Monday, January 6, 2025

Thun Man Handiya or Three Way Junction

Thun Man Handiya or Three Way Junction

This was a dream.

I felt sleepy while downloading the Open BSD Installer Utility for my laptop.
This dream is current, relevant and ambiguous in context.
Ceylon network or the Telecom is SO slow, I fall sleepy and won’t wake up even when my Linux box gives a tinkle once a file is downloaded.

I am getting fed up of Linux since guys and girls are scared of Microsoft cronies and won’t vilify (becomes an impotent Willy) the UEFI boot distribution (it is not a boot loader).

Whereas BSD and OPEN-BSD erases it in a flash.

The story revolves round a wheeler dealer politician (was called 10% and now 100%), current D.H.S (the post not the person) and our poor Punchi-Sincho.

They were asked to go to a hermit sitting at high bench created by Bodu Bala Sena converts at a three way junction or Thun Man Handiya, under a young Kaputu (planted by craven dropping) Bo (pipal tree).

The whispering was that one gets what one wishes and only the first three will be offered the raffle tickets.

All of them have to wash their hands from a heavenly borne automated detergent dispenser (more expensive than the local Lifebouy make).

The tickets were named expressed Currier delivery, standard postal and slow delivery system akin to Rs.5000/= dish outs by Samurdi Niladharies.

Of course the politician demanded the express delivery.
By virtue of his high post the D.H.S. got the standard delivery ticket.
The Punch-Sincho got the left over ticket by default of the other two, which was the slowest.

Mind you the hermit was an ex-traffic warden run over by a politico.

All three thought that they were eligible for air tickets to heaven.

The hermit job was to direct them to the appropriate self serving dispenser routing them to the correct path or the roadway.

He was not supposed to tell where they lead up to.

1. The fastest one was to the coronavirus cemetery.
I wish all our politicians end up there.

2. The standard one was to Seychelles.
I wish all our public servants who sleep after mid day meal at the desk be sent there as supervisors!
3. The third one was to heaven but with a caveat.

He had some option to delay his entry to heaven if he has some outstanding dues in his homeland.

Punch Sincho thought to himself and realized that there going to be elections (he was a betting addict), round the corner and would have one more betting opportunity before entry to heaven.

This he told the hermit and the hermit warned that it would be a dicey choice and the coronavirus would be with us for eternity.

Hurry up or lose the heavenly aboard.

Just like me Punchi Sincho decided not to wait for a vote to elect undesirables to the hell or the wheeler dealer legislature of Ceylon.

Come to think about it our D.H.S should have gone to Seychelles and attended to (delegating the post to the new army guy) the 35 odd guys and saved Ceylon from another pocket of risky spread of the virus.

They pay you in dollars which has simply gone up by rocket science trend due to fast printing of currencies by the new head banker with poor credentials.

Truth Hunters and New Year Message

 Jan 16, 2020

Truth Hunters and New Year Message

I was off the web for quite a long time, simply because all the web browsers except few developed by Linux community are snooping on you even when you are dead.
I thought they were doing that when you fall asleep in front of your TV or Computer.
They save all the information surreptitiously obtained in a server farm for futuristic use and very soon the Artificial Intelligence will take hold of them and send you a drone load with explosive material.
I think this happened in Iran and the end result was downing of a civilian plane.
This will be a huge impact on Amazon deliveries.
Now I fear boarding a plane managed by autopilot badly configured by Boeing.
I do not think even the Linux community can develop fail safe utilities.
They use Linux in space station to save money for NASA and the civilian airlines are slow to embrace Linux.
Near at home I went for Pizza treat (Thaipongol Holiday) and the guy at the counter could not place an order for nearly half an hour.
He had a problem with his computer and he was engrossed with troubleshooting the Microsoft utility in his terminal, ignoring the customers.
The manager came in but he was not of any help to manage the password crisis.
I politely told the guy hang the computer but go to the kitchen and get my order, instead (he abruptly obliged, surely won’t happen in a government institution, like water board, electricity board or Telecom).
Once I got the order in my hand I told the manger, it is high time you use SAMBA bind (back end) for the network and use Microsoft as front end (user).
Incidentally, our land phone was out (I take it as a blessing and no annoying gossip calls) for three days.
Thankfully Dialog line was on and I did not miss the CNN and BBC.
 I do not listen to CNN and BBC after Ukraine war started.
Mind you I do not watch any of the local TVs polluted with political messages, in between programs.
Now to Truth Hunters
1. Microsoft is on top of my list as Big Liars, stating that its software are robust. 
They never will be and that is why they are using Linux in their Clouds.
2. Facebook is the next American Liar that they do not share Private Information with the government
Now they have a scapegoat- security reasons for divulging information but they cannot prevent terrorist attacks.
I believe now terrorists use hand to hand information not cellphones until such time human beings become honest with themselves and to their fellow beings.
3. Twitter is the third in the line of liars and President Trump and Nancy Pellosi are on top of it.
4. To me the biggest liars are the religious priests (from Vatican to Khomeini in Iran) including Buddhist Political guys in Ceylon and Myanmar.
All religions promise something on next life and for me this life with a quick Pizza is all I need!
5. I have not found a politician who does not lie from Tony Blair (Iraq War) to Maraya of Ceylon.
There are no Devas (Angels) to protect us from drones!
I think we must build bunkers or underground dwellings.
That is my new year message.

Gnoppix 24.1.15 Guys Got It Wrong

Gnoppix 24.1.15, Guys Got It Wrong
I am sorry to say, that Gnoppix guys got it wrong.
I am finishing my book on "Linux Essentials"  and I cannot enter any entry on this distribution, leave alone some comments.
Problem I see, is like Ubuntu it is trying to go commercial. 
1. Who would try the commercial components if it's basic ISO cannot boot on a USB?
2. Second it tries to entice the Windows crowd, looking at it file system.
It looks like it gives priority to win 32.
3. Linux boots with a hierarchical (Father -Son relationship) file system not with Win-32.

4. It is bulky with 5.3GB.
5. It try to boot 64bit machines, too.
6. Even, old Knoppix 9.1 cannot boot  my NUC with graphic integrated system.

7. It ties many other commercial architectures and probably fail on those machines, too.