Fish breeding was childhood activity that I never had time to explore fully.
Our science teachers were mediocre and never taught us with pragmatism and interest.
It was a case of deriving a stereotype answer for particular scientific principle and nothing more when we were kids.
Our science teachers were mediocre and never taught us with pragmatism and interest.
It was a case of deriving a stereotype answer for particular scientific principle and nothing more when we were kids.
Thankfully we had scientific brains t even outsmart our teachers.
Fish breeding was something I learned by simple observation.
That is also live breeding never breeding egg layers like gurami or zebras.
With heavy workload both as a student and a professional there was no spare time, anyway.
Fish breeding was something I learned by simple observation.
That is also live breeding never breeding egg layers like gurami or zebras.
With heavy workload both as a student and a professional there was no spare time, anyway.
It was a matter of giving up hobbies including photography.
Well as a preparation for retirement and as a break I started keeping pet fish well in advance of my retirement.
That was a big mistake on my part leaving me no breathing space.
It restricted my well earned spare time, which could have been very well used for gin and tonic not extra work but by some rare coincidence, I discovered that if I leave the water removed from my fish tank (when changing water due to algae) in a bucket, in a few weeks I will have young Zebras.
Yes Zebras do not eat all thier eggs.
There is suffient number of eggs that hatch.
They are unfortunately not visible to the naked eye.
Now I have the fourth batch of young zebra in bucket over the last two months.
The cardinal rule is not to mix them with guppies.
hey will leave no trace of zebra eggs.