Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dream-07 and its interpretation from Heaven

Monkey Dream

Dream seven was a short one and bit bizarre.

It was a very short one and I woke up with some anger before I could finish viewing it with normal calm and satirical intents associated with my dreams.

It was a small cubicle with two way entrance.
I saw little brat who showed a mirror to a robust money.
The monkey took the mirror in his hand and bashed over the toddlers head with glass pieces all over the place and vanished through the side entry.
Before I could summon my senses and get ready to view another came in through the same door with something in the hand like a club and bashed again on the toddler and he fell down.

I hate children being ill treated and woke up with a broomstick in my hand. 

Well it was a dream and I put the broomstick where it should be and tried to memorize the story before I could forget it and go into trance of another mediocre dream like getting a fat salary or winning a lottery from heaven.

So there you are, I could remember it to send an email to Maha.
He responded quickly.
He pulled an armchair laid himself for a long interpretation.

I told it was very short one and what was the long of it.
He said good that you woke up.
You would have ended up with a heart attack in your dream.
Me, on a dream?
Second part was violent and it was all out war like LTTE and Armed Forces.
You mean to say LTTE won.
 No stupid.
Then International Community who backed the terror won.
No stupid.
I was fully confused.
Don't you realize this is a futuristic dream.

What was the time scale? I asked him.

In evolutionary term it is short but significant in about 100 years.

Who are they?
Have you seen the Planet of Apes.
Then it is somewhat similar.

There were series of nuclear accident not related to war but equipment malfunction like in Japan.
It was spread by a mutation of the Israel virus that hit Iran nuclear facility.

It went around the entire world in mater of two weeks and catastrophic destruction ensued.

Millions and millions of people and animals died and the whole world was stinking with chemicals and dead bodies animals (almost all dog population except few wild dogs) and humans.

For sometime there appeared no life on earth except few plants.

Then there were two mutant species one humanoid and one ape, amongst many others.

Humanoid were short and was of toddler size.

The apes were slightly bigger and taller and were dominating the world.
They pushed the humanoids to barren lands and islands where monkeys could not reach and there were no tree cover except tiny farm lands.

Why are they small?
Food in short supply and that is the way the genes have been designed to last critical periods of evolution on Earth.
Big do not survive but midgets do.

Or I see.
I saw a paper on Paleontological evidence to say that when a catastrophe of this nature occurs the surviving animals fill the niche as it were and it is the norm.
That is a stupid idea know?
Maha was not impressed with that theory.

I asked why?

This is not a natural catastrophe but artificial and man made .
It affected the entire biodiversity including plants and it does not leave ground for a niche or any opportunity for the rest.

See what happened to the entire dog population vanished.
What remained really went wild.

They went backwards in evolution and not forward like the humanoids with short stature.

Elephants were decimated like the dinosaurs.
You mean to say end of human intelligence.
I suppose so.

Then he had a very sorry and worried look.

I asked why?
Did the effect filtered to the heaven?
If this happens who is going to dream for me?
Even animals and humanoid do dream know?
I said.
That is besides the point.
Their dreams are not futuristic like yours.
Give me a break and extend my agonizing stay on earth?
Would you?
I may have to do that till the sun shines.
Please don't.
I will consider a proposal to the President (in his dreams) to  have a say and increase your salary.
Would you?
I will try the dream method first and if it fails I will try the Dr. White's oil method.
Thank you Sir.
Then he vanished.

Free Blog Sites that I love to be assocoated with

The are number of free blog sites that are available free and having worked with Google and WordPress I decided to to have a go.
Before that I must say few words about my progress.
Free blogging started in Kandy for young kids with talent in writing and improve English at
At the beginning I also contributed and it became clear to them my topics were coming up frequently in the top 10 and the administrator decided to block my topics coming up without any intimation.

This is I call age discrimination (there was no hint of this at the beginning).

I did not mind that but continued to contribute but less and less there.

A man brought up with democratic traditions I felt it was not ethically right.

Then I found Google and association with writeclique became a past tense in pastime and I decided to distance myself from it.

I even wanted to delete the posting but thought deleting is giving into their desires and that also is not ethically right.

Blogsite at Google

It is a very good site but I cannot categorize my entries.
No one post a day restriction and i post as many as that come to my mind.
It has a good search engine.

My favorite

Wordpress is the best in town with lot of feedback and improvements.
In a few minutes I imported all my Linux 100 live CD comments to wordpress.
It looks like one day I am going to run out of space there and what I am trying to do is to have a daily post (one post a day) there and have a little rest afterward.

I missed few days but for the last six months I was posting there daily.

Daily posting was very good  incentive for me to put my thoughts into words.

Above all it is based on open software unlike Google and that is the very reason for me staying with them and continuing.

Then the plunge
University industrial action gave me lot of time and I decided to pull my socks and pull out all my writing from writeclique into categories elsewhere at different sites.

I found the following agreeable to me.

1. OnSugar

Very good site with lot of advertisements.


Very good site with lot of advertisements.

3. Livejournal

Another good site 

Squarespace is good and I signed in there and they charge you after 2 weeks of trial and I would not go with it.

Webnode is free but I found difficult to organize myself. 

Weeby is too heavy and proprietary. is good but it is a derivative of wordpress free software which I am already using with wordpress.

So guys and girls if you want blog, it now the time, before everyone of them start charging you for the service. 

This invitation include writeclique guys and girls who read my posting.

But make sure you do not upload videos and photos a lot which will gulp up the free space in no time.

Open Invitation to join me in Promoting Debian 6.0.1 Version of Sinhala and Tamil Linux

Open Invitation to join me in Promoting Debian 6.0.1 Version of Sinhala and Tamil Linux.
This is an open invitation to first 100 or so Sinhala and Tamil Debian users to join me and promote Debian.
Please note there in no commercial interest here and a Community Project. Long drawn out industrial action has given me some time to devote for Sinhala and Tamil Linux.

1. You should have a valid email account.

2. You should not be a University Student (I have free access to them) and a Sri-Lankan citizen.

3. Make a comment on this entry with your wish to have a DVD (not CD) image or a DVD.

4. You must tell me the easiest way to reach me by email, by post, by visit to my office (or secretary) or by sharing a Dropbox Folder with the images.

5. First 10 contacts will (probably) will get a free DVD from me if they wish to join me in promoting Sinhala and Tamil Linux and not to make any commercial exploitation of my efforts (no agents). 
One has to contact me direct.

6. Target audience by Web is only 100 (provided that the industrial action is over, if not I will continue).

7. If this is a success, I will post a paper advertisement with a coupon to reach me by post for the next 900 (1000 in all). 
I will announce it here and elsewhere.

8. Linux is 20 years old now and is very stable (especially Debian) and the conference in America, the registration alone is $500/=. 
This is my celebration of the 20th anniversary.

9. If you visit parafox, asokaplus (wordpress) and asokafixed (onsugar) there is enough information about Linux which I have posted including lessons over the last 5 years.

10. It looks like mostly Americans visit my site (by statistics).

For ones who wants to share the Dropbox Folder with Linux some work needs to be done to increase my folder to 8 GB. Currently I have other Linux images to share with my Linux friends.
I will give complement CD/DVDs to each one (at my cost of posting and packaging) up to first 10 who reach me by email.

1. Forward me your email address.
2. I will send an email through Dropbox inviting you to join me.
3. Then you must register with Dropbox through my invitation.
4. Download Dropbox and install it in your computer.
5. Send me email and I will give permission to share the folder and you have to synchronize with your Dropbox (automatically done by Dropbox) 
6. Burn the iso image to a DVD and enjoy.
7. For Dropbox guys / girls I will have a special treat (I have over 100 images with me now ) and I will drop one after one of recent images (not Debian but other distributions) downloaded in that folder for you to try.
I get over 100 emails a day and I love my privacy very much and the industrial action gave me a window of opportunity to reach out.
Enjoy it when I am free.
God only knows how long?
Please make sure you give minimum of bio-data to verify the authenticity and identity.