Friday, February 14, 2025

Top 25 Linux Distributions (Live CD/DVDs)

September 28, 2011
Top 25 Linux Distributions (Live CD/DVDs)
I have analyzed over 50 Linux distributions both qualitatively and quantitatively and following is a summary according to points scored of the top 10.
Rest are listed according to the points awarded without a comment.
Top Rank
1. Debian scoring 3005 points
Coming to IT industry where there are very few heroes Debian is the clear winner which gyrate and spins at the correct orbit.
It was no surprise.
Score of above 3000 and well above the Gold Standard of 2500 for the standard CD/DVD.
For the heavy weight category it is within the Gold Mark where no other distribution has all the components at disposal with over 30,000 package well-tested and stable (now gone up to 60,000).
It has gParted which is around 100 MB with partition tool and security features.
It has Blender, Scribus and Inkscape.
Only missing component was O.E.M. component.
Ranking Second with  2620 points is Ultimate Linux
2. Ultimate Linux
This is taking whopping 2620 points, simply because it is a games DVD based on Ubuntu and it has graphic features including Inkscape and Blender.
Apart from that it is basically a Ubuntu distribution.
Even though it gets a lot of points due to inclusion of many packages it should be used as  a games DVD rather than a general purpose distribution.
This warning is due to the changes in Ubuntu Unity and the attendant repository changes that may come as a result of that change.
Rank Number 3

3. UberStudent  with 2610 points
This is one of the very good Ubuntu derivative packed with utilities and only utilities I could not find were gparted and blender.
It’s on the fat side with a 2.7 GiB image.
This is one of the Linux distributions I could not download due to download problem but with some difficulty I managed to download both the CD and the DVD versions.
There were not enough seeders but I used point to point download.
It is Ubuntu based and excellent for students in the higher grades and in the University
It has many utilities that student would like to use in literature search albeit web-based.
I have no hesitation in recommending it.
It has almost everything one needs.
Why blender was not included is a bit of a mystery.
4. Knoppix fourth with 2410
Knoppix stands tall and scores 2410 which is well above Ubuntu and Unity on the threshold of becoming a Gold Standard on its own.
It is 4th in the my list of 50 and only three others above.
Debian comes first.
Ultimate Linux comes second.
UberStudent comes third. Packed with utilities except Blender and Gparted..

Good old days when it was difficult to find a distribution and DEMO CDs were hard to come by Knoppix started the revolution of Live CDs.
I have used it from its 3.1 versions and up and it was available even in Sri-Lanka.
It’s significant features apart from Live CD running on RAM are;

1. Good hardware detection (last version 9.1 cannot recognize Integrated GP of my basic NUC).
2. Sound configuration and unique start up with sound effects.
3. Ability to compress lot of programs into a CD/DVD.
4. Enormous number of packages
5. Partition tool and many more
6. ORCAs that is fun for visually handicapped user and is as good as Vinux.
It was way ahead until Puppy Linux came into the scene and took another twist by making Live CD under 100 MB.
Soon I became a convert of Puppy that comes inherently for my love of the canine species. Its weakness was it could not be installed into the hard disk and I found a way to mount it on a FAT partition. I always had a copy mounted on my hard disk when the LXDE came into the scene. Then came the 10th anniversary release which was  big hit by itself both CD and DVD versions.
Now it can be installed and administrative right can be restored after installing.
There is Knoppix for Kids and Games DVD which was something lacking in 95% of the Linux Distributions.

If you do not use any other Linux distributions this is the one one should always have.
I cannot find anything wrong with this distribution when I format my hard disk once a year towards December, it is the first one that goes into the hard disk as the flag bearer of Linux and other distributions are installed afterward.
5. Poseidon with 2390 points comes fifth
Poseidon Linux
Poseidon Linux not Scientific Linux (actually this name is misleading and does not have any scientific packages in this distribution) takes a big spot in my scale by a wide margin for packaging productive utilities for scientific (including statistics) and business purposes and for schools.
Its score is 2390 which is close to PCLinux but have more packages than PCLinux.
They are inkscape, blender, statistic and plotting packages but it is on the heavyweight category and downloading is slow mainly due to not having a torrent facility.
But it has CD version too and again it is a Debian/Ubuntu derivative.
In spite of its FATTY layer I like it very much and one has almost everything one needs in one shoe.
6. Pinguy/Pin Eee comes sixth with 2385
Pinguy and Ping Eee
For the time being Pinguy and Ping Eee are the best innovative Ubuntu derivative which is in the market and the score is 2385 which is very close to the Gold Standard and well above Unity.
Out of the Ubuntu derivatives this is the most eye catching feature filled derivative to entice Linux newbies as well as savvy guys / girls.
It has Cloud Utilities, Light Scribe and it almost look like Apple Mac for one who has never seen a Apple Mac.
I have the feeling Ubuntu’s Unity has taken a leaf out of Pinguy and Ping Eee for netbooks and laptops.
Its grub file could not figure out my other distributions and that was why it was not in my box up till now.
The new version has now ironed out this minor glitch and I have installed it with 5 other distributions in my laptop which I upgraded to 500 GB recently.
Interestingly enough, this is the one I boot first since I am getting attached to it day by day.
It now does a good job with GRUB and recognize all the other Linux derivatives. It will certainly take the tablets not by surprise but by its own imagination.

7. Dynabolic comes seventh with 2290
Dynabolic 3.0.0 beta is currently available at torrent and this was one of the oldest Linux music distributions. It was created by Denis Rogo an Italian musician. It was in hibernation (version 2) but lately has created the version 3 for download.
I call him the Bob Marley of computer music.
It is feature packed but cannot be installed as yet.
It scores thumping 2290 points was not a surprise for me.
8. PCLinux comes 8th with 2255
My favorite distribution gets 2255 points which is well below the 2500 points which I have for my Hypothetical Gold Standard but a future candidate for that award. It has promised to introduce bit 64 from the current version onward.
Even though it has no special features it sticks to Linux base with administrative functions and very stable once properly configured. It gets a lot of points for it’s web site and the digital magazine which it maintains. The package management is excellent and lets you install all the packages easily from repository. To be on record this is the only distribution which has a usable Skype (except perhaps Linvo). It also does not bother one with updates unlike Suse. It is a KDE desktop and has two Mini versions, one LXDE and the standard KDE. Once installed there is very little maintenance if firewall is correctly configured and easy with downloads and remove redundant files at boot time and if it is run on 24/7 schedule it does a good cron job too.
No wonder it is my favorite and may be so for others too (once 64 bit version is introduced it will become more popular).
PCLINUX of course went down the hill once TexStar retired.
Ubuntu’s departure from traditional base would be another reason. It is bit slow at boot time and K-torrent is good (it may be bit slow because of my heavy daily work and downloads) and if one is using it for light work, one may not find the slow boot up a problem. Even one is a light user of the computer it is a good practice for the distribution to run 24 hours at least once a week for maintenance which it does automatically well past midnight.
My reason for choosing it
It is very stable and stands 8th in the ranks.
9. Puppy comes 9th with 1910
Puppy Linux
It is Small and Beautiful size ~100MB!
It is Live booting from CD and USB flash drive.
It runs from RAM, making it unusually fast even in old PCs and in netbooks with solid state storage media.
Includes a wide range of applications: word processors, spreadsheets, Internet browsers, games, image editors and many utilities.
Puppy is easy to use and little technical knowledge is assumed. 
Most hardware is automatically detected.
Who is the founder?
Barry Kauler from Australia

10. Ubuntu Dream Studio comes 10th with 1775
Ubuntu Dream Studio
Ubuntu’s Unity-Dream Studio
Is it a dream come true for newbies?
I think so and thumbs up for this distribution which I could download overnight with 2.1 GB.
There were only four seeders but it was pretty fast. Go and download it and increase the number of seeders in proportion to leechers and enjoy the Unity experience.
It is a new experience for old hand of Linux like me who never used Ubuntu on regular basis except for demonstrations.
Regular Ubuntu users will grumble but I will tell you what to do. Go ahead and have both old version and new version in the same box and enjoy the difference.
Sinhala capability was there which I did not test but probably needs some smooth ironing out which is another plus point.
It has LibreOffice and Blender a new version (Maya replacement).
Please do not call it Apple like but call it this is Unity Linux Desktop.
Sure it is a winner at the time of debt and cash crisis.
For good effects find a good compatible graphic card. 
That may be the only thing one may have to change in one’s computer.
My old computer’s graphic card was not enough to take advantage of Unity.
The few glitches I had with the Unity CD with workplaces has been reasonably taken care of and I could load all the workplaces with a running program and with a mouse click it goes into full screen image.
Play with it and enjoy the experience.
I do not know how far one can configure it to one’s own needs but it is good as it is why configure and make a mess out of it?
It score is 1775.

Rest with Only points scored.
11. Simply Mepis                1755
12. Trisquel                           1660
13. Suse                                 1560
14. Swift Linux                      1515
15. Sabayon                           1430
16. Ubuntu-Unity                  1405
17. PureOs                             1385
18. Salix                                 1380
19. Kubuntu                           1355
20. Fedora                            1325
21. Berry   Linux                   1275
22. Linux Mint                    1260
23. CloudUSB                        1240
24. Apodio                             1165
25. Vinux                               1130 
Incognito comes 26th and it for anonymous web browsing and cannot be installed.

I have missed
ArtistX which would score almost around 2600 and could be in place of Ultimate Linux (If you do not like games Linux DVD).
It is also Ubuntu derivative and for Audio/Video and artistic work.

Other versions not included was the result of inability to download or incompatibility with my old graphic cards.

Porteus Linux and who was Beilby Porteus

 June 26, 2011

Porteus Linux and who was Beilby Porteus
Porteus Linux is the best of SLAX (Slackware) distribution under 300 MB with KDE and LXDE desktops.
SLAX is known for small Linux distributions and is now almost defunct but this production is excellent following it old tradition.
It has LMZA compression utility to pack all the KDE in under 300 and has K3B which I love.
It has excellent text explaining how to use it including making a USB stick.

I wonder why they use the name Porteus?
I give 100 out of 100 and another 100 for the name Porteus for reminding me of recent history.
Anniversary Sermon
Porteus used the opportunity afforded by the invitation to preach the 1783 Anniversary Sermon of the Society  for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts to criticize the Church’s role in ignoring the plight of the 350 slaves on its Codrington Estates in Barbados and to recommend means by which the lot for the slaves there could be improved.
It was a well-reasoned and much-reprinted plea for The Civilisation, Improvement and Conversion of the Negroe Slaves in the British West-India Islands Recommended, and was preached at the Church of St Mary-le-Bow before forty members of the society, including eleven bishops of the Church of England. When this largely fell upon deaf ears, Porteus next began work on his Plan for the Effectual Conversion of the Slaves of the Codrington Estate, which he presented to the SPG committee in 1784 and, when it was turned down, again in 1789. His dismay at the rejection of his Plan by the other bishops is palpable. His Diary entry for the day reveals his moral outrage at the decision and at what he saw as the apparent complacency of the bishops and the committee of the Society at its responsibility for the welfare of its own slaves.
These were the first challenges to the establishment in an eventual 26-year campaign to eradicate slavery in the British West Indian colonies. Porteus made a huge contribution and eventually turned to other means of achieving his aims, including writing, encouraging political initiatives, and supporting the sending of mission workers to Barbados and Jamaica. Deeply concerned about the lot of the slaves as a result of the reports he received, Porteus became a committed and passionate abolitionist, the most senior churchman of his day to take an active part in the campaign against slavery.

Above is a small part WiKiPedia reproduction
of life of Beilby Porteus for the reading of some British football hooligans turned Human Rights Activist of present day.

I should say when I was working in estate sector as a doctor the conditions of
Indian Tamils were far worse (look at the BBC production of 1975-BBC then did not use faked videos, like Channel 4) when British were running the Estates.

In 1975 I had to do postmortems of Tamil Estate Workers who ate Manioc with their leaves and died of cyanide poisoning.

We have a saying do not spit looking upwards.
They land on your face immediately.
As far as I am concerned it does not matter which side the fence one is in.

Criminal is a criminal whether he is in or outside prison.

The definition does not change because of skin colour.

Spoken English and Mini PCs

Spoken English and Mini PCs

I have been watching and listening to YouTube guys presenting various small form factor Mini PCs. 

They are flooding the market and this glut provides an opportunity for YouTube advertisers to go into frenzy mode.

Their naming architecture is bizarre.
Mixture of N and S series and Venus and Magic and Magician instead of Vanilla or Testing editions(Linux terminology).

No imagination at all.

Products are so diverse and Apple is getting a very bad economic hit.

One can get 10 of these mini PCs and make FreeNAS Server at the cost of an Apple Mac. 

Microsoft has infiltrated this scenario surreptitiously and advertising the phrase  "it come with an operating system".

Bare bone system which costs less is my wish and I have two NUCs with me and being a Linux guy I won't buy one until Linux kernel 13 is out which would be end of 2025 and more likely mid July 2026. 
By that time sales for left over systems would be the reality.
There would be enough specimens to pick.
My picks are Minisforum and Geekom.
Acemagic has a place.
Another company that would be hit as badly as Apple is FrameWork computers, simply because Laptops would become thing of the past due to bulk, battery problems and high price.
This eGPU or external GPU to prevent heat throttling is also a bad advertisement for laptops. My old laptop is already in the attic and I take it out to recharge the battery. Unlike modern batteries the battery discharges even without booting.

The market is volatile and certainly the advertising campaign would become ineffective.

They are running short of buss words like generation I, 2 and 3.
Space saving, budgeting and futuristic won't work.

My amusement is that these guys are killing the Queen's or King's English.

S is pronounced as C.
G is pronounced as J.
N and M are not nasal but guttural.
It is all French to me.

My problem is when I want to write down the Model Number I have to listen to the presentation several times and I still get it wrong.

I advice these guys to display the name tag of these gadgets unobtrusively, while talking, so that the sales depend on whether the buyer gets the model number correct to his or her hea
It will be helpful when ordering through eBay or Amazon.

Less and less people would pop into a high market store to buy a mini PC.
What a turn around.
I used to walk length and breath of Tottenham Court Road to buy a Sony Portable cassette player. 
I could buy three mini PCs today for one Sony Portable.

15 Liter Mini PC Build UP

 15 Liter Mini PC Build UP

Cost is probably 2000 dollars and NUC with upgrades costs is 200 dollars.

Mini PCs
1. Minix NPs-5 Pro

Intel Irish GPU

2. GEEKOM Mini IT11

3. HP Z2 Mini G9

4. BEELink SER5

5. Minisforum Venus UM700

6. Minisforum Venus NPB6

7. Geekom IT13

8. Beelink S12 Pro 

9. Nipogi AK1 Plus

10. GMKtec Mini PC N100

11. ACEMagician mini PC

12. GMKtec Mini PC N97


1. ATX
ITX is the mini version
Total Volume 15 Liters as compared to a one mini PC of NUC.
This is by the way, is a gaming PC.
There was no estimate of the cost of the system.
My guess is one can build a NAS Server system with couple of NUC boxes for the same price.
I do not play games and not even watch films. If I need to watch a film I need to stick a USB media player and stick a speaker to the USB.

Advanced Technology Extended by Intel.
Specification or mounting points and connectivity for motherboards and power supply for a standard computer.
I have two instances of Debian Gnome, Netrunner and MX Linux KDE a total of 4 distributions in a 320 Old SATA.
No noise and no heat.
Save space, money and energy in watts.
Only 20 watts maxim and no fans.

I use AbiWord (not even Libre office) for books.

2. Motherboard 
B650 Edge WIFI (Gaming)
BIOS Flashback 
CMOS Clear
4 Debug LEDs 
Iindicates if problem with DDR is detected.
Host of ports and vary according to the type of ITX.
Front panel has up down direction.
Back panel has lot of ports and the power button.
Side panels have lot of holes for ventilation.

3. CPU
AMD Ryzen-7 9800-X3D
8 pin cables 

4. GPU
16 pin cables 
GeForce RTX
Mounting Screws for the Cooling System.
Peerless Assassin 120
Has flexible mounting options.
GPU power button should be set on, since accessing it after mounting if difficult.
If need be enough room is a single for liquid cooling (not water).
Add few more mounts to fast chain several more fans to fill the avaible space.
The theory is more fans better it is BUT one should work out how air should flow out from inside to outside.
One does not need heater on a cold winter night. My dog who used to sleep on the cement flow would sleep under the PC which was by the side of my bed. My feet would warm up it's belly.

5. RAM 
DDR 5 6000 series (with higher end serirs there may be compatibility problem with CPU and GPU).
Probably has two slots.

6. Hard Disk
Non Volatile Memory Express
Single NVMe
Samsung 990 Evo
Two slots to mount one on the front (inside) and one on the back (shorter)
2 terabyte 
One for operating system and one for data is the better option.
One need to put protected film before installing.

7. Power Supply
Motherboard power cable has 24 pins
GPU cable has 16 pins
CPU has 8 pins
Flexible mounting options for power supply.
Tidy them with zip- ties.
Cabling is the clumsiest part.
In my old PC cables had 4, 8 and 12 pins.
Cooling system sat on top of the CPU on thermal paste. I never fiddle with the CPU mounting and that was the most expensive and critical piece.
Graphic cards were only upto 1GB and did not need cooling.
Hard diskes and CD/DVD Roms need power supply. With spinning HDD one had to set master and slave meeting with metal clips. I used to make mistakes and on booting only one hard disk may be detected. With SATA there was no such need. 
Just fix in the data and power cables.

Human Destiny

 February 18, 2011

Human Destiny
If man needs to survive in this planet with dwindling resources and utmost pollution he has to take major steps.
The WHO culpable for its inability to forecast and foretell the emerging trends. 

It is also culpable in not having a sustainable strategy.

It seems it is dictated by the rich nations funding it and the cronies employed to effect the rich nations desired plan of inactivity.

They haven’t got an estimate of what is the sustainable population in which the planet can produce food (with a buffer stock for major catastrophe).

They let the market forces decide the events.

With inflation, the price of food is going up and that is no concern for them.

They haven’t got a plan for food security.

Above all they haven’t a slightest of idea of how the global warming would threaten food security.

Their performance is akin to UNO which is impotent in formulating any viable preposition to this planet except for dividing land, countries and nations to a level desirable for the rich nations to exploit economically.

Their pseudo-economic aid make these poor countries more vulnerable and this is happening in Asia and Africa.

They have no strategy to make Africa a food basket of the world.

Asia cannot sustain food security due to population explosion in India and China which are following a death trap of new open economy.

For the first time India was not able to produce onion which is not an essential commodity.

But what about the staple diet. It is no different. Up until now soya had been filling the gap. While supplementing the staple diet it was a buffer for the poor nations.

Now with bio-fuel taking precedence this commodity is becoming the rich nations darling exploits.

I would wind up with water security.

It is common knowledge that this planet is abundant with water and even can submerge some low lying nations with glacial melting.

But we do not have ample drinking water.

The man continue to pollute the rivers and their origins and basins with industries that should be banned for the benefit of mankind.

China, India and Ceylon are good examples.

In Ceylon all our rivers are neglected and allowed to contaminate with dangerous agro-chemicals from up country to low country of the North and North East. 

The rain forest is gradually destroyed and and disappearing fast and some rivers are actually now drying up in dry season.

The government priority was the war and making the economy running somehow but not having a sustainable plan to protect the forest and the rivers that are the live wire of our well being.

In fact, we do not have water security.

In the mean time some politicians are getting ready to sell the last resource we have

That is water for money to foreign capital. 

That plan is still in the drawing board and with two third majority even that is sold to a company or companies for generating money.

 I am not surprised judging by the level of intellectual capacity in the parliament. It is possible in the distant future for the water to be be sold to foreign capital, however much they deny that there are no plans to privatize water industry.

That is a big lie.

Amazon Silk the answer to Web Browsers that are Heavy

 September 30, 2011
Amazon Silk the answer to Web Browsers that are Heavy

I hate almost all the web browsers in current use except light weight Linux derivatives.
Linux derivatives are light on your computer and has utilities to block unnecessary cookies and erase the memory at the end of a web session.
All the web browsers have become bulky over the years and have left enough security holes.
I will list few of the Linux browsers  I like most before talking about the game-changer Amazon-Silk.
I hope it will become bulky in time but have enough security patches since lot of young kids are going to use it on daily basis. 

1.IceApe and its Suite
2. Dillo
3. SeaMonkey
4. IceWeasel
5. Midori
Mobile Web Kits
6.Opera Mobile (Mini)
7.Android WebKit
9.BlackBerry WebKit
10. Dolfin-Samsung
11.Nokia WebKit
14. Firefox   Gecko in MeeGo
Note Gecko  is a Firefox Light derivative that comes from Linux origin, from good old days of Linux and unfortunately IE and FireFox has lot of work to do to get to Mobile Industry.
IE and FireFox are gorilla derivative of internet.
I believe Linux distributions should all have some alternative Lightweight web browsers included in their distributions.
It is interesting that SwiftLinux which has done a good job of it in its recent version.
These light weight stuff can be used in Mobile and Cloud Computing and now that Amzon has shown the way by splitting the resources we going to have frantic activity in this arena with mobile to lure.
Amazon’s Silk approach is admirable and it is going to be a game-changer.
I think all the web browsers have to go on a diet soon or have at least two versions.
One for mobile and cloud and the other for the desktop.

Ankelipitiya,Ratemulla, Etulgama,Gurudeniya and Thalatuoya

 Ankelipitiya,Ratemulla, Etulgama,Gurudeniya and Thalatuoya

What is stated by me are circumstantial evidences related to naming of villages in Kandy where pitch battles occurred during British time. I have started with the tug of war which may have been to make locals soldiers battle ready. 

I think instead of regurgitating the old tales worth it is while to study of the layout of the land and the relative movement of people away from the Church and British Control is wanting.

I have given my opinion having walked these places by foot as a school child. 

Ampitiya guys are famous for marathon running and hill climbing.

I of course was a short distance runner but could walk miles and miles without breaking down and with little food.

Ankelipitiya near Etulgama

This is where the Thalatuoya stream that flows to Mahaveli River at Gurudeniya starts.
It is at least 5 miles off from Ampitiya, Seminary on a hill.
It is a hill where place where Ankelipitiya is located in Etulgama.
When the original Ankelipitiya was taken over by the Church they would have moved in. Etulgama means inner village and it is also a hill with forest on a side. Major branch of the Thalatuoya begin here.

I think it is the Ankelipitiya that became corrupted to Ampitiya.
Am has no meaning.

An means horns
Keliya means gaming
Pitiya means plane or ground
It sounds reasonable and I have no direct records to prove or disprove this opinion.

I tend to believe Udagama, Pallegama, Maddegama were not real villages names but later adaptation or the original names.
The villages around the  hutch were deserted by people and British had to bring people from elsewhere.
Both my mother parents and my father came from Matale.

The third mile post had the most diverse community. The road by the side of Thaltuoya was ready access to Lewalla where blood bath and bloody war ensured when British soldiers tried to cross the river to Mada Maha Nuwara where King was hiding. It would have been the work of the British.

Besides, their was underground access to Haragama and Gurudenia. When British soldiers reached this underground road it was flooded killing everybody. They probably had to make a new road along the footpaths to Thalatuoya village.
Ketawala, Lewla, Marassana and Mylapitiya had fertile land and they moved to an alternative hill side in Mylapitiya where connection to Hewahata where service clans of various types were residing.
We cannot make concrete assumptions since British distorted the facts and created their own history of Kandy.
All the official residences of Nilmes were located where Boganbara prison stands.
Nuwara Wela was flattened to make way for railway.

People moved away from the Church and British with the influence of the Church brought in civilians for their work from other places.

People in Kandy did not starve and even today most of the produce come to Kandy from Marassana and Mylapitiya.
Myla probably meaning miles away.
Myla comes from Miles in English.
It was not as short as the British Mile but much longer. 
When I suggest the meaning for Marassana one might get some idea.
Pitiya means a hill in this instance.
 Mylapitiya probably meaning miles away from the Church and the British.
Mara means death.
It really or probably means, killing fields. 
Or where butchering of captured victim.
Asana probably means how the dead were laid.
Who did it I won't guess
? Local soldiers
?British soldiers 
If the British soldiers came this far they would not return.
Mylapitiya was the furthers fertile land.
Leave us alone and you go back to your cities.
Probably means stones that were used to tie to the bodies to be dumped to the river.
Closed village to Ampitiya.
Leewala means bloody pools.
Next in line to Marassana from Ampitiya.

Is the river it has two branches one starting from Ethulgama.
May have been lined with Palmyra trees from which leaves were taken for curing WataPathas or the fan used by monks.

Has local meaning

Has local meaning
Accessibly but not safe enough.
Probably a station to watch Britissh soldiers moving towards  Gurudeniya.
May be related to exposed big boulders down the river.
Means places where they crossed.

