I am booted with Peppermint on a Live USB prepared from Pinguy 11.04 on my HP Netbook.
I am sorry I reported that Peppermint cannot be booted using UnetBootIn.
It was again the fault of PCLinux default UnetBootin utility.
It had some missing files, in this case it did not copy the image (which was very small) of Peppermint properly.
The fault was with PClinux and its USB creator is no better, anyway.
If sorry especially to Peppermint guys/girl (developers);
In future release you should include UnetbootIn as a default for using as a USB creator.
I have in fact downloaded UnetBootIn which a tiny useful utility.
It works well with Peppermint.
Until now, I could use only Pinguy 11.04 and Ububtu based EeePeasy on my HP NetBook.
Now can proudly say Peppermint IV boots well in my netbook and in addition to the USB stick, I have a 8 GiB SD card (Camera storage) that boots peppermint.
Again using UnetBootIn.
Peppermint needs at least 5 GiB of capacity installation.
I will be using Peppermint on daily basis now.
Problem with Pinguy (old 11.10 Ubuntu) is that it does not support a software repository for this version.
I hope Pinguy Linux follow the Peppermint example and produce a Light Weight Cloud based utility with ability to download current software (for example LibreOffice 4.0).
Mind you my Netbook has both Pinguy and Peppermint.
Pinguy 12.04 is large and cannot be intalled on my netbbook.
This is true of NetRunner (Kubuntu based-KDE) and cannot be used on a Netbbook.
I think Puppy Linux or Knoppix should rise up to the challenge by producing a cloud utility that fits into 4 GiB SD Cad.
There was a Puppy Linux with (?Slako) cloud support but it never took off the ground for some unknown reason.
I hope Puppy supporters enter the fray to fit in with the needs.
Small is beautiful and fast.