Monday, December 30, 2024

Azarbhajan and Korean Airline Crashes- My Theory

In theory a passenger airline should not crash on landing unless weather gods were nasty at the time of landing.

This rule does not apply to private jets.

My misgivings are as follows.
The aircraft lands on its belly.
It crashes on the fence but explodes instantly.

It was an instant explosion and it did not look like a jet fuel burn on impact. 

Of course, the jet fuel burn finished the job with only ashes remaining.

The damage to the fence was minimal.

This is related to Azarbhajan crash.
Russia has no involvement in Korean crash.

Why did Russian military take such an action related to crash in Azarbhajan?

Most likely Russians had advance information and acted decisively in spot of political and diplomatic risks. There were Azabarjan radical involvement. 
Lack of transparency on Azarbhajan investigation is the end result. Everybody wants to cover the tract.

That is the way Secret Services works. It is very complicated discovering the Truth in this Modern World.

Lot of facts should be taken into account in considering, the evolution of global politics.

1. President Biden is bitter not having a second term.
Deep inside Biden team does not want President Trump to start smoothly. 

Tried all the methods to scuttle him before the election but failed.

He needs some diversion tactic to take the blame away.

His failures were Global.
Plane crash may be on the card and divert attention on Ukraine not Russia. 
For input of more money before saying Good Bye.

2. Zelensky is more bitter than Biden. 
He was looking for many ways to antagonize Russia especially, President Putin. 

President Putin is one step ahead not paranoid like Zelensky. 

He anticipates major and minor plots and act accordingly but smoothly.

Zelensky is a total tactical failure of CIA.

Korean Air Crash

South Korea is in turmoil and there is no proper running administration.

Their secret service can be bought by Ukrainians desperate for a plot against Russia.

I do not mean South Koreans would have any such ideas or plots.

Section of the secret service could be bought to plant a bomb or explosives on a airline bound to Russia.

The Plot could have been;

Airline safely lands in Muan.

It is hijacked by Ukraine operatives.

It is already loaded with explosives, unknown to South Koreans.

It was matter of flying to Moscow and crash landing.

The guys would crash land and reach a safe place already identified having executed the plan.

Russia got a sniff of Ukrainian suspects among the passengers. At least a few of them were Ukrainians carrying Russian passports.

Russian undercover agents plan would have been to plant an explosive device that would detonate on high impact among the already packed explosive.

Pertinent question is who provider the explosive.

Could it be even Turkey.

The aim was  to disable the onward (putative) flight to Moscow by Ukrainian mercenaries.

The Korean pilots panicked moment the wing was hit by birds.

They were not aware of the explosive content in it's belly. In other words they were not aware of the overload. 

Most likely underestimated the load and the stopping distance.

They just went by the standard protocols.
They were not part of the plot.

Ukrainians were.
Ukrainians are a desperate lot.

Expect some more of their plots during the lame duck period of this current presidency.
It is mandatory while these happening prisoner exchange did occur.
There are a few sane people who value diplomacy.
Diplomacy is the way forward and is not the last resort.

Empress of China by Kumar David

Empress of China

by Kumar David 

This is in Meory of Kumar David

Two examples, nearer home in more ways than one from antiquity are the Maurya Emperor Asoka (reigned 232-274 BC) and the Empress Wu Zetian (reigned supreme 690-705 BC and consort 655-683) the only female Empress of China. Both reigns are renowned for material prosperity and peace most of the time. Ideological harmony in both was grounded in the spread and acceptance of Buddhism

I need to say no more about Asoka, but many readers may not be aware that Empress Wu, deemed a great ruler, bonded with her people by identifying with and supporting Buddhism which was then gaining ground. Her reign was the golden age of Buddhism in China before the elite fought back and restored the older hegemony.

The older narrative that the intellect had become accustomed to post-Enlightenment, reason, rationalism, liberalism, socialism and Marxism are in retreat in the face of this assault. 

Liberals, socialists and the secular-minded basked in the glory of reason, science and the pluralist state for a long time. 

Quite suddenly and within two decades it has inverted

Out of dark recesses of the human soul a new mass hysteria has erupted. For long it was thought that unreason had been banished. 

Not so, the battle has to be joined again if humanity is not to pass into another Dark Age.