Wednesday, July 18, 2018


One year of self induced divorce from political, religious and scientific investigation was a revelation.
For more than 15 years (included books too) I have tried to change the way we think about every aspect of social life.
When I realized that Internet was used by Intelligent agents for eavesdropping not only on opponents (Russia, America, China) but even an innocent citizen (Ceylon used this mentality to induce an ethnic bias), I was very ashamed.
I give priority to privacy.
Me using, Linux was one way of avoiding conflict of interest, with proprietary commodities.
Also to promote copyright law.
I have no political ambitions except helping people who need help (more of education rather than giving a dole).
People who say that they are public servants or political activists (include media, too) have failed to enforce law and order in this country. That started from early seventies and over 50 years now.

According to Victor Ivan less than 5% are convicted all the others are on bail or absconding.

Let me now highlight our fallacies.

1. We procrastinate and postpone action.
The latest victim is MS.

2. The previous government ploy was to use prominent lawyers to protect criminals.

3. NATO ploy, No action but Talk Only Show.
This was our political show.

4. People without brains take up politics as a profession.
Brainy (Brain Drain) fellows leave our shore.

5. They live in other countries, until their retirement and come here to avoid bitter winter but dish out remedies like dishwasher liquids.

6. No recrimination or remorse having done the wrong things repeatedly (J.V.P and L.T.T.E are good examples).

7. No ability for reconciliation.
Hold onto old ideas until they reach 80s and die with them.

8. National papers, especially English publish articles written by oldies little bit edited for the current use.

9. We neglect the youth and their aspiration is to go 
abroad even in the kindergarten.

10. Lack of ability to think in present tense (only past glory or future vendetta).

I think above ten statements summarize our predicament.