Saturday, August 3, 2024

Debian Becomes Synonymous with Linux

Yes, for me Debian Becomes Synonymous with Linux and it is the King.

I have been trying it from Versiosn 6 but it all changed when I discovered the Gnome Desktop. A guty who was coming from KDE desktop of Sues and Madrake it was revealtion and could not go back to KDE.

Unlke other distributions Gnome had small but incremental improvements to its appearece without becomg flash and oinstrusive.

Debain Gnome in version 6 ewas 1.1GB wherease, with Gnome 10 it is 2.2G. 

It is all nostalgia.

Debain is not Gnome it has all the desktops in Live environment.

1. Standard



4. Xfce

5. KDE

6. Gnome

7. Mate

8. Rescue Edition

It has i386 to i686 to 64 bit versions.

It is the only distribution that keeps an archive of its old distributions avaible.

I am currently downloading 5 versions to see the step wise imprevement.

I also realized Fundamntals of Linux goes beyond Debian and that is the the approach of my book.

Epiphany and Iceweasel.

Remina was ther

OpenOffice was the office package ant it had oppen office base as database.

Tranmissionwas therre

GIMP and Inkscape vetor graghic was there.

No audacity and VLC. 

Graphic Installer was crisp.

Come to version 9 Firefox, LibreOffice and Rhythmbox but no VLC but Brasero CD ripper, File manager Synaptic Package Manager and SNAP Software.

What annoys me is Distributions Like Ubuntu based on Debain tries to be smater having embraced Proprietary Software.