Thin Client Cloud Service- T.C.S- 2X Version is Out
Thin Client @X software version is out and boots with minimum of resorces.
It is open source version with proprietary help.
I wish them all the luck and progress.
It has Opera Browser.
Adobe reader.
Google application and Skype.
And few more application.
I am not sure whether one can add few more application but its server version may be preparing to add all the applications in the cloud.
One has to probably register with them.
I believe it can be carried in a Flash Stick and Cd is bootable.
Cloud computing is taking its shape and it is going to be a new ball game soon.
I hope they provide some more information and few demos on the cloud for users to try it out.
Like EyeNux with applications, 2X should provide more of applications to try.
I have not heard anything about EyENux activities for sometime probably they are also working hard to make an impact in cloud computing.
I hope EyENux also take a note of other guys on the horizon which may healthily compete with them
Good luck boys and girls at 2X.