Saturday, October 21, 2023

Laws of Nature

Laws of Nature

1. The time, the tip of the nose begins to itch is when one's hands are dirty with grease

2.Any tool, when dropped lands on a least accessible place.

3. When you dial a wrong number you never get an engaged tone.

4. When you change queues, the queue you just left starts to move faster.

5. If you are late and tell your boss you had a flat tire, the very next day you would have a flat tire.

6. When the body is immersed in water the phone rings.

7. When you want to prove to a friend, the machine won't work, it will work just as well.

8. The probability of meeting someone you know increases, no sooner you are with someone you do not want to be.

9.  The severity of itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

10. As soon as you sit down with a cup of tea, your boss will ask you to do a job that will make the cup of tea cold.

11. At any public event, the guys who  sit in  the front arrive the last.

12. When you sit around a table with a bottle of alcohol, the taste disappears the first.

13. When you wake in the morning you only remember the worst dream out of many sweet dreams.

14. However, much you avoid, the dog shit is the first thing you see in your evening stroll.

15. When browsing the web for a useful topic, the troll is the first thing that pops up.

16. When one is watching cricket live, the most interesting thing happens when you have run to the loo, for a quick one.

17. If one desperately wants to come out a boring meeting, that is very moment, the stupidest question is asked.

18. When you want to give a call to attend to a urgent matter is when you realize you do not have the number with you.

19. When you decide to send a card to someone is the time you realize you have misplaced the address.

20. The duty free bottle is the first thing one should load to the trolley since when you come round the duty free corner you have already spent all the extra cash in your hand.

21. Only when one is in front of the pharmacy one realizes the prescription was left at home.

22. "Remind Me" note is the first thing you lose in the morning.

23. Switching off the cellphone at bedtime is the thing, one always forget.

24. Getting rid of "Pile Up Things" is very hard if one does not do it on weekly basis.

25. If you accidentally misplace your key, the first thing one should look at is the dustbin!

26. If the dustbin can speak many mysteries can be solved without the help of a forensic investigator.