Friday, March 21, 2025

KDE and Enlightenment Update

KDE and Enlightenment Update
I have found a way to shed fat from the full blown KDE.
There are reason for it
I started with KDE and it has fantastic applications.
But what I do not like is it takes ages to mount due to its bulk.
1. Kdenlive is one of them which is much better than KODI that comes from X-Box Media Center (XBMC) from Microsoft. 
Everybody knows, I hate anything from Microsoft Windows.

2. I really like Konqueror, the browser

3. Kaffeine is the media player
4. Spectacle an excellent screenshot application
5. Sweeper clean up utility but I prefer Bleachbit of Gnome,
6. Dolphin  a very good file manager.

all these applications come with K in front except Dolphin and ? ?I forget

7. Problem with KDE is its themes especially Breeze and desktop wrappings which do not add to functionality.  
Once I fiddled with Breeze themes in MX Linux and I could not mount the Plymouth the boot login screen.
Plymouth is a graphical boot system and logger for Linux that runs before the file system is mounted. It provides a boot animation and handles user interaction during boot
This why I call it a rich lady with lot of fancy dresses which she cannot finish wearing during the 7 days of the week. 
Microsoft Windows I describes as rich but clumsy lady.

Please ladies do not get offended.
Just go to Synaptic package manager and select what one wants and it automatically selects Plasma Desktop which is the default.
Yet, one can even remove the desktop but one cannot go back to old KDE Desktop.
That is my point.

Enlightenment Desktop
One need not PAY Elive guys money.
Just use Synaptic Package Manager and install Enlightenment Desktop.
It is light and for old computers and very beautiful, elegant and eye catchy.
DO NOT fiddle with it unnecessarily if you have NVIDIA graphic card If you do not know what you are doing.

Solving The Problem with Wireless Connection

Solving The Problem with Wireless Connection

Some of the Widow Managers on their own cannot configure the Wireless Connection.

What one can do is to run it under Debian, Gnome

If the Widow Manager has web browser it would then connect to the Internet.

If the Widow Manager has a light weight browser, one has the luxury of  no snooping, too.



Web site:
Origin: Isle of Man
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: GNOME
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: Ubuntu
Media: Live DVD, Install (Alternative) CD/DVD
The last version | Released: active
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Ubuntu

Ubuntu – a Debian-based Linux distribution, with Unity as its default desktop environment for personal computers including laptops, desktops, smartphones and for server machines as well. It is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy of Ubuntu (literally, “human-ness”), which often is translated as “humanity towards others”.

The first official Ubuntu release 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was published in October 20, 2004.
Every next release is published in April and October, in a 6 mount cycle.
Every 2 years, Ubuntu is offered as a Long Term Support release (10.04, 12.04, 14.04, etc.).
Up to version 10.10, the main desktop was Gnome 2; starting from version 11.04 the Gnome was replaced by Unity.
Ubuntu is available as a Live, installable iso image, as well as alternative version which provides text based installer only.

Development of Ubuntu is led by UK-based Canonical Ltd., a company owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth.

There are a few official Ubuntu variants shipped with different desktop environment or language, such as:
– Kubuntu – with KDE desktop environment
– Xubuntu – with Xfce
– Lubuntu – with LXDE, targeted to older machines
– Edubuntu – for school environments and home users
– Ubuntu Studio – for professional video and audio editing
– Mythbuntu – designed for creating a home theater PC with MythTV pre-installed
– Ubuntu Kylin – a Chinese version of Ubuntu Desktop
– Ubuntu Gnome – with Gnome 3
– Ubuntu MATE – with MATE (fork Gnome 2)

There is also a large number of derivatives built on the top of Ubuntu.

I provided the first stable iso image of Ubuntu 4.10 to be downloaded.
If you need an up-to-date Ubuntu image, you can download it from the project page or from Ubuntu page.



Web site:
Origin: unknown
Category: Pentest
Desktop environment: Hackedbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: TinyCore
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | March 23, 2024
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: TinyPaw

TinyPaw – a lightweight and built off Tiny Core Linux distribution, for “Passive & Aggressive WiFi”.

Passive in reference to pre-packaged tools and scripts for the passive and / or collection of packets and data without actively engaging in offensive testing and auditing. Aggressive in reference to pre-packaged tools and scripts that, unlike the previous mentioned actively engage in offensive testing and auditing – whether by DOS, bruteforce, exploitation, etc., WiFi is quite obviously the intended purpose for testing, as we all know wireless access is the achilles heel of most if not all home and / or other internet / network access. That being said, again this distribution and / or software is intended for use and testing on your own wireless network, systems and devices or any that you have explicit permision to test.

Ideal for:
– WiFi / wireless network and systems auditing
– Running from USB / Live CD / VM
– Minimal system footprint and resource consumption
– Intermediate – Advanced skill range
– Those who would like to test and / or know the vulnerabilities of their wireless setup



Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Game
Desktop environment: GNOME
Architecture: x86_64
Based on: Debian
Wikipedia: SteamOS
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 2.195 | July 17, 2019
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: SteamOS

– a Linux distribution developed by the Valve Corporation, an American company, specializing in creating computer games.

The system is based on the Debian stable branch and provides two default profiles:
GNOME desktop containing basic programs from this environment
Big Picture – full screen mode

SteamOS additionally includes proprietary drivers and a newer LTS Extended Support Kernel.
The system is mainly designed to work with the Steam platform and run games available on Steam.
A desktop profile based on the GNOME desktop and Debian repositories allow the installation of additional programs and their operation on the system.

The underlying system is open source, but the Steam client is closed (proprietary) software.

SteamOS is available for 64-bit machines equipped with a motherboard with UEFI.

From January 21, 2014 the SteamOS has been released for older 64-bit machines running with BIOS.

SlimPup Linux

SlimPup Linux

Web site:
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.8 | March 3, 2013
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: SlimPup Linux

SlimPup Linux – a slim, fast, fully-equipped, and minimalistic Puppy Linux distribution, heavily inspired by Crunchbang and Archbang.

SlimPup uses the Openbox window manager and features a set of applications for different task.
It runs using only 35-70MB of RAM memory and CPU 600mhz.

As its parent, SlimPup can be installed on a hard disk on used as a live system with possibility of saving the live system settings (furgal).

The project was under development between 2011 and 2013.

Opera OS

Opera OS

Web site:
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: SliTaz
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1.1 | December 26, 2011

Opera OS – a lightning fast operating system based on SliTaz 3.0.

Opera OS is the smallest complete distro, featuring Opera web browser, one of the fastest browsers available for Linux, and the flash player.
All that is packed into just 65 megabytes of an iso image.

Opera OS uses the Openbox window manager and offers PCManFM file manager, and a few tools borrowed from SliTaz.

Other features:
– capable of booting in 6sec. (from the boot-loader)
– only 128mb of RAM required to run
– the live-cd runs completely in RAM
– connect to wifi-networks easily

The latest version of Opera OS 1.1 was released in 2011.



Web site: (not active)
Origin: Denmark
Category: Specialist, Privacy
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.1 | June 23, 2009

Polippix (The Political Linux Distribution of Denmark) – a privacy enhanced CD presented by IT-Political Association of Denmark
This CD demonstrates some programs that can be used to ensure privacy on the internet and to exercise your rights according to copyright laws.

Polippix is an open source and completely free distribution of Linux derived from the Kubuntu operating system and designed to be used by German-speaking users on home or office computers. It uses KDE Plasma as its default and only desktop environment.

The OS is distributed as a dual-arch Live CD ISO image of approximately 700MB in size, which fits perfectly on a CD disc. It can also be used from a USB stick and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit computers.

Polippix 2.1 is based on Kubuntu 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope” i386.



Web site:
Origin: Russia
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: JWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 204-m | February 27, 2012

PuppyRus – a fast and lightweight operating system that runs on almost any, even outdated, computer. It is possible to work in full installation mode, as well as full-fledged work with CD-ROM (LiveCD) or USB-Flash. The PuppyRus Linux system can be installed as an additional one, without changing the main OS.

– Use your light and fast system under 200 MB on CD or USB-flash
– Install it as an additional (second) system
– Surf the Internet without viruses, with a complete set of programs at hand

There are relatively many different versions of Puppy distributions. 
There are assemblies of different groups and individual developers, assemblies in different languages, etc.

Puppy Gnome

Puppy Gnome

Web site:
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.4.2-08.12 | August 30, 2012

Puppy Gnome – a Puppy Linux based, small in size Linux distribution which provides a GNOME desktop environment as default.

250MB of the iso size on laptops with 4GB of memory makes this a Puppy Linux remix very fast and efficient to give you access to all the applications you need at home. Without having to start a
Windows or a large-displacement Linux.

Springdale Linux

Springdale Linux

Web site:
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop, Server
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Red Hat
Media: Install DVD
The last version | Released: 9.2 | May 13, 2023
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Springdale Linux

Springdale Linux – a custom Red Hat®-based distribution and mirror. 
A project of members of the computing staff of ​Princeton University and the ​Institute for Advanced Study.

Springdale Linux 9/8.x is offered as a Netinstall iso media for x86_64 machines, and to x86 and x86_64 machines of version 7.x.

PUIAS Linux changed its name to Springdale Linux.

This project was started long before ​CentOS or other projects were available. Even if you do not install the core distribution, the Addons, Computational and Unsupported repositories may be of use to you. The Addons repository contains additional packages not included in a stock Red Hat distribution. The Computational repository also includes additional packages, however, these packages are specific to scientific computing. The Unsupported repository is a place where one time packages are put, they are unsupported and may change frequently.

Red Star OS

Red Star OS

Web site: (not active)
Origin: North Korea
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Fedora (?)
Wikipedia: Red Star OS
Media: Install DVD
The last version | Released: 3.0 | 2014
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Red Star OS

Red Star OS – a North Korean Linux based operating system, developed at the Korea Computer Center (KCC).

The Korea Computer Center (KCC), the leading IT R& D base of the DPRK, was founded on October 24, 1990 under the careful guidance of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il. It develops and supplies software and hardware products for various fields such as operating system, computer network, control & signal processing, biosignal processing and information security, and supports software development for important national projects.

Red Star 3.0 uses KDE 3 desktop environment, which was customized to look like Mac OSX desktop.
It features modified Mozilla Firefox browser called Naenara, to browse internet network known as Kwangmyong, and other apps such as: text editor, an e-mail client, audio and video players, games, and Wine which allows Windows programs to be run under Linux.

Razor Puppy

Razor Puppy

Web site:
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Razor-Qt
Architecture: x86,
Based on: Puppy Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 1 | August 25, 2012

Razor Puppy – a Puppy Linux based Linux distribution which features the RazorQt desktop environment as default and a small set of daily usage applications.

The last version of Razor Puppy 1 was released in 2012.



Web site: (not active)
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: IceWM
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 216 | July 18, 2007

MyPupalpha – a Live CD of small size but frighteningly effective. 
This is one of the many derivatives of the Puppy distribution.

Myah OS

Myah OS

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE, LXDE, Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Independent
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 3.0.1 | October 5, 2008

Myah OS – an independently developed Linux distribution built around the KDE3 desktop and optimized for i686 processor architecture.

Myah OS offers “Full Hard Drive” install option, although there are also options for installing to USB or net-installing versions with Xfce, OpenBox, KDE 3, GNOME, KDE 4, or pure console. The system uses its own package manager.

The full KDE version features a large set of preinstalled applications, such as: Asunder, Audacious, Audacity, Graveman, streamtuner, Xine, MPlayer, Kino, Myah DVD Creator; programs for graphical media: Blender for 3-D modeling, CinePaint, GIMP, mtPaint, Tux Paint; Dia for technical diagrams; Inkscape for scalable vector graphics; and GPicView and gtkam; office tools: Abiword and Gnumeric; network: Pidgin, Azureus, Transmission, Chatzilla, XChat, fireFTP, Firefox.

The live system user name/password is: myah/myah

Myah OS was under development between 2005 and 2008.



Web site:
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Enlightenment
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy
Wikipedia: Macpup
Media: Live DVD
The last version | Released: 5.5.0 | August 23, 2013
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Macpup

Macpup – a minimalist Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux

Macpup uses the Enlightenment window manager as its default desktop.
It is a small, light OS, it runs in ram and is very fast. Macpup is a full featured system right out of the box with apps for office, graphics, multimedia, internet and much more.

Macpup 550 is the latest version based on Precise Puppy 5.5.0 which is binary-compatible with Ubuntu Precise Pangolin packages.

Mandriva Linux

Mandriva Linux

Web site: (not active)
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: GNOME, KDE, LXDE, Xfce
Architecture: x86, x86_64
Based on: Independent, Red Hat
Wikipedia: Mandriva Linux
Media: Live CD/DVD, Install DVD
The last version | Released: 2012 Alpha 2 | November 6, 2012
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Mandriva Linux

Mandriva Linux (previously: Mandrake Linux) – an independent Linux distribution, originally forked from Red Hat Linux.

The system features the most popular desktop environments, a set of pre-installed application for daily usage, and integrated its own graphical configuration utilities tool ‘Mandriva Control Center’.

Mandriva Linux uses ‘urpmi’ package manager, which allows installation of packages by automatically installing all the needed dependencies, from various media, including network/Internet, CD/DVD and local disk. Urpmi has a graphical front-end called ‘pmdrake’, which is integrated into the Mandriva Control Center.
The RPM package management system is also available in the system to perform operation on the packages.

Mandriva Linux was started in 1998 under the name of Mandrake Linux
The first release was based on Red Hat Linux 5.1, used the K Desktop Environment 1, and was released in July 1998.
In February 2005, MandrakeSoft merged with Brazil’s company called Conectiva to the new Mandriva S.A
In May 2015 Mandriva SA has been closed.

The last stable version of Mandriva Linux 2011 was released in August 2011.

– Most Mandriva Linux developers went to Mandriva fork called Mageia.
– ROSA is a fork of Mandriva created by former Mandriva developers too.
– OpenMandriva Lx has been built on the top of ROSA as its fork.
– PCLinuxOS initially derived from Mandrake.
– Unity Linux (discontinued) is a Mandriva based distribution.



Web site:
Origin: Romania
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: SLAX
Wikipedia: NimbleX
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2010 beta | April 30, 2010

NimbleX – a small but versatile operating system which is able to boot from CD, flash memory (USB pens or Mp3 players) and even from the network. It runs entirely from a CD, USB or network so it doesn’t require installation or even much hardware.

NimbleX was designed to be versatile, user friendly, very fast and most importantly indestructible.

The key features of NimbleX are:
– Very fast even on slow disks. The OS is decompressed on the fly so IO is minimized.
– Indestructible: The OS is read only and only the changes get written to RAM or disk.
– Full featured. Out of the box NimbleX comes with over 1000 packages.

NimbleX is based on Slax and Slackware Linux.
The project developer is Bogdan Rădulescu.

Lycoris Desktop/LX

Lycoris Desktop/LX

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: KDE
Architecture: x86
Based on: Caldera
Wikipedia: Lycoris (company)
Media: Install CD
The last version | Released: 1.4 | September 13, 2004

Lycoris Desktop/LX
– a Linux distribution developed by Lycoris company (formerly Redmond Linux Corp.) located in Redmond, Washington, was founded in 2000 with a vision of making Linux simple enough for everyone, and pioneered the Linux-based home user desktop
Lycoris packages Open Source applications for the consumer market and integrates them into Desktop/LX, its simple, robust OS.

Lycoris GamePak gaming suite including 5 full action-packed games in the trademark Lycoris easy install package, plus access to WineX, TransGaming Technologies’ cross platform gaming software that gives users the ability to play over 150 Windows games on Desktop/LX.

Redmond Linux was founded by Joseph Cheek
In 2001 it merged with company called DeepLinux, what made the Redmond Linux Corporation.
The company was renamed to Lycoris in January 2002 and it was acquired by Mandriva on June 15, 2005.