With the bare minimum IQ, one can master the bare bones of practice of medicine.
I had a fairly reasonable IQ (not 140) and my plan was to enter the University.with the least effort.
So instead of choosing Physics or Politics, I went for Medicine.
After 30 years of Medicine I stopped practising Medicine and stopped registering with the Ceylon Medical Council.
I am now just a lay person and a Free Inquirer.
I continued to hold a post of teaching pathology for my survival.
It is simple after the fact protocol and no stress at all.
The best stress-less job is Radiography.
After all you are looking at a negative film and never a positive.
Doctors specially psychiatrists commit suicide most often.
Next pediatricians.
Radiologist and pathologist never commit suicide (if they pass through the training).
Unless one has a potential Buddha Character one should never take up psychiatry as a profession.
This post is about 10 or more guys and one girI I mostly admire, in not any order of merits.
1. Buddha comes first to me since he was the only human in history who taught mind as the base of everything.
2. Professor De Bono comes second he talks about logic in style.
His book on Beautiful Mind and Thinking to Think without dogma are classics.
3. Bertram Russell who was hiding in Russia away from the persecution by the Church is another huge personality.
His books on Power and Why I not a Christian are not available or banned in UK and USA.
That is how democracy works in the birth place of democracy.
4. I am still looking for Karl Marx's De Capital book one.
It is out of print.
5. Darwin is my "carte borne" or born again of Evolution.
6. Gregor Mendel was born observer and was a priest.
7. Linus Torvalds, the Linux creator.
8. Che Guerra
9. Carlous Linneus
10. Louise Pasteur
11. Robert Cooke
12. Alexander Flemming
13. Professor Senaka Bibile of Ceylon
14. Arthur C Clerke
15. Edwin Hubble, Einstein, Steven Hawking
16. Nelson Mandela
17. Mageline Maguire who proposed an alternative view of early evolution.
She was sidelined by her male colleague and only in one pathology book her name was quoted in my time.
She proposed mitochondria came from earlier line of protozoa.
I had similar view as a Medical Student and never voiced my view in public.
Mitochondrial DNA mutate only once in 5 million years.
Mitochondria are the Energy Pool, if that breaks down the protoplasm cannot survive.
Now with Coronavirus we are talking about cell surface artificial "endomeres" carrying mRNA.
Gain in Function is another kettle of fish.
Baden Powell of UK, the racist guy and the German Sigmund Freud, the sexist guy are not in my list.