Monday, September 30, 2024

Not the Diplomat

This is a subtle advice to President Anura Dissanayake.

Nicolle Machiavelli, the Diplomat

Machiavelli had two paths for success for a prince.

Mind you these are all against
Dhamma Principles of Buddhism.

Path one is of absolute ruthlessness.
King has to a be an ace liar.
He has to be miserly to his subjects.
He has to be very lavish for his retinue.
He should be harsh to the people.
He should have an army.
He should purge powerful military men.
In other words he should murder the Generals when Italy was fully conquered.
Italy was divided into three, Florence, Naples and Roma and headed by vested interests.

He should not trust flatters.

He should be surrounded by wise men. 

If there any left in Ceylon, I doubt.

Other path is diplomacy.

For diplomacy to work there should be laws that control the commoner or his subjects.

Subjects should fear him.
Subjects should honour him.

Only after satisfying the above two provisos, he should show kindness to some of his favoured subjects.

Always guard against the flatters.

In Human history, the
Fear was the base for power.
Fear of death, disease, disability and old age are natural to humans.

The slogan is these natural tendencies should be harnessed to remain in power.

Rulers are
King first
Army second

Law and order the last.

Democracy never works.

War is common in human history.

Diplomacy was rare.

Nicolle Machiavelli, I believe was a classic example of how diplomacy was created in the medieval history having subdued all opponents by any mean including fear of death and punishment.

These are all real and perceived threats.

Whereas as the threats created by Church are not teal but man made concoctions.

There were 3 elements in history.

Councillors were non existent.

All my life I did not know who was Machiavelli.

An old lady whom I used to see on medical grounds, when I visited her, gave me a book in Sinhala, called Prince. 

This lady is no more and she lived well past 80.

She was
a real political character and there were no political overtones in my simple consultations.

The paradox was that she claimed that she followed
Buddha Dhamma.

I refused, since its content were political but on second thought accepted it. 

Once, I tried to read it but got bored instantly.

Today, Google enticed me with several YouTube presentations.

This is an attempt to relive his attempts on diplomacy.

He was called prince of political philosophy.

To begin with politics has no philosophy.

Politics is the manifestation of greed and power.

The three who manifest this greed are obvious.

Depending on the Power of  the Pope and his greed for territorial claims and dominance Wars were created by design.

Pope was the greediest of all.

Once war is started even Pope cannot intervene since there are many sectors including

We need a modern Machiavelli of high repute.

I do not think we would find one until, 
Ukraine is decimated in full.

Do not put the blame on President Putin. 

He is prepared to drag this war until the presidential election in US is over and done with.

Then only, a suitable diplomatic entity should emerge.

I do not think Donald Trump has understood the extent and he will invariably be controlled by the Military Industrial complex, when he comes in to power.

I do not think President Putin should trust any American and their one sided diplomacy until he has reached Odessa and a real corridor of defense is established..

Zelensky is an American Baby Doll, an Untrustworthy Soul of Hate.

He thrives on Hate of Russians.

There is something called Zelensky Curse, anything he touches burns to ashes.

It is TRUE.

One has to accept the American Defeat (of the Military Industrial Complex) and the Americans have to swallow the bitter pill.

Biden wanted Putin changed and it would turn out to be that the opposite of what he intended would materilize.

His own downfall is certain. 

Biden and his policies would be changed without a single gun fired towards America.

Already 50,000 Russian soldiers are dead.

Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 500,000 and a ratio of over 1 to 10.

Russians stood up to the Nazis, the current Nazis are in the Democratic Party. 

Democratic Party should be ousted to begin with.

I do not know how many are displaced and how many are permanently wounded in Ukraine. 

Probably that runs in to millions and much more than the second world war casualties.

Killing fields should be stopped that include Kursk in Russia, initiated by the NATO Guys.

Products of Uncertainty Principle

Products of Uncertainty Principle

A. Number One is the Slot Machine

1. Opportunity

2. Unpredictable Rewards

3. Repeatability

4. Endless Captivating Loop

It plays 16 games a minute.

B. Financial Institutes and Stock Market

Stock market with thrives on this principle. 

There is no better example.

C. Gambling

Already mentioned in the slot machine but buying and selling Lottery Tickets with unfathomable odds is a money making and working industry.

D. Social Media

All social Media works on this principle and the advertisements behind these Media Moguls make a fast buck including Google.

E. Dating Applications

I have no working experience on Dating applications.

F. Gig Economy

One can see these products coming from China like mushrooms.
The have a large population to entice and few of them become global.

G. Blogging
My Blogging Activity is a good example.

However it has matured into a good platform for Linux and base for my books. 

I do not run short of ideas, even though, I shun political commentaries, I make random political analysis to keep the visitors to my page entertained.

H. Evolutionary Behavior

Yes uncertainty is an Evolutionary behavior.

If not for that human civilization would not have devolved in to present day catastrophe.

It is like Pigeons pecking for food.

Hunter gatherer did the same thing in finding food. 

Searching for food when hungry was natural but a
random event.

Finding new type of foods was the end result.

Points of View

 Points of View

1. Blood pressure treatment does not prolong life.

2. The effect of treatment of blood pressure on elderly patients over 65 years is flimsy.

3. Treatment itself causes hypotension and also postural hypertension and confusion. 

Postural hypotension is common in the elderly.

4. That does not mean one abruptly stops medication for blood pressure. One would end up with rebound blood pressure rise, heart failure, organ failure or even death. 

This has happened to one of my friends.

5. Around 95% of the cases, the cause of blood pressure is unknown, hence it is called "Essential Hypertension".

6. Blood pressure treatment slows heart failure and organ failure including kidney failure.

7. It prevents strokes but not heart attacks.

8. Heart attacks are mainly caused by thrombosis.

9. We really do not know why thrombosis does occur in the elderly.

10. Thrombosis can be prevented by Low Dose Aspirin and that is why it is in my list.

I tend to use it sublingual route and that is also once in 10 days. 

The effects of single dose of aspirin lasts up to 10 days.

11. Blood pressure treatment should be complimented with Aspirin to prevent both strokes and heart attacks.

12. Aspirin slightly increases the risk of haemorrhage into the brain which is much worse than a simple stroke. 

After accidental injury one who is on Aspirin may continue to bleed.

13. Excessive bleeding is a medical emergency.

14. Aspirin known to lower the risk of cancer and how it works is not clearly determined.

15. Now to my crunch point, the vital cholesterol. 

Cholesterol is a vital biochemical with vast array of actions, including probably scavenger function of free radicals.

16. The reduction of Cholesterol does not prolong life.

17. Its treatment with anti-cholesterol drugs causes much debilitating dementia.

18. These drugs cause liver damage and myopathy. 

Heart is a muscle and myopathy may effect the heart.

19. Healthy life style, 


adequate sleep, 

meditation and 

adopting a vegetarian diet are probably better options for prolonging life than taking a pill that causes myopathy and liver damage.

20. Eat chocolates and dish out chocolates to your friends which has lot of feel good chemicals that are secreted during meditation.

21. Meditation increases the release of feel good hormones and probably benefits the ones with a good liver.

22. Feel good hormone that prongs life is "Growth Hormone". 

It is an internal product which act through the liver.

23. Abstinence from alcohol may have substantial benefits.

24. Coconut oil is good for your heart and brain. 

Do not succumb to the gullible lies of the American Companies.

I call it, the Coconut Conspiracy.

25. Coconut oil and its products are a good supplement for patients with dementia.

26. Alcohol in any form is bad except for its transient  vasodilator properties and hot flushes.

27. Smoking is the biggest killer, world wide.

28. Chocolates do not have growth hormone

29. Meditation practice for one hour tends to elevate feel good hormones and reduce the cortisol levels.

30. I will end up by saying that do not take all medical advises as "Gullible Truths" be that it may be Eastern or Western. Additionally, the Web Gurus dish out lot of nonsense and Web is a “Virtual Junk Yard”.