Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Background to Evolution of Window Managers

Even though, I would address evolution of Window Managers in general, my main deviation in this piece is how Linux contributed to the rapid progress in Software Development.

Resource Management

In the early days we had big mainframe computers and limited memory to share.
There was no graphic component but blank and black terminals connected to the mainframe which had to be switched on and off through telephone lines.

The vision of those days was for the knowledge in text form to be shared locally within a campus and globally over many universities.

To help this process www was created.
Early days connection was made through Lynx, a keyboard dependent Web Browser.

Apart from the hardware, Internet and Web Browser, both dependent on Software contributed immensely to our technological leap.
Fast forward, Google which has only minimal of Linux code and simple graphic 
front end and a powerful search engine with its browser dominates the world, now outside of those universities and rapidly expanding with a minimal of core working force, rightly or wrongly aided by significant AI component minimizing the need for a big human workforce and guys and girls losing their jobs.

The 3 components of Google are
1. Kernel borrowed from Linux.
2. Graphical front end.
3. Browser based powerful search engine.
Unlike Firefox, it does not have to waste time in development of the browser but only on the advertisement component tagged by the Java components.
Winners with minimal contribution at large.

The core team of Google saw the potential and I do not envy them.

Of course Goggle has jumped into hardware in the name of Android and it's variety of cellphones.

Now take Apple in general.
It has Unix 
It has hardware.
It has Safari browser.
It has applications bound to it's operating  system.
All are closed source and one has to pay a fortune to acquire all of them.
User becomes a prisoner even though, he  or she pays a fortune to become a prisoner.
Any attempt to change the Code of Apple is considered to be jail breaking.
Microsoft Windows come to capitalize on this framework and I would come to that later.

If not for Linux mankind would have only two operating system both closed.

Then comes the visionary figure but I call him a philosopher for good reason.
He would be long remembered but the other guy who was known to have associated with Epstein would be remembered with pain and disgust.

Richard Stallman saw what was coming and decided to put breaks in the name of Free Software in 1980s.

But he did not have a kernel to port it.

In comes Linus Torvalds with a microcode but open source in 1992. 
Put them together a new Open World of Software was born.

Let me go back to mainframe.
It was client server architecture.
Server has all the resources and the operating system.
Black Terminal was the link to the system.
Programs were basic Vim and Emac.
But good in old days memory had to be shared.
This is my entry point to X-Windows and it remains at X11, as a industry standard but it has the software language of its own but No Windows to play with.
Windows had to be built on top of this Industry Standard Tools.
So extensions had to be added on top of the standard base.
It did not have graphics to begin with only texts, so graphic extensions were added on top.
With these two extensions it became a workhorse in early days with only a keyboard for inputs and monitor for outputs.
Mouse was not in existence.
Monitor with so many pixels had a grand potential and this is where Window Managers started coming one after the other.
Black box became Fluxbox.
Window Manager
xmonad basically a tiling manager.
Common Desktop Environment was proprietary and the above Window Managers came into existence to counter the proprietary trend.

Gnome is the base, it actually does not have a typical window but a standard desktop.

Cinnamon, Mint, Mate and Budgie were built on top of Gnome were the major stake holders with considerable Memory capacity to hoist them.

Whereas, the early light weight Window Managers went into hibernation and    I was not at all interested in them even with a terminal emulator.
But I really had a liking for Enlightenment but not Moksha

Over time these little and light weight Window Managers integrated with terminals as terminal emulators.

Terminal guys started using lot of tiling components and these tiling abilities were enhanced by variety of Window Makers.

That is where we stand today.

If I did not plan writing a book on Linux, I would have never entered into those domains.

Simple reason is, I am only interested in Linux Output and not how the Windows appear on the desktop.

In search of correct not faked information, I am only interested in a page or pages of content and not the frame these information is incarcerated.

This is what I tell the guys who are arguing for Wayland instead of a simple X11 standard.

What matters is the Work Output not the Window Dressing.

My standard is Gnome and I am happy with it and I do not want Mint or Cinnamon.
That's it.

Now let me come to Windows briefly.

The top guy of Windows Network builder was working for X11.
He was a bright guy.
He was getting fed up with the standards and he voiced his concerns and he was fired.
Once fired he did not have any industry obligation, he got the bright idea to integrate Memory and Graphic Output, in One Box instead of client + server architecture.

Window boxes were born and there was no turning back.

Mainframes were relegated to server domain and a few server administrators to manage the big frame.
A dead end but the are still hosting large amount of Corporate Data.

Whereas, with the ongoing development of graphic environment which was only raster or two dimensional windows more and more features including colour shades came into existence.

There are million colour shades a computer can generate but we humans can see only about 256 colours.

Still the dynamic rendering or 3D output were not a available for ordinary PCs.
Without a good graphic card PC is nothing but a RAM architecture.
Video out puts are the basics.
Since,early days RAM was the limiting factor. 
Videos or Graphic had to be managed separately and shared with the basic RAM.
With the gaming platform coming to forefront the development of graphic cards with the sole aim of profit making, this industry with rich venture capitalists (including Valve and Steam Deck) had a healthy boom and became the driving force of the industry.
There is nothing called Free Software in Graphic Card industry.
Linux guys had to break the code one by one  and it seems Nvidea GeForce (530 dollars) and AMD Radeon (800 dollars) are ruling the gaming world.
One can make a Server Farm with 800 dollars with 8 NUC basic hardware.
FreeNAS is an example.
I am happy with my NUC where CPU and Graphic are integrated and it is only 100 dollars. It is becoming apparent that in the near future we would be able to buy a NUC or Mini PC for less than 300 dollars which are more versatile but under the price hood of Steam and Deck.
I may or may not buy one depending on its power consumption and cooling capability with a simple fan. 

I do not want a  computer that catch fire while playing a simple game.

Problem with powerful graphic card is that it consumes lot of energy, it gets heated up when the frame rate pet second goes up (fps for short). 
A graphic intensive games would consume 3 times the minimal fps our brain can handle and make us believe or go into the delusional state of a fast playing video game.

That is the bottom line and the summary of my entry to Window Managers.

It is all cosmetic and appearances are always deceptive.


Vinux was one of the most beautiful Ubuntu based distribution I have used in the past. 

There were many more.

Two reasons for their demise.

1. First is the changing over to 64 bit.

2. Other reason is Corona Virus blog down. 

However, some distributions were active during the pandemic.

For my luck it was the off year for Debian.

I was down with the Effects of  the Vaccine with Myocardits and all my skeletal muscles were affected, thankfully I did not kick the bucket.


GnuArtist-lite  is a very good old i386 distributions but gone dormant.

I hope it is revived sooner than late.

Top 50 Linux Commands You Must Know as a Regular User

Top 50 Linux Commands You Must Know as a Regular User

   ls - The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories

   pwd - Print working directory command in Linux

   cd - Linux command to navigate through directories

   mkdir - Command used to create directories in Linux

   mv - Move or rename files in Linux

   cp - Similar usage as mv but for copying files in Linux

   rm - Delete files or directories

   touch - Create blank/empty files

   ln - Create symbolic links (shortcuts) to other files

   clear - Clear the terminal display

   cat - Display file contents on the terminal

   echo - Print any text that follows the command

   less - Linux command to display paged outputs in the terminal

   man - Access manual pages for all Linux commands

   uname - Linux command to get basic information about the OS

   whoami - Get the active username

   tar - Command to extract and compress files in linux

   grep - Search for a string within an output

   head - Return the specified number of lines from the top

   tail - Return the specified number of lines from the bottom

   diff - Find the difference between two files

   cmp - Allows you to check if two files are identical

   comm - Combines the functionality of diff and cmp

   sort - Linux command to sort the content of a file while outputting

   export - Export environment variables in Linux

   zip - Zip files in Linux

   unzip - Unzip files in Linux

   ssh - Secure Shell command in Linux

   service - Linux command to start and stop services

   ps - Display active processes

   kill and killall - Kill active processes by process ID or name

   df - Display disk filesystem information

   mount - Mount file systems in Linux

   chmod - Command to change file permissions

   chown - Command for granting ownership of files or folders

   ifconfig - Display network interfaces and IP addresses

   traceroute - Trace all the network hops to reach the destination

   wget - Direct download files from the internet

   ufw - Firewall command

   iptables - Base firewall for all other firewall utilities to interface with

   apt, pacman, yum, rpm - Package managers depending on the distribution

   sudo - Command to escalate privileges in Linux

   cal - View a command-line calendar

   alias - Create custom shortcuts for your regularly used commands

   dd - Majorly used for creating bootable USB sticks

   whereis - Locate the binary, source, and manual pages for a command

   whatis - Find what a command is used for

   top - View active processes live with their system usage

   useradd and usermod - Add a new user or change existing user data

   passwd - Create or update passwords for existing users


Coming back to commands


Coming back to commands
less were the ones that followed ping.
There are thousands of commands now one needs to know only a few in working life.

Linux Distribution Passwords

I think it is absurd to ask for a password for a Live Linux session but some distributions do ask for a password for root and user.

1. For Tiny Linux

root and root

guest and guest

2. Debian 

No user or password on a Live session but one has to do that during installation.

Both root and user passwords are necessary.

 3. Netrunner Linux

live and live and no capital letters

 4. Arch Linux

I do not know

May be root and no password  and you may be required to create a user and a password.

Pearl Linux

User custom and password blank

It has changed to live and no password

5. wattOS

User is Guest password is blank

6. Peanut Linux

Log in as root leave password blank

7. Mayh Linux

User Myah and password Myah

8. AVLinuxMX

 User is root password is root

9. SimplyMepis

 user demo password demo

10. Samity

user demo password demo

11. In some distributions it is user and no password for live.

User and no password

Here, I have reproduced a read me file of Pearl Linux since I could not find the user name and password.

It is an Ubuntu Derivative which has a macOS appearance and is 1.5 GiB.

At the login screen please type "custom" as the user name hit enter then for password lease that field blank and hit enter.

Found a small issue with the fonts not looking correct and I thought I deleted the .iso but I guess not.
All you have to do if you already downloaded Pearl is go into system settings and change the font from Veranda 9 to Ubuntu 10 and this is important,


I think Ubuntu One and few others give concern for good password management.
Naming others would be improper since they are not Open Source based.

What goes behind them and whether they share them with the NSA or a corrupt regimes is open for debate.

I have personnel reason to believe they do and my own experience with institutions specially corrupt or vested interests, is on the affirmative.

They are hell bent to breach any privacy one may have.
The reason being that they do not want to be exposed of their sordid acts.

They are paran
oid and it is a disease.

Fact that this blog post exists is due to the interference with my blog post elsewhere and a site that lacked good security protocol.

They were dysfunctional over more than a year and I do not use the site anymore.
My writings were very docile innocent and not politically involved.
They were bit humorous and the basic ingredients were satire.

I must say this was run by British Council Library in Kandy which is now defunct.

Unfortunately for me, out of the top ten, my writings (I was involved in initial setup) filled the top eight and the administrator got paranoid and blocked my name.

I still continued to write (very little traffic) in spite of noticing the administrators handiwork, since my idea was not to reach the top ten.

They used my birthday as a discriminator.

Who says there is no discrimination in web hosting and social media.
But my writings were there for anybody to read in spite of blocking the rating.
I have collated them and recently deleted 75% of the original writings from that site.
Some of them are now in digital output for posterity, in a book form.

This preamble is necessary since when one opens one’s heart and not the mind in the web, one has to be prepared for insults and discrimination.

Sadly now governments and secret agencies are doing things that one would not suspect 30 years ago.
Technocrats and not the real hard working guys who fill these posts and operating from air conditioned cubicles and are scared to be on the beat and foot.
Invariably paranoia develops.

So I think it is necessary to have a bit of paranoia when one enters the web with email to begin with.

How does one have a good password?
How one can remember a password with 14 to 16 characters (what banks employ now for an account, with the help of computers)?

To begin with one has to train the brain to remember.

I have a suggestion elsewhere (under web etiquette) that  I do not want to repeat here.


Step 1
One has to remember in blocks of three or four.
To train your mind try to remember your VISA card number.
Front four are almost specific and easy.
The last four should be your next attempt.
Do this every time when you go to the bank or to the till.
Do not worry if you forget.
When you can remember the first and the last lot of four numbers, try the other two lot not in specific way.
Suddenly part of the brain not utilized before get a rush of blood and new neuron networks.
Person with any age with firm resolve can do that.
This subconscious repetitive acts can be easily extended to one's password.

I DO NOT use a VISA card now.

I used to remember all the telephone numbers of my friends by heart in good old days and friends are the ones, one frequently ring and (telephone charges were relatively expensive, then) the brain stores them for good.
I stop doing that when cell phones came into existence.
One has to have one’s own trick for remembering blocks of three or four.

Try to associate them with pictures, names, pets etc.
Your pet fish or dog or cat would have a secret code attached.
Every time you feed them repeat the code (in mind) mentally in no time it get fixed as a long term permanent memory.

Step 2
Come with a phrase to include all the 10 to 16 characters in one’s password.
This is the hard part but it can be done.

Step 3

Use elements that one never forgets (unless one has Dementia).
Birthday is an easy one to remember.
Use only two numbers from it, not all.

Step 4
Unfortunately this cannot be used if one is English but I will give some hint for them too.
For Sinhala U Mata Banna, or Muta Mata Gahanna Hithenawa or Even Puke Ariya are good enough relatively used rephrases one can remember in trans-literate content, which the English Search engine might have trouble in figuring out.
From that phrase  one can choose four characters (even more if the phrase is carefully constructed) easily.
For English user, one good example is to go to alchemy and remember few Elements from the Tables.
Elements like Argon, Neon, Nitrogen,Bromine could be used at lib.
Or even one can use pentagon, hexagon, octagon or any other scientific or mathematical elements.
Again one only remembers four characters.

Step 5

If one has ever used a password before which one has remembered with repeated usage, use the same in the middle or rearrange it and put it in the middle.
Which will easily give you at least six characters.

You already got 12 characters now.
Step 5
Use two capital letters easy to access from the keyboard as the leader or the end of the password or leader and end, depending one is right or left handed.

Step 6
If the web site requires you to use an alphanumeric pick an alpha numeral to satisfy them.
You got 16 in all and 14 probably is adequate.

Step 7
Do not tell your method to anybody.
Do not share your password even with your spouse.
One day you me be divorced!
That is real and if you have time read my book on “Myths, Miracles and Marriage”.
Usually perfectly normal people become paranoid after getting married.
That is my medical experience.
It is often the people who are near and dear (sometimes, so called friends) who steal your password, not a rouge who breaks in for quick takeaway and getaway.

Keep the record of the method in a secret hiding place that you only have access.
In case one day you forget.

The best place to HIDE  is your brain.

Not even a brain surgeon would not have any access.

Resetting the password
When you change the password, drop two and take two from your birthday.
Pick four alternative block of four from your catch phrase.
Jumble your original password or add a new one.
Follow the rest as required and one may be able to go on till eighty to ninety since you practiced your own method and is almost specific to YOUR BRAIN which a hacker may not be able to penetrate or crack.

Unless you are one of twins there are no two people alike.
Even in them their are subtle differences not due to genetics but the brain behaves differently, even in twins.

Foot Note
But beware your doctor with a short memory or who is cash strapped who might steal your birth day or the catch phrase that you utter to him every time you visit.
Remember doctors forget their passwords more often than their patients.
They will never tell you.
That is why they record every word you utter and then get the vital diagnosis
In this computer age doctors have become robots (unlike good old days) and not real humans.
If they ask you do you forget your passwords
Straight away say NO.
The stupid guy will ask you to state the password and put it in his computer memory which is not protected from hackers.

Even the nurse can steal it, if she/he is inclined.

I trust my doctor does not apply to passwords when you do visit him/her, next time, round.
That includes me too.
I might do that, catch your password, certainly not to steal but because my brain is getting absent minded, I might put that in my computer, easily accessed even by a little kid.

Do not worry, I do not practice now by choice not by design anyway.
You are safe with me, my dear.


Seven OS-06 not 07 was one of the i386 distributions, I tried in the past its was the forerunner for Netrunner which I currently use.

Web site:
Origin: Germany
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Xubuntu
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 6 | January 1, 2015
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: ZevenOS

ZevenOS – an Ubuntu based Linux distribution with BeOS like user interface, and targeted to old computers.

ZevenOS includes a large set of popular open-source applications for different task and full support for popular multimedia formats. It also includes a home made tool for managing the system, called MAGI.
The system uses a customized Xfce desktop environment, which reminds the BeOS system’s desktop.

ZevenOS is available as a 32 bit iso image only.
The system developer is Leszek Lesner.

SAMity - PCLinux SAM

This is my real beginning of Linux, I really like the Mouse Logo. I have listed few of the Distributions I can remember below

Web site:
Origin: Germany
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: PCLinuxOS
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2010 | October 30, 2010

SAMity (previously: SAM Linux Desktop) – an easy-to-use a live and installation CD based on Unity Linux with Xfce desktop, designed for home users.

SAMity utilizes a nice looking and free software desktop environment Xfce. By including a number of various plug-ins it provides the full functionality of the optimal desktop environment for any SAMity user. It is based on the GTK+2 toolkit, as used in GNOME, and it is entirely mouse-driven.

The latest version of SAMity Linux 2010 is based on Unity Linux which is based on Mandriva Linux.
Older version of SAM Linux is based on PCLinuxOS.

It uses the RPM package manager and it’s designed for home users.

The live system’s user name and password is: guest.

1. Lindows

2. MeeGo

3. Mobilin

4. Musix

5. Myah

6. Wolfer

7. Linux MultiBoot USB

8. Damnsmall

9. Host of Puppy Linux

10. NibleX

11. Linpus

12. Pinguy

13. PC/OS

14. Linux DaVinci

15. Sabayon

16. SAMity

17. SOT Linux

18. Tiny Me

19. Watt Os

20. Xandros

21. Yoper

22. Yellow Dog

23. Seven OS

24.Steam OS

25. Vyatta