Saturday, January 29, 2011

Growing Grass Under My Feet

It is high time that we calculate the CO2 foot imprint of every living human on this planet before it is too late.

It is one of the most important mathematical exercise that we can undertake now.

It may be easy to do that on an animal say a cow but it may be an extremely difficult preposition for even a forest dweller of today.

Since he carries his cell phone and at least box of matchers or a lighter to the deep jungle, his carbon footprint cannot be even remotely compared to a pre-historic man.

Where ever he set foot even the deep sea he leaves behind lot of CO2 footprints.

What we can do is to calculate it for an average American and then compare with a Chinese, Indian and hypothetical man who lives for 60 years.

On the alternative we can calculate for a bull or cow and extrapolate that to sedentary American man.

American Man eats 3 to 4 cows by the time he is 45 and probably 5 by the time he says good bye having consumed every possible advantage and resources available on this planet earth.

Then we calculate for a hypothetical bionic man who needs energy for all his activities including his air travel from say New York to Delhi and all over the globe in one year to schedule a typical American company owner.

Then we have to figure out how many American live hand to mouth existence with minimum of car ownership.

The equations will go like this

1. 5 bulls X A (poor American)

  1. USA X USA (Wealthy American) +5 bulls X A (poor American)

  2. Now (1 and 2) each has to be divided by ( American census-minus rich Americans)

  3. or ( American census-minus poor Americans)

  4. The results 3 and 4 should be multiplied to get a total figure

  5. This figure should be now divided by the total current human population

My estimate even without going into nitty gritty of the equation is like this.

  1. An average American (poor) will have a figure of 1000

  2. A rich American will be 1000 x1000

  3. Average Chinese is 100

  4. Rich Chines will 100 x 100

  5. Indian will be 10

  6. Rich Indian 1000 x10000 (more that a rich to Americans)

    The total CO2 foot print of China comes first.

    America comes second.

    And India comes 3rd even though the population come only second to China since after many years of open policies some Indian still live and breath air and do not produce much CO2 since their meals are going down including onions.

    This is what India call it 21st century progress and send rocket to the space and moon and still find a way to fail in Cricket World Cup including completing venues.

    While China is barely able to feed its masses India has failed to make a square meal for the poor whereas a poor American eats 100 times equivalent to a poor Indian.

    I want American Scientist to disprove my equation and discovery and publish a relevant article in the prestigious magazine, American Scientist.

    While all this happening I grow grass under my feet to cushion the CO2 foot prints of mine with my urine added to make it's growth luxurious unlike our banana growers.

Sea Front and the Land Lost

This a comment i wrote with two comments copied for posterity below>
Dubai, the state of The World is in dispute

This is a good one in spite of the Arab (rich) bashing.

Americans never leave a car behind but the ex-wife in a foreign land when going after a new flame (bird).

Coming back to Sri-Lanka this is the only country in the world lets the sea gobbles the land with massive development projects. It lets the sea in for nearly 10 days to fill the land and our media were there to witness it minute by minute but never said a word against or "it was a stupid idea".
I call them the Prudent Presidential Pundits (P.P.P. Adviser for short).

In Singapore and Maldives the try to do an utmost to prevent erosion and advance the land front.

We do not have similar blue print to protect in spite of a major tsunami in 2005.

We do not know how to release flood water to sea in an emergency.

Recent Batticoloa flood was an eye opener and the devastation (vegetation and structural) worse than tsunami, I believe.

I have my hat's off for the Arabs at least for the project idea but not its implementation.

Sri-Lankans looks to the ships when we run short of Onions and Coconuts.

It is 6 years after the tsunami we have not planted enough trees (including coconuts).

My only advice for the Arab friends is do not take any Sr-Lankan on any board of directors in these projects even if they promise you that they will intervene with the gods and bring results!

Two comments copied are relevant to this Island too.
1. Lets see now how the rich change there mind about climate change.
2. I think they should rename the islands to "Atlantis"..