Sunday, May 26, 2024

Debian Calamara Installer

Debian Calamara Installer

One has to master the new Debian Calamara Installer, if one has several distributions in the same hard disk.

I made several mistakes over time since I assumed that, like the Ubuntu Installer (the best in town) that lets me corrects my mistakes before OK button is pressed, but the Calamara does not warm me (it assumes, I have made correct decision) but hangs up if partitioning is awkward.

/Efi partition

/boot partition (I believe, it is redundant) 



/srv services


I have dropped /var since it gets loaded with variable files and fills this partition, which I find unable to clean and I invariably gets a message saying, there is no space in the hard disk.

It actually FROZE today when I was downloading various desktop type to test.

My test period of desktop types is over. 

Various distributions are all based on Gnome.

They have the same packages underneath.

So why bother changing a distribution for another.

It is far better to have three different types of distributions.

So I decided to erase the LMDE and install Parrot OS 6 version which s better than Kali.

It just finished installing.

I hope, this time I got it right.

By the way, Parrot OS in it's live session has Gparted to partitioning the disk.

Parrot OS got it wrong it did not detect the Debian already nstalled in the GRUB boot loader.

Parrot OS is MATE derivative and MATE being light weight has many missing files.

I am reinstalling Debian.



Browsing WEB Without a Graphical Interface

Browsing WEB Without a Graphical Interface


A good alternative for users without a graphical environment is Lynx.

 Lynx is a full screen browser for WWW using arrows and tab keys, cursor addressing highlighted or numbered links to navigate within the web. Lynx has no image or sound capabilities: any images or sounds are replaced by a tag at display time and the corresponding files can be retrieved separately. Unlike the line mode browser, documents containing embedded images or enhanced document formats (e.g. formulaires) are handled properly by Lynx. 

A demonstration version of Lynx is available using Telnet to (login as www). 

Implementations for various Unix flavors and for VMS are available for anonymous FTP from in the directory /pub/WWW/lynx.


WWW gives you access to an information universe. 

Let's say you want to know how many film versions of The Three Musketeers have been made. 

You browse The WWW Virtual Library and select Movies: