Wednesday, July 10, 2024


It is dormant and discontinued in 2016.

Its download file from Source-Forge is available.

Please do not download the small file of 435MB, the new file is 3.4GB.

It can be run in BOX utility.

It is Arched based, probably Cinnamon desktop.It cannot configure WiFi and it cannot be logged out and booted again, since it asks for a non existent password for user.

I won't recommend it for a newbie and I do not think it has multiple desktop types, unlike the old distribution..

LinuX-BBQ-Enjoy the Gourmet
LinuX-BBQ, Enjoy the Gourmet

Below is a review by a Linux User.
It sums up everything, this Linux Distribution is about.

It is pretty good and even a  regular Linux user needs little gray matter to use it.

I LOVE it since it/them, since most of the distributions use few resources and BBQ users all the window managers there in Linux.
It used to be only about 10 when I started Linux.

There are over 76 (excluding, Gnome and KDE) window managers.
What an achievement of Linux which Apple and Windows can NEVER match.
It is all a different ball game, football included.

Softpedia Linux has links to

LinuxBBQ cream and I am trying to download LinuxBBQ,threesome for the last three days and the link to it breaks in midair.

I hope they introduce torrent files, to poor guys like me who has a very poor download speed and Telecoms Service even at night.

 Not my own comment but a Linux user at large.
Thumbs UP the best distribution I have come by during my 10 year or so venture with Linux. The creator seems to never sleep while dishing out new spins constantly and the community is top notch. If your looking for any type of distro this place seems to have it. Hell they got rare minimalist, skinniest, sparse, lean, lean & mean, average, ordinary, unique, unique, big, plump, fluffy, bloated. It's all good. I still got ribs on my plate I ain't even touched and I'm full!


 I just downloaded Xournal using SNAP.

Xournel and Xournel ++

 Like AbiWord, Xournel was one of my favorite utility to make a word processing file.

Xournel ++ has added the ability to make notes and sketches on the go.

It is like Gambas and is available in both Ubuntu 21.10 and Debian 12.4.0 Gnome Live DVDs. 

One cannot find them in both Suse Linux and Nobara Linux (what a pity for those commercial users).

Debian and Ubuntu also have Steam deck clients for Gamers' use.

One have to purchase the games but it has retro games capability.

Linux has come a long way.

Linux Mint

 Linux Mint
Linux mint is trying to forge away from Ubuntu, Kubuntu derivatives and that is a very encouraging change, since they are going back to basics.

Go back to Debian base and forge ahead.

Reason being the change of Canonical to Unity.

I am one who is in favour of Mark Shuttleworth's smart move.

Yes it was a smart move by him.

He is doing a Bill Gate to Linux Community

I wish him success.

Linux missed the opportunity for netbooks and I do not want to see it misses on tabloids.

Like iPads, tabloid is the future.

We must not let only Apple to dominate the market.

Google's Android has shown the way and Ubunbtu should not miss this opportunity come what it may.

I am highlighting Linux Mint here since, it overtook Ubuntu head and a nose recently in downloads at and Ubuntu in the last week or so putting its nose ahead again.

Linux Mint did not miss time in promoting both Ubuntu 10 and Ubuntu 11 base.

Not only that it did not forget the Debian and out came Debian Mint in Last December.

Linux Mint was thinking ahead and getting ready for all the consequences resulting from Unity experience and not forgetting the community they were with.

Like PCLinux Linux Mint gave variety of options and Long Term (LTS) support and rolling editions and also brand new version based on Debian for the newcomers and the newbies.
This is what was lacking with Ubuntu.
They did not have two versions but with too much enthusiasm promoted Unity only.
They can reverse this by supporting their community who were with them when Microsoft was dominating the field.
It is not too late, let the user decides the trends of the future what Canonical and what Mint and Debian should do is to be ready for all the eventualities including brickbats we call in our country.
God Luck to everybody in Linux and especially the developers and without you we do not have a customer base.
In any case innovation is the future for IT both hardware and software.

Penultimate Linux

Penultimate Linux
It is difficult for me to give an ultimatum as far as Linux is concerned.
The innovations that come by every minute of the day prevents me from announcing an ultimatum to Linux way forward and then the next distribution would come, out of the blue.

Enough is said about the Linux 100 and I have gone beyond the hundred by many a mile.
It is time for me to concentrate on Mobile Linux form Mobilin to MeeGo to Android to Unity derivative that might come soon.

Naming my top 10 will cause lot of injustice to that are not mentioned.

Life is making choices, prejudices and making decision at a given point of time which only lasts for that moment of time.

What is not mentioned is not deliberate exclusion but a subjective statement with some value added judgment.

I have to go by the gut feelings but not with culinary delights.

1. Number one for me is 10th anniversary Knoppix

2. Number two is Puppy (lupu, quirky and w
ary). If not for Puppy I would not have come this far.

3. Number three is PCLinux including FullMonty which opened me to Live CD world.

4. Number 4 is Mepis and AntiX (including Taylor Swift) for looking after old computers.

5. Debian is my Number 5 (currently it is my number 1)

6. Gparted, Pmagic, RIP

7. Peppermint

8. Imagine-OS

9. Incognito and Polippix are new derivatives with a strong political statement.

10. Last but not least Ubuntu, Mint and Unity and all Ubuntu derivatives making the feel of Linux universally available for the ordinary folks (not the Developers) who are taken for granted by the multinational companies hell bent on making money out of a poor product since the other choices are discredited by false propaganda.

If I miss any it is due to personal circumstances for me not being able to use the particular distribution.

To rectify that anomaly I always talk about Linux 100 and not top 10 like a Video / Audio Chart.

Linux 100 and more going to stay like Dalmatians 101 in the web and IT world.
You have lot of choices now.
Go and select your own 10.

Please note I have excluded Games and XBMC (it is KODI now) due to their craving on graphic intensive hardware requirement and environment which many poor people cannot afford at this point of time.

In 10 years time the story may be quite different.