Monday, July 1, 2024

Linux Installation and the Partition Table

I can report to you now Debian can be installed from an image mounted on a SD Card.
Unlike the Version 11 days when I could not install AbiWord on Debian, I used Emmabatus since it had Abiword (dual booting with Debiane Gnome).
I just installed Abiword having installed Debian with it's first DVD1 on a USB.
Thank YOU Debian Developer guys and Girls. 
One should remember when installing Debian assumes that one has installed it using a DVD. It asks for the DVD. What one has to do is to find the Software Update icon and tick off the DVD option using root permission.
Otherwise one cannot install additional software.
This would have been my problem then, which I did not know then. 
It was all my fault not Debian's!
I have just finished installing Debian Gnome thrice, successfully in my NUC with 120GB hard disk.
I have three editions of  Gnome.
1. My working Gnome which I treasure with all my books.
I have five partitions
If I have to reinstall, I do not format /home partition ( must have the same name and password for access of data) so all my files are safely there.
2. My Testing Gnome with all the types of partitions.
This was used to test all partitions. In addition to above five I have
/local share
My gut feeling is five partitions are enough with  liberal /var and /home partitions.
In a server setup with so may users above partitions may be useful for file and service sharing and home computer, with a large home partition all the family members can share the computer with each member (except the root guy) having his or her privacy intact.
So do not fiddle with what the distribution does, except perhaps adding an additional /optional partition.
I do not agree with Ubuntu style where there is only one big /root partition like with Endless OS.
It defeats the Linux Philosophy.
I have lot going against Ubuntu,lately.
Yes I just tested my latest Installation with 10GB, I have all the application I need including BOX, Kdenlive.
More about KDE, later.
3. My Debian DVD-1 Edition
Here I store all the Linux iso images after testing.
In addition, I have KDE as an option.
KDE is sleek but it takes up huge amount of space and very slow to respond.
By the way, I do not recommend Cinnamon which is build on top of Gnome and that that is why I do not use Mint.
It corrupted my Gnome when I removed a few Cinnamon utilities to save space in my root folder.
It did some irreversible damage to number one above.
I am now going to redo this edition, since yesterday I downloaded DVD-1 on a SD card mounted on USB stick.
I just want to test the image recorded on SD card would be useful in installing Debian.
Yes, I have installed Debian written on a SD card mounted on a USB.
It has Gnome, KDE,Xfce, Cinnamon and MATE desktops.
It has 2800 odd files and take little longer to install. One cannot fiddle with it's files once installed.
That is the reason I prefer Gnome and one can add KDE utilities on top of it.
KDENLive and K3B are my favorites.
It has Maria Database.