No Dog for Christmas
Sunday, November 1, 2020
No Dog for Christmas
I should rephrase it
no “Puppy as a gift” for Christmas.
If you really love
puppies please download Puppy Linux;
The creator of this
Linux distribution is a real dog lover.
Not only that Puppy
Linux is Puppy size (one need to have some understanding about Linux, though)
but loaded with utilities.
I can have a list of
reasons of more than 20 but on top are two real life stories.
This happened more
than 30 years in the United Kingdom.
I was heavily
involved with Neonatal Paediatric care then.
I was on
weekend off
and listening to some music (Terry Vogan was my favourite Irish
announcer) and radio (not Terry) announced the tragic death of a baby
few days old (the day the happy family brought the baby home), mauled
to death by the owners pet dog.
The police came an
shot the dog but the baby did not survive.
The bottom line is
the dogs can be extremely jealous of a new comer, including babies.
This happened about
10 days before Christmas and that was the only Christmas that I could
not blend with the Christmas spirit.
All throughout the festive season the message was relayed "No Puppy as a pet, if one cannot care for".
Underline theme was that baby care is full time job and dog care is no different.
The bone of
contention here is, the doctor/s could have visited the house and made
some investigations of the suitability of the house for a newborn
baby with an adult dog.
The second incident
was, one of my old (80 plus) professors forearm was torn to pieces and
needed over 40 stitches.
He was terrified and
the dog, his own, was not killed but transferred to a suitable foster
He was living alone
and we never investigated the reason for the attack.
So my
One has to
be 40 to 45
years (does not matter one is married or not) old, to properly care for
dog who lives till the owner is 60 plus and showing all the signs of old
age disabilities.
This the crisis
period in life, the children are teens and won't listen to you.
The dog is an
outlet to divert ones attention from growing but rebellious kids.
The paradox is the
children also use the dog as a “Punching Bag” to let their
frustration out.
For a single man or
women (the success or failure in career is immaterial) it is good
To brag about the
dog (if successful in career) not the career in office.
The dog lives 15 to
20 years and for a single man /woman walking the dog (for the last 15
years of one's life) is a good antidote for intermittent exogenous
depression (not for the endogenous depression,one needs proper
Besides, the dog ages
fast and it is a preview of ones old age chronic illnesses, including
arthritis, cataract, diabetes, obesity, gout and many more.
Mind you dog care is
more expensive than medical care in USA/UK and France.
Best advice is not have a dog at all if YOU do not have Money and Time!
Please do not be enticed by the Christmas films involving dogs but enjoy the film instead.
Punchlines, Punch Bags (Boxing Bags). Punch Balls, Kick Bags and Kickbacks with Punch and Judy
Punchlines, Punch Bags (Boxing Bags). Punch Balls, Kick Bags and Kickbacks with Punch and Judy
Election is all over and every conceivable lie had being utilized for gains.
It is miracle that I survived without hearing loss since the decibel range was higher than the pitch I was used to.
Sometimes I think it is a blessing to be either deaf or blind or both.
Since I am not either this is to revive Punch and Judy not in his style but in boxing style.
It is strange to note that Punch and Judy characters never used Boxer the kids friendly dog nor the the real boxing characters like Cassius Clay (Mohammed Ali), probably fearing American backlash.
I am writing this not expecting any kickbacks from any living soul or any British soul sent to hell by Punch but I have to use English for the strength of the Punch but in boxing style.
I am not even light weight and not even super flyweight to have the physical (I was super bantamweight when I was abroad and having being here for over 5 years gone below the fly weight category without even having a crash course in dieting) presence felt in the ring.
I have to use the English punchlines (send our Buddhist MPs including monks to heaven – not to hell like in UK for them to evoke blessing for the millions of voters who are practically missing a meal-according to health Ministry statistics; they never starve; they actually follow the Buddhist monks principle of eating once a day to go to heaven since Ceylon is not the heaven or paradise that it was known to be) instead for posterity.
The boxing categories including light weight was used by me to address the issue I have with the Microsoft / Open Office Office Package/s which is /are always super heavyweight and tax my computer's limited resources including RAM.
Since I use Linux for my work I do many things (unlike Microsoft Windows) once at the same time (watching Football World Cup-not cricket now- do a distribution download while I do some pep writings like this) and the speed is a factor I rely for efficiency.
I use Abiword Light sometime which is portable too.
I have extended this to my Linux100 writing elsewhere in the Google’s blogspot- just type asoka and paraox- you are instantly there and I want the Linux Developers to produce Light Weight (700 MiB. Middle Weight is 1700 MiB and anything above is Heavy Weight (especially the commercial versions that tax resources even at boot time) and sometimes useless to say the least.
Just to take some respite from somewhat taxing job (100 is a big issue at my age, even though I have already 200 distributions in my USB hard disc) of testing and writing reviews for the wider web users.
I take life at an easy pace now!
To begin with my Punch Code (in computer terminology) we must have a nurse and a doctor appointed to the parliament.
should weigh all new MPs (do not do that with the old foxes they are
too heavy that the spring of the balance will break without any spring
of surprises) now and every three months over the next 6 years and send
that data to the Central Bank / World Bank and the WHO (Sinhalen whoooo)
as real data.
They must be categorized according to the weight class of the boxers and see how they progress from flyweight to super heavyweight both in weight and money in no time.
Real progress of the country.
My argument for this is that our parliament truly represents the wishes of the population in real terms and numbers.
It truly feel the pulse of the people and rule of the law but not the rulers image.
If we have donkeys in this country surely they should be represented there.
Then we must have an annual contest in front of the Diyawana Oya and get Indian actors to come and face them weight by weight.
Our voters can be used as the Punch Bags or Boxing Bag (it is done almost everyday if you look at the government TV Channel).
It is worth while that they must send a random sample of weight from school leavers for comparison.
But I think that is a waste since our Central Bank has the knack of manipulating any real data into abstruse elements for it to be presented at the Budget at any time of the day or night or if necessary for IMF’s consumption.
But my real punch line is not for the new MPs.
It is for the Ministers who were newly appointed.
It looks as if they are used as the Punch Bags especially the Foreign Minister.
I do not wish who uses them as the Punch Bags.
It is a top secret except for one who is always vociferous in Sinhala for the cameras and destroy anything foreign except the oil he wears on his head.
If seems that boxers use kick balls and kick bags.
I like both of them (kick bag and kick ball) and in football style I can kick them in their vestiges!
3rd July., 2010
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