Thursday, May 27, 2021

Booting BSD from a USB

TrurOS can be booted from a DVD but one cannot make a bootable USB from a Live Session.

What I did was to Install it on the USB.

It took two hours or more,  to make a ZFS tank pool on the USB.

I think BSD was looking for a big hard disk and when it realized it is only 16 GB, it resized its protocol handling, on the go.

BSD does not dual boot with Linux.

I hate CD/DVD booting because  it makes an irritating  hissing noise like a snake.

I love quiet booting from a USB.

Fortunately, BSD booting icon option was available in the ESP boot partition.

When I clicked YES, it recognized the USB and booted the TrueOS.

One has to configure the first time booting and you are on with Lumina Desktop, for sure.

It is very slow in booting and installing on my Laptop, most likely due to ZFS partition is meant for fast spinning ROM for access and it reverts to slow spinning mode, almost inaudible

Lot of patient is required, and it worth the patient waiting to see the Lumina Desktop.

I am very patient when installing any Linux distribution, since I know if a wrong driver is selected by automated booting the display is going to be ugly.
Only Debian.has mastered the display to very elastic and soothing to the mouse in hand.

The mouse and keyboard have become extension of my soul in front of a VGA monitor..

No radiation sickness like when watching a cathode ray tube in full gear.

That patient I have improved due to Coranavirus incarceration has stood good while installing Linux on a USB stick.

The most important in this scenario was that I had bypassed the Internet while installing.

It waits few minutes for a ping signal but I also wait for it to boot without Internet.

No need to answer system calls, every few minutes from the server side which is also automated.

It is not like all days where a guy in the community sitting behind a dumb terminal volunteer help.
No video calls then.

It is a dedicated community we never see face to face except in a big conference in USA or Germany.

I have forgotten all the command line work including partitioning two hard disks with minute details.

There was no turning back for me from the graphic mode.

But with lot of time in hand I will use my Unix Cook Book to go back to old days.

Using Linux and Linux Bible's last edition are also worth mentioning and Rebate books were dispensed with after Fedora.

It all started with a Unix book long time ago I fished out from discarded book sale of the  British Council Library.

The word ping was my entry word to Unix and Linux world.

I have misplaced that book and wish I had that book in my bedroom as a reminder.
Mind you I have over 4000 books which I fish out for reference with my failing mind.

I did not have to buy brand new books when British Council Library was there.

Our book sellers got together and forced the British Council to close that section and made the Library, a Language Center and.with that the demise of British influence but Victoria dam and Victoria falls that feeds the Pollonnaruwa and Minneriya are empty reminders of old days.

Many thanks to British Council and our English standard is far below Bangladesh and we are burrowing money from Bangladesh on credit loan basis.

It should have been with Britain and France.

Years gone by I had all that in my head and not now.

Mind you learning a second language at 55 was painful to begin with but it stimulated the creative side of my brain.

I passed O Level in French without spoken language and it is sad in UK spoken part is not tested due to Coronavirus scare.

Spoken language skill is daunting in French.

The diversion is necessary since one cannot master Unix and Linux on the Web alone.

At least a handbook should be at one's disposal.

Their is a digital version of Linux Learning in my computer still.

With copyright law in existence with big penalties, books are becoming extinct species at least in Unix and Linux.

Python, USB Pendrives and Portabilty

To me beautiful.

Physical not Virtual portability is innovative and a blessings.

Python is long and is longer than an anaconda.

But a very small script of Python is stable and reliable and one cannot erase it.

That is the virtue of Python unlike other programming languages.

I am looking for a Python instruction book for three years.

The idea was to fiddle with Python in my free time.

Instead of trying Linux on a gaming environment.

I wanted to carry my Linux operating system in a USB stick long time ago when USB sticks hit the market.

It was a difficult preposition.

The Pendrive Linux site changed my outlook.

It had a Python script that one can download and add seamlessly any supported Linux distribution to boot from a USB stick.

This was difficult with Debian and Debian is not light weight to fit a sfs file.
Debian is meant for installing but some Live DVDs in GNOME and KDE are available.

Before that only Puppy Linux could do that in small scale with less than 100 MB.

Knoppix can do that in a big scale with persistent volume.

I still have two of those primitive USB sticks booting on a Legacy BIOS device or PC.

I decided to organise my numerous USB sticks and erase duplicates except that contained bootable USB with bootable sfs files made by MutliSystem (French Utility).

Only one could not be erased and it contained the one Python expanded file and a MultiSystem Linux file and a few of my text files written in Abiword.

Python takes over the booting mechanism of the USB and all my attempt to erase or clean the stick was not possible.
I tried even FATPup and I get an error message only readable not writable.

So beware and be careful with Python.

I hate bulky Word Processes especially Microsoft and do my work with AbiWord.

It is tiny compatible with Windows but essentially a programs interface, that can be shared in the Internet and make tiny text files.

In my case books written by me for publication.

LibreOffice, again coming from France, I use ONLY to add a few features to the ported AbiWord file, ready for publishing in a book format.

Problem with Microsoft Macros is they are bulky and their page format cannot be resized to Thesis Specifications.

In other words Microsoft Macro are not compatible with each other but sits on top of another making it a very bulky end product.

I used AbiWord for my thesis,too.

All self learning which I have perfected from childhood.

Now Python for heavy work and AbiWotd in program mode for tiny work like writing a book not a leaflet or brochure.

Now there is bulky T Text for working on mainframe computers.

WPS is a good alternative in an Android environment with classic and light weight downloads with lot of features.

Linux is always a text file easy to handle.

Mind you I could not format one MicroSD locally purchased.

All the others SD cards are in my cellphones or mounted on a USB compatible mounters.