Linux Distribution for Netbooks
I have some bad news for netbook users.
If you are a Linux user, the community has left you high and dry.
Thankfully only two distributions that came out three years ago and Netrunner Linux would support the netbooks.
I will dispense with Netrunner 4.2.1 which I downloaded only yesterday.
It is pretty good if you have enough RAM.
It comes in both 32 bits and 64 bits versions and I recommend it without any hesitation for laptops but for netbooks, make sure you have enough RAM.
It takes up over 8 GiB and hence cannot be mounted on a Flash drive below 8 GiB and I hope the developers would TRIM it down to suit for Flash Drive / Pendrive use below 4 GiB.
But my TOP recommendation is Pingue Eee which does a good job of being relatively recent and having all the software.
Eeebunbtu would boot up your Netbook but has only limited software range.
Hurry up and download Pingue Eee, my favorite and report to its home base if you have any problems.
The rest of the distributions I tested except CloudUSB is not worth any mention here.
Cloud USB is Ubuntu 10 derivative and the developers have got into a FROZEN state due to Ubuntuś Unity project which left all Ubuntu users having a Netbook high and dry.
Sometime ago I suggested the developers of CloudUSB have a fresh look at its future development and they could take a leaf out of NetRunner 4.2.1 and think afresh.
Remember Ubuntu/Canonical does not support Kubuntu now and they are doing a great job and Netrunner is a Kubuntu derivative.
Ubuntu 12.04.1, (LTS-Long Term Support), SuSe 12.2, PCLINux and most of the standard distributions do not support netbooks and one has to remember Linux took off and its resurgence was due to netbooks and abandoning its netbook base is not a good ploy and has left a bad taste with (newbies) Linux users.
This is why Linux is lately becoming less and less popular due to Desktop Development (not utility) CRAZE (I call it D.D.C for short).