I think it is relevant to make some comments about our economy with some direct parallel to our eating habits.
I love ice cream.
I know people love ice cream.
If there is little extra money they always spend that money for ice cream.
In the Kandy City Center I never had an ice cream from that expensive joint.
I go to Soya Center and take a big ice cream plastic tub home.
This habit comes from my stay in United Kingdom. Even on a freezing winter I used to enjoy the gelatinized ice cream cones.
They were huge and two cones would last a day.
I have not lost the penchant for sugary stuff including doughnuts, French croissants and baguette or French bread stick with garlic butter.
All these things including butter is becoming very expensive.
Let us not talk about cheese.
These things are basic in the Western World and they all are kept at a reasonable price.
Let me start with Elephant House cafeteria in Kandy and Colombo.
Fountain Cafe Ice cream was the best.
Fruit and nut ice cream was out of heaven.
Come Sirimavo Regime ice cream sauces changed to coconut jaggery honey sauce, not Kithul honey.
That is the economic connection.
N.M. and the L.S.S.P clan decided not to import foreign flavours.
We decided to leave the country and that is the natural inclination.
This trend continues to this day, the young leaving the country.
They cannot go to UK or USA but go to Dubai.
Even our time going to USA was very expensive. I decided never to go to Disneyland to save money and buy a few computers instead, which is making my retirement worth living.
After all ice cream is not an expensive delicacy.
Even a fruit salad without the topping of ice cream is unthinkable.
I think like Mary Antoinette's phrase, if there is no bread eat cakes.
We might have to say "Bath Naththan KiriBath Kapan".
I cannot think of an alternative now.
If the party in power does not support basic needs they need to be evicted after one term.
I want go to rice and coconuts for the time being.
If you get health advice from the present government that eating ice cream is bad, please do not listen to them.
Make merry when it is sunny.
I have a few problems.
Unlike in Ceylon, here in Australia, I cannot have ice cream during winter. Unlike being young in UK with very cold winters, even the relatively mild winter cold gets to my bones.
Old age and cold winter do not go hand in hand.
This love for ice cream has no age barries, religious barriers and race barriers.
Even jaggery has gone up in price.
Forget about cashew nuts.
I hate to see only foreign visitors enjoy food and delicacies.
Average citizens who elected this Gorenment deserve good food at reasonable price.
This Ranil Policy of Taxing on basic food stuff including Ice Cream should be vigorously opposed.
What happened to Ranil will befall AKD in no time.
People deserve a better choice in food if not politicians.
Why tighten the belts when the rice are plundering our assets?