Friday, October 11, 2024

Becoming a Publisher Using Linux Utilities


Becoming a Publisher Using Linux Utilities

I have had a crash course of writing.
Four books after two year lapse and ideas not opinions flowing at a tremendous speed.

I have almost stopped blogging and if I do not sit down and write them, the very next day,     I have forgotten all.

I use forgetting as a method of encouraging new ideas.

Ruminating on the same old opinion is not a good thing for a writer.
One gets bogged down mentally or mental block ensues.

I was down with myocarditis on the first dose of vaccination but thankfully my mental faculties remained intact and that made me to go through the rest I needed, since there is no treatment for myocarditis which may even end up in death.

Initially it was fear but then reality dawned on me that Uncertainty Principle in stock market will fit in nicely with life events as well.

It was not fatigue that made me to go into hibernation.
Having worked 24/7 schedule all my life as a medical person, I needed a long rest, especially because the demise of our dog Zimba put me down low.

He was wonderful companion and I may not write a book about him which was more personal agony than glory.

In fact, I finishing a book about three Ceylonese -afterlife- Dogs and all three now are in Heaven and one as the Maha Brahma's Assistant.

It is strange that I always end up with a Rebirth Episode and that does not spare dogs.

This book would be published soon when I go back to Ceylon for a break. It was hectic holiday and I could not finish the book.

I have for the past 20 years, dissociated with medical activities and I pretend that I am a PhD Guy (of course I have research work to my credit) and not a proper medical guy. Having worked my last years in the University, that ploy worked very well for me and gave me time for blogging, if not writing.

The corona virus pandemic was the correct antidote and I stopped drinking and loitering in the city, aimlessly in book shops, the coffee shops and the tea shops which were mushrooming in a tiny city of Kandy for foreign tourists.

Unfortunately my classmates are either living on medical drugs and are deprived of alcohol due to their medication or have become alcoholic addicts.

I hate the cellphone (gossip channel) and have almost switched off the land phone for good.

The telephone only brings bad news, never good and the rest is gossip.

That made me to write pretty or petty books on alcohol, publishing of books, fact files void of fat, mother nature and about 30 unique guys, I have met in my life including guys doing gem business, union activities, loafing, mountaineering, fishing, vendors, farmers, jokers, petty office assistants, librarians, sportsmen and many more.

Unlike the young days my memory is failing and I have to jot down ideas, in a tiny note book, which I found in New Zealand 30:years ago. and never used but kept it like a souvenir.

I did not bring this book to Australia and I am going back to collect it and enlarge upon the ideas jotted down.

It has all the passwords recorded for posterity.

It has come handy and me forgetting PIN numbers of all the bank accounts made me to write down all the lengthy passwords for my email, except one email (which I remember well due to frequent use), I have forgotten all the other passwords.

I cannot log into CreateSpace account with one email which I have many books published.

Even though, I can some how get to my email by circuitous methods, I cannot get to the bookshelf of mine at CreateSpace.

Finally, I got round of that hurdle and here I am publishing again.

I begin to hate digital books with ugly black and white typeface.

For a long time I used Google's fonts with color to add colour to my blog pieces.

I have resisted buying a Kindle and my tablet battery has gone dead and it cannot be replaced.

I have collected quite a number of Nokia cellphones and a tiny  cellphone (this I have disposed) for calls for Taxi or sending SMS and had a problem with responding to the Amazon's text messages for verification of my book page.

I have many SIM cards (15 in number, I guess a CIA guy do not have that many) for my various activities and have to use at least two of them to coordinate my writings.

The keyboard is a problem and cursor point of the mouse jumps recklessly to unwanted places and editing correction to this entry took more than an hour.

Thank You Amazon, the spell checker did a good job highlighting the mistakes.

Life is getting complicated and paranoid in this modern age,

The pandemic has made lot of guy/girls becoming paranoid.

It is not an evolutionary trend but a bizarre  malady of  modern age!