Friday, March 14, 2025

Qimo 4 Kids

Qimo 4 Kids

Web site: (not active)
Origin: USA
Category: Education
Desktop environment: Xfce
Architecture: x86
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 2.0 | May 27, 2010
Zobacz po polsku Zobacz po polsku: Qimo 4 Kids

Qimo 4 Kids – a Linux distribution designed for young users from 3 years old and above.

Qimo is built on the top of Xubuntu and uses the Xfce desktop environment as default.
It provides a large icon’s bottom panel for easy navigation for children.

Qimo features pre-installed educational games for kids: Childspaly, Laby, TuxPaint, eToys, GCompris, Tuxmath, and Tuxtyping.

Qimo 4 Kids was developing between 2009(?) and 2010 by Michelle Hall.
The last version of Qimo 2.0 is based on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.



Web site:
Origin: France
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: Openbox
Architecture: x86
Based on: Puppy Linux
Media: Live CD
The last version | Released: 6.0 | May 29, 2015

Toutou Linux – a small in size and fast Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux. It is easy to install, use and very intuitive distribution with Openbox window manager as default desktop and LXpanel. 
The Toutou’s default locale is French.

– Very light ISO file (113 to 187 MB)
– With all applications necessary for daily use
– Easy installation on hard disk, USB key or Zip
– Boot from CD (or DVD), the CD drive is then free for other uses
– Give new life to old computers
– Intuitive for Linux beginners
– Load and operation in RAM for “thin stations” without hard drive

Quelitu OS

Quelitu OS

Web site:
Origin: unknown
Category: Desktop
Desktop environment: LXDE
Architecture: x86, ARMHF
Based on: Ubuntu
Media: Live
The last version | Released: 20.04

Quelitu OS – a user-friendly lightweight Linux computer operating system based on Ubuntu-Lubuntu. It can be used as a free Windows alternative for both older (because it is so light) and newer computers.

It is especially good for upgrading old unsupported Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 PCs with a faster and up-to-date operating system. It offers a full suite of software and the possibility of downloading thousands more from the free Ubuntu repositories and provides file compatibility with most Windows formats (.doc, .xls, pdf, mp3, mp4, etc.).

it can be use with older computers (minimum 250 MB RAM) or for lightning speed in newer models. It is released by Waves of the Future as part of an environmental project aiming to increase the worldwide recycling and reuse of older computers by refurbishing them to the fastest and latest standards. Quelitu is multilingual with a special focus on English, French, and Spanish guides.

Quelitu OS is now available as an add-on to Lubuntu 20.04, Raspberry Pi OS on RPI, and Raspberry Pi OS Desktop. Install one of these first, then download and install the QuelituUpgrade package. Many, but not all, of Quelitu’s features will also work on other Ubuntu and Debian systems.

The name Quelitu (pronounced K-lee-too) comes from the prefix Que and the following words: Linux/Light, and Ubuntu/Lubuntu.

Quelitu Global is an environmental project aiming to increase the recycling and reuse of old computers worldwide by developing a free computer operating system that can give them a second life.

Pendrive Linux My Love

Posted on August 25, 2011
Pendrive Linux My Love
Please Note UnetBootIn and Cloud USB are defunct now.
The name Pendrive Linux has disappeared from the web scene but the is there if you need some help for mounting any Linux distribution.

Long before, I went in web search for 100 Linux distributions my only aspiration (inspiration too) and last thing I wanted in my possession was to have a Linux booted from a 1 GB Flash Drive
Flash Drives were expensive then and our download speed was hopeless and only thing I wanted to bring home was a Globe Trotter and a Mandriva Pendrive Linux when I went abroad on a different assignment.

By that time I had (with some trial and error) got a Puppy Linux on a Flash Drive but all the efforts of preparing a Pendrive Linux were not successful.

Then of course, in one of my friends room abroad, I got my Pendrive Linux loaded well pass midnight and I still have it and it is still working.

All these were done on a Windows computer with Gemu (Gnome emulation) executive EXE file on board.

It was a huge achievement for me then.

But I ended up buying a Laptop without Linux for one third of the price then with hard bargaining and almost fighting with the dealer

Doing this on a Linux was painfully long process for a busy person like me and I never tried it on Linux having got few of my favorite Linux distribution in few of the Flash Drives. 
Then, again everything on FAT partitions and not on Linux partitions with boot, root, home and root permissions.

My bad experience with vendors abroad got me into firm resolve to promote Linux not in this country where they use of pirated copies as the rule (which I detest as a simple Buddhist) and is Banana Republic's futuristic motto (Bana is daily sermon and Na is not following or listening but not slippery plantain we eat to avoid constipation by listening to the Bana of the politician who do not practice virtues but the voter has to do that on daily basis.

I am glad to see most of the visitors are from abroad and many from USA and they get Linux and healthy dose of anti-capitalistic views which even Obama is pursuing for betterment of the down trodden masses.

My venture into Linux 100 was bumpy but and I am in a better position to talk about Linux and cloud computing.

All what you need is a CD/DVD and a Pendrive to be Cloud Ready a savvy or newbie guy/girl and not Android Craze or HP WebOS.

However the distribution I talk about need to shed some fat (client) and become thin clients.

Follow Me.


What one’s needs are CD/DVD and two (2) Flash Drives and little free time and one need not do that in one go.

1. Download CloudUSB DVD (1.2 GB).

2. Download your favorite CD/DVD of Linux distribution and copy as an Iso file not as bootable Live CD/DVD.

3. Find a computer (ideally with USB booting to test your work) DVD writer.

4. Boot Up CloudUSB.

5. Use Boot DVD / USB creator; click and follow instructions.

6. Now you have a USB stick to clone many Pendrives.

7. Boot the Flash Drive with CoudUSB.

8. Go to UnetBooiIn click and follow instructions.

9. Load your favorite Linux CD/DVD containing Iso file into the DVD/CD ROM.

10. Plug in your Second USB Drive

11. Give the path of the CD/DVD Rom as where the iso file is.

Wait a while and in the second USB drive you have a new Live distribution of your choice.

12. Then register your company and start selling your products (Live Linux Distributions on a stick). 
But do not jack the price up like our Buddhist monks who sell Bana on a pirated copy of Microsoft CD.

I have not given the finer details which vary from distribution to distribution and why I used CloudUSB is that it promote Cloud computing in style including Ubuntu One and Dropbox and it has all the utilities (FAT Client though).

In my case I use Ping Eee which has more laptop friendly utilities.

Installing Arch on a Flash Drive

Posted on August 26, 2011

 Installing Arch on a Flash Drive

I was not doing anything specific and decided to do some crazy experiment.
I begin to hate Linux CD/DVD distributions without live scripts and install only options.
Reason for is, that I have to install them to my hard disk, often having to redo the work.
This was bit of a nuisance and I thought of doing the install on a Flash Drive instead on my hard disk.

Downloaded 686 Arch Linux and booted it up
After it booted up as root on terminal, I plugged in a Flash Drive.

Nothing happening since previously I mounted CloudUSB on this Pendrive and it filled up with Linux files and stopped due to lack of space. 

CloudUSB needed 4 GB and this had only 2 GB.

Then I mounted the Flash drive and using fsdisk prepared a boot file, swap file and a root file and fallowed instructions to the letter and installed the the ARCH Core  and installed grub and password for Arch and click OK.
Then it forced me to look at the Grub file which I did and I could not exit from the command terminal.
Fortunately, I had selected Vi editor and not the nano that ARCH offered (I have not used nano and it had only two editors).

I had to type I and fiddled with the command line (not used for ages and forgotten keyboard short cuts) and typed exit and quit and they did not work.
Somehow some trial and error with Esc and q (not wq) I exited the console and booted up with Flash Drive attached. 

My old computer does not boot from USB but it detected the USB but went back to my hard disk MBR.

This is one of the maddest thing I have done in Linux, thank god I did not erase my MBR.

Even then no worries Just install Mepis again or PClinux.
Anyway I mounted the flash drive and it’s boot partition and looked at the GRUB file.

What I could find was interesting.

It was mounting hd0 and non-existing Windows, probably a reflex action and not a true detection or detective work.

It could not detect my Mepis, PCLinux in that hard disk of 80 GB.

These Linux guys worship Windows and I was really disappointed.

In their defense the first partition was FAT with Image files stored there.

I want to mount this Flash Drive in my laptop and see what happens (My gut feeling is it won’t boot up) but it was nice thing for me to go to old ways and use
Vi Editor and fsdisk for just fun.

Beauty of fsdisk is unlike graphic partition tools it reads all the cylinders and mark them and leave no un-partitioned gaps

I am convinced even before mounting this on my laptop since this flash disk now has no fat partition but a boot partition, root and swap (500 MB) only that one eighths of my RAM.

Sure enough, it did not but only read the boot file and menu.

Still direct Linux booting is not allowed by convention and by force.

This has to change why worship FAT/MBR /BIOS?

But for newbies this is good dress rehearsal for bigger things to practice and learn without damaging the hard disk.
One has to remember the nomenclature used in numbering SATA or IDE or USB disks.
In fact, I had made a mistake used a for b and I ROLLED backed and redid the procedure above three times once due to monitor going idle and I could not proceed for configuring and second I named it wrongly and used sda1 and had to ROLL BACK.

I still have an old UNIX book and if I am in trouble (many Linux books) I can roll BACK to books unlike newbies with slightest problem who go to the web with a help me post and start WHIMPERING AND SAYS LINUX SUCKS.

I may write a few simple books and already introductory lessons in Linux is on ebay.
But I won’t stop blog post though.
It is like writing an editorial

Virtual C.E.O.s

Posted on August 27, 2011 
Virtual C.E.O.s

The brand of C.E.Os are going to be a bane in future with the first of the kind of Virtual C.E.O.s and I am a prototype to be named as AsokapluS who will emerge in the meantime.

Why I call successful C.E.O. is a bane and wasteful is they either get old and run short of ideas and die with the institution or they get sick and spend rest of the money on medical bill.

I am in that profession I knew of a cardiologist who did miss his own cardiac well being and had to go abroad to get his treatment (I do not know what happened to him afterward).

But we are very good at making merry with other people’s misery and making money spinning and most of us have lost human touch and to be a manly or womanly for what is worth.

Having said that I wish Steve Job his well being in Mind and Spirit for producing wonderful gadgets and making them sell (even though I cannot afford or buy any one of them) at runaway prices and making others even Linux to emulate.

I never found fault with Apple since they produce good quality gadgets and making people to buy unlike Microsoft which lure (both legal and pirated) and produce a very bad product and making money by gunny loads.

I believe in Quality in the first instance (Total Quality Management-both internal and external customers) and get it right at the first instance rather than doing patch work (Microsoft).

Apple is trying the get it right first time round and one does not have to do it again and customers have to pay for the quality.I am not saying it is the best product (far from it) on this planet for the money one pays but its approach to quality is commendable.

Whereas Microsoft is trying to get it right for umpteenth time and still get it wrong.

In this context quality is costly but cost effective.

But at a time of debt and financial crisis we cannot do that for ever.

Customers need to buy at a affordable prices.

This is where Virtual C.E.Os all over the Globe work together with Linux Community to achieve something substantial and lasting.

Linux has teething problems but it can do small things and big things right by working together.

The concept of Virtual C.E.O.s means we work together at tandem not under close doors.

I test a distribution and report and guy on the other side of the globe read it with some meaning and work hard to get it right.

I only give little over 50% (it is currently the best and only Debian has achieved it) of the marks I allocate and make that as the bench mark for others to follow.

Why I use 50% is that to state and inspire who are on the shop floor that we have a long way to go in Total Quality Solutions.

We cannot satisfy every customer.

That is the bare bones of Linux.

Linus wanted to do that and he is still trying it.

If we think we have achieved all the best there can’t be any inspiration or incentive to be better.

It got be simple, too.

It should not achieved with the cost we are going spend to reach Mars and settle there

For the 3 years I have been crying high as well as foul at times at Linux and guys on the shop floor (Developers) do the needful and I have all the small utilities now which I did not have there years ago in my pocket as a Mini CD or in a Pendrive.

I think as a customer first, then as a developer and third as a C.E.O. unlike in a business industry like Google

Google takes such a long time get something right because everything happens in closed C.E.O. system and there is no ecosystem there

Failure of the HP is and the new C.E.O. coming and dishing out WebOS which was open source
and the tablet with it (Baby with the bath water) and all the other paraphernalia is due not being able to think in Virtual C.E.O.s Hat (Like me do not get high commissions for success as well as failures-America is a good example where failure is paid by the Federal coffers both business men (bankers, hedgers and speculators) and politicians (war efforts and war machine).

End result-Debt and IMF also want us to emulate America.

WebOS is the scenario where Open Source should step in and either acquire the HPs contribution as open source or re-engineer the whole thing and come out with flying colours.

What an average business C.E.O cannot do, a Virtual C.E.O can achieve with community help in no time.

That is my Concept

We should give it a try and should not abandon WebOS.

In this context the Virtual C.E.Os contribute a lot but expects very little in return and the who community grows.

When I am gone, I am gone, but there are many more to emulate me.

For the time being, there is
Linus, there is Stallman who stands tall and there is semi (business, adventure and human spirit-Mark Shttleworth) demigod.
John Maddock or Maddog also stands tall.

This has to work.

It will work.

Community will achieve.

Man progressed in this world because of his community efforts.

It was never by domination, by force or war efforts.

So we have to define this Virtual C.E.O and make many of them in all parts of the world, especially to protect the mother Earth which is vandalized from India, to China to America to this Small Ceylon (to cultivate banana to rich Americans in the rain forest and protected land).

Stupid ideas in this country is plenty!

We are a Banana Republic will soon be like Dubai.

Except perhaps our neighbouring Maldives who cries foul at rich nations.

How we Lose our Simple Mathematical Skills (S.M.S for short)

 Posted on August 28, 2011
How we Lose our Simple Mathematical Skills (S.M.S for short)

The other day I was asking a group of second year university students when one buys a Mobile Phone what are the points one should consider, none of them came out with a comprehensive answer. 
This is a mathematical skill with practical use.
A bit of knowledge of physics is needed to get one’s calculations right.
Now they do not study physics in detail when entering Biological streams and I believe one who has no competence in mathematics except counting the money they earn, having entered the biological streams.
They probably do not have understanding how to invest hard earned money, too.
I listed my priorities even though, I am the only one who does not carry a mobile in my academic community.
Elsewhere, I have penned down my reasons but in that entry  I forgot to mention how many major and minor accidents are related to use of mobile on the drive or on crossing a driveway.

This I call S.M.S (simple mathematical skills) 

My reasons
I carry a mobile when I travel and go abroad.

1. A light weight mobile.

2. Carry case and a collar and string to put round my neck so that I won’t lose  it when I am switched O.F.Fed. (On FITS of Fantasy-in other words Shopping Spree).

3. Battery which lasts at least 8 hours and overnight.

4. Processor not dual core but light and not heavy on the battery.

5. Possibly two (2) sims (one for the country of domicile one for the country on visit).

6. Possibly a radio to get local news and weather

7. Camera

8. Utilities with minimal graphic (low on battery) inputs 

9. Email and connection to twitter (if I miss a flight to contact the airline)

10. All Cs- Calendar, Calculator and Currency Converter

The shopping list can go on but I will stop at 10.

Coming back to Simple Mathematical Skills (SMS not short message system which I hate) which many of us lack when one visits a supermarket.

When I enter a supermarket whether here or abroad, I say to myself the stupid computer in this supermarket is slow and always record wrong data entry, I better check every entry, every point or number printed on it.

This I practiced for a time immemorial when I realized that the Indian Shop Keepers
I better put Asian without specification of the country of origin-
in Southall who are open after hours,  put extra items which I did not buy, when keying in, (knowing very well English guys cannot count well) and caught a few of them and said I will report in threatening gesture and nobody had cheated me ever since even on long sojourns.
Then little later I realized English guys and girls cannot write  (not speak) in English, too which was very funny to me and I used to take Mickey out of them.
This malady of the English and Americans have invaded our country with lot of cash machines and calculators in all our shops.

If you do not calculate mentally what you purchased and what you paid for it is invariably you are paying a hefty amount in hidden cash to the supermarkets which you cannot recover.
I am not telling that these sales girls or boys cheat you but they are overworked and key in wrong and/or key in twice when the machine or the Internet connection is slow.
Unlike in some set up abroad they (sales person) cannot take home the wrongly keyed in items and the management or the computer never check with the stock balance in shells and refund the money if mistakes are made.
Somebody who manages the computer and stocks would be (my guess) are taking home the big items wrongly keyed in or when the next delivery comes some items are not loaded as per delivery note where the stock balance states something different.
There is noway one can check this unless one scans items against the number of items in the printed bill at the outlet.

It is the onus of the buyer and not the seller

There are no laws to enact to effect (not even in over vote counting to balance the sheets) 100% accuracy and computers cannot do this but computer programmer can balance it by surreptitiously deleting or substituting few ones ant twos.

This must be happenings in big scale in government institution who have gone completely e-commerce.

If you do not check before you leave you are the loser.

The other point is the print is very faint (to save the toner) and fade away in one day and one cannot read it.

Why we make so many mistakes in this country. 

It is our training in mathematical skills is poorer than the English skills for so may years and it is getting worse.

Mental exercise is never taught but getting the answer is the only outcome tested.
All our good teachers with mathematical skill and with working knowledge in English have left this country and the Education department did not train any for so many years.
So you better improve your mathematical skills if you need to save and avoid unnecessary losses.
I have seen this happening daily and that is why I thought of writing this.
If I start doing SMS mistakes I should retire and say Good Bye to this world since I have not trained anybody in my household to do my mathematics.
By the way our politicians including the election commissioner were the worse in mathematics and that is why some candidates get more votes than the registered number of votes.

Unfortunately due to fiddling and multiplying (three votes for an individual on the
Manapa Pora or the Preferential Vote the errors are of multitudes and not on simple arithmetical proportions.

Phoenix born out of ashes-Is it reality?

Posted on May 12, 2011

Phoenix born out of ashes-Is it reality?

When Linuxtracker Organization was attacked by the hackers and was emerging from the catastrophe they used this expression, rising from the ashes of Phoenix to say they are reborn again” with vigor.

I have pasted the mythological story from Wikipedia below but to me fire was not a major concern till I started recording indoor temperatures.
In that period I have seen guppy fish die due to high temperature and saw flowering of some plants never seen in Kandy and its suburbs.

I have not been to the Botanical garden for some time and I am sure some plants there are dying due to warm weather.

The Kandy City was known for mild weather for centuries and it was where many come to escape from warm weather of Colombo.

Not any more.

My discovery is that we cannot even make wine in Kandy city now since the yeast the major ingredient in wine and alcohol die above the temperature of 38 degrees Centigrade.
And we hit this temperature regularly for the last five years of my recording.

I decided to take a stock of fire hazard in our living rooms, especially because there is a guy who live below our house who habitually set fire to whatever he gets hold of, almost on daily basis and I see ashes in my room and bed room, if I keep them open for ventilation.
Besides I fear sometimes my dog’s fur would catch fire if he is let out of the house.

My fire hazard registry goes like this.

1. Cloths
2. Bedding
3. Books
4. CD / DVD and their cases
5. Plastic containers (to avoid dust and ashes) buckets
6. Furniture including the bed and tables
7. All the wires that are connected to the Internet
8. My shoes
9. Computer utilities, keyboard, mouse and wires connected
10. Empty Cardboard boxes and last year’s (remaining) Wesak lanterns.

In actual fact, I have nothing except three items that would stand a minor fire.

My inventory was compiled when I was half asleep and the moment I got up I decided to collected all the items not useful and would catch fire to their final destiny, the fire itself.
So I took a leaf out of the guy who does it as a habit.

Set fire to them one by one and it took three hours to finish the lot and I stayed close to the fire till it was safe for the dog.

It was simmering even at midnight and I am pretty sure NO Phoenix will emerge from the ashes.
Our electric switch board caught fire three times during the last six months
once due to lightening and twice due to sudden surge of Electricity from the Board.
The guys come and say the supply is OK and do nothing inside as far as the checking is concerned and leave us to our own devices even at night.

Thank god we do not have little ones in our house except the dog who does not understand electricity, thunder and fire crackers.

So my obsession to fire is well founded.

Not only that I was very happy we lost the Cricket World Cup and I wish we will never win another world Cup till the Global Warming is taken care by our Buddhist Monks seriously.
Had we won it our guys would have burnt down (fire crackers to begging with and deliberate later), the remaining forest in no time by accident or by design to have free entry into CROWN Land and now the President’s Land.
I have made a resolution not to light a lantern for Wesak this time round and I am sure nobody with sane mind would join me in my effort to highlight the global warming and its toll this small country is experiencing now. 
This does not mean one cannot light electric bulbs instead (with less hazard) but without overloading the system with many bulbs.
I hope if their are Buddhists out there who love this land should think of joining me as a gesture worth portraying without causing any harm to the principles laid down in Buddhism and its spirit of universal brotherhood.
Just think of the wastage I.P.L is making during the 20/20 games when some Indians are not having a square meal.
Make it a point to switch off the TV set during Wesak and think of the poor Indians who are struggling to make ends meet.
After all they are our neighbours (poor Indians) in need of spiritual guidance if rich Indians are neglecting them for a song and cricket.

We owe India the rich heritage of Buddhism and giving them something to ponder about is value added contribution on our part to the poor Indians who need not be poor in wisdom by default.
Fire Risk is there in this country but we do not have a proper fire brigade to cover the entire country and they come many hours after the fire without water and we have to provide them the water.

Fire wins and we lose everything and that is the name of the game.

A phoenix is a mythical bird that is a fire spirit with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet.
It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises,
reborn anew to live again.

The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self.

In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (literally “sun-city” in Greek)
It is said that the bird’s cry is that of a beautiful song.

The Phoenix’s ability to be
reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one.

In very few stories they are able to change into people (who set fire to the entire world).

Teaching Japanese Philosophy

Teaching Japanese Philosophy

This is of course also came from a frozen dream but that will be at the end of this piece.
This piece is global and hope nobody should take any offense.
I would finish with Australia and Ceylon 

Australia has three problems.
The second visit to this country confirms those presumptions.
1. Fire
2. Obesity
3. Chinese invasion
4. I would not talk about indigenous problem. 
They are almost decimated and are sent to the Northern territories which is a historical injustice of the British. My best advice from them is to declare the country a Republic (would not happen) and dissociate with War Mongering Boris the the Eaten Colleague terror guy and the Labour idiots who have lost the meaning of Human Labour.
Australia is not a country but a continent and it needs Human Labour both intellectual and physical. 
Cheap Labour is detrimental to any country.
Ceylonese have historically provided both cricketing and Intellectual brains but current guys who want to come to Australia from Ceylon are dud ones, all due to Mother Language mentality for over 70 years. I do not think any Chinese would play for Australian Cricket or Rugby Football. I have already decided not to venture into any Chinese food stall my entire stay in Australia.
I want Australians to beat England on next Test Series
I would expand on that when I brief about Ceylon next.

This applies to both Tamils and Sinhalese.
Best example is NPP / JVP in Power.
They were vociferous in their approach to come to power and they are impotent when in power.
Does not know even how to make a gazette mortification let alone a proper affidavit.
Making noise on the street is easy but making things to work is difficult
I had nice philosophical saying and on a plate in my desk. The third I have forgotten
1. Coming together is the beginning
2. Working together is next.
3. Keeping together is  Progress
Ceylonese lack all three of these components currently.
It is sad one cannot stop the Brain Drain.
That is why I am in Australia.
I have decided not to learn Russian and make a visit to this grand country called Russia.
The human toll in both Russia and Ukraine is more than the Second World War and Stupid Bandera Group was caught in the American hegemony.

It looks like in America there a two Bulls in a China shop. 
Bullying does not work in the current century but diplomacy may.
Let me come to the Japanese.
this is written in Memory of  Dr. Yugiro Handa now a professor working for Children in Africa.
Faculty of Dental Sciences is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

I have to remember at least 3 Japanese.
I was involved with them from laying the foundation stone.

Dr. Yugiro Handa

He is now bit flabby and I cannot remember him wearing specks but he does it now.
He is now a professor and I can remember him saying he would be going to Africa. I told him he is better as a ambassador but he choose to improve health and more importantly Treatment of Tuberculosis in Ethiopia.

Dr. Hagiwara

This lady was the one who managed the documentation and probably statistics. She was bit stingy and did not give me a copy of SPSS for my research work.
This lady may be now in Ghana and trying to improve Child Health in African continent. Through Professor Asoka Ekanayake I got her to install a copy of it in the Computer Unit of the Faculty of Dental Sciences.

I managed to find a pirated copy used by the Engineering Faculty Students.
My Microsoft Windows was not pirated and I had 42 odd 720MB floppies.

No wonder I turned to Linux.

It was one of my students Sanjeewa Kandegedara who game me my first working Linux copy.
He is now a good Maxillo Facial Surgeon. I was involved in recruiting 45 young Dental Surgeons to be sent for Training in Japan. Only two of them came back and only one paid back the security and resigned properly from the university. Of course, none of them can join the university again and they are blacklisted for life. I think I was the only one who did not ask for foreign sojourns and I did my research work in Ceylon
By the way, one of my parallel advanced level (bright guy) students from a different school did NOT get through medicine but got a scholarship in Japan. He tried a scholarship in UK but failed. He came back to settle his dues in the university and got married to a Japanese Lady. I told him, Japanese are very bad in English and start an English school in Japan, jokingly.

He took me seriously and opened an English Academy in Japan.

I have not seen him since.

Professor Ama Mia
He was a retired Professor of Oral  Pathology  and I gave my room for him to share.
His English was poor but sure enough he managed to learn English in six months and he made a presentation on special staining techniques. He dissected a hamster and manually showed the technology to our technicians. I preserved the skin coat of the hamster and kept it as a souvenir until my retirement. 
I made his presentation into a booklet for our technicians to use. 
My interest was Microscopes with a video display for students. My video microscope never aligned and what I focus student could not see (no synchronization). 99% of students who had never used a microscope in school were not interested in histopathology. 
All of these Microscopes, I believed discarded from schools but working OK after thorough check up and alignment. 
I of course put my own money and bought a Digital Microscope used by students in America. I still have it but did not bring it to Australia.

Just forget about Electron Microscopy in Ceylon. We bought a Election Microscope in 1968 to our Anatomy Block. I had a little preview through it's lenses before it was installed. It needed Huge Voltage Capacity which we could not maintain and it broke down within a year. It was very stupid idea to buy electron microscope when microscopes we had we monocular and of very poor quality. 
I had to buy my own Digital Microscope, many years later for my Research Work (I was 55 years old) which middle school students use in America. Besides, I did not give my top quality material to the University and kept it for my book on Placenta under my name.
I think I made very stupid idea of sitting in the Selection Board and selecting 25 Dental Students graduated from the New Dental School, had I an pinch of an idea that none of them would come back home to serve the Mother Nation. What Japanese did was to keep out talent there.
That is why I promote that research should be done in Ceylon and they should be relevant to us not to a foreign country.
However, I did my part to the country and I spent my own money for my research work (I won't call it belongs to the University).
I was good at picking talent.
However, I recruited a few technical guys who are now coming to their retirement age and are heading their respective departments. One guy who was not in technical grade but very talented to run the Putty Network which was independent and was not connected to the University System.

Total Quality Management in Education (at least in universities)

R.W our current president (shoddy deals) is the one who destroyed our University Education for him to initiate Fee Paying Private Universities.
We developed a streamlined University Education protocol for all the universities.
R.W. came in and sacked the U.G.C chairman and destroyed the whole project and appointed a political goon. Please do not believe him in his educational reforms. He is a CIA agent.His intention is to destroy our universities and install private institutions.He is hell bent on this!

He destroyed the Quality Control of Education in Progress in the University System.
He thinks of Education like selling Wattakkas (pumpkin) and Bandakkas (ladies fingers). When you look at him he is actually Big Pumpkin (I am referring to his brain not the belly).

5 S Principle







Total Quality Management


Change for better

Continuous improvement
Now to My Dream
This is a another seed for another book and I won't expand it fully.
It was very brief one.
I was put with a Japanese guy in a closed cubicle. 
The purpose of which was ill defined.
We could not communicate quite similar to me sitting with Professor Ama Mia. He only could speak Japanese, whereas Dr. Handa was fluent in English. Within a month we figured out what we did want and within six months we accomplished all what we need including networking the Faculty. They money for networking came from the Rotary Club of Kandy.
We had private meeting every week. The bottom line was we  the plan and did not waste time in talking and running round. 
It was all mental .
In this dream, it was mental communication and not verbal.
So we set into philosophical mood. 
Then suddenly a guy came with sand and cement and dumped in our room meant for a philosophical retreat.
After a moment guy took them and dumped them in our bathroom
I was rudely woken with pump tight and the bathroom, rather toilet  occupied with cement and sand.
I must make some reference to Professor A.D.P. Kanasuriya who is no more who introduced me to philosophy.
Philosophy is first order discipline and all the otters including science are second order disciplines.

Most important things to know when using LyX


Most important things to know when using LyX

  1. LyX comes with excellent documentation — please use it! Start with the menu Help⇒Introduction, which will give you a very brief introduction to the documentation. Then learn about using LyX with Help⇒Tutorial.
  2. LyX is what we call a “document processor.” By design, it is different from regular word processors — in a way that makes writing documents easier. But only a little different, so don't be scared. The documentation will make it all clear.
  3. The output from LyX looks great! Use the menu Document⇒View [PDF (pdflatex)] or press the toolbar button image: now to see for yourself.
  4. Yes, LyX can mimic (almost) all LaTeX functionality. And yes, LyX can import LaTeX files. Experienced LaTeX users should skim the rest of the Tutorial, then read the “LyX for LaTeX Users” chapter. (Everyone else: don't worry, you don't need to know LaTeX to use LyX.)
  5. LyX has lots of features for people who read or write a language other than English. In addition, the key bindings, toolbars, and many other characteristics are highly configurable. See Help⇒Customization for details.
  6. The LyX home page is Get information about LyX, subscribe to the LyX mailing list(s), take the LyX Graphical Tour:, and more.
  7. Note for Linux users: Please check that the language packages for the LaTeX distribution TeX Live are installed. Otherwise you will get LaTeX errors.
    For example on the Linux distributions (K,X)Ubuntu and Debian the package name for the German language is “texlive-lang-german”.
    After the installation of the language packages you must use the LyX menu Tools⇒Reconfigure.

LyX-Run this parallel with LibreOffice Piece.HERE

LyX-Run this parallel with LibreOffice Piece.HERE
Posted on October 25, 2011

Advanced open source document processor

Alongside Kile, LyX is another tremendous powerful LaTeX GUI.
It allows you to create impressive documents in HTML, PS or PDF format rendered with unbearably beautiful Computer Modern fonts.
LyX is also available for Windows and is a little less difficult to use, in my opinion.
I have reviewed LyX not that long ago.

User-friendly LaTeX source editor and TeX shell and KDE.

LyX – Word processor

LyX is an advanced open source document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the software. LyX runs on many Unix platforms (including MacOS X), OS/2, and under Windows/Cygwin.
Note that all these ports use the same xforms interface and therefore need an X server.
LyX produces high quality, professional output — using LaTeX, an industrial strength typesetting engine, in the background; LyX is far more than a front-end to LaTeX, however. No knowledge of LaTeX is necessary to use LyX, although it will give a user more power.
LyX is stable and fully featured. It has been used for documents as large as a thesis, or as small as a business letter. Despite its simple GUI interface (available in many languages), it supports tables, figures, and hyperlinked cross-references, and has a best-of-breed math editor.

Few Words about LibreOffice, Why I Do Not use it?

I Do Not use Microsoft Words for over 25 years.

Five Words about LibreOffice, Why I Do Not use it?

As far as I know Only Ubuntu removes not used languages at the end of the Installation. If YOU using Ubuntu do not skip this part of the Installation. 

I am not an Ubuntu user by default.

I have got My NUC System Updated with two KDE Instances one from Debian fold and other Netrunner (I have special affinity for Netrunner from Day of 32 bit Neptune). Netrunner has Synaptic package Manager and it list out application in an alphabetical order and its interface somewhat clumsy but looks like a Cellphone face.

All this is to say I use Abiword for my Books and nothing to beat it.

I can save (save as) a file of AbiWord in Debian KDE folder and not on Nerrunner home folder. I have to copy it to a USB and then copy it from there. 

This is for me wasting time

I need it to direct copy

I use the same password and there is no snooping on other users folders (I can do that as an Administrator but very rarely).

All these are "30 year Techniques" which makes me never go for "back up" or save files, except in Google Drive. Yesterday, I browsed Google Drive and copied an articles published in New York Times in this blog spot, named "forgiving" published in 2013.

After the Ukraine War, I do not subscribe to BBC, or any of American Newspapers. 

They are all "Faked News".

Coming back to Word Processing, I get so annoyed with all Word Processing Software except Lyx, Latex and Text Editors, I now Use Abiword in Puppy Linux for my text editing work on a USB Stick.

My estimate yesterday was LibreOffice uses about 2GB DATA (scanning after removing all the additions for over 200 languages -there are 2000 functional languages currently out of 2500 almost equivalent to types of mosquitoes-). 

I do not use LibreOffice but I add D.B.S. to its folder (if I need for any DATABASE Work) after removing language packs. Just for sanity I click Sinhala Package for install.

I do not use Marati, Gugarati, Panjabi, Polish , Katalonian and Greenland

 It took half an hour yesterday and another half an hour this morning (in my second instance of Debian Gnome) to take the language junk from my system.

I do not think even U.N.O. bothers about language now.