till night fall.

Long time ago (15 years ago) I saw a baby monkey had fallen off from a electric post and dead on the pavement with the brain exposed.
I did not have the patience to watch what the pack’s response was then.

4. Grieving Monkey

A bus driver in Ampara had befriended a lonely monkey.

This guy unfortunately had died recently.

I saw this monkey landing on the front of the bus and looking at the driver and not finding the diseased driver and moving onto another bus.

I was told this went on for weeks and I have not seen it again.

It used to ply on the top of the bus from Ampara to Kandy looking for his human friend.

This is getting lengthy and I will close up with few lines.

As kids I used to partake mangoes as a gift from monkeys.

Now we do not have monkeys nor mango trees in the city of Kandy.

As Parents I used to guard against monkeys stealing food from my daughter’s mid day pack.

These monkeys did not fear the dogs.

In actual fact, dogs feared them.

I had the habit of feeding monkeys with ice cream packed in plastic balls.

The Wall’s Ice cream made these ice cream balls.

I leave few of these plastic balls on the tree trunks.

They come down and grab them and get a freezing shock but in a few trial and error encounters open the lid on top and enjoy the ice cream just like our kids do.

I have heard a family who moved (probably to enter the kids to a school in Kandy) into a residence in Kandy had poisoning monkeys.

Our closest evolutionary link is treated as Unwanted Guests in this Buddhist City.

That is the evolution of the modern business man.

Speculative Theories and Course Correction

Speculative Theories and Course Correction
There are sixty one (61) theories that are considered to be Wrong Views by Buddha.
Many of them existed before Buddha and many of them are still considered to be the essence of humanity, even today.
My belief, is that the present existence of speculative theories are mostly based on Kalama Sutta’s modern interpretation of reality.
Any one new to Buddhism should read Kalama Sutta in conjunction with Brahmajala Sutta (All Embracing Net of Views).
Reading one only leads to misinterpretation of Reality.

I have discussed this before on three points.
They are;
1. Reality
2. Perception
3. The Gap or Void

Wrong perception leads to misconception and misinterpretation and the Gap or the Void is filled with the Wrong View/s.
To start with Buddhism is not a Philosophy, in the true sense of Philosophy.
If you read Prof. A.D.P. Kalansuriya’s book “The Buddha’s Discourses and Wittgenstein” he tries to correct this course and found fault with his fellow Buddhist Philosophers (they were not true thinkers but adherent to dogmas, at that time, naming them is improper).

He was trying to free the Philosophy into its own domain which is a first order discipline by definition.
(Even Wittgenstein saw this malady and called it the "Language Games" played on our minds).
In doing so he cleverly freed the Dhamma from corruption by the fellow travelers, of his age.

These modern age guys were interested in selling their books often derived from their PhD theses.

Having said, that I can now say that Buddhism is a way of life not a philosophy to trash about.
Why I say so.

The Brahmajala Sutta is meant for course correction and laid the foundation of Dhamma.

If one wants to label philosophical tenets, there are only three elements, nothing more.

1. Unsatisfactoriness (of both pain and pleasure principles)

2. Impermanence (of both mind and matter and the material world-Uppada, Thitti, Banga, Arising, Stabilizing and Falling nature of all things)

The modern rendering is “the state of flux”.

3. Impersonal nature of “Beings” and Bhava (Sansara).

Buddha is a teacher.

He laid down the cause (Kamma) and effect (Bhava).

He is not a Saviour.

He shows the path he trod on.

He has no reservations left for himself.

He is freed, so why any reservations?

There is a caveat here.

One is his/her own saviour.

On has to be diligent about the “Wrong View” or the “Wrong Path”.
There is only “One Way”.

Ekayana Maggo!

That way is “Meditation” and correct understanding of the three principles born above.
So Meditation (if one has the time and resources) is a “Way of Life” not a theory for philosophizing.

With those two out, I need to summarize the Nets of Views in brief.

There are basically three types of persons, who want to have their views heard loud and clear.
They are the Eternalists, Rationalists and Skeptics.

All are based on afterlife except one group.
There is no religion in this world that disputes the existence of afterlife except nihilists or skeptics.

Their views are either based on self realization in Jhana states or rationalization based on one’s own thinking.

One can read ones previous life (Jhana State Five) and based on these experiences some of them formulate that, since there was a past life, there ought to be an eternal life that continue after death.

In some religions merging of self with the eternal self tend to be the essence.
Many selfs are not identified as individual entities but one of a wholesome divine entity.
The next subset in this is that there ought to be a divine creator or God.
There are at least 18 subsets based on eternity.

In this subset, it is the Maha Brahma (may be some of his retinues) who had the grandiose illusion that he was the creator of the world.

The bottom line is, when they consume these planes of lives and exit, they are often reborn in lower form of life often, even lower than human life.
It is a pity.
One who has not pursued the Jhana states to clear vision or wisdom sees these as eternal truths and postulate them as their discoveries.

They are the eternalists.

Then there are the skeptics who do not believe in afterlife.

They create the nihilistic view (only one out of 44 views).

There are 44 views (including View of the Buddha) with future life in in perspective.

This is where the category of perception comes into play.

The perception has a void in it and that gap is filled with any view out of the 62 views of reality.
The Brahmajala Sutta is an attempt at Course Correction from Eternalists, Rationalists and Skeptics, not from Divinity but for the Emancipation from ills, wills and imperfections.
That is to untangle from the tangled entanglement of the Wrong View.

That is why Samma Ditti is the first of the Eight fold Pathway.
In other words Mithya Ditti is the sure recipe for prolonging agony in the lower worlds of existence.

Once one gets his/her mind out of the Kalama Sutta and the Brahmajala Sutta one is free to delve into enormous Sutta discourses and Abhidhamma (mind you very dry in content) for clear view of Dhamma.

No part of Suttas or Abhdhamma is redundant for a wayfarer.
One either needs a true guide or one has to chose his own Sutta or Abhidamma discourses as a guide.

Please read the book of late Prof. A.D.P.Kalansuriya, if one is interested in philosophy.
It is heavy reading by the way, but that does not deter you from reading it, in small doses.  

Philosophy is more difficult than Dhamma.

Monkey Talks

Monkey Talks
We have cleared the jungle to less than 15% and our monkeys and elephants have no place to roam about.

This is not about NPP, JVP, UNP or SJB monkeys.

This is all about Real Monkeys.

In my book published about few years ago, "Living with Nature", the first 3 chapters were dedicated to monkeys and mangoes.

Mangoes are my favorite fruits.
Never mango drinks.
I hate fruit juices but love Coca Cola and Ginger Beer. 
This was during my weaning off period from alcohol.

My favorite was Gin and Tonic.
Billiards game to go with it.

I hate the smell of local Arrack but had a penchant for VSOA during hospital life.

To cut that story short when I realized I was an alcoholic, I abruptly stopped.

That's it.

Mahinda Thera supposed to have had a "Mango Quiz"  with our first King Devanam Piya Tissa.

What I extract from this story is not logic but that our ancestors like any prehistoric civilization were hunters.

Nothing but hunters.
But they never hunt our monkeys.

But presently, Ceylonese hunt, kill and eat money meat.
Monkeys carry human related diseases and AIDS is one among the many.

To begin with, one should never mess with our crows.
They are intelligent.
I am made to believe that even the descendants of crows treated badly remember their ordeals.
This is an epigenetic trait that is passed down to subsequent generations. 
I tend to believe, if we ill treat monkeys for several generations they would pass down that trait like the crows.

What I have noticed is during the first generation itself monkeys tend imitate us and act rudely to humans.

The bottom line is do not ill treat monkeys.
Do not become friendly, too.

Be indifferent and shoo them away gently.
What I used to do is, if they come to our roof top, I climb to the roof top garden and watch.
Never leave water or food.
Won't react adversely but observe and respond in gentle tone "that your time is up to leave".

If you are having fruit trees have only one or two near your house which you can protect.
If you have a fruit garden, it is a full time job to protect the garden.

Like mongooses that open the doors of pens where animals are kept monkeys are adept at opening doors to look for food and some are really mischievous.

For the rest of the monkey stories read my book "Living with Nature" which include looking after water lilies, cherry tomatoes and allowing little birds (munia) to make nests.

I will end up with one monkey story.

We used to come to school very early in the morning. 
One is to play soft ball cricket.
The other is to pluck fruits on our way to school.

Very rarely Tamarind
Velvet Tamarind (Gal Siyambala)

This list is in my book "Vegetarian Saga".

What we used to do is to throw a stick at the mango tree.
Not towards the monkey.
Invariably a stupid monkey would hit us with a ripe mango.

Pick it up and say Thank You and move on.

Please treat our monkeys well.
I can remember giving monkeys a treat with "Ice Cream Balls" from Alleris Company.
It is a rude shock for them with ice cold fingers but they find a way to open the "Ice Cream Balls" and enjoy them nevertheless.

The stupid guy the boss of Kandy, Maligawa or the Diyawadena Nillme was the one who poisoned our monkeys.

How come he is a Buddhist?

Ill treating elephants on parade is another issue.

NPP Lies (Pacha) Exposed

NPP Lies (Pacha) Exposed

It is true political lies get exposed within a year or so.

But not within a month.
They are all so embedded in lies it is time to examine credentials of all the 139 members.

Current speaker epitomizes the long chain of lies.
He cannot prove his education qualifications.

I thought, the lies related to promises pledged would be exposed in about 3 years.

I am proven wrong.
They are exposed day by day.
In is pertinent note that the fourth precept is to promise I do not lie.
Because these guys are religion-less lot, Precepts do not apply, them.

They are called "Niraghamika" Type.

I can now take a long break.
It looks like, I need not tabulate them for the average citizen.

Citizens should first test their mental agility first, not to get caught in a blatant lie.

If they believe if they are of sound mind, then they can start counting on the promises not kept.

If they can count up to 100 misses, then they should be made eligible to vote in the next round of elections.

One of the biggest lies is that Central Bank did not print money.
They did and they are released in small batches.

However, AKD signature is not there but RW signature will prevail.

My prediction is by April 2025 the dollar rate will revert back to Rupees 330 per dollar.
That is realistic.

In financial news for the first time after 27 months foreign remittances have started dipping down.

That is the first sign that guys abroad have realized the trend.

I continue to remit foreign currency albeit in small amounts.

Economic recovery is not within sight.
It is a mirage.

Why I Hate Chinese Food?

I have been teaching about Atherosclerosis all my life. 
The final theory is discussed in my book "Vegetarian Saga". 

Please, Do not believe the American Medical Assiciation's Food Advice dished out in December, every year.

It is worse than Anthony Fousi talking about "Gain in Function" protocol in Wuhan, China laboratories.

It has chapters on coconut oil, chocolates, meditation and beautiful mind.

Final chapter is on "Fact Based" or "Evidenced Based Medicine".

It would be out in mid January, 2025 after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the President of USA.

I am a doctor in retirement.

This advice is using myself as a subject of concern.

I used to eat Chinese Food in UK on weekends. 

I'll come to that later.

I entered UK in late 1979 and I was without a job living alone for 4 months on my own.

I did not know how to cook.

We used to get two meals free from the hospital and we eat a Full Chicken a day (half a chicken a meal). 

Two bottles of milk free on hospital account. 
It was only 20 pence a pint. 
I love Manchester milk.

Mind you, unlike today cost of living in UK was damn cheap, then and 95% of my salary was saved. 
I used to buy all the fancy stuff including cameras and Japanese Walky Talkies. 
I had a digital radio to wake me up at 7AM to Joe Vogan the Irish comedian.
The Joe Rogan, type.
For two hours I read something including academic stuff. I collected over 2000 to 3000 books on many topics other than medicine.
I had few books on psychology which I did like very much.
Psychology was in infancy then and probably even now.

I delved into Dhamma and Abhidhamma well past 50.

Thankfully, cheap computers were not in existence. 
There were no cellphones.

The Bleeper weighed half a brick and I used to drop that to the bin basket on weekends.

I lost my Seiko wristwatch with keys of the alphabet on top, within 10 days. 
It was left in my on call room.
Probably the cleaner took it. Which one I could not figure out.
I reported that I lost it in the common TV Lounge.
In a way, protected any litigation but the general manager knew it and it was his responsibility to protect our belongings.when on call.
Quickly adapted Bank Cards for transactions and a receipt for every transaction.

It was fully insured and I bought a cheaper Seiko. 

My current digital wristwatch is a cheap one which I bought before leaving Ceylon. If I lose it I do not care.

Currently, I do not use my cellphone for calls and use it only for searching the Internet.

My cheap Intel NUC computer with Debian installed doing all my academic work.

No Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac to entice me.

In early 1980s, Medical Secretaries we're learning Word Processing in DOS format. 
I decided to buy an Electric  Typewriter to do my own typing of letters and resumes. 

That typewriter is still in working order, of Olympia make.

I must remind the time of Sirimavo and NM. People were practically starving but we had a reasonable good meal in our quarters but very badly cooked.

Coming to UK with plenty of food, within a year I got bloated up.

I was like a fully fed pig.

I was 55kg when I entered UK and when I left it could have been 62 to 64kg.
It could have been even more. 

I did not weigh myself, in UK.

I weighed myself (with clothes) just before I left New Zealand 1994 and then, the peak weight was 64kg. 

I became health conscious in the 1990s and now propergate Single Good Meal a day and NO RICE at all (except occasional indulgence) for over 15 years.

I decided to change to healthy Fish and Chips which was the staple and cheap food in UK.

Cod and haddock were the high end fish but plaice and pollock were the commener variety, in fish and chips shops. 

I did not bother about the fish type.

Salmon was not popular except in cans. That was my only cooking of fish experience.
Put it to the pan and fry. 
Adding butter, salt and fish (salmon) in a mashed mix was the sandwich mix.

But I missed katta,  tuna and dried fish of Ceylon. 

Cooking fish in Ceylonese way is not an easy job. 

So getting addicted to chicken was natural. 
I do not eat chicken at all now.

Mind you, a large English portion of fish and chips was enough for me for the entire day, living alone in UK without a job.
A light English Breakfast was enough to prevent hypoglycemia in the winter months. 

Plenty of sweets in my pocket and that changed to chocolates and liqueured chocolate during Christmas time.

Off days, I used to go for a Chinese Fish and chips. 
I did not realize they add some additives to either chips or fish. I could not be sure since both are fried in the same meat oil.

Fish oil is good for your health!

The oil they use for cooking is the one with the contentious issue. 
Now, I know they use meat oil or suet or tallow. 

The boiling point of meat oil is about 40 degrees which is ideal for frying.

So this Chinese deep frying kills the value of fish oil.

One must remember our taste buds needs oil to sensitize the nerve ending and if one adds Ajinamoto to that one gets addicted to Chinese food.

That is why I do not eat Chinese food and boycott Chinese restaurants.
They use tallow liberally.

By the way, Chinese eat any meat under the sun.

I have almost become a vegetarian.

My book  "Vegetarian Saga" is almost finished and a little footnote about Chinese deep frying would be added to that book.