Monday, September 9, 2024

Xandros was an excellent Edition

Xandros Desktop OS
Rate this project    Newsforge editors have succeeded in getting hold of a review copy of Xandros Linux 1.0, apparently due to be released today: "Xandros seems to be what Lindows could have been if it had stayed true to its Linux roots, both product-wise and philosophically. I like Xandros; I like the ease of use combined with common-sense security options and configurability; I like that it reaches out to Windows users without alienating the Linux community; it may just end up becoming the main distribution in my house." The Xandros web site is still keeping the release a secret, but the NewsForge review should give us an indication of what to expect from this newcomer on the desktop Linux scene. 


Corel Linux

Rate this project    "Xandros Corporation today announced that it has signed a strategic licensing agreement with Corel Corporation, giving it access to Corel's Linux desktop OS and related technologies. The newly formed company will focus on developing the desktop and server markets with assistance from its founding parent, Linux Global Partners. Xandros has secured a $10 million capital commitment from NY-based Linux Global Partners, a Linux-specific investment company with financial holdings in several key desktop application companies. The new company will be headquartered in Ottawa, Canada and has already retained a majority of the original software architects of the award-winning Corel Linux operating system."

Read it all here.

Xandros was an excellent Edition

I started Linux with Caldera Linux and Debian (along with Books on Linux).

Along the way, I found Xandros which aroused my enthusiasm with Linux. 

I could not memorize its name for few hours and remembered it as Xandows (X and windows put together). ? Similar to Lindows.

The correct name is Xandros.

It has X of Linux.

It has Andros as in Android.

It is sounding like Windows.

It has a Delux edition and both are available in Archive Linux site.

Thank YOU guys for keeping a copy and there is true nostalgia.

Web site: (not active)
Origin: Canada
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: Xandros
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 4.2 | July 26, 2007

Xandros (or: Xandros Desktop) – an easy to use, highly compatible Linux distribution for desktop computer users. It provides an alternative operating system environment that is simple to install, configure and use, provides extensive Microsoft Windows OS and network compatibility, and harnesses the power of Linux to provide a viable, highly functional and reliable Linux desktop that is easy to use.

– Simple, powerful and complete Linux desktop operating system
– The only Linux desktop that installs out of the box alongside Windows XP with NTFS resizing capability (Deluxe only)
– Ability to run many Windows applications via CodeWeavers CrossOver Office & Plugin products (a US$79.95 value included with Deluxe only)
– Free North American shipping and handling for Xandros Desktop Deluxe (limited time offer)
– Xandros Desktop Deluxe Edition only US$99.00
– Xandros Desktop Standard Edition special introductory price only US$39.95 plus shipping and handling.

Xandros Desktop leverages the performance and reliability of a Linux distribution to create a secure desktop operating system that breaks down the barriers between Microsoft Windows and Linux. A simple 5 step graphical installation process and uncomplicated configuration facilities get your system up and running quickly while the familiar point and click interface and easy to use applications get you surfing the Web, sending e-mail, chatting, word processing and printing immediately.

The Xandros Desktop is based on the Open Source, K Desktop Environment (KDE) which immediately gives it a familiar appearance whether you are accustomed to Microsoft Windows or another Linux distribution.




Web site: (not active)
Origin: Canada
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: Xandros
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 4.2 | July 26, 2007

Xandros (or: Xandros Desktop) – an easy to use, highly compatible Linux distribution for desktop computer users. It provides an alternative operating system environment that is simple to install, configure and use, provides extensive Microsoft Windows OS and network compatibility, and harnesses the power of Linux to provide a viable, highly functional and reliable Linux desktop that is easy to use.

– Simple, powerful and complete Linux desktop operating system
– The only Linux desktop that installs out of the box alongside Windows XP with NTFS resizing capability (Deluxe only)
– Ability to run many Windows applications via CodeWeavers CrossOver Office & Plugin products (a US$79.95 value included with Deluxe only)
– Free North American shipping and handling for Xandros Desktop Deluxe (limited time offer)
– Xandros Desktop Deluxe Edition only US$99.00
– Xandros Desktop Standard Edition special introductory price only US$39.95 plus shipping and handling.

Xandros Desktop leverages the performance and reliability of a Linux distribution to create a secure desktop operating system that breaks down the barriers between Microsoft Windows and Linux. A simple 5 step graphical installation process and uncomplicated configuration facilities get your system up and running quickly while the familiar point and click interface and easy to use applications get you surfing the Web, sending e-mail, chatting, word processing and printing immediately.

The Xandros Desktop is based on the Open Source, K Desktop Environment (KDE) which immediately gives it a familiar appearance whether you are accustomed to Microsoft Windows or another Linux distribution.

Xandros, Inc. was a software company which sold Xandros Desktop, a Linux Distribution.

The name Xandros was derived from the X Windows system and the Greek island of Andros. 

Xandros was founded in May 2001 by Linux Global Partners (Will Roseman and Dr. Frederick Berenstein). The company was headquartered in New York City with its development office in Ottawa, Canada.

Xandros Desktop was based on Corel Linux  a Debian based  distribution that was acquired along with the development team behind the product from Corel Corporation  in August 2001 after Corel decided to exit the Linux distribution market.

Xandros was a founding member of the Desktop Linux Consortium and member of the Intercop Vendor Alliance.

In July 2007, Xandros bought Scalix, a Linux-based email and collaboration product, based on HP OpenMail HP OpenMail.

 In July 2008, Xandros acquired Linspire.

In 2013, Xandros, Inc. changed its name to Bridgeways, Inc. and soon after, the Xandros website was taken offline. 

(The Xandros website was last updated in November 2009.).

As a result, DistroWatch listed Xandros as discontinued.

On 1 January 2018, PC/OpenSystems LLC purchased Xandros and Linspire from Bridgeways, Inc., and resurrected the Xandros branding with Xandros OpenDesktop (a commercial release) and Xandros OpenServer (a free release), based on Ubuntu 20.04.

 Xandros OpenDesktop would later be rebranded as Xandros Enterprise Desktop and Xandros OpenServer would be rebranded as Xandros Enterprise Server, and PC/OpenSystems also introduced free versions named Xandros Community Edition (using GNOME) and Xandros Developer Edition (using dwm). 

Learning a Second Language, the Contribution of British Council Library. Learning a Second Language, the contribution of British Council Library.

It is also important to highlight that the Second Language that is not the Mother Language is localized to the Right Hemisphere of the Brain which is the Creative side of the brain. Left side of the brain of a right handed person is the Logical or functional brain which deals with automatic processes.


Learning a Second Language, the contribution of British Council Library.

What is, “Learning a Second Language” has got to do with Long Life?
It may sound ridiculous or not relevant.
Let me untangle the tangled minds.
Suppose in your retirement, you like to visit a foreign country or one of your friends living abroad invites you to visit him/her.

Won’t that be a nice to have a working knowledge of English?

But if your friend is from Germany or France, would it be enough, knowing only English?

English is the business language of the world and if you intend to expand your local business to a foreign soil, it is vital that you have a team with language expertise to communicate and work with.
One cannot become an efficient ambassador, unless you are an expert and well versed with the language of the local community.

Depending on a translator is a handicap.

It was unfortunate in my formative years nobody emphasized the importance of language except my maternal uncle who was a Buddhist Monk.

If at all they discourage learning English.
I had the common sense that if I were to master science, English was the language of instruction.
The city school I went did not have a proper library. 

For my luck British Council Library was doing a yeoman service to help young readers of our time. 

Because of political indifference and interference, the USIS library closed its operation in Kandy long time ago.

I would close my introduction by saying that a
sure way to train a dictator is to make him or her learn only the mother tongue of the local community. We have had enough examples in this small country with ethnic division making inroads and politicians capitalizing on the fringe.
None of the above is my reason for encouraging one to learn at least two languages.

Please read on, to get my point of view.

Learning a language and mastering it is no easy task for most of us. This is especially so when it is learned as a second language. When the mother tongue is not taught properly and its advantages and disadvantages are not highlighted, at an early age, children are at a loss to coordinate their interests and achievements. This is true for learning languages and I am yet to find a child who is genuinely interested in learning a language (for example Sinhala or Tamil) for its own beauty.
They become rote learners and drag along, in a system oriented for examination performances. Rather than bringing the best out of the innate talents of children, language difficulty becomes a stumbling block to progress.
If children are forced to learn a single language, there is no way of unlearning the bad habits.
Single language narrows the interests of young children.
If the quality of the available reading material is poor how are we to instill creativity in young minds?
One of the most interesting feature of leaning a second language is that it should arouse the creativity along with curiosity.
 Learning a language and its intricacies is quite different from learning a language of instruction. 

For an example English is a suitable medium of instruction for science without which vast knowledge base cannot be tapped.
Similarly, learning a computer language is entirely a different exercise altogether.
So language of upbringing (mother tongue), language of instruction (English) and the language of technical communication (
Linux) are few facets of the emerging global trends and requirements.
Only few of us have the mastery of all these aspects of communication. 

How we could direct our children without unduly burdening them in early years of their life is the challenge for our educationists and reformists.

What is happening is little bit of this and little bit of that and the final chutney (Achcharu) is not of any taste to the child's creative mind.
There is a particular age where children are at ease with learning a second language other than the mother tongue. Beyond this period it is a tedious task for any body. To learn a new language especially the phonetics as an adult is not an easy task. Then there are many other aspects including, grammar, syntax, idioms, expressions and dialects to deal with.

I am no specialist in this game of languages.

As child I was attracted to books initially for the colorful pictures then to the stories. I was in no way attracted to the daily papers except the cartoons. Neither the history nor the literature attracted me but quite unknowingly the science was the theme that interested me.
There was the Russian ‘Sputnik’ and the Lyka the dog going to the outer space in my childhood. Gradually I begun to understand that unless I learn to read English I won’t be able understand all those exciting cartoons (Tin Tin, Denis the Menace and Andy Capp) and science fiction.
Learning English was fun and learning
Sinhala was boring, in early years of my life.
For my luck I had very good Sinhala teacher and a very good English teacher. If not for them I would not have gone far. 

Even though, I left the homely village life in my formative years to a school in the city, quite frankly I did not learn much in the city school.

It was actually the British Council Library that provided me with all the books I needed. City school library was not much to talk about. So I learned my second language at my own pace at my own leisure.

The seat of knowledge was the British Council Library.

By the way, my blogging habits started due to British Council Library.

They had a program called WriteClick!