Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dementia Research In Heaven

Dementia Research In Heaven 

I have never been to Heaven and what is told here is only a hearsay and not a heresy. 

I had some connection with the Heaven for a very short period of time when one of my dog friends ended up in heaven and that story for completeness sake is told, as an addendum elsewhere, when the current and the latest story is told for public consumption. 

That dog is no more and has attained Nibbhana by stroke of luck and a very clever strategy. It is not divulged here but you have to read my book on dogs.

He has extinguished his life flame in the way of Buddhist Tradition.

My connection to Heaven is through email facility, which the Maha Brahma granted me while the dog who “Exited” was acting as the Maha Brahma’s Assistant

I still have this connection and there was no email facility in Heaven, at that time and with my Linux connection, I established a Server in Heaven to assist Maha Brahama who is on eternal holiday.       

Nobody can contact him direct when he is on holiday but emails can be forwarded for perusal whenever he decides to return. 

Before my inadvertent contact and Establishment of Linux Server,          Maha Brahma had to remember everything by simple rote memory and that was a gigantic task even in heavenly terms.

By the way, my interests are not on Heaven but on Hell where I was told by our Paraya Dog that manipulations of sentences in Hell are made by surreptitious mechanism by Ceylonese Lawyers who entered there by default Karma

This is of course relating to the sentences to our politicians who invariably enter Hell.

The lawyers continue the habit of rearguard action for unfortunate politicians.

I have gone into to depth unlike our judges and to ease my work I have written a software in Linux to screen all applications made from Ceylon to both Heaven and Hell

All the acts of vandalism caused by Lawyers currently in Ceylon and those Lawyers who entered Hell have being aborted by this software.

Apaya Server is very well maintained.

I am Acting Director of Apaya Server, until I kick the bucket from this existence. Maha Brahma himself requested me to take up the post before, he went on a long vacation. 

The Establishment of this Server 24/7 Schedule made Maha Brahma to avail himself of leave.

The current agreement is, I will hold the Acting Capacity until I exist from here and I am only interested in meting out justice to our current politicians who are ace manipulators of our affairs. That post would fall vacant after my demise and a new guy would be elected at the discretion of Maha Braha himself.

I have no interest in continuing in that post, since the Server and the Software I created would last aeons and aeons, since it is made out of Linux Code.


Let me deal with the heaven in general.

All the Gods have a good time when they are there but descend to lower realms the moment they exist. They know it very well and that is why they want us to give them live wire as merits when we dish out Dhana when one of our guys or girls do exit from this planet earth.

I have no intention of letting lose any of my merits left. 

Similarly, I have no intention of coming back to earth as a lowly animal.

I wish something better.

I wish to have the full exit, just like our Paraya Dog.


But there is a caveat here.

Our dog Zimba is supposed to be in heaven and I wish to see him at least once or twice because he was  such a good soul.

I lost my “temper tantrums” thanks to his demeanor while he was with us.


That is my entry point to this book about current dogs. 

It is said that all dogs go to heaven and very few humans go there by default. 

The dogs who go there also realize their plight when they do exit from heaven. 

When the time is up it is also dicey for them too. 

Nobody has any control our Rebirth Protocol which is automatic and instantaneous, even for Maha Brahma.

He has no say but to store the Karma capacity of all subjects of hell and heaven.

What Maha Brahma tries to accomplish is to allocate the remaining merits (Kusal) or demerits (Akusal) in accordance with Cause and Effect Principle and nothing more.

It is not a laborious task but a boring task.

Nevertheless, he enjoys the sequence of events and he lives longer than the other gods to see things in Evolution of the Rebirth Cycle.

In other words, he has more merits and he does not wish to extinguish his life flame as the boss of all gods. 

This is where bit of rivalry happens in heaven but that is not the topic of this book. 

He is interested in Dementia in humans.

There is no Dementia in Gods, they do remember everything big and small. All what Maha Brahma (no vetting at all) does in heaven is monitored by other Gods who wish to take his place, when he exits to a lower plane.

This has created some issues to Maha Brahma who wish some of his cohorts develop some form of Dementia so that he can get on with his activities without any snooping by other Gods.

Gossip is prevalent in heaven.

He is considering some form genetic manipulations in a few of his aspiring God candidates without any malice. 

I have been working with children all my life except for a brief period in New Zealand where I had to deal with geriatric patients. For the first time, I saw lot of them with Dementia and had developed some interest in preventing dementia which is not a problem for the victims but to their non demented kith and kin.

I have to make some reference to Dhammapada here and it is relevant. 

It rare to be born as a human and do not waste that instance with mundane affairs. That is where the “Exit” dog put a stamp of approval of Buddha’s Teaching.

This dog who was frequenting the Temple in Kandy had heard some wise sermons in his time as a dog. 

Rest of the dogs including Pedigree dogs only realize their plight only when they have reached the mighty heaven.

My interest in Dementia is ongoing until, I succumb to it.

Story of The Three Dogs 

If it is successful a portion of its proceeds would be donated to Independent Dementia Research on Dogs in this world of our own.

There are so many demented guys in American politics, I consider using them as my research data base after their retirement from politics (i.e; after two terms in office). Ceylonese politicians are excluded since they are in advanced stage of Dementia Documentosa Stage III for any benefit to their souls.

They are better off dead for a long rein in hell.

For the sake of their young (USA citizens) family members wishing to take up politics in the future, I am going to have a Secure Linux Database (SLD for short) in Hell.