Monday, July 20, 2020

Does political correctness hold its ground?

As I see it, political correctness is a misnomer.
In a magnet opposing poles get polarized.
If there are only two parties, the polarisation is pretty obvious.
The smaller parties like a magnet with less influence would exert its power when positioned well outside the bigger parties.
Very often like a small magnet that get pulled into the bigger magnet, the smaller party get sucked into the bigger party ending its intended role.
What politics does is polarisation of an idea without a the set of tools to utilize the political wisdom to benefit the polity the idea (not the policies) was originally intended for.
It ultimately metamorphasizes to a family brand of buscuits for a single family to enjoy.
The best example is seen in Ceylon.

What is the impact of 2/3rd majority to a functioning government democracy?

The two third majority kills the wisdom of a democratic system.
It leads to anarchy and nepotism.
Is there a way to resuscitate democracy?
Imagine an assembly of 200 members. Suppose a single party or a coalition of parties get a thumping majority.
My proposal is that the winning party/parties should keep 100 plus one vote and donate the others to the opposition.
There is a caveat here.
The opposition should elect 10 "non voting members" excluding the donated ones.
In other words the opposition has 89 votes of discontent to oppose the ruling party/parties.
A no brainer in political wisdom but with an important exception.
In a vital issue the opposition has the right to call the non voting members to aquire the extra vote of the ruling party under its fold making the tally exactly 100.
The result is a tie or stalemate.
The assembly goes into consensus mode of operation.
In this scenario 10 non voting members become the upper assembly of operation once voting power is vested upon them.
This is somewhat of a scientific approach.
I don't think it will ever happen in our august assembly.